Heart to Heart The Cro ) A Great Plus Sign t is believed that the Roman cross the redemption of a fallen world. God "He hath made him (Christ) to be sin was the most painful, vile and spared not his own Son, but delivered for us, who knew no sin." (Cor. 5:21) shameful instrument of death ever him up for us all. Romans 8:32 This was the supreme sacrifice and invented. Death on the cross was The total meaning of the cross can- not the suffering. I not be fathomed by mortal beings. A Satan was fully aware of the sacri- confined to slaves and malefactors of the worst class. Those thus con- complete understanding of the sacri- fice that Jesus had to experience in demned were usually scourged in fice Jesus made for us will become order for the human family to be rec- order to intensify the suffering. Yet clearer when we see Him face to face. onciled. That is why he went to Jesus there is a paradox about it all, being in We do know, however, that at the with the temptation found in Luke itself the most vile and repulsive of cross something very emotional and 23:35-37, "If thou be king save thy- objects, it has become in the minds of traumatic happened to Jesus. He felt self." He did not want Jesus to die, believers the symbol of all that is holy as if the Father had abandoned Him. only to suffer. He knew that the death and precious. Christ, by his death on a This was evident by His words, "Why of Jesus meant that eternal life was cross, transformed its vileness into hast thou forsaken me?" Matt. 27:46. sealed for all who lived and would victory. To understand the implications of this live in Christ. As one reads about the intense suf- statement, we must realize that dur- The love that Jesus had for us as fering that Christ endured on the ing His life on earth Jesus lived by sinners is difficult for us to completely cross, one must understand that the faith, depending totally upon his understand. He could have saved suffering did not come from God. Father. His life was a constant com- Himself, but we would have been God did allow it to happen, however, munion with his Heavenly Father. But lost. Friends, He died for you and for it was the passionate hatred that Satan at the cross He felt alone and aban- me. had for Jesus that caused the suffer- doned. The cross of Christ represents a ing. God and Satan have never and At the cross, God laid on. Jesus the great plus sign by which God and His will never be partners in our salva- weight of guilt which is the inquity of children are drawn together in holy tion. us all (Isa 53:6). As a result, the second reconciliation. Have you ever stopped to think death, which belongs to us according Picture the scene, ABOVE the cross, that it is possible others could have to Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin a loving heavenly Father is bending suffered similar deaths to that of is death...", was now being experi- down from His throne and offering Jesus? What is it that made the death enced by our Lord, tasting death for the hand of reconciliation to an of Jesus different? The death of Christ every one. Hebrews 2:9. In the ulti- estranged human family. BENEATH was the sacrifice and price paid for mate sense, this is what Paul meant, the cross is the great, confused mass 2 Messenger/ May 1995 Cover Photo: "The Sales Staff", Least Bitterns by Bruno Kern, Oshawa, Ontario. of suffering humanity lost in ways of Christ. Many are not able to make CANADIAN ADVENTIST their own choosing. UPON the cross, rational decisions. Satan dulls human in the form of a living plus sign is awareness to the point where most eSS er the quivering, bleeding body of the can no longer discern the issues that [Volume 64, No. 5, May 1995, Oshawa, ON Son of God, whose death made it are at stake. Many find it difficult to possible for us to have eternal life. discriminate between good and evil, June Polishuk / Editor Satan's desire is for us to forget love and selfishness, right and Allan Colleran / Art Director about the cross. He hates Jesus and wrong. Many are even confused Robin Carby / Associate Art Director any one who associates with Him. about what they believe. CONFERENCE EDITORS Jesus once told His disciples, "If the How firm is our stand for Christ? Don King / Alberta Ron Watts / British Columbia world hate you, you know that it Are we allowing the drum beaters Lester Carney / Manitoba-Saskatchewan hated me before it hated you". (John and cheer leaders of the world to Robert Lehmann / Maritime 15:18) influence us against Jesus? David Crook / Newfoundland Jim Jeffery / Ontario At the cross, the individuals All power has been provided for Claude Richli / Quebec under Satan's control made a choice us to live the victorious life in Christ. between