![Umted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,902,539](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Umted. States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,902,539 Jackson [45] Date of Patent: Feb. 20, 1990 [54] FUEL-OIHDANT NIIXTURE‘ FOR 3,910,494 10/1975 Melton, J1‘. ......................... .. 239/13 DETONAHON GUN FLAME'PLAT‘NG 1'83’??? 111171333 ‘1211' " 333%? , , verev e - n .1 [75] Inventor: John E. Jackson, Brownsburg, Ind. 4,215,819 8/1980 Garda et a1. 239/81 . 4,231,518 11/1980 Zverev et a1. .. .. 239/81 [73] Asslgnee’ Um“ ca'b‘de C°"P°“m°“' 4,258,091 3/1981 Dudko et a1. .. 427/422 Danbury, Cmm- 4,279,383 7/1981 Zverev et a1. .. 239/61 _ 4,319,715 3/1982 Garda et a1. .. 239/81 [21] Appl' N°f' 146’723 4,469,772 9/1984 Barton et 111. ..... .. 430/163 [22] Filed: Feb. 4, 1988 4,621,017 11/1986 Chandler et a1. 427/430.1 X 4,669,658 6/ 1987 Nevgod et a1. .. 239/81 - 4,687,673 8/ 1987 Lindblom ..... .. 427/423 X Ram“! U‘S‘ Amman Dm 4,731,253 3/1988 1511116111 .......................... .. 427/423 x [ 63 1 abaldo‘ffefnC0 tin ti -'m -Pam fSe ' .N° . 110,841, Oct. 21, 1987, OTHER PUBLICATIONS 4 Deposition of Coatings by Detonation Methods, A. I. [51] Int. Cl. ............................................. .. 13051) 1/10 _ _ , [52] US. 01. ........ ..... ..427/423;149/109.2; Zverev 6* 91- Lemngrad' Swdestwyemye Pubhshers, 239/13; 252/372; 89/7 1979 ‘pp. 31-32 and pp. 165-166. I [58] Field of Search ................ .. 427/422, 423; 239/81, ' C°atm8§ Based On Refractory Compounds Apphed by 239/13; 252/372; 149/1092; 89/7 1361291131101! V. I. Shesternenkov and E. A. Astakhov, [56] R f Cl ed Leningrad, Nauka Pubhshers, 1969, pp. 256-257. e ereuces ‘t . Primary Examiner-Shrive P. Beck U-S' PATENT DOCUMENTS Assistant Examiner-Alan Bashore 2,714,563 8/1955 Poorman et a1. ................. .. 117/105 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Cornelius F. O’Brien 2,964,420 12/1960 Pool-man et a1. 427/423 X 2,972,550 2/1961- PC1101! . .. 117/21 [57] ABSTRACT 2,976,166 3/1961 White et a1. 427/423 X The invention relates to a fuel-oxidant mixture for deto Owen . 1 . .. 7 nation gun applications an such as 310711489 V1963 Pelmn ‘it al' 117/ 22 oxygen and a fuel mixture of two combustible gases 53:8: 2: ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' " such as acetylene and propylene. The invention also lsoshol M1970 Kori-shy’ Jr_ et al “7/4” X relates to art1cles coated m a process using th1s fuel-0x1 3,773,259 11/1973 Zverev ......................... .. 239/81 dam mumm 3,801,346 4/1974 Melton, Jr. et a1. 117/16 3,884,415 5/1975 Zverev et a1. ...................... .. 239/79 29 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1416 63H‘ 8O —— — C‘Ha __ so- : CJHG ,,\° [c2144 04/110 g; . 40 ¢JH8 _ CH4 02H6 "2 2O- .. n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I00 80 6O 4O 2O 0 RT, 7. US. Patent Feb. 20, 1990 4,902,539 I00 60~ 80 RT, % 4,902,539 1 2 perature of combustion of the oxygen-acetylene fuel gas FUEL-OXIDANT MIXTURE FOR DETONATION is to dilute the fuel gas mixture with an inert gas such as GUN FLAME-PLATING nitrogen or argon. Although this dilution resulted in lowering the combustible temperature, it also results in This application is a Continuation-in-Part of applica a concomitant decrease in the peak pressure of the com tion Ser. No. 110,841, ?led Oct. 21, 1987 now aban bustion reaction. This decrease in peak pressure results cloned. in a decrease in the velocity of the coating material propelled from the barrel onto a substrate. It has been FIELD OF THE INVENTION found that with an increase of a diluting inert gas to the The invention relates to a novel fuel-oxidant mixture oxygen-acetylene fuel mixture, the peak pressure of the for use with an apparatus for ?ame plating using detona combustion reaction decreases faster than does the com tion means and the coated layer produced therefrom. bustion temperature. More particularly, the invention relates to a fuel oxidant SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION mixture containing at least two combustible gases such as acetylene and propylene. 15 It is an object of the present invention to provide a novel gaseous fuel oxidant mixture for use in a detona BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tion gun that can provide for lower fuel combustion Flame plating by means of detonation using a deto temperatures than that obtainable from conventional nating gun (D-Gun) have been used in industry to pro oxygen acetylene fuel gases while providing for rela duce coatings of various compositions for over a quar 20 tively high peak pressures in the combustion reaction. ter of a century. Basically, the detonation gun consists Another object of the present invention is to provide of a'?uid-cooled barrel having a small inner diameter of a novel gaseous fuel-oxidant mixture for use in a detona about one