International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426 Topological Modules Gayathri .G1, Gayathri .V2 (Masters in Mathematics, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram (dist), India Abstract: In this article we discuss the Topological Modules. If Topological Modules is Hausdorff then its structure is usual one meaning by this that there exists an isomorphism of M onto R. If M is a module then M is algebraically isomorphic to R. Consider modules over the ring R of real or complex numbers which is given the usual Euclidean Topology defined by means of the vector spaces. Keywords: Topological modules, Isomorphism, Euclidean Topology 1. Introduction Abelian group V of “vectors”. Field F of “scalars”. A modules M overℝ is called a topological module if M is f.v is a “scaledvector” provided with a topology τ which is compatible with the Distributive properties: modules structure of M, i.e. τ makes the modules operations 1. f. (푣1+푣2) = f.푣1+f.푣2 both continuous. 2. (푓1 + 푓2). v = 푓1.v+푓2 .v Associative property: More precisely, the condition in the definition of topological (푓1. 푓2). v = 푓1.(푓2.v) modules requires that: 1.v = v M × M → M (a, b) → a + b vector addition 2.4 Definition ℝ × M → M (µ,a) → µa scalar multiplication Let R be a ring. A left R-module or a left module over R is a are both continuous when we endow M with the topology τ, set M together with, ℝ with the Euclidean topology, M × M and ℝ × M with the Abelian group M of “elements”. correspondent product topologies. Ring R of “scalars”. r.m is a “scaledelements”. 2. Preliminaries Distributive properties: 1. r. (푚1 + 푚2) = r.푚1 + 푟. 푚2 2.1 Definition 2. (푟1 + 푟2).m = 푟1. 푚 + 푟2. 푚 Associative property: A nonempty set G together with a binary operation (푟1. 푟2).m = 푟1.(푟2.m) ∗:G×G→G is called a Group if the following conditions are 1.m = m satisfied 1) ∗ is associative 2.5 Definition i.e) a*(b*c)=(a*b) *c for all a, b, c ∈ G 2) There exists an element e ∈G such that A topological vector space X is a vector space over a a*e = e*a =a for all a ∈ G topological field K that is endowed with a topology such that e is called the identity element of G. vector addition X×X→X and scalar multiplication K×X→X ′ 3) For any element a in G there exists an element a ∈ G are continuous functions. such that ′ ′ a*푎 = 푎 *a = e 2.6 Remark ′ 푎 is called the inverse of a. If (x,τ) is a topological vector space then it is clear that 2.2. Definition 푁 (푛) (푛) 푁 푘=1 휆푘 푥푘 → 푘=1 휆푘 푥푘 as n → ∞ with respect to τ if for (푛) A nonempty set R together with two binary operation each k = 1,…..,N as n → ∞ we have that 휆푘 → 휆푘 with (푛) denoted by “+” and “.” are called addition and multiplication respect to the Euclidean topology on ℝ and 푥푘 → 푥푘 with which satisfy the following axioms is called a Ring. respect to τ. 1) (R, +) is an abelian group. 2) “.” is an associative binary operation on R. 2.7 Example 3) a.(b+c) = a.b + a.c & (a+b).c = a.c + b.c for all a, b, c∈R. a) Every vector space X over 핂 endowed with the trivial topology is a topological vector space. 2.3 Definition b) Every normed vector space endowed with the topology given by the metric induced by the norm is a topological Let F be a field and V be a nonempty set. Then V is called a vector space. vector space over F if the following axioms hold: Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 www.ijsr.net Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: ART20204532 DOI: 10.21275/ART20204532 230 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426 c) There are also examples of spaces whose topologycannot be induced by a norm or a metric but that are topological If a metric d on a modules M is translation invariant, i.e. d vector space, e.g. the space of infinitely differentiable (a+c, b+c) = d (a, b) for all a, b∈ M, then the topology functions, the space of test functions and the spaces of induced by the metric is translation invariant and the distributions (we will see later in details their topology). addition is always continuous. However, the multiplication by scalars does not need to be necessarily continuous (take d 3. Main Result to be the discrete metric, then the topology generated by the metric is the discrete topology which is not