ORDER NOW! And to protect your pocket planner... navy blue, 1996 Girl Scout Wall vinyl pocket Calendar & Pocket Planner planner cover What better way to express "Be Your Best," the 1996 Girl 'JI The 1996 Girl Scout Calendar Scout Calendar theme, than through the eyes of the Girl Scouts themselves! By means of a nationwide contest, Girl Scout artists of all ages submitted their works-the 1996 calendar features their artwork. With each tum of the page, as each month appears, you •\ill find vivid, full-color illustrations interpreting individual Girl Scouts' insights on health, fitness and the basic principles of the Girl Scout promise and law. "1 996" is the calendar not to be missed! The wall calendar begins with .. • an editorial elaborating on the "Be your Best" poster contest. Pocket Planner-Format back by popular demand J- - .- --;- ""7. - .. • 2 convenient mini-calendars of the years 1997, 1998 • a full-page of significant 1996 holidays • a full-page for writing in names, addresses and phone numbers We must receive your order by September 29, 1995 to assure availability of calendars and pocket planners. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,I I ORDERING INFORMATION I Check with your council; if your council is having WALL CALENDAR & Council Jurisdiction#--- ---- ---- --- I POCKET PLANNER Customer a calendar sale, orders must be placed with your G #--------- Code #------- I council office. Orders for this ad will be accepted Allow 4 weeks for delivery only from Lone Troop leaders and leaders in coun­ ~nd order< to: Order#-- ------------------------ cils which are not having calendar sales; please fill Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. 00 .:\OT VvRIIT IN THIS SPACE CH3 in council name. tiSA Girl Scouts Overseas, APO, nhonal Equipment Service FPO and international addresses must include full 420 Fifth Avenue remittance with this order. Draw checks on U.S. r-.ew York, I\ Y 10018-2702 banks only. Calendars will be ready to ship June Please ship--- carton.~ of the 1996 Gtrl Seoul Wall Calendar #30-096 @ ________ each carton 30th. Order now! We will fill orders as long as the supply of calendars lasts. Shipping charges pre­ !'lease ship--- carton~ of the 1996 Girl Scout Pocket Planner -'130-196@ each carton paid on all caJendar orders. Wall calendars are Plea~e ship----copies of the 1996 Girl Scout Pocket Planner Cover 111807@ 75( each plus shipping/handling. packed 100 per carton. Minimum order 1 carton. Order directly from NES. Order In carton lots only. Pocket Planners are To arrive by Corcle one) the (15th), the (30th) of or (ASAP>. packed 100 per carton. Minimum order 1 carton. Required approval given by Order in carton lots only. Unsold calendars may not be returned. Residents of CA, MD and GA Nnme Title; Council or Lone Troop add the appropriate sales tax. Add SU" per car­ '""' \ ISA & MASTFRCARD. Th~ charge card orders accepted only l.'la mail as signature is reqwred. ton, PAL charge, for all APO and FPO del \ eries. Signnrure ____________________________________________________________________ QUANTITIES AND PRICES (a signature is requ !r~d on credit card orders) WALL CALENDAR -100 PER CARTON AC.:COUNl fl. Expiration Date Charge my· Minimum Order: 1 carton I I I : I I I I I 1 to 14 cartons ............... S66.50 per carton Cplease fill in all digits shown on your credit cnrd) n VlSA C MasterCard 15 to 25 cartons . 565.:!5 per carton 0 FULL PAYMENT TS ENCLOSED$ . Make check or money order payable to Girl Scout~ 26 to 50 cartons ..... ... ... 562.00 per carton of tht> U.S.A. Do not send partial payment Do not send cash. 51 to 150 cartons . 559.50 per carton BILL ME. Our sale ,,iiJ end on (date) ---- ------------· I will remit the full amount 151 to 300 cartons ............ 558.50 pt:r carton 3() days later 301 to T.:>O cartons ....... .... 555.:-5 per carton Call if acknowledgement is not received within 3 weeks. 751 to 1500 cartons ... ....... 552.25 per carton 1501 cartons and over ......... S50.75 per carton Bill to: Outside the continental U.S.A., inducting .'l~mc (print) ___ _____ _______ Signaturc ____ ______ ______ Alaska and Hawaii . 567.:!5 per carton l'o. & Street City _________________ International address . 571.00 per carton St~t<i County _______ Zip ___ ___ _ _ POCKET PLANNER- 100 PER CARTON Ship to: Minimum Order: 1 carton ~ame(print) ________________________________________________________________ 1 to 14 cartons . ... $54.00 per carton 15 to 50 cartons ......... .... $51.75 per carton No. & Street (no box#, please>------------------------------ City _ _ ________________ County_____________ _ _ _ 51 to 150 cartons .... ..... ... $49.00 per carton 151 to 300 cartons ... .. ....... 544.30 per carton (do not abbreviate) 301 cartons and over ...... ... S43.25 per carton ~ State ___________ ____ ___________ Zip ________ Outside the continental U.S.A., including Date _ ________ _ _______ Daytime Phone .