USOO791 7525B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,917,525 B2 RawlingsWi et all e 45) Date of Patent : Mar.e 29, 2011 (54) ANALYZING ADMINISTRATIVE 5,956,689 A 9/1999 Everhart, III ..................... 705/3 HEALTHCARE CLAMS DATA AND OTHER 5,970,463 A 10/1999 Cave et al. ..... ... TOS/3 5,970.464 A 10/1999 Apte et al. ......... ... TOS/4 DATASOURCES 6,014,631 A 1/2000 Teagarden et al. ... TOS/3 6,137,911 A 10/2000 Zhilyaev ............ 382,225 (75) Inventors: Jean Rawlings, Roy, UT (US); David 6,151,581. A 1 1/2000 Kraftson et al. ... TOS/3 Anderson, Chaska, MN (US); Carl 6,223,164 B1 4/2001 Seare et al. .... ... TOS/2 Kraus, Raleigh, NC (US); Andrew 6.253,186 B1 6/2001 Pendleton, Jr. ... TOS/2 r s s 6,370,511 B1 4/2002 Dang ............. ... 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Years as if Today Top 22ip 3 regions ric Patiers is ... : : :::: 3:33. 3rtists es; eiser: ,3: ... ck:Fix's is : ...a 53ds is s: sri:"... skiss rise Assis is Fists as U.S. Patent Mar. 29, 2011 Sheet 9 of 11 US 7,917,525 B2 HW Patient Distributior H. Ragicins 2::1: its 2 its 'i & S. its ( fries: sy lar is sigs: as: 25. FIG. 8 U.S. Patent Mar. 29, 2011 Sheet 10 of 11 US 7,917,525 B2 - Figars : 28; 3. is 73: 3 S. e. g. 3: is a 3: 3 *(iii:S sit.: fast's s s | r s : ore sever : : : 8. 3 U.S. Patent Mar. 29, 2011 Sheet 11 of 11 US 7,917,525 B2 100 75 50 25 Billing Code X FIG 10 US 7,917,525 B2 1. 2 ANALYZING ADMINISTRATIVE classes of analysis that are impractical or impossible to per HEALTHCARE CLAIMS DATA AND OTHER form on very large data sets, no matter how powerful the DATASOURCES database engine. Administrative Healthcare Claims Data for Clinical Trials This application claims priority to, and incorporates by 5 Clinical trials rely on voluntary participation of study sub reference in its entirety, U.S. Provisional Patent Application jects to evaluate new drugs, medical devices, or other inter Ser. No. 60/742,774 entitled, “Analyzing Administrative ventions. Trials may also be directed to, among other things, Healthcare Claims Data and Other DataSources, which was evaluating procedures for detecting or diagnosing a particular filed on Dec.
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