ISSUE 71 · MARCH 7, 2012 Public and Government Affairs Update Among the legislation that passed was HB 4061, which created a Special Com- mittee on University Governance. The committee will comprise equal numbers of Oregon House and Oregon Senate members and is tasked with examining local governance board models and rec- ommending a way forward for universi- ties to create local boards. It is scheduled to report its findings by August 2012 and recommend legislation to the 2013 leg- islative session. The bill passed through the House on a vote of 43–13 and the Senate with a vote of 22–5. The legislature also approved two other bills that constitute part of Governor John Kitzhaber’s education reform agenda. SB 1538 clarifies the role of the Higher Edu- Interim President Berdahl speaks to guests at Explore Oregon cation Coordinating Commission (HECC), bringing it fully under the purview of COMMUNITY RELATIONS tive functions that support the running the Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB). The bill also set up a process for Local leaders attend Explore of the university that is much like a town with a population of 30,000, among other the HECC to look at student issues and Oregon event at Matthew topics. University of Oregon Alumni As- make recommendations to the OEIB and Knight Arena sociation executive director Tim Clev- legislature. On the last day of the session, On February 25, UO Government and enger and University of Oregon director continued on page 2 Community Relations hosted an Ex- of intercollegiate athletics Rob Mullins were also on hand to greet guests and plore Oregon event that coincided with IN THIS ISSUE the winter meeting of the University of alumni. 2 Research vice president Kimberly Espy Oregon Alumni Association’s board. After a brief reception, officials and visits D.C. Community leaders joined UOAA board alumni board members attended the UO 2 DeFazio lectures at Oxford in UO members at the Matthew Knight Arena’s women’s basketball team’s Civil War collaboration Founders Club to hear about the UO and game against Oregon State University. 2 Rose Bowl-winning team honored by its partnerships with the community. Oregon Senate, governor STATE R E LATIONS 3 State Board of Higher Education passes Attendees heard from Greg Rikhoff, campus gun ban director of community relations; Janell Legislature wraps up 3 Oregon delegation members vote for Bergstrom, director of women’s basket- session, moves higher key bill ball operations; Kimberly Andrews Espy, For more information or to invite government officials vice president for research and innova- education reform bills to a University of Oregon event, please contact Government and Community Relations at 541-346- tion and dean of the Graduate School; The Oregon Legislature adjourned its first 5020 or at [email protected]. We can help! Jamie Moffitt, vice president for finance even-year session on March 5, 2012. The and administration; and Bob Berdahl, UO monthlong session saw the revision of Public and Government Affairs Update staff: interim president. The leadership team the state’s biennial budget to account for Nate Stice Policy Analyst, Government and Community Relations talked about the UO’s investment in the reduced revenue projections, movement Karen Hyatt Assistant Director, Government and community, the links between research on health-care legislation, and discussion Community Relations and local industry, and the administra- of education reform. 1 PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS UPDATE MARCH 7, 2012 continued from page 1 The purpose of Espy’s trip to D.C. was FEDERAL RELATIONS to highlight for congressional leaders DeFazio lectures at Oxford in the legislature also approved SB 1581 the work of the University of Oregon in that allows the OEIB to establish achieve- research and education and the UO’s UO collaboration ment compacts with educational institu- federal budget and policy priorities. On February 23, Oregon Congressman tions, including individual universities. She presented lawmakers and their staff Peter DeFazio (D) delivered a lecture at Another bill that survived the session, members with information about cur- the University of Oxford as the guest of HB 4058, directs the Higher Education rent research activities at the UO and a UO professor currently in residence at Coordinating Commission to convene a emphasized the economic impact of the Oxford’s Merton College. work group to study strategies for and research university on the state. She DeFazio discussed foreign policy and make recommendations on reducing underscored the importance of federal economic fairness at the invitation higher education textbook costs. Finally, support for research and student aid for of Cheyney Ryan, a UO professor of the legislature passed the so-called Pa- Oregonians. philosophy and law who is engaged in terno bill that makes university employ- For information about the higher educa- a multiyear