_____ BESTAVAItA!I B L E C O n J wvvw.magicvalle;ley.com ■ 1 T b ( e T i m ■ 7 - - - T w i i v K a l l s , - I d a hlio/99ih o year, N o. 32;2 - - . S u n d a y , l*i[■'cbruary 1, 2004 .$1.$1..S(I R e e i n s i d e l e c o si t p f tt r a n s ]p o F t aa t io n iGereal Bi2 — with h , . [ . • crunchh T.F. wpman saysS Especially fofb'rid^Ides “she broke Tooth w h ' i l e “ Find out what’s old, new,ne’ borrowed and blue forfor eating Frosted Fla^ l a k e s we'ddingsin 2004 in’ouo u r ---------- — special Brides section.>n.. p By Sandy Miller .................._________^.Sectl!Ction_F__________ TImes-News writer TWIN FALLS - One- TwirI'win Fails woman doesn’t think KulKello«gs G o o d m o r ns i l N G . Sugar Frosted Flakes< ‘a‘arc so grrrrrrr^at. Micki McBride is suiniuing the Wi{/vri-iKR Michigan-based Kellogg; coicompany Today: FPartly after breaking a tooth on) a ggniinof to mosd)sdy com that had panially cryst;rystallized in a box of Frosted Flakes.es. ;iaccord- cloudyly skies.s ing to a lawsuit filed thiss mtmonth in Achancm c e ______ _ 5 th District .Court,________ ***' slfowers McBriac, representedI-l)TIocaT— In tonight:h t:H ig h attorney Greg Fuller, is askiasking the 32, low 23. court to a^NTird lier damajimages in PiP a g e A 2 excess of SIO.OOO andi at least S3,500 more to cover legal:al fifees. She dedined comment;nt ton the or Kellogg , ■ M agic Vallk^ lawsuit. A spokesman for K said the company has aI popolicy (u • Having a ball: Wilson1 Theatrelli not comment on -pendingding k ‘gal— ----- ___ renovation supporters•splan_ p ccn «m/rw ' matters.’ The la\raiit says McBri'cBridc bit........ - second banquet and b^ l-grader Ranclsce VIveros, right,;ht, laughs after beat* b i ^ t o " ' ■ Biding' downdc U ^. Highway 30 on thoirr Wiway home after school, HanSenen Elementary School second-gr down on the hard, crj-strj-stal-likc bring Mardi Gras to Mii InglKtNth-grade friend Francisco Vargass Inin a game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scl:cissors.' The Hansen SchoohOlst)lstrlct Is looking at sharing trartransportation costs object and broke a tootli,1, “c“causinu Cassia. lelghboiing Kimberly and Murtaughugh. oven though those districts:ts don't stand to loss money uniunder-a new state spending cap.cap ^ excruciating pain and'SiJ'sondmg ' ..........’ .Pi.Page Bl . pain through her gums, cheekchci and behind her right eye,J. ccausing plaintiff to immediatelyly 1have a M o n i -:y le M.V. diststrictsmayf lose m omley due toI 5State cap persistent headaciie. ' I’lPlaintiff Som< immediately saw a dentismtist who , ■' Work-force.developmenlent; had to crown the brokenm tctootli in valsW Magic Valley businessesM s c a A By Karin Kowal question,” the documentt sajsays. Tlmea-Newa wriwriter______________ . S ^lool t busing costs inn the IVIagic Valleyy take advantage of \vorlo Since the incident oiiIi Dec,D< 27,. 2002, she has “s.ufferedi coconstant o g lin g targeted to loci - Cuts in school ____i __________ A verogeB Percent . T W IN F A U —pain4iroctly,in ,i»e toothuu-ea-CQU; an; ______ L -------needs:----- ---------------- iS Cc5f aSIy 01 enrolled n— P4 transportatiorion funding n^oolstft( r^bum^loiio ^Imbursod CosT stant headaches and losss of;of sle^,". mile' po» rt'def ’ fIdtraWp p Enrollment rldlnfi buses ■ : _______ _________....Pa§e.ElP , .send somc^Gi„Goo4ing-stydents_nr:' uil»tfU»«ct - ______ cofV^— __ at8S.i»^rccrrt_L., .p^fnili -the laviWt stysr£i&toditodw/, s n e ..........- school on foot,ot, out in the open and Blafmlalne County $998,128B $8<tS'>iOO $2.55,55 $853 lil4 3 3.053 " 37% ■ -atlffers -hea'dacWtfiS /'/"andj is i iiol on a dn^c side- Buhl 9 $344.b2S $3.06,06 $953 . 423 1.384 30,5y,-' 1 across a uhl . • $405,089 mI s in- the ,59 $738 , 91 163 5 6 i unable td ent solid footls f : C E N ' I ’E N N I A L_/ walk. Camjamas County • $67,1877 $5V,109 $1.59 affected area and has'5 ■ sisuffered 2 Sl.035.242 $2.21,21 . $512 12.371 5.104 4.6% • • , Superintencendent Bob S team s CassIassia County $1,217,932 “se\-ere bcdih, pain andid imental ' Tales of the Tract: Publ 8 $130,176 $2.51.51 $651 , 230I 337 68% . said th e distri<tric t may have to con- CastI'astleford ' $153,W8 anguish,” which has, kVlld;ft her 7 S3&,012 $1.24.24 $715 64 ■ 198 32 iG ; library begins sales of)fcolum- c solidatc or cleliminate some bus Dietriietrich $45,897 unable to work for a pel'peiriod of . iler $454,9033 $386,568' S2.30.30 $743 612 1.319 46% 1 nist’s book with stories'esof routes if itit loses funding, as Filer time, ----------- ------------ 8 $179,680 S2.22.22 • • $584 355 - 605 595G I early IWin Falls. expected, inI tlth e next school year. GlcnrIcnns Ferry $211,388 ..Tlie lawsuit s.iys thele Ibox of e a major hit,” Steams Goodoodins • $399,5633 $339,629 $2.98.98 • $797 498- 1.262 • • -39% - Frosted Flakes, whichI M'Mcl5rid_e__ ___ ,m PageE6f 8 $84,293 S2.28.28 $536 185 I - 386— • 48% Hageagefnian . $99,168 had bought from an unideilideniiiwd ansen $97,3399 $82,738 $1.58.58 • S721 135 389 35% A state sper[Kjnding cap for trans- Hans local retailer, was sealedd atand had 7 $551,656 $2.39.39 $559 1.161- 3,087 38% lat starts in July is part Jeron:fome $649,007 not been tampered witli,h, KKellogg imberly $208,8477 . $177,520 $2.59.59' $471 443 I 1,281 34.5% C to cncourage sdiool Kimb had a duty to exercise duelu e c< a re in linldoka County $1,363,2566 $1,158,768 $2,09,09 $455 2.996 , • • 4.369 68.5% ler show- districts to sa'save money by being ' Minld the preparation of thee FFrosted turtaugh ' $64,0844 $54,471 $1,40,40 • $464 138 I . 233 59% Jti- A criA. e ffia cjnt. n t Most Magic Valley. MurtJ Flakes in question and totosee'toit si . m .A s p e - ichfield $49,2522 $41,864 $1,84,84 . $746 66 i 197 33.5% ’ they’re already doing Richfi that they were fit and safe;afe to eat, cial fo hoshone $127,3099 $108,213 Sl,85,85 $409 301 499 60% I four- ^st theycy can to save money, Shos the lawsuit, says, and thehe <compa-- win Falls $949,6644 $807,214 S3.14.14 $651 1.4581 6,869 21% ;e S u p e r even thoughtl tltheir iricentive to do Twin i ny is therefore liable for negli^_______ alley-----------------------$413,5ia 3 sasLfiae______ S3.Q4.04 • $780 ■ 5301 653________81% ------fl^^^^^V-BowI-svl-section^ -som arbeless “ giTrfEe"itrthin»vopararlDn- /endell $446,0800 $379,168 $4.68.68 $805 554 I 1,008 55% P a g e s - th e state reijroimburses 85 perceni Wenc cereal. o 7 J I of school tninsin sponadon costs. omev alsQ- Cost per mile and cost per tiderr ddo not inciutle in lieu costs. McBride and her attunu U l- A i- o A new state:ate report found five * Co; say Kellogg is liable for• MeMcHride’s ; Magic Valleycy school districts - Source: Data ffom tne stateate Department ot Education forjr fi:fiscal year 2002 anatyjed by medical e.xpenscs iind dent;leiital fees, Buhl, Goodinging, TWin Falls, Valley for severe_______ --------------------------the-Olficc-oU3l.Reilotmancc.Evaluaiions_The-2Cu2002.fiscal-ycat.goes.{tomJu!yJj!y_l_2001..lDJune.30.,2002.____ in addition to damages for '__ Quinlqn___ _ bodily pairTand mental atigangiusli, ^ Time for I5AT: Idalio sh<should ^ ase see BUSING. Page A4 1______ move, fonvard on implejplement- ing a liigh sdiool exittexam, e: lL-QMDAW0RR11lES . today’s editorial says. Schhool distruicts complalain Pa irity concernns force fligght canceliaa t i o n ^ q I j unfimdedj] mandatess Tho Assoclatecited Press____________ I n d e x " 3 B yB obRiR ckt :i Assoc- • J .':r Assoclatototod Press writer__________ . iation1 of Sdiool •• Centennial . .E6 Nationnj\3,A&8 J> WASIUNG1IGTON - Six U.S.- f j A dm inisiinistrators. • ghts from England, ' Jsm ' ■ Classified .Di-12 Obituariearies . .B3 hound night I , Soldiers BOISE-3E - Gov. Dirk Kempthorrte, L' governor hd France were can. Community .E5 Opinion Airf Scodand and k> patrol In who hasIS ccriticized the federal gov- 0 r t e d 1 y in .. MA saiurda;-day because of securi- ihiined to _Crcssword .E4 School)l lulunches ty concerns.L TThe U.S. government I r Charles cm m ennt tf for heaping mandates on . wiiliout iTOviding the <asli - .......... Bush .............. fresh indicadohs of al- | . OaulHalr- suites wii . Abby .E4 ................84 said it had fre lit them, is doing just that ' adniViiisinistratiiiii . p- Qaida’s condridnued interest in tar* W ^ »»,«*. to m eet l ^ i l y life .E4 S po rts ' port, north „.j,hidah;lahb’s school districts, some summer . .............. , gcting comm« im orcial. planes flyirig___ — -o ! P a tlv o n - --------- i S t . " states H oroscope ,E4 W eatherher . .A2 to th e U nitedcd States. Saturday. His rec<recommendation for public ^ w e r e nn’t ’t fgutting ,| dnvuys grounded die M a ^c Valley .B1 W est ;B;B5, B7-8 B ritish M n educationnon support in the 2004- Qov.
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