
www.lanuevavoz.net La Nueva Voz The New Voice, a Bilingual (English/Spanish) Publication Issue No. 111 Pomona’s only community newspaper! Thursday, October 25, 2018 Pomona joins cities nationwide recognizing ‘Indigenous People’s Day’ Several hundred – some from Americans. woman of Rumsen lived here for many, many throughout Southern Califor- Locally, the solemn yet joyful Am:A Tur:Ataj Ohlone years,” she added. “And so to- nia and beyond – turned out for REVHUYDQFH KDV EHHQ RIÀFLDOO\ and a resident of Hes- day we’re here, united for the 3RPRQD·V ÀUVWHYHU ,QGLJHQRXV recognized by the Los Angeles peria, was introduced to Gabrieleno Band of Mission People’s Day in Ganesha Park County Board of Supervisors (on offer the opening prayer ,QGLDQVWKH.L]K1DWLRQµ this month, an international ob- a motion last year by Los Ange- on this “special day” to “We want to educate people servance that began as far back les County Supervisor Hilda So- the sound of cheers, ap- and we want them to know the as 1977 as a counter-celebration lis), the Pomona City Council plause and traditional real history of our land, not held the same day as Columbus and others. Native American chants. what’s written in the school Day in honor of the true Native Dee Dee Ybarra, tribal chair- ´,W·V WDNHQ RYHU books, not what we’ve been years for us to be ac- taught, we want them to know Pomona ‘royalty’ Phil and Nell Soto honored at NQRZOHGJHG DQG ,·P VR our story and that’s why we’re groundbreaking for new park named in their memory thankful and honored to here today,” Ybarra said. Former Pomona City Coun- the city, to all the people .DWHUL :DONHU DQ DFWUHVV cilmember Paula Lantz, who who made these deci- and activist from the Sagi- served on the council with the sions and made all this QDZ&KLSSHZD,QGLDQ7ULEHRI ODWH 1HOO 6RWR WROG JXHVWV happen,” Ybarra said. Michigan, introduced Ybarra, :DOWHU ´*UD\ZROIµ 5XL] &KDLUPDQ RI WKH 6RXWKHUQ at a groundbreaking for the new “We are standing here &DOLIRUQLD&KDSWHURIWKH$PHULFDQ,QGLDQ0RYHPHQW explaining that all Native Phil and Nell Soto Park last on a very sacred site... DGGUHVVHV D FURZG RI VHYHUDO KXQGUHG LQ 3RPRQD·V American nations are separate *DQHVKD3DUNRQ,QGLJHQRXV3HRSOH·V'D\3,FWXUHG month that the park will bring the actual Gabrieleno IURPOHIWDUH'HH'HH0DQ]DQDUHV<EDUUDWULEDOFKDLU- and sovereign and maintain optimism, hope and change to Village of Toibinga.” ZRPDQRI5XPVHQ$P$7XU$WDM2KORQHDQGDQRUJD- their own culture. the community. QL]HURIWKHHYHQW DVZHOODVFRDVVLVWDQWGLUHFWRURI “Our ancestors walked WKH$,0FKDSWHU KHUKXVEDQG'DYLG<EDUUDVHFXULW\ “For our culture to grow “This park is a sign of hope, on this ground, they RIÀFHUIRUWKHORFDO$,0FKDSWHUDQG5XL] and thrive and become what it’s a symbol of what the values it is today, it has really been of Phil and Nell were, which is *ORYHVFRPHRIIDWÀQDO3RPRQD&LW\&RXQFLOIRUXP an honor to see in my lifetime service, service to your fam- )RUPHU 3RPRQD &LW\ &RXQFLOPHP- 7KLQJV ÀQDOO\ JRW SRSSLQ· DW Cristina Carrizosa charged that DQG,KRSHWKDWDOORI\RXKDYH ily, service to your community,” EHU'DQLHOOH6RWR3KLODQG1HOO6RWR·V last week’s Pomona Chamber her City Council District 3 chal- the same experiences in reaching JUDQGGDXJKWHU VSHDNV DW D JURXQG- Lantz said. EUHDNLQJRIDQHZSDUNLQ3RPRQDWREH of Commerce candidates forum lenger Nora Garcia’s list of ac- your goals and your dreams,” Former Pomona City Council- QDPHG LQ KHU JUDQGSDUHQWV· PHPRU\ – the lights in the City Council complishments