Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial. 4 From the Archives. 27 Question Corner. 9 TheCCriterionriterion Sunday & Daily Readings. 9 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 www.archindy.org June 16, 2000 Vol. XXXIX, No. 36 50¢ Defining Catholic Education ‘Snapshot’ of Vatican clears Catholic health norms for care provides U.S. Catholic tools for universities improvement WASHINGTON (CNS)—Counting WASHINGTON (CNS)—The hospital beds and patients served is easy National Conference of Catholic enough. But it’s not so easy to assess Bishops announced June 7 that the whether patients are being treated with Vatican has approved the U.S. bishops’ respect or whether patients and their particular norms for Catholic colleges families are satisfied with the pain man- and universities. agement they receive. They will take effect May 3, 2001, That’s why the Catholic Health one year from the date of the Vatican Association set out to develop tools that decree of “recognition” or approval. would help Catholic health care facilities Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza of measure how they stack up today in a Galveston-Houston, NCCB president, wide range of difficult-to-quantify areas, said the purpose of the U.S. norms “is, so they would be able to measure their above all, to strengthen our Catholic progress—or lack of it —in later years. colleges and universities, especially by The first results of the CHA’s helping them to maintain their Catholic “national program of performance identity.” improvement for the Catholic health The bishops approved the norms at ministry”—called “Living Our Promises, their general meeting last November in CNS photo Acting on Faith”—were unveiled June a document titled Ex Corde Ecclesiae: St. Thomas Aquinas is depicted with students in a window at St. Peter's Church in St. Peter, Minn. 12 during the organization’s national An Application to the United States. assembly in San Francisco. The Latin part of that title, which bishops’ conferences to develop more During that time, he said, “the “This is the first time such data from means “from the heart of the Church,” specific applications of the papal text to issues behind many of these inquiries Catholic acute care facilities have been comes from the name of Pope John the situation of Catholic colleges and uni- will be addressed in dialogue with col- collected and aggregated, and the data Paul II’s 1990 apostolic constitution on versities in their own countries. lege and university presidents, theolo- collection has created, in effect, a ‘snap- Catholic higher education. In a statement sent to bishops June 1 gians and canonists.” shot’ of the health ministry living its The papal document set out a vision and released June 7, Bishop Fiorenza said The application discusses the theo- commitments,” said Father Michael D. of the mission and role of Catholic the yearlong period before the U.S. appli- logical and pastoral principles of the Place, CHA’s president and chief execu- institutes of higher learning and estab- cation takes effect will be used to resolve role of Catholic institutions of higher tive officer. lished general norms applicable to such questions and deal with “practical matters learning in the life of the Church and “The project specifically helps institutions worldwide. It called on of implementation.” See NORMS, page 28 demonstrate in measurable terms how the elements that constitute Catholic identity are translated into operations at Law professor discusses mission of Catholic universities a time when fewer women and men reli- By Doug Finn Catholic University” on June 6 at integration of knowledge, wherein all gious are involved in health care, and Indiana University Purdue University specialized fields of research interact when there are increases in government The hottest debate in Catholic higher Indianapolis. with and affect each other. regulations, in the turbulence of market education over the past decade has been The lecture coincided with Vatican Link depicted Newman’s theory as “a forces, and in cultural changes within one of defining what gives a Catholic approval of the American bishops’ imple- cyclone of knowledge,” in which there See HOSPITAL, page 10 college or university its Catholic iden- mentation norms for Ex Corde Ecclesiae, is a constant flow of knowledge that is tity and how much authority the Church Pope John Paul II’s 1990 Apostolic contained on the outside edge by phi- should have over schools that call them- Constitution on Catholic Universities, losophy. At the vortex of the cyclone, For more stories about selves Catholic. which seeks to define and explicate the however, is theology, which serves as health care with a Catholic As part of the Hesburgh Lecture mission and purpose of Catholic colleges the final filter for all