The Walrus The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. - Lewis Carroll Vol LXIII, No. 1 St. Sebastian’s School October 2009 New Athletic Facilities Locker Rooms Stun Student-Athletes By CHRIS MARINO ‘10 down the stairs into the heart of the ference of all the locker rooms. Be- athletic center. fore, the room seemed cramped, as Upon entering the athletic building Entering the hallway for the somewhere between fifty and sixty this fall, students were faced with first time since renovations, students players (some being the larger stu- two emotions – excitement and were truly in awe over the difference. dents in the school) try to dress and confusion. The former was due to the The hallway itself appears larger prepare for practice. It was certainly renovations done to the main foyer than before, along with new carpets uncomfortable during pregame and locker rooms, and the latter was composed of the school colors. This football speeches, as the shoulder merely because the building looked is merely a preamble to the work pads created even less space on the so different from last year. The mun- that has been done, as the locker benches, and many players were dane task of heading into the trainers’ rooms themselves are absolutely forced to kneel uncomfortably on room, or even one’s own locker room amazing. the ground. Even the lockers them- for that matter, took some getting There are now several large selves needed an upgrade, as most used to, as there were such major dif- locker rooms, each redone, allow- equipment could not fit into them. ferences in nearly every dimension of ing for each sports team to have its Fortunately, the school took these the building. own locker room during its season. problems into consideration as the The first thing that one The middle school locker room, renovated the room, creating more notices when entering the athletic freshman locker room, varsity locker of a sanctuary for the players to building is the main foyer. The floor rooms, and – new to St. Sebastian’s prepare and relax before games and is completely retiled in white with the – visiting team locker rooms. The practices. Senator Kirk swears the oath of office from Vice-President Joe Biden school crest emblazoned in the cen- renovating team definitely used the When first entering the ter. Also in this general area, Coach building’s space to its maximum abil- new locker room, the varsity football Souza has a new office, allowing him ity, as each locker room looks more players all had the same reaction – more space to work on plays and spacious; the extra number of rooms this looks like a college locker room. view tape for the upcoming games. also shows this, as space where there St. Seb’s Grad Paul Kirk For starters, there is no lack of space This front area of the foyer is espe- was only a couple of rooms, now whatsoever. In fact, while hanging cially well done, and will be crucial hold three or four. out before practice, there are usually social space during the basketball The main varsity locker a handful of players throwing foot- season for the fans. Despite these room, now occupied by the football Becomes U.S. Senator great renovations, the true change is team, seems to have the greatest dif- Continued on page 2 service. I have been privileged to and that he has a lifetime of happy By TOM HOFF ‘11 stay affiliated with[St. Sebastian’s] recollections about fellow students, Paul Kirk, a highly accomplished throughout my life.” teammates and board members son of St. Sebastian’s, has risen to Paul Kirk remained commit- from his many years connected with become a United States Senator at a ted to strengthening St. Sebastian’s St. Sebastian’s. In fact, his first words time of great debate in our country. School throughout an active life as were, “Tom, how can I help you and Senator Kirk graduated from Sebs in attorney, corporate director, dedicat- St. Sebastian’s, and also The Walrus?” 1956, moving on to Harvard College ed Catholic and community servant, This response, as well as and Harvard Law School. Before and national political leader. He other answers he gave and other becoming a Senator, Kirk held many served on the Board of Trustees from gestures he has made show his prominent national positions, includ- 1992 to 2004 and again from 2006 love for his school many years ago, ing Co-Chair of the Commission on to 2009. “St. Sebastian’s School has and how grateful he is for what St. Presidential Debates, Chairman of benefited so much from Paul Kirk’s Seb's has given him: “St. Sebastian’s the John F. Kennedy Library Founda- wisdom,” emphasized Headmaster prepares one to be a good citizen tion, and Chairman of the Democratic Burke. “It was he who conceived of and to be part of a life bigger than National Committee. the Catholic Identity Committee of yourself,” the Senator reflected. “The On September 25, 2009, Paul Kirk the Board of Trustees so that there school’s mission includes develop- was sworn in as a U.S. Senator, having would be Board oversight ensuring ing students with a set of values that been appointed by Governor Deval that the School will forever advance emphasizes service to others. I hope Patrick to serve in seat held by Sena- its Catholic mission.” all graduates of St. Sebastian’s take tor Edward M. Kennedy, who died Senator Kirk’s staff, in re- away and keep this set of values for in August, until a special election is sponding to the request of The Wal- all of their lives.” held on January 19th, 2010. “I was rus for an interview, cautioned that The Senator recalled the moment thrilled to hear that Paul Kirk would the Senator would need to fit in any when he first heard from Governor receive this appointment,” exclaimed interview between meetings with Patrick that he would be appointed Headmaster Burke. “I was so happy the Senate leadership, preparations to serve as a U.S. Senator. “This for Paul, for Massachusetts, for our for hearings on U.S. military strategy appointment was unexpected. I school, and for our country.” in Afghanistan, and interviews with have always revered the opportuni- “St. Sebastian’s prepared me for col- the New York Times and The Wall ties I have had to serve in public lege and prepared me for life,” said Street Journal. Despite the intensity and political life, but being asked the Senator from Washington, D.C. of his schedule, the Senator com- to become a U.S. Senator is a whole Cardinal Willaim O’Connell has gained national prominence for his powerful leadership during a telephone interview with mitted immediately to the request other dimension. The responsibili- The Walrus. “It gave me a sense of and carved out time for an interview ties of upholding this public trust are responsibility to community and an with me, noting that he had been Cardinal’s Remains appreciation of the importance of a writer for The Walrus as a student Continued on page 2 son the school has been picked as the school is also planning to award from Newton, may also encourage a a possible option for a reburial site. in the future a need-based, Cardinal more pronounced sense of identity To Find Rest at Seb’s? Cardinal O’Malley remarked that this O’Connell scholarship, thus bringing for the school as an institution that new location would provide future further honor to his name through is both independent, yet devoted based on the need to pay off Church legal obligations, and its desire to do By JOE ALBANESE ‘10 generations with "the opportunity the virtues of education by provid- to the original Catholic ideas and expenses. BC purchased the land so in a way that respects the late Car- to gain an appreciation of Cardinal ing a valuable learning experience intentions of its founder. It surely On a day-to-day basis, everyone on the condition that the Cardinal’s dinal and his family. As Cardinal Sean O’Connell’s significant contributions to needy students. A permanent represents an honorable legacy that at Sebs knows Cardinal William H. body would be relocated. Both are O’Malley has stated, “It is no longer to the life of the Catholic Church”. memorial in his name will also be the Cardinal be buried on the school O’Connell for his portrait hanging currently filing a mandatory request possible to honor the late Cardi- Because of his work in providing a erected at St. John’s Seminary in which has grown so much since he in Ward Hall. Whether or not they with the Commonwealth of Mas- nal’s wishes relative to his burial”. Catholic education with this school, order to honor his achievements for first instituted it. can recognize him by name, there is sachusetts that they be allowed to Meanwhile, BC plans to develop its our community has more than a the Catholic Church in Boston and to While there is still division among an evident aura of importance and move the gravesite -- with a mixed new property and according to its portrait by which to remember the celebrate his life of tireless service. the Cardinal’s family whether to grandeur surrounding his image. But reaction from the Cardinal’s living spokesperson, wants the Cardinal Cardinal. St. Sebs already awards an While almost every regional newspa- even move him in the first place, now there is a spark of local interest relatives.
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