Group Ownership B

Group Ownership B

Group Ownership 2509 Eide St, Suite 6 (907) 277 -5652. Fax: (907) Astral Media Inc., Bureau 1000, 2100 rue WOKU(AM) Hurricane, WBGS(AM) -WBYG(FM) Point 344-5728. Sainte -Catherine Ouest, Montreal, PO (H3H 2T3). Pleasant and WPCN(FM) Point Pleasant, all WV. Principal Canada. (514) 939 Stns: 3 AM, 1 FM. KAXX(AM) Anchorage, KADX(FM) -5000. Fax: (514) 939 -1515. Web Site: owners: Vernon H. Baker, Edward A. Baker, Virginia L. Houston (Anchorage) and KABN(AM) Palmer Island Ian Greenberg, pres. Baker. Stns: 5 AM, 10 (Anchorage), all AK; and KCKC(AM) Concord, CA. (50%). FM. CJCJ -FM Woodstock. NB; CJAB -FM Ownership: (Positive Radio Group). Ownership: Chester Coleman. 100 %. Chicoutimi, CKRS(AM) Chicoutimi, CHRD -FM Drummondville, CJRC(AM) and CKTF -FM Gatineau, Baldridge -Dumas Communications Inc., 605 San Americom, 1900 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1880, Los CIMO -FM Magog, CKAC(AM) and CKMF -FM Montreal. Antonio Ave., Many, LA (71449). (318) 256 -5924. Angeles, CA (90067). (310) 201 -9170. Fax: (310) CHRC(AM) and CHIK -FM Quebec City, CITF -FM Quebec Stns: 1 AM, 5 FM. KWLA(AM)-KWLV(FM) Many, 201 -9174. Executives: Tom Quinn, pres/CEO; Mike City, CFEI -FM Saint Hyacinthe, CKSM(AM) Shawinigan, KDBH(FM) Natchitoches and KZBL(FM) Bushey, VP /gen mgr; Lisa Morgan, VP. CIGB -FM Trois Rivieres, all PO. (All 100% owned. except Natchitoches, all for 50% owned CKAC(AM) Montreal, LA; KTHP(FM) Hemphill and KTEZ(FM) Mount Enterprise, Stns: 2 AM, 4 FM. KODS(FM) Carnelian Bay (Reno, NV) CHRC(AM) Quebec. bothl PQ.) (All stns are located in Canada.) both TX. (All 100% owned.) and KLCA(FM) Tahoe City (Reno, NV), both CA; KWNZ(FM) Carson City (Reno), KCBN(AM) -KRNO -FM Ownership: CKAC(AM) Montreal and CHRC(AM) Ownership: Tedd W. Dumas, 50%; Patricia M. Baldridge Reno and KPLY(AM) Sparks (Reno), all NV. Quebec, both PQ, are owned by Astral Media Inc., 50 %; Declaration of Trust, 50 %. and Telemedia Radio Inc., 50% (see listing). Amigo Broadcasting Ltd.. 8828 Stemmons Fwy., Suite Vernon R Baldwin Inc., 8686 Michael Ln., Fairfield, OH 106, Dallas, TX (75247). (214) 634 -7780. Fax: (214) Athens Broadcasting Co. Inc., Box 389, Athens, AL (45014). (513) 829-7700. 634-7523. Chuck Brooks, CEO. (35612). (256) 830 -8300. Fax: (256) 232 -6842. Web Site: Stns: 1 AM, 3 FM. WWLT(FM) Manchester (51 %) and Executives: Bill Dunnavant, pres; Mary WVRB(FM) Wilmore (100 %), both KY; WCNW(AM) Stns: 1 AM, 8 FM. KQFX(FM) Borger, KLTG(FM) Corpus Dunnavant, VP /sec/treas. Christi, KGRW(FM) Friona, KLNT(AM) Laredo, KNEX(FM) Fairfield (100 %) and WNLT(FM) Harrison (100%)), both OH. Laredo, KXXS(FM) Marble Falls, KLHB(FM) Odem, Stns: 2 AM, 2 FM, 1 LPTV. WVNN(AM) -WZYP(FM) KMJR(FM) Portland and KOUL(FM) Sinton, all TX. (All Athens and WUMP(FM) Madison, both AL; and Ownership: Vernon R. Baldwin, VP. Note: John Logan 100% owned.) WXMR(FM) Tullahoma, TN. LPTV: WTZT-LP Athens, AL.: owns 49% of WWLT(FM) Manchester, KY. Ownership: William E. Dunnavant, H.F. Dunnavant BanJo Communications 34 Anaheim Broadcasting Corp., 437 S. Hwy. 101, Suite estate, Mary