aspects of learn- Series sponsored by the Notre Dame and universities. ing. The belief in a living God thus perspective, see Club of Indianapolis, David T. Link, Link began by examining Cardinal governs all facets of life in a Catholic The Criterion’s dean emeritus and professor of law at John Newman’s own definition of a uni- university. the University of Notre Dame Law versity, as described in Newman’s The Next, Link explored the definition Family Health Supplement School, took on the controversial topic Idea of a University. Central to and mission of a Catholic university as on page 11. in a lecture titled “The Idea of a Newman’s concep of a university is the See UNIVERSITY, page 28 Indiana great-grandfather is ordained to priesthood LAFAYETTE, Ind. (CNS)—In 1995, ordained in the United States this year. the Lafayette Diocese in north central According to information from the three Indiana witnessed a first: the ordination U.S. seminaries that specialize in so- of a 63-year-old grandfather to the priest- called “delayed” vocations, Father Jacob hood. is one of the oldest men ever to be This year, the diocese again made his- ordained in the country. tory as it welcomed Joseph Esau Jacob, a He attended Sacred Heart School of great-grandfather, to the priesthood. Theology in Hales Corners, Wis. The On June 3, Bishop William L. Higi of seminary has confirmed that he is the old- Lafayette ordained Father Jacob, 77, to est to be ordained from there since the the priesthood in the company of about seminary began accepting diocesan semi- 140 family members, friends and clergy narians in 1973. at St. Ann Church in Lafayette. Also During the ordination rite, Father Ted CNS photo attending were parishioners from his Rothrock, Lafayette diocesan vocations Father Joseph Esau Jacob holds his 7-month- home parish of 40 years, St. Joseph in director, formally presented the Rev. Mr. old great-granddaughter, Bridget Aileen O'Reilly. Rochester. Jacob to the bishop. At age 77, he is one of the oldest men to be Father Jacob is the oldest man to be See PRIEST, page 26 ordained to the priesthood in this country. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, June 16, 2000 Solemn Mass to honor Celebrating the founder of Opus Dei jubilee in the A solemn Mass will be celebrated in Msgr. Escrivá was beatified by Pope honor of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá, the John Paul II in 1992. Archdiocese of founder of Opus Dei, on June 26 at Opus Dei is a personal prelature of the St. Anthony Church in Indianapolis. The Church, as foreseen by Blessed Josemaría 7:30 p.m. liturgy will mark the 25th Escrivá, that consists of priests and laity Indianapolis anniversary of who are striving to sanctify themselves his death. and others through their ordinary work. Celebration in the Spirit of Hope: Nov. 1 St. Paul Catholic Center, Bloomington, Celebrants Msgr. Escrivá said he responded to The Great Jubilee 7 p.m. will be Father divine inspiration when he founded Opus Nov. 4 St. Louis Church, Batesville, 7:30 p.m. Jerry Jung of Dei on Oct. 2, 1928, in Madrid, Spain. The major event of the archdiocese’s Opus Dei; Opus Dei, which is Latin for “work of Jubilee Year celebration will take place Senior Citizen Masses Msgr. John God,” has been described as a new way Sept. 16 in the RCA Dome in Indiana- Aug. 13 St. Ann Church, Terre Haute, 2 p.m. Ryan, pastor of for the faithful to sanctify themselves in polis with Celebration in the Spirit of St. Anthony the midst of the world through the prac- Hope: The Great Jubilee. Everyone in Oct. 22 St. Charles Borromeo Church, Bloomington, 3 p.m. Parish; and tice of their daily work and in the fulfill- the archdiocese is invited to attend this Father Gregory ment of their personal, family and social special Mass to celebrate 2,000 years Nov. 19 Sisters of St. Francis Motherhouse Chapel, Oldenburg, 2 p.m. Bramlage, duties. of Jesus Christ and the carrying for- administrator of The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was the ward of the faith into the new millen- Archdiocesan indulgence churches St. Maurice root and center of Msgr. Escrivá’s interior nium. The faithful can receive an indul- Parish in life. His profound awareness of being a Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein and Blessed Josemaría Escrivá St. Maurice, son of God, expressed in a constant pres- at least 20 other bishops and several gence—an amnesty of any temporal pun- ishment accrued because of past sins—by St. John Parish ence of the Holy Trinity, moved him to archdiocesan priests will concelebrate in Enochsburg and St. Anne Parish in seek complete identification with Christ Mass and confirm more than 2,500 peo- making a pilgrimage to an indulgence church during the Jubilee Year. It is rec- Hamburg.
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