S26 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 4, 2001 Senator LOTT and I have been making Senator Cranston, ``He is absolutely [Senator Cranston] toiled in the trenches throughout the day. We have been dis- superb when it comes to knowing how during a long political career in behalf of cussing matters relating to the organi- the votes will fall in place on a given California and world peace. The value of his zational resolution throughout the day issue.'' efforts and dedication was not fully appre- ciated at the time and was overshadowed by and have just, again, had the last of Senator Cranston also was a strong his departure from the Senate. It's that body our meetings for the day. leader in an effort to protect our envi- of work that should be remembered and cele- While we are closer than we were at ronment. I am proud to say that he was brated now. the beginning of the day, there are still the original author of the Desert Pro- Mr. President, our Nation is no doubt some matters to be resolved. However, tection Act and he called me shortly a better place because of Senator Alan it is my hope that we could resolve the after I won election to the Senate in Cranston's service, and we will miss outstanding issues some time tomor- 1992 to ask me if I would take over the him deeply. row, and then it would be my hope that effort to get the bill approved. In 1994, the Senate will proceed to a vote on we amended the bill a number of times f the organizing resolution. but were able to get it passed and make CONCEALED WEAPONS LAW Senators should be aware that it may the legislation a reality. Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, I am require a rollcall vote. It is my hope we This landmark measure created two very disappointed that the Governor of can avoid that, but that is yet a possi- new national parksÐDeath Valley and Michigan chose to sign a bill that will bility. So for purposes of the schedule, Joshua TreeÐand one national pre- increase the number of concealed weap- I think Senators should be prepared to serveÐthe Mojave. In total, the meas- ons on our streets by tens of thousands. be here to vote. It is my intention to ure has permanently saved and pro- On New Year's Day, Governor Engler call the Senate back into session at tected over 7 million acres of pristine signed into law House Bill 4530, which 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. We will have fur- California desert wilderness for all takes discretion away from local gun ther reports about our progress and time. boards and requires that authorities about the schedule for the day after we As Thomas Jefferson said in 1809 that must issue concealed weapons licenses convene. ``the care of human life and happiness, to those who meet certain require- f and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good gov- ments. TRIBUTE TO FORMER CALIFORNIA ernment,'' it appears to me that Sen- On December 13, 2000, I wrote a letter SENATOR ALAN CRANSTON ator Cranston demonstrated this view to the Governor asking him to veto the Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Madam President, with strong and forceful advocacy of legislation. I asked the Governor to this past weekend, our nation lost one arms control. support our law enforcement personnel of its finest public servants with the In the Senate, Alan Cranston played who believe the concealed weapons bill passing of former California Senator a leading role in moving the SALT and will make them and the public less Alan Cranston. START arms control treaties through safe. These groups include the Michi- Senator Cranston served California this body, and he drafted the first bill gan Association of Chiefs of Police and well, and our hearts and thoughts go to to eliminate funding for the Vietnam the Michigan Police Legislative Coali- his son Kim and the rest of his family War. tion, which includes the Michigan at this difficult time. In 1983, Alan Cranston said that end- State Police Troopers Association, the Senator Cranston holds the distinc- ing the arms race would be the para- Michigan State Police Command Offi- tion of being the only Democrat in our mount goal of his run for the Presi- cers Association, the Michigan Asso- State's history to win four terms to the dency. That effort was not successful, ciation of Police, the Police Officers United States Senate, serving 24 years. but his effort to promote an honest dia- Labor Council, Detroit Police Lieuten- Born in Palo Alto, California in 1914, logue on this issue grew and he contin- ants and Sergeants Association, De- Alan Cranston was a tireless champion ued to work toward a more peaceful troit Police Officers Association, War- for peace, justice, and human rights. planet right up until the time of his ren Police Officers Association and He was also a steadfast advocate for death. Flint Police Officers Association. the poor and oppressed. In 1996, he became chairman of the I support the position of law enforce- Senator Cranston was educated at Gorbachev Foundation USA based in ment groups in this matter and I be- Stanford University where he excelled San Francisco, founded by former So- lieve the people of Michigan do also. as both a student and athlete. After viet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Local gun boards should retain control graduating, Senator Cranston worked devoted to nuclear disarmament. of these often life and death decisions. as a correspondent for the Inter- More recently, he served as President f national News Service and then served of the Global Security Institute, a KENNEDY CENTER HONORS his nation well in the U.S. Army in think tank devoted to same end. The World War II. Institute recently persuaded more than Mr. HOLLINGS. Madam President, In 1939, Alan Cranston edited the first 100 international civilian leaders, in- each year since 1978 our capital city unexpurgated English translation of cluding 44 former presidents and prime has inaugurated its season of celebra- Adolf Hitler's ``Mein Kampf'' published ministers, to sign on to its nuclear tion with the Kennedy Center Honors, in the U.S. in an effort to alert Ameri- weapon elimination initiative. a joyful celebration of the lifetime cans to the dangers of the Third Reich. Signators included former President achievements of our greatest per- In fact, Senator Cranston had the Jimmy Carter, former Defense Sec- forming artists. The whole nation very unique experience of being sued by retary Robert McNamara, Nobel Laure- shares in that celebration during the Hitler for copyright violation for his ates Kenneth Arrow and Elie Weisel, CBS broadcast of the Honors Gala, work on this editing projectÐand in Coretta Scott King, astronaut Sally which this past year was on December true Alan Cranston formÐhe wore this Ride and retired Supreme Allied Com- 27. as a badge of honor and demonstrated mander General Andrew Goodpaster. All Americans should be grateful to that he would stand up to anyone in Former Representative Lionel Van CBS for its commitment to what has pursuit of Democratic principles and Deerlin describes Senator Cranston's become an American institution, our ideals. devotion to nuclear disarmament well highest honor for the performing art- His first service in elected office was when he said, ``He's got to be remem- ists who do so much to define our na- when he won his race for California bered for pioneering, when the Cold tional spirit and our identity around State Controller in 1962. He then ran War was still on, limiting the worst the world. successfully for the Senate in 1968 and weapons ever conceived.'' Our deepest gratitude goes to those was elected seven times as party whip. In summing up the career of Senator talented individuals who conceived the He was called by many as one of the Alan Cranston, I believe a recent edi- Honors and have produced it for more best ``nose counters'' in the Senate. My torial in the Los Angeles Times aptly than two decades. George Stevens, Jr., esteemed colleague and former Senate sums up his life and his service to our Washington's own showman who came Majority Leader ROBERT BYRD said of Nation: here in the Kennedy Administration to VerDate 11-MAY-2000 01:29 Jan 05, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JA6.022 pfrm02 PsN: S04PT1 January 4, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S27 work with Edward R. Murrow and who nominated by President Clinton to his MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE has since given us a remarkable series present position as Assistant Secretary At 12:04 p.m., a message from the of Emmy Award-winning films, created for Budget and Programs and Chief Fi- House of Representatives, delivered by the Honors with the great Hollywood nancial Officer at the U.S. DOT. Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, showman Nick Vanoff, one of the shap- As a senior member of the Senate announced that the House has agreed ing influences of popular television. Banking Committee which has juris- to the following concurrent resolution, They produced the show for yearsÐand diction over the nation's transit pro- without amendment. since Nick's death, George has pro- grams, I came to know Jack, as many other Members of Congress did, during S. Con. Res. 1. Concurrent resolution to duced the show each year with Don provide for the counting on January 6, 2001, Mischer, who has given the world other the crafting of the Intermodal Surface of the electoral votes for President and Vice extraordinary broadcasts from the Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 President of the United States.
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