University of Richmond UR Scholarship Repository Music Department Concert Programs Music 2-9-1990 Capriole: Sacred and Secular Music of Seventeenth-Century Rome Department of Music, University of Richmond Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.richmond.edu/all-music-programs Part of the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Department of Music, University of Richmond, "Capriole: Sacred and Secular Music of Seventeenth- Century Rome" (1990). Music Department Concert Programs. 949. https://scholarship.richmond.edu/all-music-programs/949 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at UR Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Music Department Concert Programs by an authorized administrator of UR Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND Capriola . Sacred & Secular Music of Seventeenth-Century Rome Friday, February 9, 1990 North Court Recital Hall 8:15 p.m. Department ofMusic University ofRlcbmond, fbl:inia 23173 • (804) 289-8277 Capriola Sacred & Secular Music of Seventeenth-Century Rome Friday, February 9, 1990 North Court Recital Hall 8:15p.m. Sacred & Secular Music of Seventeenth-Century Rome Navicella Carlo Caprioli (1620-1695) Troppo e cruda la mia sorte Agostino Steffani ( 1654-1728) Al bel lume d'un bet volto Luigi Rossi (1597-1653) Si, si,si,no,no,no Alessandro Stradella (1644-1682) Sponsa Canticorum Giacomo Carissimi (1605-1674) Intermission Scenes from ORONTEA Antonio Cesti l,i: Orontea: Superbo amore (1623-1669) I,v: Orontea: Ardo o non ardo I,vi: Gelone: Chi non beve I,vii: Corindo, Gelone: Com'e dolce l,viii: Silandra, Corindo, Gelone: Com'e dolce II, vii: Silandra: Addio, Corindo II, viii: Corindo, Silandra: Vengo, cor mio II, ix: Corindo: 0 cielo II, xvii: Orontea: lntorno all'idol mio ill,vii: Gelone: Dal pittore schernita ill, finale: Quartet: Castissimi amori Caprlole CAPRIOLE Claron McFadden, soprano, Silandra Jennifer Edenborn, baroque violin Marieke van der Meer, soprano, Orontea M. Alexandra Eddy, baroque violin Derek Lee Ragin, countertenor, Corindo Herb Watson, baroque recorder James Weaver, bass baritone, Gelone Dale Taylor, baroque recorder Ed Whitacre, narrator Ulysses Kirksey, baroque 'cello Tim Burris, theorbo Gayle Johnson, harpsichord, director Navicella Carlo Caprioll Navicella ch'a bel volto Little boat that puts faith in a good wind presti fede e lasci ii lido and leaves the shore, Non t' alletti in mar infido don't be flattered by the treacherous sea bel sentier d'acque a'mgento. beautiful path of water of silver. Non sai tu come repente Do you not know how sudden it changes cangia t'e volubil onda and that the waves are fickle e che spesso aura gioconda and that often the jocund gen lie bree1.e fassi horror d'austro fremente? becomes the horrible, fuming south wind? Se a turbar l 'instabil campo If the dark storm comes from the sky vien dal ciel procella oscura to disturb the unstable space e coi venti il mar congiura and the sea conspires with the wind, qual ti fia sicurao scampo? where would you fmd certain safety? Ahi che fai 7 rivolgi in porto Alas, what are you doing? Return to port hor che puoi l'amate vele now that you have friendly winds, , Se tributo al mar crudele if you do not wish to drag your ship down , trar non vuoi tuo legno absorto. absorbed as tribute by a cruel sea. Lasso me, ch' al tuo periglio Woe is me, my thoughts know that, sa por mente ii pensier mio to your peril, qui sommerso in cieco oblio what is for you such good counsel e per te si bel consiglio. here sinks in blind oblivion. Troppo e cruda Agostino Steffani Troppo e cruda la mia sorte My fate is too cruel, Le mie stelle troppo dure my stars too harsh, Poiche a colpi di sventure because blows of misfortune mi dan morte senza morte. make me die without dying. Passo i giomi e gl'anni intanto I pass the days and years meanwhile F fra dolori, affanni e stenti among sorrows, anguish, & toil, Sol con cibo de tormenti with only the food of torments econ l'acqua del mio pianto. and the water of my tears. • Dio lo sa poi quanto cresca ii duolo; God knows how much my sorrow grows; il mal s'avvanza in veder le miei speranze Evil advances in sight of my hopes tanto poche e tanto corte. too few and too short Al bel lume d'un bel volto Luigi Rossi Al bel lume d'un bel volto Into the beautiful light of a beautiful face questo cor il volo affretta this heart hastens its flight Amorosa Farfalletta like an amorous butterfly per restar in quel sepolto. to be buried in that tomb. Ma se ben tanto presuma But though it presumes so much, trova ardor che nol consuma. it finds that its ardor is not consumed. ,li''I Ii i1 ii ii Si,si,si,no,no,no Alessandro Stradella :1 "Si,si,si." "Yes,yes,yes." 