DECISION NO. CABINET MINUTE .55' / 7 7 BRISBANE, .,t6 I &/ / 19 ff SUBJECT:-~-E_s_ta_b~li_· s_h_m_e_n_t__ o_f __ t_h_ e~E_s_k~, __G_a_t_t_o_n~,~L_a_i_d_l_ e ~y_w__ a_te_r __ B_o_ a_r_d__ • __ ~ ------------------------------(Submission No. 4L f'Zv76 ) . ~ do ,.. '1pies Received at ~ -oo p.m. ~ Copies Made CIRCULATION DETAILS c;o .-: R l'Jr_1R Decision F ile 1 21 MR. AHERN - 2 22 ~PY r · 1 ,/ .hk:;6, ~ ~ SL bm i c::c: inn ~.&..11..- - ~ _ ~ - --- ..... 3 MR. GUNN 23 ,e, ~ ~,;'7/ . ~ -r- ,,,..;; ... ..- - -- - -- - -· MR. GIBBS 24 4 /;J_~t:!- ~ . ;- .::: ._ - .::i a , ... MR. 5 GLAS SOI ~·f '"" 25 r~/..-'IA / MR. AUSTIN 6 26 A £)~/ ,...,.v IP+ · ~~ ,)7 /c; ~ ,..., -, M.K. L~~Tt;.K 7 27 )~ - -- - 0/0 ............. .I. uL'i ---L'i .L 8 28 MR. HARPER 9 r/ 29 MR. MUNTZ 10 30 11 MR. MCKECH~ IE 31 12 MR. KATTER 32 MR. NEAL 13 _/ 33 MR. CLAUSOt-; / 14 34 M.K. BOKtllJ.X.:i t; 15 35 16 MR. RANDELL 36 17 MR. COOPER 37 MR. HARVEY 18 38 MR. LITTLEP ~UD 19 39 nd::n:.eL r!J.e 20 40 1• . ' I, .., 3 ~ c: .... CD ~ Q. I\) ,._..QI (') 01 CJ :::J 0 0- . ' ..., 6) () en •!I I ' • 1 •o .. O» ' I ' ' ~ :::s ' ' I ' .... - (I,) r t I ·,I. j I! I Copy Noo C 0 N F I D E N T I A L 20 C A B I N E T M I N U T E Brisbane, 26th September, 1988 Decision No. 55177 Submission No. 49736 TITLE: Establishment of the Esk, Gatton, Laidley \Jater Board. CABINET decided:- That it be recommended to the Governor in Council that a Joint Board be constituted under the Local Government Act to control the functions of planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the Esk, Gatton, Laidley i~ter Supply in accordance with the draft Order in Council attached to the Submission. CIRCULATION: Water Resources Commission and copy to Minister. Department of Local Government and copy to Minister. Premier's Department and copy to Premier and Treasurer. Treasury Department and copy to Minister. Department of Primary Industries and copy to Minister. Department of Industry Development and copy to Minister . The Honourable the Deputy Premier, Minister for Public Works, Main Roads and Expo and Minister for Police . All other Ministers for perusal and return. Certified Submiss i on No . 21 Copy No ...•• • • · · · · · SECURI TY CLASS IF I CATIO ' C ' - CONF I DEN TIAL FO R CAB I NET ESTABL ISHMENT OF THE ES K, GAT TON , LAI DLEY WATE R BOARD 1. Honourable Ministers will recall that Cabinet by Decision No. 51992 of 13th July, 1987 dire cted t he Co-ordinator General, in consultation with the De partment o f Local Go ve rnment, Queensland Water Resources Comm ission and the Treasury, to report on the relative capital, operating and stage construction costs for the vario us alternative water supply schemes for Gatton and Laidley. The report was required to find a solution to water supp ly problems at Gatton and Laidley which had resulted from falling ground water levels and a deterioration in the quality of the ground water. 2 . Honourable Ministers will also recall that Cabinet by Decision No. 53036 of 23rd November, 1987 approved the proposed Gatton, Laidley Water Supply Scheme as follows:- (a) the Brisbane River at Lowood be adopted as the so~rce of a piped water supply to Laidley and Gatton; ( b) a pipeline delivering 205 litres/second be adopted for design purposes; ( c ) subject to acceptance by Laidley and Gatton Shire Councils of the water charging policy outlined in the report, special assistance be provided to the level necessary to achieve an annual net water charge of no higher than $400 in each Shire; (d) the necessary special assistance be in the form of interest holiday, C.P.I. indexed Treasury Loans; (e) the Under Treasurer, in consultation with the Co­ ordinator General, reported through the Honourable the Deputy Premier and Minister Assisting the treasurer to Cabinet on the ma nner and timing of conversion of the special assistance to no rmal interest bearing loans; and (f) an application be made to the Commonwealth for inclusion of the Lowood - Glenore Grove sectio n o f the pipeline under the Co u ntry ~ow ns Water Supply Improvement Program. 3 . Concurrently the Esk Shire Co u ncil had been plann i n g for the augme n tation of the Lowood Wate r Supply , such wo rks also requ iring a n ew river intake a nd treat ment p l a n t at Lowood . 