"PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE."—Mark m. is. VOL. XXIV. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1868. NO. 45 The FlftgM tf Ike My F»»Hy. The French Senate On the Reaan I men HP importance. A movement is on have pronounced, and until the future was not so much a facility of compro- Question. toot tending to displace the principal shall have brought about a situation in mise on fundamental questions as senti- [FROM THE OBRMAN.] | Powers. In the North an Empire is which the august Head of the Church ments of reciprocal confidence between Longer Ml tit* hoary shadow«,— A very interesting debate took place endeavoring to form itself, and may be- can repose in security on his time-hon- Italy and the Papacy.*' Through th« cool, frtah evening brMM in the French Senate, on November | come a source of uneasiness to other na- ored throne, re-established in all condi- He added, however, that France would JoMph tread« o'er quiot moaduw», 29th and December 1st, in which some tions—perhaps to France. But France tions of its dignity and independence." | defend the Pope against the Italy of the Toward« the darkening forest tree«; of the most distinguished members oj | has one resource which other nations do [Applause on many benches.] present. His remarks about the Con« Lead« th« an from Bethlehem'» manger. that body participated. The Baron I)u- not possess, and that is Catholicism.— Cardinal Donnet endorsed the senti- ference are of little interest now that the Softest breetei round than play, pin, a name famous in the Parliamen- I„ not the French Government the natu- project has been abandoned, but his Wafting from the wing« of aagel« ments ef his most eminent colleague in tary annals of France, opened the de- ral defender of the afTections and religion statements about the prolongation of the Who are watching o'er thair way. ^ a brief speech concluding as follows:— bate by reminding his hearers of the ! Gf 200,000,000 men? It cannot fail in French occupation are of importance: words spoken by him in the Assembly J its mission, and in following that course "On the subject of a Conference, and Filled with mingling joy aad sadness, Italian unity, I adopt all the opinions of "He had explained, in the beginning Mary's OJM rest on her child; on the 30th of November, 1848, amid ; the Emperor will make of France the Cardinal Bonnechose, and I wait with of his speech the occupation of the Pon- Oradla-aooga her heart is singing interruptions from the Mountain:—"Yes, fir9t Power in the world; the Empire of confidence the declarations of the Gov- tifiical States, and said that the desire Through that solitary wild. the Christian Powers will do for the ' the North will only occupy the second ernment." [Applause.] of the Government was subordinated to Littla glowworms round them gather, Roman States what they have done for or third place.*' [Applause.] conditions of security. In order to show Belgium, they will proclaim the perpetual Trim their lamp« so basity, Baron Dupin may not always have We firmly believe that the result will the Senate what line of condact the neutrality of the States of the Holy Fa- They will lighten, for Gad's Mother, been a very consistent statesman, but no justify the expectations of the Cardinals. French Government desired to see Italy ther and place them under the protec- Paths aloag the desert way. one has denied his ability to properly Italian unity has no natural roots in the adopt, he read a despatch which he had tion of Christendom." These words, »oil; its vitality has, so far, come from Does her garment bat sweep o'er it, appreciate facts, and to foresee the sent to Florence on the 27th of Novem- he conceived, expressed the present without. There are forces at work in Through the grvM a sweet thrill goes; course of events. His emphatic state- ber. It announced that the French had policy of the Imperial Government, for the Kingdom which will ultimately bring Scarcely whisper will the forest, ment is a complete contradiction of the evacuated Rome; that one of the dm* which he returned thanks to all con- Aad the brooklet silent flow«, nonsense every now and then sent to about its ruin. Just now it looks as if sions had been recalled to France; and cerned, from the Emperor down to Gen. Lest they should the flight discover; this country by "special correspon- Victor Emmanuel would be called on that the French Government had th« l)e Failly. He derided Garibaldi's mili- Aod the Child raised ap His hand dents," that Catholicity is on the wane either to abdicate, or to fall in with the sincerest wish to recall another division tary capacity, and briefly, but forcibly For the love these to Him offer, in France, and