Shopping Map of Salado, 4B-5B Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXX, Number 41 Thursday, March 13, 2008 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 www.saladovillagevoice.com 50¢ Final day filings fill local races Salado voters will tion to the school board choose a new mayor, two are these: Rodney W. Bell, new aldermen and three Kim Bird, Robert Dani- school board trustees dur- ell, Nelson Lewis and Joe ing a May 10 election as McKethan. enough candidates have Unless someone files filed for these races to ne- as a declared write-in can- cessitate an election. didate in the Salado Public Michael Cooper and Library District election Merle Stalcup, two Vil- by 5 p.m. March 15, then lage of Salado aldermen, the Library District board will face each other for can vote to cancel the elec- Mayor of Salado in the tion and declare the three Officials break ground on the new Scott & White Salado Clinic and Pharmacy March 5 at the corner of FM 2484 first contested mayoral candidates who have filed and Williams Drive. They are, from left, Developer David J. Andrews of Canyon Creek Crossing Development of race since the first one in elected to office in May. Temple; John Chaddick, Scott & White’s retail pharmacy director; Family Medicine Physician Dr. Billy Ligon Jr. which Charlotte Doug- Three candidates filed who will serve as the new medical director of the Salado Clinic; Dr. Alfred Knight, Scott & White President and lass was elected in 2000. for three two-year terms CEO; Dr. Michael Reis, Vice Chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Associate Chief Medical Officer of The Mayoral term is two on the Salado Library Dis- Scott and White’s Northern Regional Clinics; Salado Alderman Merle Stalcup; and Developer Gerald Drews of years. Rick Ashe is step- trict Board of Trustees. Canyon Creek Crossing Development. ping down as Mayor, the They are incumbent Dave second in this incorpora- Carr and Bob Denton and tion of Salado. Taylor Willingham. Three candidates have The last day to register Scott & White breaks ground filed for two two-year to vote in the May 10 elec- Officials broke ground terms on the Village of tion is April 10. March 5 on what will be Salado Board of Alder- Early voting will be the new 10,800-square- men: Hulda Horton, Ste- weekdays April 28-May 6 foot Scott & White Salado phen Peters and Carol at the Salado Civic Center, Clinic and Pharmacy. Walls. None are incum- 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. More than 75 community bents on the board. Election day voting will members and key project Three three-year terms be 7 a.m.-7 p.m. May 10 at participants were on hand on the Salado Independent the Salado Civic Center. to help with the celebra- School District Board of All of the local elections tion. trustees will be filled in will be held concurrently. “We are very excited the May 10 election. Deb- The first day to ap- to be here in Salado and orah Aldridge is the only ply for Ballot by Mail is to be building this new incumbent on the school March 11. The last day to clinic and full-service board to file for re-elec- apply for a Ballot by Mail pharmacy,” said Dr. Mi- tion. Also filing for elec- is April 25. chael Reis, Vice Chair of Architectural rendering of Salado Clinic. the Department of Family patients with diabetes, hy- Medicine and Associate Gerald Drews of Canyon ing at the Scott & White pertension, heart disease, Chief Medical Officer of Creek Crossing Develop- Belton Clinic, will lead asthma and other pulmo- Scott and White’s North- ment of Temple. the medical and support nary diseases. Greg Perry ern Regional Clinics. The projected opening staff of about 17. Future will be the pharmacist and A short ceremony in- date for the new clinic and plans include expanding manager of the new Salado cluded speakers Dr. Al- pharmacy is set for Janu- the medical staff to three pharmacy. fred Knight, president and ary 2009 with construction family medicine physi- The exterior of the new CEO of Scott & White; beginning this month. cians and a physician’s clinic and pharmacy will Dr. Reis; Dr. Billy Ligon “We think that you assistant. feature a Hill Country Jr. who will serve as the will agree this facility The pharmacy will of- flare with a metal roof, Ralph Sheffield Martha Tyroch new medical director of has been designed with fer a full line of prescrip- dormer windows, stone the Salado Clinic; and Vil- convenience and comfort tion services and an ex- and stucco exterior and Tyroch, Sheffield lage of Salado Alderman in mind,” Reis said. The tensive over-the-counter native landscaping. Merle Stalcup. A symbolic clinic will feature 13 exam department, as well