4 . Subsequ ent to the accept ance of t he Scheme by t h e Gatton a n d Laidley Shire Councils , the Esk Sh ire Co unc i l h a s ag r eed to participate in a join t scheme a nd contr ibute to t h e construction of a combined water treatment plan t and r aw water i nt ake works at Lowood in t he i n ter e s t s o f overall economy . 5 . The stated capacity of the intake a nd treatment p l ant h a s been i n c r eased f r om 2 05 litr e s / s econ d t o 2 30 litre s/seco nd to a l low f o r the i nclusion o f Esk Shire Cou ncil. Th e Lowood s upp l y will b e t aken from the reservo ir associated with the treat ment plant. In other resp ects the p r e viously approved s cheme for Ga tton a nd Laidley wi l l no t b e a ltered. The vario u s alt e rna tives f o r control of p lanning, design, constructio n, ma n age ment, oper a tion a nd maintenance o f the joint works have been examined. The Esk, Gatton and La i d ley Shire Counc ils have a g reed that a Joint Board is the mo st suitable organisa tional structure to control these functions. We a re in agreement with the proposal and a draft Order-In­ Council has been prepared in accordance with Section 20 of the Loc al Government Act. The Orde r-In-Council specifies:- (a) the name, functions and Area of the Joint Board; (b) the constitution of the Joint Board i.e. the number of members from each component Local Authority Council, the election of members and the appointment of a President; (c) the proportion that each component Local Authority is to contribute to the general fund of the Joint Board; and (d) the date for the first meeting of the Joint Board. 7. We recommend that it b e recommended to the Governor in Council t h at a Joint Bo ard be constituted under the Loca l Government Ac t to c o n t r o l the f unctio ns o f planning, desig n, c o nstruction, opera tion and ma intenan ce o f the Esk, Ga tton , La idley Wa ter Supp ly i n accordance with the attached dra f t Or d er-In-Co uncil. JIM RANDELL DON NEAL Minister fo r Local Governme n t Ministe r f o r Water Re s o urces and Rac i n g a nd Ma ritime S rvices Brisbane 22 Septemb er:- , 1988 ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Execu tive Buildin g , Brisbane, the day of 1988 Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council 1IS Excellency the Governor , acting by and with t he advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the provisions of the Local Government Act 1936- 1 98 7, hereby orders as follows :- 'l) That a Joint Board shall be constituted under the n ame of "Esk , Gatton a n d Laidley Water Boa rd", (2) That the Area of the Shires of Esk , Gatton and Laidley shall be constituted the Area of the said Joint Board; (3) That the functions of the said Joint Board shall be :- (a) the planning, design, management, construction, operation and maintenance of the Brisbane River intake n :;- works, the Lowood Treatment Plant, interconnecting 3 n :::r pumps and pipework, storage reservoir, and distribution .. ~ ..... "' trunk mains for the Lowood, Gatton, Laidley Water c: CD g= Supply Scheme; and Q. (b) the sale of water in bulk to the Councils of the Shires GI of Esk, Gatton and Laidley, a t points to be determined 0 ~ by agreement; and 1i () :l 0 (c) to enter into all such arrangements as may be necessary - in order for the Joint Board to be in a position to 0..., sell water in bulk to the Councils of the Shires of Esk, Gatton and Laidley; ~() CD 0 :::s ::J ( 4 ) That the Joint Board shall be composed of 6 members, 2 members each sha ll be elected by th e Councils of the Shi res of Esk, Gatton a nd Laidley; (5) That the Chairman of each of the component Local Authorities shall be one of the two membe rs elected to the Board; (6) That the President of the Joint Board shall be a Shire Ch a irman and appointed for a period of 12 months, commencing with the Esk Shire Chairman followed by the Gatton Shire Cha irman and the Laid l ey Shire Chairman in rotation; (7) TI1at the first meetinJ o f the said Joint Board shall be h eld at t he Gatton Council Chambers, Gatton on Friday the 7th Oc ' ber, 1988 at 2.
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