510-657-4070 Ext. 352 [email protected] in number to us Millennials, the simple “don’t“For care, the unlessstudents it’s byThough the students.” questions of how Springand ployees2011 on howVol. to2 No.better 3 under- Millenial also known as Generation Y. We me.” We are a generation, as a when we, as a generation, are to stand Me and My Friends” (An- remain larger, more connected, whole, facing global warming, the combat these problems still linger, drew Jenks, Host of MTV’s World Generation and more self-oriented than any aftermaths of an economic crisis, what remains intact and undoubt- of Jenks). The entertainment and generation that was before us. We and increased worldly tensions, ed is our strength, not only in our media business would go broke By Neeth Sangary are shaped by social networks, ad- all of which have been passed numbers but in our essence. without our money, without each vanced technology, open commu- down to us by our predecessors. Our power in numbers penny and nickel spent of cloth- The Millennial Generation nication, and access to unfathom- We are expected to do well and often times is overlooked. “The ing, music, shows and movies. is characterized by those roughly able amounts of knowledge at our surpass our parents, despite the business world takes our num- Jenks further brings to light that born between 1978 and 1998; it fingertips. Yet, despite our pent up bogs of neoliberalism. More and bers seriously. In order to better “My Friends and I will be a criti- is about 50 million strong. This potential, we remain subjected to more of us will be chained to our understand our psyche, Ernst & cal variable that determines who is my generation. The population a series of unearned negative la- college debts, fall into increased Young and Merrill Lynch pay top of Baby Boomers combined with bels and titles of laziness, “dooms- poverty gaps, and excel in schools dollar for so-called consultants “ Millenial Generation” is GenerationThe X doesn’t even come day of theTitan American Dream,” and that have inadequate resources.Tribune to train executives and other em- contiuned on page 3 Duh, Winning because it’s Friday in UCLA By Christina Valdez Let’s face it, we are all guilty of the grasps of the social media. Our teenage world is surrounded by the constant up- dates from the latest videos, sta- tuses, and tweets. We crave this new form of internet amuse- ment; we look for the newest viral craze to not only watch but to share to all our friends. From raunchy tweets by good ol’ Charlie Sheen, to ignorant You- Tube rants from UCLA student Alexandra Wallace, to Rebecca Black’s infamous Friday mu- sic video, it seems like we just can’t get enough. Our culture today has created this new form of instant stardom. Whether it is positive or negative is up to you. Famous celebrity Char- lie Sheen has recently jumped on the social media circuit af- ter recently being fired from the popular television sitcom Two and a Half Men. Sheen has since become an internet sensa- tion due to his vulgar (but ex- tremely funny) Twitter Tweets. With over 3 million Twitter fol- lowers, Sheen captivates and shocks audiences with his un- rated and unfiltered updates. Not only has Sheen become famous for his tweets but also for his contagious catch phrase, winning! and his signature ti- gerblood tag. As ridiculous as Sheen’s tweets may seem, at the end of the day, we just can’t live without our daily dose of Char- lie Sheen. UCLA student Alexan- dra Wallace has also climbed up the cyber-celebrity ladder LEAGUEpose of LOL is for theOF classes to ed backLEADERS to us. Recently, we’ve take place in different classrooms with her shockingly racist You- By Alejandra Alaniz learn new strategies that will drawn attention with our sports around the school. Tube videos. Also known as contribute to the growth of their teams, and we’ve gained the in- The designated school – JFK, at UCLA’s Ranting Racist, Wal- Every year, an awesome school and improve the efficiency terests of the superintendent and least for this year – takes care of event takes place in the Fremont at which their schools run. It is the school board thanks to our preparing the schedule, finding lace has slithered her way up Unified School District. Noticed especially directed toward train- improving test scores and pas- the motivational speaker, pre- to fame with her discrimina- by few, but benefitting all, this ing the new and upcoming lead- sionate students. LOL is just an- paring lunches, and many other tory videos against the Asian- mysterious event is coming to ership classes from each school. other opportunity for outsiders small details. Then, each high American community. Wallace John F. Kennedy High