# Call Number Author_Title_Year_ Volumes 1 K11 .B23 RBR Barbeyrac, Jean, 1674-1744. Recueil de discours sur diverses matieres importantes. Traduit ou composez par Jean Barbeyrac qui y a joint un Eloge historique de feu Noodt. Amsterdam, Chez Pierre Humbert, 1731. 2 v. 17 cm. 2 K11 .H46 RBR Heineccius, Johann. Gottlieb, 1681-1741. Opvscvlorum variorvm sylloge…1735. 1003p. 3 K11 .H46 1748 RBR Heineccius, Johann. Gottlieb, 1681-1741. Opusculorum variorum sylloge…1748. 2v. 4 K13 .C57 RBR [Clayton, John] of the Inner Temple. Topicks in the laws of England. 1646. 5 K13 .C83 RBR Cowell, John, 1554-1611. The interpreter. 1607. 6 K13 .P54 1661 RBR Phillips, W. Principles of law reduced to practice. 1661. 7 K13.Z9 W49 1569 RBR [Wernherus, of Schussenried] Modvs legendi abbreuiatuias passim in vtroq; iure occurretes, nunc demum integritati suae restitutus. Parisijs, Ex officina C. Cheuallonij, 1537. 8 K13.2.A5 R2 RBR [Rastell, John] Expositiones terminon legum angloru. [London, 1527] 9 K13.2.A5 R2 1579 RBR [Rastell, John] An Exposition of certaine difficult and obsune words [1579] 10 K13.2.A5 R2 1671 RBR [Rastell, John] Les termes de la ley. 1671. 11 K13.2.A5 R2 1708 RBR [Rastell, John] d. 1536. Les termes de la ley. 1708. 12 K13.2.A5 R2 1742 RBR [Restell, John] d. 1536. Les termes de la ley. 1742. 13 K13.2.F8 L2 RBR The law-French dictionary alphabetically digested. 1701. 14 K13.2.I8 B29 RBR Bartoli, Daniello, 1608-1885. Il torto e'l diritto del non si pvo…1671. 393 p. 15 K13.2.L3 B82 RBR [Bravo, Bartolomé] d. 1607 Compendium latino-hispanum…1787. 1216 p. 16 K13.2.L3 H46 RBR Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb. 1681-1741. Fundamenta stili cultioris…1792. 444 p. 17 K18 .H14 RBR Hailes. A catalogue of the Lords of Session. 1767. 18 K18 .L75 RBR Lives of all the lords chancellors, lord keepers, and lord commissioners... 1708. 2 v. 19 K18 .L75 1712 RBR Lives of all the lords chancellors, lord keepers, and lord commissioners... 2nd ed. 1712. 2 v. 20 K18 .P52 RBR [Philiport, John] 1589?-1645. The catalogve of the chancellors of England. 1636. 21 K18 .R246 RBR [Rede, Leman Thomas] d. 1810. Strictures on the lives and characters of the most eminent lawyers. 1790. 22 K18 .R51 RBR Roark, Lillian Phipps, 1896- Translations of biographies of noted Spanish commentators 1939. 23 K19.A32 A30 RBR Aguesseau, Henri Françios d', 1668-1751. Oeuvres completes du chancelier d'Aguesseau Nouv. éd. 1819. 16 v. 24 K19.A9 A3 RBR Atkyns, Sir Robert, 1621-1709. Parliamentary and political tracts. 1734. 25 K19.B13 A13 L RBR Bacon, Francis, viscount St.Albans, 1561-1626. Law tracts. 1737. 26 K19.B13 A13 L 1741 RBR Bacon, Francis, viscount St.Albans, 1561-1626. Law tracts; 2nd ed. 1741. 27 K19.B14 W5 RBR Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587?. A remembavnce, of the woorthie and well imployed life of…Sir Nicholas Bacon…[1579?] 28 K19.B57 A3 RBR Blackstone, Sir William 1723-1780. Law tracts. 1762. 2 v. 29 K19.B57 A3 1767 RBR Blackstone, Sir William 1723-1780. Law tracts. Dublin, 1767. 30 K19.C66 A3 RBR Coke, Sir Edward, 1552-1634. Three law tracts. 1764. 31 K19.D56 A3 1801 RBR Dickinson, John, 1732-1808. Political writings. 1801. 2 v. 32 K19.D98 W5 RBR Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587?. A remembraunce of the precious vertues of…Sir Iames Dier [1582?] 