sounded more Walker said. 6RWR VSRNH RQ EHKDOI RI DOO PHPEHUV member Danielle Soto, Phil and RIKHUIDPLO\ZKRZHUHRQKDQGIRUWKH chambers went out – twice, there like Carrizosa’s resume over the “We are the people that named Nell Soto’s granddaughter, said FHUHPRQ\ was a glitch when a cell phone past two decades. locations like Azusa, Cucamon- the park project was already in Representing the Soto fam- timer clocking the speakers ,WZDVWKHVHFRQGRIWZRPDMRU ga,” said Tribal Chairman Andy WKHZRUNVLQZKHQVKHZDV ily at the podium, she said her went on the fritz, and long-time events this election season where Salas of the Gabrieleno Band still on the council. grandparents 1HZSDUNSJ Pomona City Councilmember )RUXPSJ ,QGLJHQRXV3HRSOH·V'D\SJ 7KXUVGD\2FWREHU/D1XHYD9R] /D1XHYD9R]7KXUVGD\2FWREHU 7KXUVGD\2FWREHU/D1XHYD9R] Pomona’s 2nd annual 5K run another success! Photos courtesy of Fanelly Millan &ODUHPRQW DWWRUQH\ -DPHV 6DQEUDQR DW 3RPRQD·V VHFRQG OHIW DQG -RVH &DOGH- DQQXDO . UXQ DW- URQ 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH WUDFWHG SDUWLFL- /DWLQR/DWLQD 5RXQGWD- SDQWV RI DOO DJHV EOH FRPSOHWHG WKH UXQ 5XQQHUVOLQHGXSDWWKHVWDUWÀQLVKOLQH6DWXUGD\PRUQLQJPRPHQWVEHIRUHWKHVHFRQGDQQXDO3R- DOO VL]HV DQG DOO DJDLQWKLV\HDU PRQDNUXQJRWXQGHUZD\$WRWDORIUXQQHUVSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKLV\HDU·V. VNLOOOHYHOV *RWDPLQXWH"6RUU\WKHVH5XELN·V&XEHH[SHUWVZLOOEHGRQHE\WKHQ 3RPRQD0D\RU7LP 6DQGRYDO LV ORRN- Think you’re fast? ÀYH LQJ JRRG LQ WKH N Cal Poly University Po- Competitions are held UXQ WKURXJK WKH mona hosted a Rubik’s somewhere in Southern Cali- VWUHHWV RI 'RZQ- WRZQ 3RPRQD Cube competition this fornia every two to three 6SRQVRUV LQFOXGHG month governed by the weeks. 3RPRQD 9DOOH\ 5XQQHUV'D\2QH World Cube Association This month’s event at Cal 'RZQWRZQ 3R- with winning “solves” Poly was the 12th this year. PRQD 2ZQHUV $V- 3RPRQD 8QLÀHG 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW VRFLDWLRQ 3RPRQD 6XSW 5LFKDUG 0DUWLQH] DW OHIW D coming in with times like Wu, a high school senior 9DOOH\ +RVSLWDO %RDUG PHPEHU DW 3RPRQD·V )DLU- 6.73 seconds, 3.43 seconds next door to Cal Poly at the 0HGLFDO&HQWHUDQG SOH[ UXQV WKH N FRXUVH ZLWK &LG and some slower times of /RV $QJHOHV &RXQW\ 2IÀFH )DLUSOH[ 3LQHGR%RDUG&KDLUPDQDW)DLUSOH[ 23.73 seconds and RI (GXFDWLRQ·V ,3RO\ +LJK VHFRQGV School, said he was the only The event, called ,3RO\ VWXGHQW SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ “Poly Cubed” and this month’s competition. now in its third year, And mid-way through the DWWUDFWHG FRP- competition he was placing at 3KRWRE\5HQHH%DUEHH petitors from eight -XVWLQ :X D VHQLRU DW 3RPRQD·V ,3RO\ +LJK RXWRI FRXQWULHV ,QFOXGHG 6FKRRO RUJDQL]HG WKLV PRQWK·V 5XELN·V &XEH 0LFKDHO<RXQJD ZHUH ÀUVWWLPHUV FRPSHWLWLRQDW&DO3RO\8QLYHUVLW\3RPRQDWKDW Caltech graduate who ma- DWWUDFWHGFRPSHWLWRUVIURPHLJKWFRXQWULHV DQGUHWXUQLQJFRP- jored in math, works in the petitors. explained the 3 x 3 cube has three FRPSXWHUVFLHQFHÀHOGDQGVHUYHV Winner in the 3 x 3, squares on each side, the 4 x 4 as a delegate to the World Cube [DQG[FXEHFDWH- has four and so forth. The Pyra- Association to help ensure all gories was World Cham- mix is a pyramid-shaped puzzle competitions can be fairly com- pion Max Park, of Cerri- with four sides. All solves result pared to others around the world. tos, with average solves in each side having the same col- He said he started spearhead- RIDQG or squares. ing the local Southern Califor- seconds respectively. Competitors