Martha Newby estate. WPZM(FM) & Group Inc., Chestnut St., 201, Solana Beach, CA (92075). (858) 794 -1626. Fax: WUMP(FM) are incorporated under a separate name Oneonta, NY (13820). (607) 432 -1030. Fax: (607) 432-6909. (858) 794 -4068. Tim Sullivan, pres; Doug Lida, CFO. tennessee valley radio address. etc all the same. E -mail: banjoradio Executives: Stns: 2 FM. KCAL-FM Redlands (Riverside -San James V. Johnson, pres; James A. Baldo, VP. Bernardino) and KOLA(FM) San Bernardino (Riverside). Atlantic Coast Radio L.L.C., 779 Warren Avenue, Stns: 2 AM, 6 FM. WDHI(FM) Delhi, WIYN(FM) Deposit, all CA. Portland, ME (04103). (207) 773 -9694. Fax: (207) WBKT(FM) Norwich, WCHN(AM) -WKXZ(FM) Norwich, 761 Ownership: Tim Sullivan. -4406. Web Site: J. J. Jeffrey, gen WZOZ(FM) Oneonta and WDLA -AM -FM Walton, all NY. mgr ; Mac Hildreth, stn mgr. (All 100% owned.) Anastos Media Group Inc., 21 Malta Commons, Malta, Stns: 3 AM, 3 FM. WJJB(AM) Brunswick, WLOB(AM) Ownership: James V. Johnson, James A. Baldo. NY (12020). (518) 899 -3000. Fax: (518) 899-3057. Portland, WLOB -FM Rumford, WRED(FM) Saco, Barnstable Broadcasting Inc., 2 Newton Stns: 8 AM, 1 FM.. WMSX(AM) Brockton, WGAW(AM) WJJB -FM Topsham and WJAE(AM) Westbrook, all ME. Executive Park, Gardner and WPEP(AM) Taunton, all MA; WOTW(AM) (All 100% owned.) Newton, MA (02462 -1434). (617) 527 -0062. Fax: (617) Nashua, NH; WMVI(AM) Mechanicville, WUAM(AM) 630-0960. Albert J. Kaneb, chmn/CEO; Michael A. Kaneb, Auburn Broadcasting Inc., 3568 Lenox Rd., Saratoga Springs, W VKZ(AM) Schenectady and Geneva, NY pres/COO. (14456). (315) 258.0937. Fax: (315) WQAR(FM) Stillwater, all NY; and WNRI(AM) 781 -7700. Stns: 3AM, 16 FM. WRBO(FM) Como, MS; WBZO(FM) Woonsocket, RI. (All 100% owned.) Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM. WAUB(AM) Auburn and Bay Shore, WHLI(AM)- WKJY(FM) Hempstead, WSFW(AM)- WLLW(FM) Seneca Falls, both NY. (All 100% WRCN -FM Riverhead and WMJC(FM) Smithtown, all NY; Anderson Broadcasting Co., 3500 E. Rosser Ave., owned.) WTPT(FM) Forest City, NC; WROO(FM) Anderson and Bismarck, ND (58501). (701) 223-5777. WGVC(FM) Newberry, both SC; WGKX(FM) Memphis, Azteca Broadcasting Corp., 323 E. San Joaquin St., Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KSIL(FM) Wallace, ID; KERR(AM) WSRR -FM Millington and WJZN(FM) Munford, all TN; Tulare, CA (93274). (559) 686 -1370. Fax: (559) 685 -1394. Poison and KQRK(FM) Ronan, both MT. (All 100% WGH -AM -FM Newport News, WCMS -FM Norfolk, owned.) Stns: 3AM, 1 FM.. KGEN -FM Hanford and KGEN AM) WFOG -AM Norfolk, WWSO -FM Suffolk and WXEZ(FM) Tulare, both CA; KXEQ(AM) Reno, NV; and KSVN( AM) Yorktown, all VA; (All 100% owned.) WLVG(FM) Center Apex Broadcasting Inc., Box 3067, Lake Charles, LA Ogden, UT. (All 100% owned.) Moriches, NY (operated under a Time Brokerage (70602). (337) 433 -1641. Fax: (337) 433 -2999. Web Site: Agreement.) Jerry W. Goas, gen mgr.. Ownership: Albert J. Kaneb, chmn/CEO, 100%. Stns: 1 AM, 5 FM. KOKK(FM ) De Ridder, KJEF(AM)-KHLA(FM) Jennings, KVEE(FM) Lake Arthur B Bastet Broadcasting Inc., 544 Red Rock, Wadsworth, and KLCL(AM) -KBXG(FM) Lake Charles, all LA; OH (44281). (330) 335 -8808. Fax: (330) 336 -8454. David WAVF(FM) Hanahan, WHLZ(FM) Manning and BK Radio, 1809 Lightsey Rd., Austin, TX (78704). (512) Smith, pres; Nancie Smith, VP. WJZX(FM) Port Royal, all SC. (All 100% owned.) 