inch. Generally a mixture of oxygen and tion gun that can provide for the same fuel combustion acetylene is fed into the gun along with a comminuted temperatures than that obtainable from conventional coating material. The oxygen-acetylene fuel gas mixture 25 oxygen acetylene fuel gases diluted with an inert gas is ignited to produce a detonation wave which travels while not sacri?cing peak pressure in the combustion down the barrel of the gun where it heats the coating reaction. material and propels the coating material out of the gun Another object of the present invention is to provide onto an article to be coated. US. Pat. No. 2,714,563 novel coatings for substrates using the novel gaseous discloses a method and apparatus which utilizes detona fuel-oxidant mixture of this invention. tion waves for ?ame coating. The disclosure of this U.S. The invention relates to a gaseous fuel oxidant mix Pat. No. 2,714,563 is incorporated herein by reference ture for use in a detonation gun, comprising: as if the disclosure was recited in full text in this speci? (a) an oxidant and cation. (b) a fuel mixture of at least two combustible gases In general, when the fuel gas mixture detonation gun 35 selected from the group of saturated and unsatu is ignited, detonation waves are produced that acceler - rated hydrocarbons. ate the comminuted coating material to about 2400 The invention also relates to an improvement in a ft/ sec while heating it to a temperature about its melting process of ?ame plating with a detonation gun which v point. After the coating material exits the barrel of the comprises the step of introducing desired fuel and oxi detonation gun a pulse of nitrogen purges the barrel 40 dant gases into the detonation gun to form a detonatable This cycle is generally repeated about four to eight mixture, introducing a comminuted coating material times a second. Control of the detonation coating is into said detonatable mixture within the gun, and deto obtained principally by varying the detonation mixture ' nating the fuel-oxidant mixture to impinge the coating of oxygen to acetylene. material onto an article to be coated and in which the In some applications, such as producing tungsten 45 improvement comprises using a detonatable fuel oxi carbide cobalt-based coatings, it was found that im dant mixture of an oxidant and a fuel mixture of at least proved coatings could be obtained by diluting the oxy two combustible gases selected from the group of satu gen-acetylene fuel mixture with an inert gas such as rated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. The detonation nitrogen or argon. The gaseous diluent has been found gun could consist of a mixing chamber and a barrel to reduce or tend to reduce the ?ame temperature since 50 portion so that the detonatable fuel—oxidant mixture it does not participate in the detonation reaction. U.S. could be introduced into the mixing and ignition cham Pat. No. 2,972,550 discloses the process of diluting the ber while a comminuted coating material is introduced oxygen acetylene fuel mixture to enable the detonation into the barrel. The ignition of the fuel oxidant mixture plating process to be used with an increased number of would then produce detonation waves which travel coating compositions and also for new and more widely 55 down the barrel of the gun where it heats the commi useful applications based on the coating obtainable. The nuted coating material and propels the coating material disclosure of this US. Pat. No. 2,972,550 is incorpo onto a substrate. rated herein by reference as if the disclosure was recited The invention also relates to the coated product ob in full text in this specification. ’ tained using the novel process of this invention. Generally, acetylene has been used as the combusti 60 The oxidant for use in this invention could be selected ble fuel gas because it produces both temperatures and from the group consisting of oxygen, nitrous oxide and pressures greater than those obtainable from any other mixtures thereof and the like. saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbon gas. However, The combustible fuel mixture of at least two gases for for some coating applications,, the temperature of com use in this invention can be selected from the group bustion of an oxygen-acetylene mixture of about 1:1 65 consisting of acetylene (CzHz), propylene (C3H6), atomic ratio of oxygen to carbon yields combustion methane (CH4), ethylene (C2H4), methyl acetylene products much hotter than desired. As stated above, the (C3H4), propane (C3Hg), ethane C2H6), butadienes general procedure for compensating for the high tem C4H6), butylenes C4Hs), butanes (C4Hw), cyclopropane 4,902,539 3 4 (C3H6), propadiene (C3H3), cyclobutane (CH8) and If, however, an acetylene-second hydrocarbon oxygen ethylene oxide (CzH4O).
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