I. 7" J r '. ■■7 r-: 7.' .V.-.-J'/X-u., ,., //' ■r i / f ' -I " ..7 - / ■! ' • • * ■ . _ j t' '■ . •) ' " ' / '• / FRIDAY, JANUARY II. 19B« \ ^ i v ^ J Avwtgt Dailyr N0N 0 R a lEttrnfttg fjrraUii 4*. _ . , •■•r taaWaak tarbeMa — M tba bean of : i m o Skaters Bxpedted Mta Telaate M N onaaa E ^ t a f i m 'a daace, a namhlNjmbl :-T Yaeigkt Aimax Jayceee Ask ll,095trX t a HMd-hv thm. W in ri—I vTiiw 7^.:: '■ i aiM m M at rnniailftaei to r ter ffoBlbr OHiMbar o f Obmamtob,- aanve) card pnita and .fend Ar^ Delegates More than l.OOd ice akatere. wltl bghald at the State Armory af ^Oltaolattemi.,-: O n a iia f "wbre lep^ad at center m t d m s A ^ wid Jmt aala. Uia data M - in u 3 i baa baee Saturday avanlng. Jan. 88. r ^nringa Pond and Center TIckaCa are avnUaM* from any NEMIND M O r- M iuuBhestAfp^A,CUyi o f V iilage Charm ■at far Wadaeeday.-reb. m T a da* *i|aM T tto^iln t Ui nckMu buffet atyla euppar war Sprtnga Aimex laat lUght .uid Jaycaa member of at tha Amarit^ BATTBBIBS — OOBBS — RBFAIBB, f p M od el m twice that number ia expacti- Polio Benefit Lagion. Home, Ptao Pharmacy. VOL LSpiill, NO. 40 •t t p. m. aervad, after which Kay Haugan . ‘ X .... .......... ,' (rtaaallied AiRvHtetag ■■ 1 8 ) . and M in FaUca ahowad colored bdtonigbt,-weather permittings Qutrat’a' Pharmacy, N orth Bnd M ANCHE8TB^4^NN.«^ATl^AYr7ANUARY 16, 1954 Odiiiloii Mambora of the High Scbdol (YWRLVE PAGES) t* t tomt «iia moYlee taken at Miami Beach Parit Supt. Horace Murphey Bing Crosby. Sophia tucker, Pharmacy, Jon-Di's Raataurant, UMjnwr when a group of local beanUdana Current Affair* Club yeatetday ■aid akaUng hours tonight will Fairfield Market, Green Comer PERSONAL HEARING SERVICE K- Oovi John Arthur Godfrey A t o d il attended the Natloaal Hairdreaaen elected four boya and four girla be from 8:90 to 10 o'clock. and Mra. Dwight D. Blaanhower Store, Pinehuret Grocery,. First X O F M A N C H E S T E R Both the pond and annek will th$ tw irtm l. ai to reprannt them at the third have Joined forces with the Man- National Bank, or from 8. J. Turk- ! g g l m a i n ST.—Ml-a-«Ml p t M m d .t e tlM K lag David Lodge, lO O r, wiU annual model general aaaembly of be lighted by floodligbta. cheater Junior Chamber of Com- Ington, Jr, at tha Town Clerk'a nai Bwbum Aa< meat tonight at 7:90 in Odd Itel* the U. N., aponaorad by tba For­ Should the, temperature con­ merce In an affort ta a»aka the Iowa HalL DIatrict Peputy Grand tinue to liae today, which unees •Bd bar uaiat* 1884 Polio Ball the moat succea*- eign Policy Aaan. of Hartford at would cause officiala to cloea Aadmon. Mn. Maater Harry Ptarce, of Boat Htnyer Oodlaga A pril lA ful eyar held la Mmichaater. ■ad M in Ruth Hartford, and bia ataff wtU be Center Springs, the annex will Tha Jaycaa danoa committee, P ay Rai^e Elected to make the annual trip be opened, Mur{diey aalA praaent .to tnataU tba olficara fo r to the UN aaaembly tn New York headed by AUy. Herbert A. Phe- tba enauing year. Refreabmanta Skaters who desire further lon, Jr., contacted the above-men- CUANIN6 ANW INSTAUIN6 were Carolyn Bengtaon, Nancy Information may call Canter / - ,Cdvt, aad Mn. Rayaiond WU- win ba aerved fdlowtaig the In- Oide, Batty Preibait. Merilyn Rog- tloaad celebritiea with a request WINDSHIELD Vote Nears atallatiotL Springs Lodge. MI S-4700. ■ ■ * ^ 1"- MK.arlD be i»eelsl lueMa Buadey f . ^ , ir% William Bayer, Gary BogU, that they donate Some article to i | : | i ^ itfir tc n la the SMvatiOB he sold to the hlfheat bidder for SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS Jamaa Tateo and Roger Turklng- / “ 7"* Anejr Citadel, tba HoUnen eervlM Two TWCA ^Nmaored claaaea ton. Alternataa aleeted ' ware tha buieflt of tha PoUo Fund A amapMs aegnelaatten at TRAINED SBWAdB SPBCBALim ^Wai^ngton, Jan. 16 {m — Wuhingtdh^ Jan; 16 (/P>— will atart next week at tba Com­ repreaant Nlnataan aacoodary a. m. and the flalYatioe Roae Frechette, Sandra Tkna^’ .Oontanta of tha packagaa ra- PROTECTORS ■mm the aaest taadaan aeatameet aad aeeehleeey—RBStnUTi A The XJniti^ States is arming CkingreM appeared likely to- taietfm at tan p. m. C»pt WH< munity T. aUanaatiea on Monday Arthur Karaaia'ahd Ahabn Tterp. acboola will partieipnba in the catvad are net knoWn to membara WBA b R Jab «t n LOWnt PltlOB. its- to re w ftt Germany vrifh Tells lelty day . to vote, probably next ■oa. Raancial eecntary for tba night at $ o’clock to run for 10 modal aaaembly. of tha oommittaa, but It ia hoped The atudoita