33 K19.E77 D9 RBR [Du Pac de Bellegarde, Gabriel] 1717-1789. Vie de Van-Espen… 1770. 382p. 34 K19.F31 A3 RBR Fearne, Charles, 1742-1794. The posthumous works of Charles Fearne …1797. 35 K19.F43 S2 RBR Sadler, Thomas, 1822-1891. Edwin Wilkins Field, a memorial sketch. London, Macmillan, 1872. 36 K19.G34 A3 RBR Vita di Pietro Giannone, giureconsulto ed avvocato napoletano… 1770. 37 K19.G87 A3o RBR Grimaudet, Francois. Les oeuvres de M. Francois Grimavdet…1613. 38 K19.H748 A3 RBR Hopkinson, Francis, 1737-1791. The miscellaneous essays and occasional writings of Francis Hopkinson, esq. 1792. 3 v. 39 K19.K12 A3e RBR [Kames, Henry Home, lord] 1696-1782. Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities… 1747. 40 K19.K12 A3e 1763 RBR [Kames, Henry Home, lord] 1696-1782. Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities… 3d ed. 1763. 41 K19.K12 A3e 1797 RBR Kames, Henry Home, lord, 1696-1782. Essays. 1797. 42 K19.K12 A3h 1761 RBR [Kames, Henry Home, lord] 1696-1782. Historical law-tracts. The 2d ed. MDCCLXI. 1761. 43 K19.K12 A3h 1792 RBR [Kames, Henry Home, lord] 1696-1782. Historical law-tracts. The 4th ed. MDCCXCII. 1792. 44 K19.K42 A3d 1795 RBR Kent, James, 1763-1847. Dissertations: being the preliminary part of a course of law lectures. 1795. 45 K19.K58 A3 RBR King, William, 1663-1712. The original works of William King. 1776. 3 v. 46 K19.L79 A3 RBR Locke, John, 1632-1704. A collection of several pieces of Mr. John Locke… 1720. 47 K19.M757 A3m RBR Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brede et de, 1689-1755. Miscellaneous pieces. 1759. 48 K19.M763 M7 1726 RBR [More, Cresacre] 1572-1649. The life of Sir Thomas More. 1726. 49 K19.S4 A3t 1755 RBR Selden, John, 1584-1654. Table-talk: being the discourses of John Selden esq. 1755. 50 K24 .A93 RBR Austin, John, 1790-1859. The province of jurisprudence determined / by John Austin. — London : J. Murray, 1832. c.1 51 K24 .G36 RBR Geuns, Isaak Matthias van. Disputatio iuridico-politica qua quaeritur an populi erroribus et superstition! leges accommodare liceat. 1718. 52 K24 .P55 RBR Piaggia, Antonio. De ivre consvetvdinis tractatvs. 1604. 53 K24 .Z91 RBR Zouche, Richard, 1590-1661. Richardi Zouchei, j.c. Elementa jurisprudentiæ… 1652. 54 K25.A15 G29 RBR Gebauer, Georg Christian, 1690-1773. Nova juris naturalis historia, quam auxit…1774. With this is bound: Meister, Christian Frledrlch Georg, 1718-1782. Bibliotheca ivris natvtae et gentivm. Pars prima. 1749. 55 K25.A15 G29 RBR Meister, Christian Friedrich Georg, 1718-1782. D. Christian. Frid. Georg. Meisteri Bibliotheca ivris natvrae et gentivm. 1749-57. Bound with: Gebauer, Georg Christian, 1690-1773. Nova juris naturalis historia. 1774. 56 K25 .B58 RBR Bohmer, Just Henning, 1674-1749. Ivsti Henningii Boehmeri,…1755. 57 K25 .B92 RBR Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, 1694-1748. Principes du droit naturel. 1747. 58 K25 .B92 1792a RBR The principles of natural and politic law …4th ed. 1792. 59 K25 .B92e RBR Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, 1694-1748. Élémens du droit naturel ...1775. 60 K25 .C39 RBR Claproth, J C. Principes du droit naturel… 1771. 61 K25 .F33 RBR Félice, Fortuné Barthélemy, 1723-1789. Leçons de droit de la nature et des gens, par m. le professeur de Félice… 1769. 