Conferences and Exibitions KiG 2004, 3 commission accepted 84 (18%) of 457 registered pa- q Andreas Heuer (Universität Rostock, Germany) pers, which additionally and clearly demonstrates the Places of the previous conferences are chronologi- criteria and the quality of the conference. cally: Framingham (1975), Brussels (1976), Tokyo (1977), The proceedings (ISBN 0-12-722442-4) was pub- Berlin (1978), Rio de Janeiro (1979), Montreal (1980), lished by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, contains 1151 Cannes (1981), Mexico City (1982), Florence (1983), in its printed form, and its editors are: Singapore (1984), Stockholm (1985), Kyoto (1986), Brighton (1987), Los Angeles (1988), Amsterdam (1989), q Johann-Christoph Freytag (Humboldt-Universität Brisbane (1990), Barcelona (1991), Vancouver (1992), zu Berlin, Germany) Dublin (1993), Santiago de Chile (1994), Zurich (1995), q Peter C. Lockemann (Universität Karlsruhe, Ger- Mumbai (1996), Athens (1997), New York (1998), Edin- many) burgh (1999), Cairo (2000), Rome (2001), Hong Kong q Serge Abiteboul (INRIA, France) (2002). q Michael Carey (BEA Systems, USA) The next, 30th conference is going to be held next year in Toronto (http://www.vldb04.org/). q Pat Selinger (IBM Silicon Valley Lab, USA) Zdravko Galiæ GIS Silesia 2003 148 The International Conference and Exhibition GIS SI- LESIA 2003 was held from September 22 to 26, 2003 in Silesia (South Poland), organized by the Faculty of Earth Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering of the Universi- ty of Silesia, by SILGIS Association from Poland and by GIS Forum from Croatia. Co-organizers from Poland were Cardinal Stefan Wyszyñski University (Warsaw), Ojców National Park, Polish Geographical Association, Provin- cial Centre for Geodetic and Cartographic Documenta- tion (Katowice), Silesian Library, Faculty of Organization and Management of the Silesian University of Technolo- gy, Warsaw University of Technology and State Record Office in Katowice; from Germany EURONATUR (Euro- pean Nature Heritage Fund) and from Croatia University of Zagreb. The Conference program was divided into nine themes: Geodesy and cartography Municipal spatial management Structure and function of geographical environ- ment Geoinformatics and information systems ate of the Republic of Poland, Roman Wojtynek, Chair- Globalisation and social-economic problems man of the Department of Geodesy and GIS of the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, and Vlatko Maèek, Space and law Professor at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics Protection of environment and cultural heritage in Varadin of the University of Zagreb were speakers. Agriculture and forestry Martin Walbank, Professor at the Manchester Metropol- itan University, held the introductory lecture. Legally protected regions. Working sessions of the Conference took place at The opening ceremony of the Conference took place the Faculty of Earth Sciences and the Faculty of Engi- at the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Si- neering of the University of Silesia in Sosnowiec, in the lesia in Sosnowiec. Janusz Janeczek, Rector of the Uni- museum section of the Palace Mieroszewski in Bêdzin, versity of Silesia, Jacek Jania, Dean of the Faculty of in the office of the parks of Silesian Voivodeship in Rudy Earth Sciences, Michal Czarski, Marshal of the Silesian Wielkie, in the Palace Raczyñski in Z³oty Potok and in Voivodeship, Kazimierz Kutz, Vice Marshal of the Sen- the milieu of the museum of the Ojców National Park. KiG 2004, 3 Skupovi i izlobe q Serge Abiteboul (INRIA, Francuska) (1983), Singapur (1984), Stockholm (1985), Kioto (1986), q Michael Carey (BEA Systems, SAD) Brighton (1987), Los Angeles (1988), Amsterdam (1989), Brisbane (1990), Barcelona (1991), Vancouver (1992), q Pat Selinger (IBM Silicon Valey Lab, SAD) Dublin (1993), Santiago de Chile (1994), Zürich (1995), q Andreas Heuer (Universität Rostock, Njemaèka) Mumbai (1996), Atena (1997), New York (1998), Edinburgh (1999), Kairo (2000), Rim (2001), Hong Kong Prethodne konferencije odrane su ovim (2002). redoslijedom: Framingham (1975), Bruxeles (1976), Tokio (1977), Berlin (1978), Rio de Janeiro (1979), Montreal Sljedeæa, 30. po redu konferencija odrat æe se (1980), Cannes (1981), Mexico City (1982), Firenca sljedeæe godine u Torontu (http://www.vldb04.org/). Zdravko Galiæ GIS Silesia 2003 U leskoj (juna Poljska) je od 22. do 26. rujna 2003., Struktura i funkcija geografskog okruenja u organizaciji Fakulteta za geoznanosti i Tehnièkog Geoinformacijski i informacijski sustavi fakulteta leskog sveuèilita, drutva SILGIS iz Poljske te GIS Foruma iz Hrvatske, odrana meðunarodna Globalizacija i socijalno-ekonomski problemi konferencija i izloba GIS Silesia 2003. Suorganizatori Prostor i pravo iz Poljske bili su Sveuèilite kardinal Stefan