will repreoent For su\ty]p88 of c«rau No THIS IS WHY guided mi0 il0 capable cMf month, for substantial- pay Seetbern Near Bagtaad dlvielon, waeka aad mlUlaery on Tneaday Lewis Piper ia faculty advisor that a ccosiderabie eum wiU ba a Waterpvaaftag af caBaia. Syria and Caechoalovakla. of the Currant Affairs Chib. The urrying atomic warheads Taifi^fi for its own ^ members <artUi haadq^rten In Hartford, morning at b:lS to run for 8 weaka. In - tripa to the UN the pact scraping. Keeps yoar wind- a New aniHgriant water , . more caO ^ ■wlll teaagnrata the IWM S m ic e - AbyotM interaated may atUl regia- Mancbeater Rotary Club aponaara HMa laatalM . ....... McKinney Bros. hundreds of mile* into Red- and for federal.Judges, stgrt- s'?' tar for eltber of than claaan at two yaara, .local, atudente .aerved the annual trip to tha UN. sKieM cleuf while perked. ’Bftte eampalga, niday, Jan. 0 , af aa repraaentativea of Tugoalav- a New “ raetpreaf* aawac (1) Prompt Service held terckbry. ing next January, “ Lei It Snow, Let It Snow” Etc. ‘f:M . Baaiday evaninc at 7:S0 a the Y offlce In tba Community Y itaea laatalhi Tha AijAorca anaounced teratly Building. vakla, Saudl-Arabia, Natlwial Mrs. Justine M. Sober, proba­ FAINTS7 CAU Demonstrated At (2) QnaUty Work A protest from Congres** own aanaoHal aervtee will ba bald China and HaltL a Ptaggad aawar Inaa elaan- l« t ntgMr that it will aend two ranks that the pay already may ROK He ■'V" John l^oBi, an tion officer of the Juvenile Court e i aiaetaleelly. i(S) Reasonable Prices pllotleaa bomber aquadrona.. to Andaraon Shea Auxiliary, No. At the mock aaaembly. atudente of the State of Connecticut in the be too high seemed to represent ta tba^ local cotpa for 4S will debate a four point agenda in i i s A R . , n w m Oarmany this year. No deWla only a small minority's view. ' Tuieday, Jan. lA 2048, VpiVv will bold ite uaual pub­ Rockville district, will apaak >on ware given. •• lic aatback party tonlrtt at 8:80 at the all day aeaaion. Delcgatea “Juvenile Delinquency" at tba iUHMESTER But a ' specialcommission's Issues tba P n t Home, Manchaater Groan, will viait the UN in March, datoa Fite Bwrie UJ8. Strategy recommendaUon that the legisla- Cheney 1 AtblaUc A e^ win meeting of Group B. Center with >rlaea and rafreabmenta. Mra. to ba aaaigned In the near future. Church women, Mra. Newell Smith. Coll McKINNEY BROS. Thia move eeemed to flt into tore' annual gross Income be M d t b a i ^ia a a erin qc **Rac Oidoco-Wbitebaada tbacommUteo. They .drill Interview UN delegatea,. m « suMXY <a | AHWIIIIt , S^te«y _de«ned._by hiked-, .to-837,800 may-be - ecaled NIihta’’ dftWe ly at ^ Bait Jeadert-Monday niidtt at g-o'dodt A gb ^ turnout of playara ia hoped viait country delegatiotaa and at­ at the church. All peraona tnter- gSCretaiy df Stale DuUea in a New down to 80.OOO or 80.800, still a On Gou tn 10 derao tbe proceed* will-be turned: tend maetlnga of the aaaemt^ tb tated bra Invited to attend aind MltdMl f ^ 2 S iftw w fO w ieSfc York speech Tuesday and affirmed steeable hobst oVer the primeht J by President Eisenhower at' hie into the Pquo Fund. get’ viewpmnta of cotmtriee they hear this talk. ' TBL. MItahall i .188-10 PBARL 8T.. 819,000. ■ Seoul, Jfin. 16 (jF)->Preg|- 4 news conference the next dey. House Majority Leader Halleck This strategy. DuIIea said, ia (R-Ind)- predicted that Congress dent Syngmsn R ^ tiodsy n t baaed on ''massive retaliatory pow­ would approve a pay raise, al­ fin April defid)^ for tin er" to deter Soviet aggreaskm. though not necessarily tjlR fu ll peficeful unifUAtion of Kores la this connection, the deciekm amount recommended:— —— X:’ and wame4u0t “ we wiU not to augment the fire power of Outspoken opposition to the American forces helping defend raise came from Beps. Burdick sit back ana wait until wa a n W estern Europe immediately (R-ND) and Hoffman (R-Mich), 0 ld out,” , raised, a question; but ■ neither seemed optimistic An official government apokaa- Would this mean fewer Ameri­ about chances for blocking it. roan later issued a atatement modi- can troops in EUiropeT Burdick disagreed with the com­ ^ n g the aging Prerident'a want­ mission’s finding that congress­ ing. "No. not to itself.’’ Secretary of Rhee hinted to a news ronferanca , Defense Charles K. Wilson told re­ men are underpaid. ’’Most of us are overpaid," he that im days after the start of porters yesterday.
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