\lumber _ _ _________ Alaska and Hawaii . $56.00 per carton International address ......... $59.00 per carton Clear all money-earning plans with your Council Finance Committee or Lone Troop Committee. All shortages and damages must be reported within 30 day~ of receipt of shipment. GSUSA/NES 4195 Summer 1995 ~-------------- 26 New Friends, Kew FEATURES Perspectives Patricia Stoddard 12 Introducing the :-Jew Leader's Guide 27 Re\\arding Global Rose C1yan ~ Awareness GIRL SCOOTS~ Ellen Jeronimo and 13 Good News for Cadette Margan·ta Gonzalez President Girl Scouts JULIETIE GORDON LOW GIRL SCOUT B. LaRae Orullian Toni Eubanks NATIONAL CENTER National Executive Director Mary Rose Main 14 A Resource Book for Senior Editor Girl Scouts Carolyn Caggine Rose Cryan Graphics and Design Director TIM RHOAD Susan Cuttler Permissions Editor Colleen Floyd Technical Assistant MarieKary Gtrl Scout lnder OSSS 0017~77) is published qU<Itt~ by Gtrl Scout> uf the t.;.~. 4ZO F"tfth Avt<nue, New York.~ Y 1001&2702 Cl 1995 by Gtrl Scouts of the United Sutt~ of America. All rights r~~rved. This publication may not be re­ 15 Some Great Girl Scout produced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans­ mitted in whole or in part, in any form, or by any Travel Destinations 28 An Anniversary to means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, (centerfold) Remember rtcording, or otherwi~. without the prior writ· Wendy DeGiglio Susa11 F. ina rso11 ten permission of Girl Scouts of the United States of America. Girl Scout l.tader cannot be responsible for unsolicited manu!!Crlpts, photos, 19 Leadership Opportunitie~ 29 The Everyday Joys or art in ib offices or in transit. Third-class post­ for Older Girls of a Poet Laureate age paid at St. Paul, Minn. and additional mailing oflices. Patricia Paddock Anne Nixon Sub~criptions S5 yearly (4 issues); $7.50 for all d~stinations outside U.S.A and poq~8sions; $2 20 Young Women Flourish 30 Girl Scouts' Role in the Senior Girl Scouts. Chanit of address: Write in National Roles Special Olympics Girl ~out Leader. 420 fifth Avenu~. New York, lAurel Cooley janet Lombardi NY 1001&2702 Include old and new address, u weU as council. troop, and identification num­ ber where awlicab~ Allow eight weeks for 22 Be Your Best. America! chanRe. Vol 72. No. 2, Sull\lller 1995. Anne Nixon DEPARTMENTS 23 Keeping in Touch 4 President's ~Iessage in the Summer Ruth Utley 6 Girl Scout Progrdiii Q & A Cover Announcinst the new program re­ «ources lor Cadette and Seruor Girl Scou~ 24 Designed with Individual 7 From the Editor See pages 12. 13, 14, and l9 for more infor­ mation on these "just what we asked for" Style book . Daria Scala 8 In the News <::§:) President's Message MARIO SUR IAN I e Your Best" has a spe­ menl. We encouraged everyone cial meaning for us in of any age-in Girl Scouting B (;irl Scouting. It has and out-to make a pledge to been associated with our com­ be hi · or her best. mitment to health and litncss­ The decision about what always a basic part of the move­ exactly "being your best" is was ment When we introduced our left lo the individuals who made Contemporary Issues book enti­ the pledges. Perhaps they tled DeL·eloPi1zg Health and Fit­ chose to betler themselves. or ness. its subtitle was Be Your to help a friend, or to undertake Best! At the 1993 Girl Scout Na­ a proj~::ct to improve their com­ tional Council Session, Be Your munity or the world. Someone Today Be Best was introduced as a na­ can be her best while volun­ tional service project. We also teeting at a homeless shelter, produced a video. Be Your Best. cleaning up a playground. or Your Best is a encouraging girls to keep lit planning a pen:;onal regimen of National President LaRoe and healthy with a modem aer­ exercise and good nutrition. Onillian gives a li/l'fime vital part of obics style. A distinguished honorary membership pin to Muriel But being your best has committee for .. Girl Scouts' Be Siebert, president and CEO of the connection <.:orne to mean more than Your Best Day" shared witl1 us Muriel S. Siebert & Co .. inc.. health and fitness. Today it is a the introduction of this project at the "Girl Scouts' Be }(mr Girl Scouting vital part of the connection that at our January 30 luncheon for Best Day" lzmcheo11 Girl Scouting shares with the the media. Two of this commit­ shares with the wider community. It has be­ tee are girls of Girl Scout age. conflicts-Tamara preparing come the basis for "Girl Scouts' The chair. 16-year-old Tatyana for a space shoot., Beverly su­ wider Be Your Best Day." Ali, is one of the stars of televi­ pervising her more than 2.000- In Girl Scouting we help sion's Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, person Atlanta police depart­ community.
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