Christ, in whom Pilate said I Cor. 15: 57-58 "But thanks be to that he could find no fault, and God, which giveth us the victory Barabbas, the worst criminal that through our Lord Jesus Christ. could be found in jail at that time. It Therefore, my beloved, be ye stead- was a choice between righteousness fast, unmoveable, always abounding and unrighteousness, between light in the work of the Lord." Heart to Heart and darkness. To us the choice seems Paul reminds us in Romans 8:31- Orville Parchment 2 clear, yet the crowd chanted, "Give 39 that if we allow God to be on our us Barabbas." side, by being receptive to the lead- Cyberchurch... When Pilate asked the question, ing of His Holy Spirit, no one will be Ralph Blodgett 3 "What shall I do with Jesus?" the victorious in getting us to turn away Priests were like drum beaters, cheer from Him. Nothing will be able to Campmeeting leaders, with hands clenched in fury, separate us from His love. Schedules 4-8 saying, "Crucify Him". They stirred Friends, my prayer is that we do the people up to a delirium of sav- not allow the death of Christ to be in Dr. Kay's Q & A 9 agery. They shouted at the tops of vain for each of us. their voices like a vocal stampede, ADRA "Crucify Him". Frankie Lazarus 9 Satan has succeeded in blinding the eyes of so many, including some Healthwise: of those who claim to be followers of Orville Parchment Raymond 0. West, M.D. 13 PLUS It Is WrittenNoice of Prophecy 10 Canadian Union College 11 Cyberchurch - On-Ramp to Parkview Adventist Academy 12,24 Kingsway Corner 13 Conference News 14-19 the Information Bulletin Board — Obituaries, Weddings, Births, Superhighway Anniversaries 20,21 Classifieds 21-23 by Ralph Blodgett The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. If you own a computer, you no doubt have heard about Issued monthly, annual subscription price in Canada $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Maracle Press the new Seventh-day Adventist computer forum on Limited. Second class mail registration number 0912. CompuServe-SDAs On-line. Everyone is talking about it. It Address all inquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, is the latest way for church leaders and laity from North Ontario L1H 1H8. ISSN 0702-5084 Continued on page 12 Messenger / May 1995 3 Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference Camp Meeting 1995 June 30-July 8 at Camp WI-vitesanct (near Theodore, Saskatchewan) Dan Jackson Leo Schreven Ron Hyrchuk Lester carney Harry Sackett Morris Venden Treasurer Southeastern Pastor Speaker for Media Youth Speaker President Man/Sask California College Heights Centre Man / Sask Conference Conference Conference Church Evening Meetings: Every evening from 6:00 to 9:30 the General Conference Session Allan Robertson Kay Kuzma will be brought to our Auditorium via satellite and a giant screen. Pastor, B.C. Conference Family Matters Ontario Conference Camp Meeting July 20-22 Opening meeting at 7:00 p.m. Location/Directions Accommodations Bingemans Conference & Please plan to make your Recreation Centre, 1380 own arrangements for Victoria St N, Kitchener accommodations. There From London: Hwy 401 E are plenty of sites available for Jack Sequeira LeClare Litchfield, Potomac Conference to Hwy 8 W. Follow to Hwy 7 E/ trailers and tents at the recreation Collegedale Academy Main Speaker 86 N exit. Take right ramp. centre. Call (519) 744-1555 for Teen Youth Continue until Hwy 7 E cutoff. At information. There are also several lights turn left, then right onto motels nearby including Holiday Victoria Street. Inn, Journey's End, Valhalla Inn, From Toronto: Hwy 401 W to and Victoria. Hwy 6 N. Follow 6 N until end Non-Sabbath activities include (Hwy 7Nictoria St). Turn left and water slides, wave pool and continue until Bingemans (on right). miniature golf. Highlights ♦Ordination of six ministers ♦Gospel preaching Thomas Jackson ♦ Harold Cunningham Tennessee Practical health lectures •Spiritual revival Atlanta Adventist Acad Health Seminar Speaker •Praise in music •Loads of fellowship Adult Youth Speaker 4 Messenger /May 1995 Newfoundland Camp Meeting, July 24-29, 1995 "As He Has Led Us In The Past" Woody Acres Camp Orville Parchment Alfred McClure Gerry Karst Athal Tolhurst President Assistant to the General Undersecretary President North American Division Conference President General Conference SDA Church in Canada Jacob Hiebert Ralph Janes Henry Feyerabend David Crook Secretary-Treasurer President IT IS WRITTEN President SDA Church in Kingsway College SDA Church in Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Steve Little George Dronen Campus Chaplain Pacific Press Publishing Assn.
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