VL. 6 NO, 14 FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1964 5 CENTS -I**" ENJOY READING MR. SNiTCH SEE INSIDE PAGES FATHERS' Guild of the Aca- demy of the Sacred Heart kicked off sale of tickets to the unit's Spring dance by selling the first tickets to Mayor John J. Grogan.Sale was made by Arthur Harri- gan, president of Fathers' Guild. Dance will be held on May 23 at Our Lady of Grace Hall. SUPERIOR Court Judge Peter P, Artarserse, county assignment judge, center, was guest speaker at last week's meeting of Hoboken Bar Association in Marlin Room. He paid special tribute to an outstanding Hoboken attorney, Col. Fred Hauser, assemblyman and assistant superintendent of Hoboken schools. Thanking Judge Artar- serse for his Informative talk is District Court Judge Benedict A. Beronio, president of the Hoboken Bar Asso- ciation. Next to him is president-elect, Attorney Julia F. Hanrahan who will be installed during the group's dinner meeting on May 28. Mrs. Hanrahan is the wife • First Assistant Hudson County Prosecutor Joseph '• Hanrahan and b<>th have law offices at h8 Hudson Street, On the left is E. Norman Wilson and next to him Superior Court Judge David A. titular. LEONARDI DE VINCI SOCIETY last week sponsored a program at Farleigh Dickinson University on the Culture and Art of Italy. Participants were, left to right, Dr. Anthony Le Pera, Dr. Leonardo Covello, Mrs. Elba Fababegoli Gurzan, Dr. Emilio Guerra, Mary Ann Pollini, Verna Sikerich and standing, Paulerte Rizzuto. die officer* of satellite No. 2 ARCHITECTS-DRAWING OF DRIVE IN BANK being insulted aa* « charter' Russell Chamberlain will be Issued to . the Fermi Heads Ridgefield's group. John Chamberlain will be master of ceremonies. Work. Satellite No. 2 Slate on a six inch telescope was started at "he meeting. Nominations of officers were held at a. meeting of Enrico Fermi Satellite No. 2, Junior Astronauticai Society, recently. Further nominations aad elec- tions will be held at the next meeting on May 15. Nominated were: Russell Cham- berlaln, 16, of Ridgefield, pre- sident; William Vasconl, 15, DON'T Fairview, vice president: Robert Chamberlain, 16, Ridgefield, fi- nancial secretary; Joseph Coz- BUY A BOAT zeterto, 16, Fairview, secretary and DeanKoukoulas, 16, of Ridge- WIN ONE! field, sergeant-at-arms. $Yes Win This Sensational Featured at the meeting was the showing of a space film pro- CARTOP BOAT vided by Douglas Aircraft of California, An announcement was also made by James P. AND MOTOR Grazloso, organizer of the So- ciety, that the 3rd anniversary For A Summer Of Fun of the founding of the society COME IN TODAY will take place on Friday even- AND SEE OUR "HUGE ing, June 12, at Swanwick Post, 62nd and Polk sts., West New SPORTSWEAR , JERSEY CITY'S NEWEST BANK York. All three operating sat- ellites will meet jointly with SELECTION AND ENTER* 5 SMART SHOES } WEDDING INVITATIONS '••e Provident Institution for NORTH BERGEN C. Dj NEEDS HELP Largest Selection—Raised Printing { & APPAREL 5 ..•avings In. Jersey City, Hudson Personal Service AQ HOUR OMEN'S & BOYS* SPQRTS'ATAR^ Finest Quality *° SERVICE County's largest mutual savings The "Help Wanted" sign is out be training in first aid, the use of ^ AND FURNISHINGS ^ '-•~".k, will open another entirely at North Bergen Civil Defense the Geiger Counter for radiolo- S. RUSSELL 514 62nd St., W. N. Y. v Drive In Office this July. and Disaster Control. Help is gical purposes, and al3o an ad- UN 7-5928 Phone Mornings J • 93 PLAZA CENTER J .. iiliam Neumann, Jr., president needed In the Rescue Squad, the vanced Flrst.Aid Class. Jl jSECAUCUS,^. UN 4-?6-3 5 of the Provident, released de- Radiological Division and Com- The office is locatedat4219Hud- tails of the new Heights Branch munications and the Auxiliary son Blvd., North Bergen. Anyone now under construction. • Police, the latter having 15 open- interested in Joining any of our f SATURDAY NIGHT \ This will be the Provider's- ings for active members. Amed-- Departments may apply any Mon- fifth office fn -Jersey City. The ical department Is In the process day evening from 8 to 10 p.m. \ DANCING 5 main, afjflce Is located at Wash- of being formed now. There will ington and York Streets, with the \MUSIC BY THF "VOGUES "$ Bergen Office at Bergen and- smiimiiinimn«tiHHHiiiii!mimii!iimiiiiimiHiinHHiiim| Harrison Avenues, the Lafayette rffi-r at r.vnrnunipaw and Pacl- | POP JOE'S \ •, and the Greenville PRY CLEANERS § -: Joulevard and Gates- Avenue, I he New Heights Drive €* LAUNOBY | RAINBOW ROOM! In Branch is designed to serve the banking needs of the entire FLATWORK | S 101 CENTRE AYE., SECAUCAUCUS j North Hudson area. Beautifully I DRIVE IN' TELLER $ 7-9294 FREE PARKING FREE PARKING Finished 1 Located on the Southeast cor- * SHIRTS ner of the Boulevard and Leo- nard