4 v. in 2. p. 1 of 50 # Call Number Author_Title_Year_ Volumes 62 K25 .F43 RBR Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1814. Grundlage des naturrechts nach principien der wissenschaftslehre…1796-97. 2 v. in 1. 63 K25 .G97 RBR Gundling. Nicolaus Hieronymus, 1671-1729. Ivs natvrae ac gentivm…1751. 64 K25 .H36 1764 RBR Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb, 1681-1741. Jo. Gottl. Heineccii ... Elementa juris naturæ 1764. 65 K25 .M31 RBR Martín y Mendoza, Joaquin. Historia del derecho natural, y de gentes. 1776. 66 K25 .P13 RBR Pagenstecheri Alexander Arnold, 1659-1716. Alexandri Arnoldi Pagenstecheri Sylloge dissertationum. 1713. 67 K25 .P64 RBR Pilati, Carlo Antonio, 1733-1802. L'esistenza della legge naturale impugnata…1764. (Has bound in: His Ragionaxnenti lntorno alia legge naturale e civile. 1766) 68 K25 .P64 RBR Pilati, Carlo Antonio, 1733-1802. Ragionamenti intorno alla legge naturale e civile di Carlantonio Pilati. 1766. (Bound with: His L'estistenza della legge naturale. 1764) 69 K25 .P72 RBR Plenior, Paulus. Paulo Plenior. Historia juris naturalis…1719. 70 K25 .T26i RBR Thomasius, Christian, 1655-1728. Christiani Thomasii ... Institutionum jurisprudentiæ divinae libri tres. 1710. 71 K26 .C56 RBR Cicero, Marcus Tulllus. M. T. Ciceronis De leg.. lib. III. 1552. 72 K26 .K13 1887 RBR Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. The philosophy of law. 1887. 73 K26 .K13m RBR Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. Metaphysische Anfangsgr ϋnde der Rechtslehre. 1798. 74 K26 .L555 RBR Lepage, P. Élémens de la science du droit…2nd ed. 1823. 2 v. 75 K26 .S342p RBR [Schmid, Georg Ludwig] 1720-1805. Principes de la legislation universelle ... Amsterdam, Chez M. M. Rey, 1776. 2 v. 76 K27.P2 D8 RBR Dun, David Erskine, lord, 1670-1758. Lord Dun's friendly and familiar advices… 1754. 77 K27.P2 H97 RBR Hutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746. Philosophiae moralis institution compendiaria, libris III. 1745. 78 K27.P2 L2 1782 RBR Langbaine, Gerard. Ethicks. 1782. 79 K27.P2 S21 RBR Sanderson, Robert, bp. of Lincoln, 1587-1663. De obligatione conscientiae praelectiones decem...1719. With this is bound the author's De juramenti promissorii obligatione...1719; Oxford. University./Judicium universitatis oxoniensis . 1719. 80 K27.P2 S21 RBR Sanderson, Robert, bp. of Lincoln, 1587-1663. De juramenti promissorii obligatione praelectiones septem…1719. (Bound with: De obligatione conscientiae … 1719) 81 K27.P2 S21 RBR Oxford. University. Judicium Universitatis oxoniensis de… 1719. (K27.P2 S21 RBR Bound Together) 82 K27.P2 S45 RBR Segneri, Paolo, 1624-1694. El christiano instruido en su ley. 1719. 3 v. 83 K27.P6 B375 RBR Bellenden, William, d. 1633? Gulielmi Bellendeni ... De statu libri tres. 1787. 3 pt. in 1 v. 84 K27.P6 B84b RBR Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, 1694-1748. Beginsels van het burgerlyk regt… 1752. 85 K27.P6 H22p RBR Harrington, James, 1611-1677. The prerogative of popular government. 1658. 2 v. in 1. 86 K27.P6 M7ea 1750 RBR Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Bride et de, 1689-1755. The spirit of laws.
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