School! On April 20 of this year, approxi- to witness our growth, spirit, and school prepares a few workshops has received hundreds of thou- So what is this enigmatic mately 350 leadership students pride. concerning the management of sands of views from her video event exploading right around from different high schools will However, don’t be fooled school activities and improve- rant as people everywhere are the corner of April? LOL! No, not follow the trail of spirit and en- by the simplicity of its acronym; ments for the school. For exam- dumbfounded that someone Laugh Out Loud, but rather, the ergy to the event site. This year, it the League of Leaders confer- ple, possible workshops could would broadcast such bigoted League of Leaders. The League is our beloved JFK campus. ence takes a lot of hard work to be workshops on publicity, time of Leaders (LOL) is an annual LOL concerns more than accomplish. It is a large scale management, or ice breakers. “Duh, Winning” is conti- leadership conference involving just leadership students; it is the project involving months of More than just a load of learn- uned on page 6 all the leadership classes of ev- perfect moment to show other preparation. ASB, JFK’s leader- ing, LOL is a fun and interac- INDEX ery high school in the district. It schools who we are and what we ship class, carries the majority tive experience. This is achieved Iron Chef ......................... 2 is held at a different designated are made of. LOL couldn’t come of the responsibility for pulling through chants and spirit compe- AVID ............................... 2 high school every year. The lead- to Kennedy at a better time. With off this event. The conference is Country in Crisis ............. 3 ership classes of every high school the whirlwind of change happen- a single day composed of a series “LOL” is contiuned on Operation Prom Dress .... 4 attend this event. The main pur- ing at our school, eyes have drift- of workshops and activities that page 3 March Madness ............... 8 Page 2 News JfkTitanTribune.WordPress.com The Titan Tribune @JfkTitanTribune Spring 2011 Vol. 2 No. 3 “ Millenial Generation” is and make more serviced avail- able. We tend to be liberal, by contiuned from page 1 decisively rejecting the conserva- is the 44th President of the United tive viewpoint that government States of America. If 57% of us is the problem and that free mar- show up in pivotal states like Vir- kets always produce the best re- CHAOS ginia, Nevada, and Colorado, we sults for society; instead, we sup- could swing the election by two to port a more balanced approach three points in each state. That’s to the economy. When asked in enough effectively to swing the the 2008 National Election Study election.” In retrospect, this drives whether we need a strong govern- the point that we played a key role ment to handle today’s complex in Obama’s 2008 presidential win. economic problems or whether Voters in our age group showed the free market can handle these up in drones for the message. But problems without government’s for some reason, politicians, nei- involvement, Millennials demon- ther entirely Democratic nor Re- strated an overwhelming prefer- publican noticed, Obama reached ence for strong government by a out to us, via our means, and we margin of 78 to 22 percent. delivered. Keep in mind that the What’s unique about us… Millennials notably also favor We mark the end of the so-called progressive methods in terms of culture war: The mindset of the foreign policy issues. As a genera- Millennial’s marks the end in the tion, we are more oriented toward culture war of American politics. cooperative multilateral forms of For the last several decades, ran- foreign policy than our elders, the such as Hilary Clinton spoke out jor oil cities in the country is the corous disputes about family and said Generation X or Baby Boom- on the atrocities being committed heavily contested city of Brega, By Nate Bernardo religious values, feminism, gay ers. We are highly likely to believe by Gaddafi. where pro Gaddafi forces are cur- rights, and race have frequently that a positive image of America Over the course of a few rently in control and three battles crippled the ability of precedent April 7th, Brega, Libya: weeks, the NATO Security Coun- have taken place. Due to the “fear abroad is essential to achieving generations to make their case Chaos. Gunfire and mortar shells cil held numerous meetings on factor,” oil prices have skyrocket- our national security goals, along explode around rebel fighters in the happenings in Libya. Coun- ed from around $95 USD per bar- to the average American.
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