is possessed of little, it Radical Democratic party, and lead an which was concentrating at Civita Vec» exposed the duplicity of the Italian Gov- Blessing all the silent land. any, political influence. These persons army to expel the French troops from chia, but that before the evacuation could ernment. But what seems to us of more do not know the French people. Their the Peninsula. It requires no gilt of be completely effected, it wit necessary That earth, with trees and blossoms teeming, importance, is the declaration of this only acquaintances are the Protestant* prophecy to predict the certain result of that tke security of the Holy Patktr Evermore in every clime, sagacious statesman that France is pre- or infidels, whom they meet at the Clubs this movement. should be guaranteed Should all night of heaven be dreaming eminently a Catholic nation. He said: or Cafes, and who often court foreign The speech of the Archbishop of Paris Prom that jrnre aod blessed time. "A certain school of writers, thinking The tone of this debate is particular- society, because they are too well knowu was looked for with much interest, as that they cAn see further than believe«, ly gratifying. There is no longer any at home to have the entree into respect- he is generally considered rather "Libe- pretend that Catholicism cannot sustain laik of a palace and a garden for the able salons. Even the Nation of New ral" on the question of the Temporal The Old anil New Tear. itself. That religion, however, is daily j Pope, but all parties, politichtns and York is forced to acknowledge this. In Power. He feared that it might be im- acquiring fresh force and a greater ex- Ministers, as well as Churchman, con- BY ALFRED TENNYSON. its issue of December 12th, it said:— possible to give back to the Pope the tension. In 1700 there were only 18,- demn the conduct of Italy, ahd support Ring oat, wild balls, to the wild sky, 'We doubt if the Italian policy of the territory of which he had been unjustly 000,000 Catholics in France; the census at least the maintenance of the tfetfus The flying cloud, the frosty light; Government is unpopular with anybody despoiled,but insisted strongly on making takeu by order of the French Consul in quo. France is mistress of the situation, The year is dying in the nightj >ut the extreme Liberals of Paris. The Italy respect the itatus quo, at any cost. 1802 showed that there were 28,000,000 and as long as she perseveres in this de- Ring out, wild balls, and let him die! expressions of dissatisfaction with it He summed up his views in the follow- Catholics and 1,500,000 Protestants; termination. the votes of the Italian Par- come from a section of the press by ing propositions:— Ring out the old, ring in the new, while the last census taken gives 36,- liament declariug Rome to be the capi- which the Cafes and 'cercles* of the capi- "I. That it was desirable, if possible, Ring happy bells, across the snow; 0004)00 Catholics and only 800,000 tal of Italy, are empty words—sound tal are strongly influenced, but which, that the Pontifical Government should The year is going, lot him go; Protestants. The Catholic religion is and fury—and nothing more.—Catholic on a question of this sort, wield very be reinstated in its lost provinces. 2. Ring out the false, ring in the true. absorbing the minority, and Dissent is Standard. ittle influence elsewhere." That it was necessary to at least main- gradually disappearing. I have, there- | Ring out the grief that saps the mind, tain the existing situation. 3. To ex- fore, no fears on that score. 1 will say For those that here we see no more; Baron Dupin. the organ of French amine whether there were any means to a word of the working classes. Under DEATH OF REV. DAVID WHELAN.—This Ring out the feud of rich and poor, politicians was followed by a Church- restore to the Pontifical Government a the regime of universal suffrage all par- estimable and highly respected clergy- Ring in redress to all mankind. man, Cardinal Bonnechose. Thanking more powerful vitality by a judicious ties are trying to win over the working man, for the greatest part of his sacer- the Government for what it had done, and energetic development of its resour- Ring out a slowly-dying cause, men. I approve of all that the Govern- dotal life of twenty-five years, connect- after a brief exposition of the real con- ces. He hoped that the Government And ancient forms of party strife; ment has done for them, and would wish ed with the clergy of the Cathedral, died dition of affairs, he thus stated what we would take advantage of the occasion to Ring in the nobler modes of life, to see them grateful.
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