Wyszyñski Zatita okolia i kulturne batine iz Varave, Nacionalni park Ojców, Poljsko geografsko 149 drutvo, Geodetski i kartografski dokumentacijski centar Agrikultura i umarstvo iz Katowica, leska knjinica, Fakultet organizacije i Zakonom zatiæena podruèja. menadmenta leskoga tehnièkog sveuèilita, Varavsko tehnoloko sveuèilite, Ured dravnog arhiva iz Katowica, Sveèano otvorenje konferencije bilo je na Fakultetu iz Njemaèke EURONATUR European Nature Heritage za geoznanosti leskog sveuèilita u Sosnowiecu. Fund, te iz Hrvatske Sveuèilite u Zagrebu. Govorili su Janusz Janeczek, rektor leskog sveuèilita, Jacek Jania, dekan Fakulteta za geoznanosti, Michal Program konferencije bio je podijeljen na devet Czarski, predsjednik leskog vojvodstva, Kazimierz Kutz, podruèja: potpredsjednik Senata Republike Poljske, Roman Geodezija i kartografija Wojtynek, proèelnik Odjela za geodeziju i GIS Sredinjeg ureda za geodeziju i kartografiju i Vlatko Maèek, profesor Prostorni menadment gradova na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike Varadin Conferences and Exibitions KiG 2004, 3 The papers are published in the book Geographical tion GIS SILESIA 2003, 22-26 September 2003 (ISBN Information Systems - Interdisciplinary Aspects (ISBN 83- 83-918826-2-4). 918826-1-6 and ISBN 953-6129-26-4), edited by The Conference also had a social part. A sightseeing Ma³gorzata Gajos. A CD containing all papers with graph- of the old part of Katowice, of a ruined monastery and a ical supplements in colour is an integral part of the book. castle with wonderful surrounding parks in Rudy, of the Two map exhibitions were organized within the scope Ojców National Park, as well as of fair and beautiful Kra- of the Conference, one at the Faculty of Earth Sciences kow was organized. The participants of the Conference of the University of Silesia, and the other in the museum did not only visit and inspect objects above the Earths section of the Palace Mieroszewski. Cartographic pres- surface, but also some subterrestrial. They visited a sil- entations and posters produced using the most modern ver mine in Tarnowskie Góry and a splendid salt mine technology were exhibited at the first one entitled Mod- Wieliczka, where a special scientific seminar on the pro- ern sources of spatial information. Selected Polish and tection and restoration of cultural monuments took place. Croatian old maps and plans were presented at the oth- The next GIS Conference will be held in Trogir, Split er one, Sources of spatial information Cartographical and on the Kornati Islands from August 30 to September and iconographical cases since XVIIth century to the 3, 2004. present. Nada Vuèetiæ, Svjetlana Srediæ Krnic Catalogues of the exhibitions are published in Quick Reference Guide, International Conference and Exhibi- 150 Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents Istanbul, 12 - 23 July 2004 The 20th Congress of ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) was held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 12-23 in 2004. ISPRS is an inter- national non-government organization dedicated to the development of international collaboration in the advance- ment of knowledge, research and education in photo- grammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sci- ences and their integration and application for the wel- fare of the humanity and the support of international en- vironment. ISPRSs vision and mission is to stimulate and facilitate research and development, promote inter- national collaboration, deal with interdisciplinary integra- tion, facilitate education and the application of new tech- nologies, create and develop new applications and the present to have a cocktail on the beautiful terrace of the consciousness of the value and importance of photogram- congress centre. metry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents was chosen as the The 20th Congress of ISPRS was held at the Con- theme of this years congress by the organizing commit- gress-Exhibition Centre of Istanbul, which is convenient- tee because it suggested the geographic location of Is- ly located in the centre of the citys business, cultural tanbul as the only city in the world stretching on two con- and commercial part of the city, less than a 10-minute tinents. However, as the director of the congress said ... walk from 16 hotels with 2400 rooms, where the partici- the stressed concept of the logo is not that simple as the pants of the congress were accommodated. With more location of the city, it represents the both the intersec- than 20 rooms for presentations, 2000 seats and the most tion and the connections on which ideas meet, collide or modern technology, the centre was and ideal environ- mix before being distributed all over the world. The logo ment
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