as a Members of the Eco- breaking of the ground fol- rooms, an 800-square-foot drive-through window. face-off in run-off April 8 nomic Development com- Martha Tyroch and to fill the seat of Dianne lowed and included each lobby, a covered drop-off In addition to providing mittee for the Village of Ralph Sheffield will face White Delisi, District 55. of the speakers, as well as area, on-site laboratory medication reviews for Salado contacted Scott & each other in a run-off Early voting in the run- John Chaddick, Scott & services and diagnostic x- patients, the pharmacy White officials more than to determine which will off race will be March 31- White’s retail pharmacy ray capabilities. Ligon, a will also feature spe- two years to discuss a pos- be the Republican to face April 4. Precinct 203 vot- director; and developers family medicine physician cialized monitoring and who is currently practic- educational services for sible clinic in Salado. Democrat Sam Murphey SEE RUN-OFF, PAGE 16A David J. Andrews and INSIDE Bulk Rate Horton Foote Society U.S. Postage Paid ALENDAR OF VENTS C E 2B Permit No. 50 CLASSIFIEDS 1C community meeting Salado, TX 76571 FORUM 2A OFF THE RECORD 2A 7 p.m. March 13 Subscribe SHOPPING MAP 4B Today Rooted in Salado SPORTS 5A Salado Civic Center Since 1979 254/947-5321 Shopping Map Salado Pages 4-5B Calendar of Events Village Guide Page 2B Section B Salado Village Voice March 13, 2008 8 Pages Shopping, Dining, Overnight, Events The NEWEST STYLES & ACCESSORIES in stock! Museum director delves into Gault site March 15 Stephanie Turnham, executive director of the Bell County Historical Museum in Belton, will discuss the Gault site at the Salado Public Library, 1-2 p.m. March 15. Turn- ham will also have some The Showroom - Salado Plaza - (254) 947-0556 www.theshowroomsalado.com of the artifacts from this rich archeaological find on display. The talk is free and open to the public. The following informa- Salado tion is from the Gault site webpage at http://www. texasbeyondhistory.net/ Undergraduate students from Texas A&M University at work at the Gault site. gault/index.html. (photo from www.texasbeyondhistory.net/gault/index.html. CIGARS “The Gault site, mid- way between Georgetown “Over the next 60 years, and Ft. Hood in central just enough to confirm the A relatively small core of artifact collectors churned Texas, has a long history collector’s story. But the professional staff works Premium Handmade Cigars, up the upper deposits over of archeological investi- property owner at the time with university field almost the entire site, but Pipes, Men’s Gifts & Accessories gation as well as uncon- continued to let pay-to-dig schools from Texas A&M, stopped digging when trolled artifact digging. artifact collectors destroy UT Austin, and Brigham Escape with CAO the dark rich midden soil Located in a small wood- the site. Young University as well Saturday, March 22, 1-5 pm played out. In 1990, an ar- ed valley with a spring-fed “Fortunately for ar- as volunteers from near We will feature CAO Gold, Brazilia, tifact collector dug deeper creek and an unlimited cheology, the property and far including many Italia & much more. and found Clovis artifacts supply of excellent flint, changed hands and the members of the Texas Ar- Special one day deals, along with several unusual the site was occupied in- new owners recognized cheological Society. FREE cigars and door prizes incised stones, something tensively during all major the scientific importance “The Gault site is at- never before found with periods of the prehistoric of the site. Since 1998 a tracting national and in- Clovis materials. Learning Sun.-Thurs. 11-5 Fri.-Sat. 11-7 era. James E. Pearce, the major excavation proj- ternational attention be- of the find, Drs. Thomas 400 S. Main Street (254) 947-9177 first professional arche- ect has been underway at cause of the wealth of new R. Hester and Michael Salado, Texas 76571 1-866-498-2447 ologist in Texas, learned Gault, led by Collins. The information on Clovis cul- B. Collins of the Texas [email protected] of the Gault Farm site and work has been carried out ture that is emerging from Archeological Research excavated there in 1929- by a cast of hundreds of right here in the heart of Laboratory carried out 1930. individuals representing Texas.” testing at Gault in 1991, dozens of organizations. New, returning potters show at Wildflower Several new and re- turning potters will take part in the Eighth Annual Wildflower Art Show March 29-30. The Show will be held on the Civic Center iaappda grounds from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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