Street, the Provi dent's * DRY Heights Off ice. will !.ave jts drive in entrance on the Kennedy Bou- CLEANING I levart* with the e*cir on Leonard Dial 945-4028 1 GEFRO SUPPLY, Inc Street. A Drive In Teller win- 1 dow1 will serve the motorist tran-' £* 306. BERGEN BLVD., PAlRVlEW | "Over 100 Yeart of Experience at Your Service * sitting business while ample parking are* adjacent to the bank "GENERAL SUPPLIES TO ALL TRADES" Vill bt marintained for othercus- • tcmers. HAIDWAW 5908 BERGENLINE AVENUE MARINE The President's completebank- •UllDtKS JANITORS FREE MINK STOLE... fLUMKR$ West New York, N. J. STOV5S ing facilities including mortgage loans, savings services and safe CONTRACTORS Phone UMon 7 1600 PAINTERS deposit boxes- now offered at the STEAMFITTfRS INDUSTRIAL otfier branches will also be a- ve nt e r0 f Irs tOILERS yailable at the new office. The TINSMITHS ^ ^" '" *•"* ** ' * UfCTRICAL one story brick building with OPEN DAILY 7:30 A.M. to 6 P M. Drive InTeHer Window and Park- ; ing Area covers a lot SO ft. by • • EXCEPT SUNDAYS" lOGft. Fully air conditioned with . with! the purchase the latest electronic banking e- quipment, the new office will be furnishej in a modern decor.The front design of the building al- lows a full interior view ofthe WELCOME • bant: Herman Hensel, J~tt$ey City Architect,. La in charge of TO THE NEW the project. - tonette Mr. Neuman aald, "The invest- ment of nearly $200,000 by the Service Diner Provident in this Heights Office is proof of the Board of Mana- ROUTE 3 AND PLAZA CENTER, SECAUCUS. N. J. gers* confidence In the future, . • i OPPOSITE ACME SUPERMAJRKET growth of the area." A fine quality stole if> natural posiel with " Savings At AH Time High ; glamorous collar and flash pockets— all fully Founded in 1839, The Provident silk lined. The quality is certified with the BEST HOMECOOK1NG IN SECAUCUS "EMBA" seal —• the official s,eot of the Mink Institution, known to thousands as WE SERVE FAMILY DINNERS " "The Old Beehive," ischeOldest Breeders Association — a stole you will be Mutual Savings Bank in Newjer- . proud to wear. SATURDAYS fc SUNDAYS sey. Assets at the end of 1963 reached over $140,000,000 with Offer ends A^rll 30, 1%-f. more than -40,000 accounts. The Provident recently paid Its 240th WE SERVE THE BEST OF FOOD consecutive dividend. The cur- rent 4% per year dividend, paid FAIRVIEW PIANO CO. TRY US AND CONVINCE YOURSELF from (toy of deposit, is the high- est "savings bagk rate In the 38\ 4m Foirviemm m m w AvenuA " e « .'* All Baking Done On Premises • sate. A member of the Federal Fairview Deposit Insurance Corporation, WHitn«y 3-3410 OUR CHEESECAKE SOMETHING SPECIAL the Provident's accounts are In- ORDERS TO TAKE OIIT jured to $10,000. (1 Block West of Nimgesser'sj • - "•• _• I • . • VL. 6 NO. 14 FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1964 5 CENTS ENJOY READING MR. SNiTCH SEE INSIDE PAGES FATHERS' Guild of the Aca- demy of the Sacred Heart kicked off sale of tickets to the unit's Spring dance by selling the first tickets to Mayor John J. Grogan.Sale was made by Arthur Harri- gan, president of Fathers' Guild. Dance will be held on May 23 at Our Lady of Grace Hall. SUPERIOR Court Judge Peter P. Artarserse, county assignment Judge, center, was guest speaker at last week's meeting of Hoboken Bar Association in Marlin Room. He paid special tribute to an outstanding Hoboken attorney, Col. Fred Hauser, assemblyman and assistant superintendent of Hoboken schools. TbankingJuti^e Artar- serse for his informative talk is District Court Judge Benedict A. Beronio, president of the Hoboken Bar Asso- ciation. Next to him is president-elect, Attorney Julia F. Hanrahan who will be installed during the group'? dinner meeting on May 28. Mrs. Hanrahan is the wife - ' First Assistant Hudson County Prosecutor Joseph ' Hanrahan and both have law offices a; t,H Hudson Street. On rhe left is L, Norman Wilson and next to him Siiperi'/r Court Judge David A. IMndar, LEONARDI DE VINCI SOCIETY last week sponsored a program at Farleigh Dickinson University on the Culture and Art of Italy. Participants were, left to right, Dr. Anthony Le Pera, Dr. Leonardo Covello. Mrs. Elba Fababegoli Gurzan, Dr. Emilio Guerra, Mary Ann Follini, Verna Sikerich and standing, Paulette Rizzuto. Hoboken Pictorial Friday, May 1, 1964 Page 3 LIONS NAME RECENTLY WED IN CHURCH RITE 17 AUXILIARY FIREMEN COMPLETE CONVENTION RED CROSS FIRST AID COURSE DELEGATES Seventeen auxiliary firemen re- At a tecent meeting at the Ho- ceived certificates for com- boken Lions Club, delegate* to Geraldine Molitor pleting a 10 hour Red Cross the State Conventlou to be held Engaged To Wed standard first aid course In ce- en June 11, 12, 13 and 14 were remonies held recently at the named.
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