444-9268. Stns: 2 TV. WFXP(TV) Erie and WYOU(TV) Scranton, Stns: 3 FM. KOOT(FM) Pecos, NM; KITY(FM) Llano and both PA. (Both 100% owned.) Arnold Broadcasting Co. Inc., Box 830, Sterling, CO KOTY(FM) Mason, both TX. (All 100% owned.) (80751). (970) 522 -1607. Fax: (970) 522 -1322. E -mail: Beach TV Properties Inc., Box Panama Ownership: Bryan A. King, 50 %; S. 9556, City knng William G. Arnold, pres/CEO. James Bumpous, 50 %. Beach, FL (32417). (850) 234 -2773. Web Site: Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KSTC(AM)- KNNG-FM Sterling and KNEC(FM) Yuma, both CO. (All 100% owned.) Badger Communications L.L.C., N. 2880 Roosevelt Rd., Stns: 2 TV. WAWD(TV) Fort Walton Beach and Ownership: William G. Arnold, 100 %. Marinette, WI (54143). (715) 735 -6631. Fax: (715) WPCT(TV) Panama City Beach, both FL. 732 -0125. David Winters, pres. Beasley Broadcast Group Inc., 3033 Riviera Dr., Artistic Media Partners Inc., 5520 E. 75th St., Stns: 4 AM, 5 FM. WJMS(AM) -WIMI(FM) Ironwood and Suite 200, Naples, FL (34103). (941) 263 Indianapolis, IN (46250). (317) 594 -0600. Fax: (317) WAGN(AM) -WHYB(FM) Menominee, both Ml; -5000. Fax: (941) 263-8191. Web 594 -9567. E -mail: Web Site: WMAM(AM) -WLST(FM) Marinette, Site: George G. Beasley, Arthur A. Angotti, chmn /CEO. WJMT(AM) -WMZK(FM) Merrill and WSFQ(FM) chmrt/CEO; Bruce G. Beasley, pres/COO; Marie Tedesco, Peshtigo, VP finance; Stns: 3 AM, 8 FM. WSHP(FM) Attica, WBWB (FM) all WI. (All 100 % owned.) Brian Beasley, VP opns. Bloomington, WLFF(FM) Brookston, WGCT(FM) Stns: 17 AM, 29 FM. WKIS(FM) Boca Raton, Ellettsvitle, WZOW(FM) Goshen, WAZY-AM -FM Lafayette, Bahakel Communications, Box 32488, Charlotte, NC WSBR(AM) Boca Raton, WRXK -FM Bonita Springs, WBTU(FM) Kendallville, WZUW(FM) New Carlisle, (28232). (704) 372-4434. Fax: (704) 335 -9904. Cy N. WXKB(FM) Cape Coral, WJBX(FM) Fort Myers Beach, WDND(AM) South Bend, WHLY(AM) South Bend and Bahakel, pres; Beverly Poston, exec VP: Rick Smith, WJPT -FM Fort Myers Villas, WPOW(FM) Miami, WNDV -AM-FM South Bend, all IN. (All 100% owned.) controller. WQAM(AM) Miami, WWCN(AM) North Fort Myers, Ownership: Broadcasting Management Inc. Stns: 5 AM, 6 FM, 8 TV. WAKA(TV) Selma WHSR(AM) Pompano Beach and WWNN(AM) Pompano (Montgomery), AL; KILO(FM) Colorado Springs and Beach, all FL; WAEC(AM) Atlanta, WGAC(AM) Augusta, Asian Media Group, 1990 S. Bundy Dr., do KSCI, Suite KYZX(FM) Pueblo West, both CO, WRSP-TV Springfield WRDW(AM) Augusta, WTEL(AM) Augusta, WWWE(AM) 850, Los Angeles, CA (90025). (310) 478-1818. Fax: (310) and WCCU(TV) Urbana, both IL; WBAK -TV Terre Haute, Hapeville, WCHZ(FM) Harlem, WGOR(FM) Martinez and 479 -8118. E -mail: [email protected]. Jon Yasuda, pres.. IN; KWLO(AM) -KFMW(FM) and KXEL(AM)- KOKZ(FM) WRFN(FM) Warrenton, all GA; WRCA(AM) Waltham, MA; Stns: 2 TV.

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