Leyte-Samar DAILYPOSITIVE EXPRESS l FAIR l FREE VOL. XXXI NO. 060 SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2019 P15.00 IN TACLOBAN With already 23 deaths Dengue fever cases in EV continue to balloon PNA and JOEY A. GABIETA TACLOBAN CITY- Dengue fever cases in the region continue to bal- loon with the regional office of the Department of Health(DOH) report- ing of 23 deaths out of the 5,577 cases as of July 16. The fatalities were from and the cities in Calbayog that there is no dengue Tacloban City with five and Catbalogan, both in Sa- outbreak in Eastern Vi- deaths; Guiuan town, East- mar province. sayas, but the region has ern Samar with four deaths; “The increase is unusu- been included in the na- and one each from the fol- al since this is the second tional dengue alert as clus- lowing areas: Quinapon- successive year that cases tering of cases has been dan, General MacArthur, are high. Cases have been reported in 105 villages, and Hernani, all in Eastern above the usual occur- according to Roca. Samar; Baybay City, Bu- rence beyond the epidemic “We already asked vil- rauen, Babatngon, Mahap- threshold since the start of lage officials in areas with lag, Merida and Ormoc the year,” said DOH region- clustered cases to con- City, all in Leyte; Kawayan al information officer John duct assembly and regu- in Biliran; Sogod and Mac- Paul Roca. lar clean-up drive to fight DENGUE FEVER SURGE. The Department of Health in the region asks local govern- rohon in Southern Leyte; He, however, clarified see Dengue/page 16 ... ment units and communities to conduct cleanup drive as a way to drive away dengue causing mosquitoes as the region continues to increase its dengue fever cases. Among the measures is to conduct fogging operations specially where there are high cases of Bee farm in Leyte gets notice from people dengue fever. (PNA) wanting to reenergize their weary selves TUNGA, Leyte- A bee as a hobby for its own- Red tide takes its toll in farm in this town is fast be- er-manager, Gary Ayuste, coming a sought after place who worked overseas be- for people who wanted to fore he got interested in mussel-rich Samar town be relax, away from the bus- farming, and eventually, tle and noise of city life. in beekeeping through his TACLOBAN CITY bong town’s Maqueda Bay since paralytic shellfish poi- Beengo Farm, a aunt. -The poverty-strickensince July 12 due to the high soning has killed people in 400-square-meter bee farm The name of his farm coastal town of Jiabong, presence of red tide toxins Samar in the past. I hope located in Barangay San was a combination of bee bees could pollinate and get Samar has been losing in both seawater and shell- this will end soon as we ap- Vicente, this town, started and mango where the see Bee farm/page 16 ... millions of pesos since last fish meat. proach the rainy season,” week as red tide infesta- “The livelihood is real- said BFAR Regional Direc- tion compelled authorities ly affected, but we cannot tor Juan Albaladejo. to impose a shellfish ban, compromise public safety see Red tide /page 16 ... affecting the livelihood of over a thousand fishermen. The Bureau of Fisher- ies and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said shellfish ban has been enforced in Jia- NO LIVELIHOOD FOR FISHERS. The area in Jiabong Samar, where traders come to buy green mussels. Tacloban City Councilor Aurora Aimee Grafil was among the guests of honor during open- The coastal town has been losing millions of pesos as ing of the four-day Wedding & Special Events Fair, now on its 3rd year, held Thursday (July red tide infestation compelled authorities to impose a 18) at the Robinsons Place Tacloban, Tacloban City. Joining Councilor Grafil during the shellfish ban, affecting the livelihood of over a thou- opening of the event was event producer Ma. Gracia Socorro “Chickay” Ang. sand fishermen. (SARWELL Q. MENIANO/PNA) (MARILES PINEDA w/ RYAN AYON) 2 Leyte Samar Daily Express NEWS Saturday, July 20, 2019 Carlos happy none of the EV cops are positive of drug use conducted in separate dates to really ensure that the subject police personnel could not done something to detoxify and prepare. The police regional di- rector said that despite of some issues and contro- versies surrounding on the PNP’s crackdown on illegal drugs, they still continue to get support from the public. “The communities knew BRIGADIER GENERAL DIONARDO CARLOS that our (anti-drug) cam- paign benefits them and Tacloban City Mayor Alfred Romualdez leads the Barangayan activity in Palanog District TACLOBAN CITY- sonnel. this campaign also help in covering three barangays and benefitting 700 families. None of the close to 2,000 Of this number, 1,080 controlling our other cam- police personnel from were assigned at the re- paigns (against criminali- (TACLOBAN CITY INFORMATION OFFICE) Eastern Visayas turned to gional Philippine National ty),” Carlos said. be negative of using illegal Police and different police Carlos had earlier said 700 residents from Palanog District drugs. stations; 763 from its drug that he is working close- This was disclosed by enforcement units; 79 from ly with local government receive food packs, services Brigadier General Dio- national operational sup- units across the region to nardo Carlos, police re- port units; and 50 non-uni- ensure that their campaign from Mayor Romualdez gional director, who said formed personnel. on peace and order, to in- that the police personnel “I am happy with the clude illegal drug activi- TACLOBAN CITY- Barangays 103, 12, and basic frontline services of underwent a random drug outcome.It only goes to ty, would also get support About 700 residents of the 37- A were given a free the city government are testing which is part of show that our personnel are from them. three barangays in Pala- haircut, registration of live brought closer to the ba- the police organization’s worthy of public trust as the The police regional di- nog received food packs birth, as well as dental and rangays. cleansing among their result turned out to be neg- rector said that for them to and free services from the medical consultation, and Also joining Mayor ranks of those who are ative,” Carlos said. be successful on their cam- city government of Taclo- other basic services. Romualdez during the into illegal drug activities. There are 8,549 police paign, they need to get the ban’s Barangayan through According to Ildeb- Barangayan was Council- The drug testing, which personnel in the region. support of the local leaders the leadership of Mayor rando Bernadas, focal or Leo Bahin and different was conducted from Jan- Carlos said that the Alfred S. Romualdez on person of the I Love Ta- city department heads. and the members of the (TACLOBAN CITY INFOR- uary up to last month, random drug testing were communities as well. Tuesday (July 16). cloban Barangayan, the MATION OFFICE) involved 1,972 police per- done unannounced and (JOEY A. GABIETA) The beneficiaries from program ensures that all With only 450 slots available DPWH-Biliran DEO’s 2019 infra Processing of 1,500 PNP projects starts construction NAVAL, Biliran-The De- in the implementation be- and P50M Construction of partment of Public Works cause that is the most diffi- New permanent Bridge at applications continues and Highways (DPWH) - cult part of our job,” he said. Macalpe along NCCR. Biliran District Engineering According to Adongay, As of July 16, 2019, Office (DEO) has started various infrastructure proj- Adongay revealed that all in Eastern Visayas the construction of its 2019 ects has been lined up for 2019 projects has been bid infrastructure projects in TACLOBAN CITY- who registered online, only 30, 2019. this year. Among the high out. He said that these The Police Regional Of- 1,314 came for a face to face Qualifications are asBiliran. impact projects to be im- projects can be started im- fice here in the region is interview and were later on follows: must be a natural DPWH-Biliran has a plemented are the P73.2M mediately as soon as Notice currently conducting the endorsed for Body Mass In- born Filipino; must be 18-22 total of 92 projects worth asphalt overlay along Na- to Proceed (NTP) is issued processing on the appli- dex (BMI) to the Regional years old on or before June 1, P1.2B under 2019 General val-Caibiran Cross Coun- to the contractors. cations of the 1,500 police Health Service (RHS), ac- 2020 (date of take oath); no Appropriations Act (GAA). try Road (NCCR), P64.7M To ensure successful aspirants. cording to Rentuaya. criminal and administrative Out of the 92 projects, 14 Asphalt Overlay along Bil- implementation, Adongay For this year’s second Of the 1,314 applicants, records; of good moral char- of these costing P50M and iran Circumferential Road always reminded PEs to be cycle regular recruitment, 947 are males and 367 are acter; and must be a senior below have already start- (BCR), P80M Road Wid- accountable by following the region has about 450 females. high school graduate or K12 ed. The on-going projects ening along BCR, P50M the acronym S.I.M.P.L.E. allocation. She added that the Re- graduating CY 2020. includes the constructions Rehabilitation of Damaged First, to S-set expecta- “As you can see, there cruitment Section still awaits Admission test will be of six barangay roads, sev- Paved Road along Marip- tion which is to meet the are many applicants but for the BMI final results be- conducted on November en flood control projects ipi Circumferential Road, see DPWH /page 10 ..
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