'i "No,no,no." "No,no,no." i1 "Si, quella sei tu "Yes, you are the one that my heart I Che il mio cor sempre adoro." will always adore." I "No, quella ch'adori non son Io, misera." "No, she whom you adore is not me." I ''Quall' influsso, quali stelle ''What fate, what stars mi conturbano la calma di qual mar disturb the calm of this sea i senza procelle si gradito, so pleasing, without tempests, I o mia bell' Alma?'' o my beautiful Soul1' "Parsi fuggi senza fede "Leave, flee, faithless one che non meriti pieta. who does not want pity. ne piu troverai mercede You will no longer find mercy ove annide crudelta." where cruelty nestles." "Se tu sei il mio bene come partir potro'?'' "ll you are my love, how can I leave1' "L'origin di miei pene fuggir ben io sapro." "I know how to flee the source of my pain." "Et io ti seguiro." "And I will follow you." "E io ti sprezzero." "And I will detest you." "lo vo sempre adorarti" "I will always adore you" "et io sempre abborirti" "and I will always abhor you." "e perche non lasciami" "Why do you leave me?'' "e perche tu tradirmi" "Because you betrayed me." "Deb, mia bella crudele" "Alas, my beautiful cruel one" "Ah, ribello infedele" "Ah, unfaithful rebel." "Cosi dunque il cor mi radi1' "You will thus cancel my heart?" "Mi son note le tue frodi" " I have observed your deceptions." "None vero" ''Non e vero'?'' "It's not true". "Not true?" Sponsa Canticorum Giacomo Carlssiml Sponsus: Bridegroom: Filiae Jerusalem, surgite, Daughters of Jerusalem, arise ite in montem minbae go to the mountains of myrrh Ubi me quaerit, ubi suspirat where my beautiful bride seeks me, where ubi languet sponsa mea pulcherrima. she sighs, where she languishes. Vos lilium et rosas et mella portate Carry lilies, roses & mead et sponsam formosam languentem stipate. and attend my beautiful, languishing bride. In Libanum ite et sponsam fulcite. Go to Lebanon and support her. Flllae Jerusalem: Daughters of Jerusalem: Vox dilecti sonuit in auribus meis. The chosen voice sounds in my ears. Swgamus, eamus et descendamus Let us arise and go down to our garden in hortum nostrum ut flores colligamus where we will collect flowers et festinantes ibimus in montem m.irrhae and we will make haste to the mountains ubi soror nostra suspirat, ubi languet, of myrrh where our sister sighs, where ubi quaerit dilectum suum. she languishes & seeks her chosen one. Sponsus: Laboravit dilecta mea in desiderio My chosen one was working in the desire cordis sui et quaesivit me. of her heart and she sought me. Circuivit vicos et plateas She was going round the village & street et ego habitavi in illa. where I was living. Sed quia abscondi faciem meam But because my face was hidden posuit dolorem in corde suo. it put sorrow in her heart Prima filla Jersualem: Audivi dilectam tuam gementem et dolentem: We heard your bride lamenting &grieving: "Ubi est absconditus pulcher dilectus meus, "Where is my handsome one hidden? ubi est sponsus meus, quo fugit? Where is my bridegroom, where has he , Oculi mei facti sunt quasi fontes lachrimarum. flown? My eyes are as fountains of tears. ' Cupio flere; diligo lachrimas; I desire to weep; I esteem the tears; desidero suspiria, crucior amore, I long for sighs; tormented by love. nolo consolari donec dilectus meus I will not be consoled until my chosen one I in pulchritudine decoris sui in his comely beauty I benignus occurat mihi." hastens to meet me." ~ Veni, ergo, noli tardare, Come, therefore, do not delay et dolentem consolare. and console her sorrow. Flllae Jerusalem: Veni, gaudium amantium Come, beloved delight Veni, iucunditas cordium, noli tardare come, delightful heart, do not delay et dolentem consolare. and console her sorrow. Secunda Filla Jerusalem: Ecce ad te clamat. Behold, she is calling to you. Ecce ad te suspirat dilecta tua. Behold, your chosen one sighs for you. Ostende illi faciem tuam Show your countenance to her ut videat lumen oculorum tuorum. so that she can see the light of your eyes. Veni, ergo, noli tardare Come, therefore, and do not delay et dolentem consolare. and console her sorrow. ! Flllae Jerusalem : Veni, gaudium amantium. .. Come, beloved, delight .. Tertla Filla Jerusalem: 0 quam amarum est a te dilecte separari, 0 how bitter it is to be separated from you cui sponsa in charitate cor suum dolentem. whose bride keeps sorrow in her heart Veni, ergo, noli tardare, Come, therefore, and do not delay et dolentem consolare. and console her sorrow. Flllae Jerusalem: Veni, gaudium amantium.
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