using their own nia competition when he was in Winner for “Pyramix” puzzles “solve” a scrambled college and has been continuing was Elijah Brown, of Pa- SX]]OH ÀYH WLPHV 7KH IDVWHVW ever since to help encourage oth- FLÀF 3DOLVDGHV ZLWK DQ and slowest are removed and the ers to become involved. average of 3.43 seconds. three middle runs are averaged. This month’s event was a fund- Justin Wu, organizer Then, the top eight move on to UDLVHUIRU,3RO\·V6WUDWHJLF*DP- of the event at Cal Poly, DÀQDOVURXQGIRUDQRWKHUVHWRI ing Club. 3KRWRE\(ULF-XQJ 678'(176 2) 7+( 0217+ -- Mem- bers of the Pomona Optimist Club rec- ognized their August and September “students of the month,” all students at 3RPRQD·V 'HFNHU (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO DWDPHHWLQJODVWPRQWKDW0U'·V'LQHU in Pomona. Pictured, from left, are third grader Aiden McArdle (for academic achievements); Optimist President Lor- raine Canales; fourth grader Roman *DUFLD IRUOHDGHUVKLSTXDOLWLHV 'HFNHU Principal Rebecca Norwood; third grader =RH\ 3HUH] IRU DFDGHPLF DFKLHYH- © 2018 California Department of Public Health. ments); Optimist Past President M. -R\FH %DNHUVPLWK DQG ÀIWK JUDGHU (P- LO\&KLQ IRUH[FHOOHQWUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWK Sponsored by Day One. students and staff). La Nueva Voz • Thursday, October 25, 2018 • 5 6RPHWKLQJIRUHYHU\RQHDW3RPRQD·VÀUVWDQQXDO,QGLJHQRXV3HRSOH·V'D\WKLVPRQWKLQ*DQHVKD3DUN Native American ceremonial dancers -- complete with bells on their belts -- capture WKHDWWHQWLRQRIWKHDXGLHQFHRQ,QGLJHQRXV3HRSOH·V'D\DW*DQHVKD3DUN Pomona City Councilmember Robert Torres, whose city council district includes Ganesha Park, addresses Emiliano Martinez, a ceremonial the group. From left are Donna drummer, adds a traditional sound Manzanares Otero, Torres and David to the event. Ybarra. A mural depicting what might have been a scene in the Pomona Valley 6HQG\RXUQHZVWLSVWR area centuries ago was on display UHQHHEDUEHH#JPDLOFRP in the Ganesha Park bandshell. Pomona Chamber of Commerce Supports Pomona’s Measure PG! 1DWLYH$PHULFDQVFDPHLQDOOVL]HVWRWKLVPRQWK·V,QGLJHQRXV3HRSOH·V'D\DW*D- QHVKD3DUNLQ3RPRQD7KHFHUHPRQLDOÀUHLQIURQWRIWKHEDQGVKHOOVWDJHEXUQV in the background. PAID ADVERTISEMENT ST. LUKE UNIVERSITY TO HOST ON-SITE EVALUATION TEAM VISIT St. Luke University will host a Transnational Associa- tion of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) on-site Evaluation Team on November 12-15, 2018 for the pur- pose of evaluating the institution for Accreditation sta- tus. Third party comments are invited and may be addressed to: TRACS, 15935 Forest Road, Forest, VA 24551. TRACS is approved by the U.S. Department of Educa- tion as a nationally recognized institutional accredit- ing agency and appears on the DOE Secretary’s List of Approved Accrediting Agencies, which is provided in the Higher Education Directory. TRACS is also recog- nized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). 6 • Thursday, October 25, 2018 • La Nueva Voz 1HZSDUNIURPSJ were the “power couple” of Po- the 19th century. He served mona in their time, adding that two terms in the assembly from they didn’t worry about getting 1962 to 1966. Soto had served credit for the work they did. on the La Puente City Council A highlight of her grand- from 1958 to 1962. He died at father’s political career came his home in Pomona in 1997 at when National Farmworkers As- the age of 71.
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