project at Oxford. DeFazio ees mandatory reporters in cases of child tion community’s programmatic priori- is experienced in fair trade and peace abuse. ties for FY2013, see the Association of issues and is a founding member of the Also on March 5, both the Oregon House Public and Land-Grant Universities’ FY and Senate officially approved a budget 2013 Federal Budget Summary. continued on page 3 rebalance that includes a 3.5 percent hold back for the Oregon University Sys- STATE R E LATIONS tem, about half of the 7 percent held back at the end of last session. The holdbacks UO president, football comes as the result of a revised state reve- players, and athletic staff nue forecast at the beginning of February attend Oregon Senate that showed another $35 million shortfall since the last quarterly forecast at the end session, meet with of 2011. Overall, projected revenue fell governor $341 million since the end of the 2011 UO Interim President Robert Berdahl, legislative session. members of the UO football team, UO Football players DeWitt Stuckey and Brandon To learn more about the revised state members of the UO athletics staff, and Hanna pose with Governor John Kitzhaber and the budget, click here. the Oregon Duck attended a floor ses- Oregon Duck sion of the Oregon Senate to witness joy to fans like me.” President Berdahl FEDERAL RELATIONS the passage of HCR 204, a resolution joined Senator Beyer on the floor of the that honors the UO football team for its Oregon Senate as his guest during the Research vice president victory in the 2012 Rose Bowl. Kimberly Espy visits proceedings. The Senate unanimously The motion was carried on the floor passed the measure. D.C., meets with Oregon by State Senator Lee Beyer (D-Spring- Following the vote, President Berdahl, field), who praised the team’s accom- congressional delegation the football players, and athletics staff plishments both on and off the field: Kimberly Andrews Espy, the UO’s vice members were congratulated by Gover- “The Ducks football team has brought president for research and innova- nor John Kitzhaber. tion and dean of the Graduate School, pride to Oregon. The players have To read the full text of HCR 204, click traveled to Washington, D.C., last week shown themselves to be champions here. to meet with members of the Oregon both on and off the field, and their congressional delegation and agency of- success brings attention to Oregon and ficials. 2 PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS UPDATE MARCH 7, 2012 continued from page 2 The action by the board comes as the The companion bill in the Senate (S result of a September 2011 decision by 1297) is not expected to make progress in Progressive Caucus, established in 1987 the Oregon State Court of Appeals that that chamber because of opposition from to focus on budget policy. invalidated a 1991 Oregon Administra- Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), the chair- DeFazio’s visit was cosponsored by the tive Rule (OAR) banning guns on Oregon man of the U.S. Senate Committee on UO School of Law and Merton’s Oxford campuses. The court held in its ruling Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Global Directions as a part of a larger that the OAR attempted to “regulate” Meanwhile, the Research Works Act (HR collaboration between the two schools. firearms in a way that the legislature 3699)—a bill that was opposed by the Ryan, a senior fellow at Merton, has intended to preempt and was, therefore, higher education community—was with- been pivotal in helping the UO establish invalid. However, different rulings by the drawn by its sponsor. HR 3699 would inroads in Oxford and the broader global court found that agencies can adopt an have prohibited all federal research community, as a part of the Global Or- internal policy to limit firearm posses- funding agencies from providing free egon Big Idea—an initiative that strives sion and use that would not preempt the public access to scientific and scholarly to make UO graduates renowned as legislature. articles arising from federally funded multilingual, internationally experienced In addition to adopting the new internal research without prior permission of the global citizens equipped with concrete policy, the board also revised the OARs publisher. In doing so, the bill would skills for success on the world stage. to bring them in line with the ruling. At have essentially eliminated the National To learn more about DeFazio’s visit, click the Friday meeting, they also discussed Institutes of Health’s PubMed Central. here, and to learn more about Global achievement compacts and schools of The PubMed Central website currently Oregon, click here. education at the OUS universities. To provides free public access to federally learn more the proceedings of the State funded biomedical research articles STATE R E LATIONS Board of Higher Education, click here.
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