compatible with 3.1 Definition the scalar multiplication see proposition 3.3). Two topological modules M and N overℝare (topologically) 3.5. Theorem isomorphic if there exists a modulesisomorphism M → N which is at the same time a homeomorphism (i.e. bijective, A filter ℱ of a modules M over ℝ is the filter of linear, continuous and inverse continuous). neighbourhoods of the origin with respect to some topology compatible with the module structure of M if and only if 3.2 Definition 1) The origin belongs to every set P ∈ ℱ 2) ∀ P ∈ ℱ, ∃ Q ∈ ℱ s.t. Q + Q ⊂ P Let M and N be two topological moduli on ℝ. 3) ∀P ∈ ℱ, ∀ µ ∈ ℝ with µ ≠ 0 we have µ P ∈ ℱ A topological homomorphism from M to N is a linear 4) ∀ P ∈ ℱ, P is absorbing. mapping which is also continuous and open. 5) ∀ P ∈ ℱ, ∃ Q ∈ ℱ s.t. Q ⊂ P is balanced. A topological monomorphism from M to N is an injective topological homomorphism. Proof A topological isomorphism from M to N is a bijective topological homomorphism. Necessity part A topological automorphism of M is a topological isomorphism from m into itself. Suppose that M is a topological module then we aim to show that the filter of neighbourhoods of the origin ℱ satisfies the 3.3. Proposition properties 1, 2, 3,4,5. Let P∈ ℱ. 1) Obvious, since every set P∈ ℱ is a neighbourhood of the Every modules M overℝ endowed with the discrete origin o. topology is not a topological module. Unless M = {0}. 2) Since by the definition of topological modules the addition (a, b) → a+b is a continuous mapping, the Proof: preimage of P under this map must be a neighbourhood Assume by a contradiction that it is a topological moduleand of (o, o) ∈ M×M. Therefore, it must contain a rectangular ′ ′ 1 neighbourhood G×퐺 where G, 퐺 ∈ ℱ. Taking Q = take 0≠ m ∈ M. The sequence 훼 = in ℝ converges to 0 in 푛 푛 G∩ 퐺′ we get the conclusion, i.e. Q + Q ⊂ P. the Euclidean topology. 3) By proposition 3.4, fixed an arbitrary 0 ≠ µ ∈ ℝ, the map a → 휇−1 a of M into itself is continuous. Therefore, the Therefore, since the scalar multiplication is continuous, pre image of any neighbourhood P of the origin must be 훼푛 푥 → 0, i.e. for any neighbourhood U of 0 in M there also such a neighbourhood. This preimage is clearly µP, exists m ∈ ℕ such that 훼푛 푥 ∈U for all n ≥ m. hence µP ∈ ℱ. 4) Suppose by contradiction that P is not absorbing. Then In particular, we can take U = {0} since it is itself open in 1 there exists y ∈ M such that ∀ n∈ ℕ we have that 푦 ∉ P. the discrete topology. Hence, 훼 푥 = 0, which implies that 푛 푚 1 m = 0 and so a contradiction. This contradicts the convergence of 푦 → 0 as n → ∞ 푛 (because P ∈ ℱ must contain infinitely many terms of the 3.4. Proposition 1 sequence ( 푦) ). 푛 n∈ℕ Given a topological modules M we have that: 5) Since by the definition of topological modules the scalar multiplication ℝ ×M→M, (µ, a) → µa is continuous, the 1) For any 푚0 ∈ M, the mapping m → m +푚0 is a homeomorphism of M onto itself. preimage of P under this map must be a neighbourhood 2) For any 0 ≠ µ ∈ ℝ, the mapping m → µm is a topological H×G where H is a neighbourhood of (0, o) ∈ ℝ ×M. automorphism of M. Therefore, it contains a rectangular neighbuorhood H×G where H is a neighbourhood of 0 in the Euclidean Proof: topology on ℝ and G∈ ℱ. on the other hand, there exists Both mappings are continuous by the very definition of ρ>0 such that 퐵 0 = {µ∈ ℝ : |µ| ≤ ρ} ⊆ H. Thus topological modules. Moreover, they are bijections by the 퐵 0 ×G is contained in the preimage of P under the module’s axioms and their inverses m → m -푚0 and m scalar multiplication, i.e. µG ⊂ P for all µ∈ ℝ with |µ| ≤ 1 → m is also continuous. Note that the second map is also ρ. Hence, the set Q = ∪|µ| ≤ ρ µG ⊂ P. Now Q ∈ ℱ since 휇 each µG ∈ ℱ by 3 and v is clearly balanced ( since for linear so it is a topological automorphism. any a ∈ Q there exists µ∈ ℝ with |µ| ≤ ρ s.t. a ∈ 휇G and 3.5 Example therefore for any |α| ≤ 1 we get αa ∈ αµG ⊂ Q because |αµ| ≤ ρ ). Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 www.ijsr.net Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: ART20204532 DOI: 10.21275/ART20204532 231 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426 Sufficiency part.
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