Wednesday, September 1 i, i THE PRESS A-9 With Ruth CaudU . IMPORTED mi^^ - _ SWINGING DOWN A LANE The hip events are over Golden the man who sees for another year. 1 am speak­ that every thing is just right ing about the PBA Tourna­ for the PBA tour and Norm ment, with the top howlers Belt, manager of Rose Lai^es, of the nation competing for decided that it. would give y INGS ADD UP the big pay off of $2500. The the boys a better showing if pro-Am where a m a t e u r they bowled along with the bowlers compete for first Pro-Am bowlers. It worked *—«« -a g^i-^ place with a Pro partner and out just fine. The boys after­ $500 top pay off. Last but noon was not wasted due to not least our Junior Pro Norm Belt, the ten junior's Open Bowling Classic of! had the pleasure of having 1963 taking place for the! lunch with Dick Weber. first time this year. j Tom Hennessey, John Meyer l«4iilia^"IRIS "* In the big event I will notj and Ed Bourdase. Ed is not say walking away, I will say! only a top bowler he is also running away with the big-! quite an entertainer, the gest margin of pins ever re­ boys loft the table w i t. h corded in PRA tournament laughter in their hearts, and . IRIS^^^_ I^B ^n^ mmt mm some sound advise from history. Young Rilly Hard- wick can take the well de­ these, not only top bowlers, cnnnED congratulations hei but fine gentlemen as welV, served was receiving for his out-j We would like to take tWs I ^" m m^m opportunity to thank Dim enmcHED!•• ^^•••ft standing bowling achieve-! merit, lie finished with 42<S| Carter. Dick Weber and Ril- - - miiK- - - ^^mtmWm^^ more totnl pins than his rlos-' Iv Welu for thnr co-opara- est competitor which was t'ion in having thrir pictures taken with our Junior hmvl- FLOUR^^^ ^mWMmm*^ Dick \Vehor. ors. Rilly H a rd \\ i c k h,i> «| The ten boys finishing in great future ahead of him,! the finals received beautiful most of you bowling fans) trophys. The first place win­ m know by now that Billy uses! ners in class A and B Divi­ an unorthodox finger grip! sion received larger trophies. :::u;:it on his ball, he uses his in-; These two winners are Class dex and middle finger in­ A, Bill Hamhly. who rolled stead of his ring finger, nev­ games of 233/210. and 202 er tho less it sure pay? off. for a 645 scratch total. Bill Try it *ome time. has made the honor roll two The final standings in thej years in succession, he is a PBA tour were as follows.j fine student, he earns his Billy Hardwick. averaged own bowling money and 236 for fourty games was out bought his own bowling ball, in front hy 426 pins. Dick had it drilled just the way Weber second place, aver­ he wanted it. If Bill chose* aged 227. total O.OSO; third j bowling as his career he will place. Rill Runetta. averaged no doubt be up there with IMPORTED LUNCH MEAT FROM DENMARK 225. total D.OOO; and Rill! the best. He bad as his Pro Tucker who was in there 1 partner Milt Molhuscn, on» trying, his average 220, came! of the top bowlers of the 12-OZ in fourth place with a total; PBA tour. Total score 1262. CANS of 8.ROO. Congratulations to : First place in class R gops T R1A1' MAJESTY you all. to Martin Parks winning The Pro-Am Tournament over, his nearest competition USDA with pay off to amateur by lust one pin. This young "CHOICE" only was won by Don Hoop­ man is also a fine student er and Red Klkins. Don roll-! and top young bowler. Milt or ERLAND'S STEMS AND PIECES ing a B41 series, adding his 1 Molhusen was Martins part­ Pro partners score of WW to ner also, their total pin fall TABLE win by four pins over second 1096. 1 think all the rir» PRIDE place winner Mike Deans, bowlers who had the pri\ i- his Pro partner was .lack lage of bowling with thrift BEEF Heriery, their total pin fall: Junior Bowlers will be talk­ ! 1356. third place. Hav Lun- ing about it for some time tf> dy. Pro Kv Collins. 1348. and 1 come. The special Sports­ 2-LB. CAN $1.17 3-LB. CAN $1.69 Mountain fourth place H. Wright and manship Essay Award wa§ R. Hardwick, 133!). won by Russ McKeand. Grown Don Carter "Mr. Bowling'' The executive officers and himself was high in pin falli the members of the National Coffee with a sensational 703 series,! Fifty and Over Bowline MB. but his partner Jim Profitt! Club would like to thank the UCK 3 officials of the PBA tour. u.$. CHOICE OR TALE PRIDE RIB CAN trying as he did finished up! in sixth place with 132!). Wej Kddre Elias, executive direc- FOLGER'S tor, who ha4 the pleasure of ROAST or STEAK congratulate these amateurs! GARIIC CFlFrtY SAVORY ONION 1 tr n)c OFF LAPP i. meeting for a short time a* £A. CHOICE OR TBLF PRIDE for their fine performance. I 25C GIANT CHEER Last but not by any means j heiiad to ta1sf% a plane back CLUB STEMS \ SCHILLING SALTS least wp come to the Jilnior to AHUorf, (thio, Harry gold­ I SAVE -We LIBBY'I 4) t. ''•"*'" ""W Pro 1063 Open Bowling Clas-| en, field representative and 1-lh. $1 the Nation-! Norm Belt, for their wonder­ C»n| TOMATO PASTE sic sponsored by i CORNED BEEF HASH 3 al Fifty and Over Bowling! ful co-operation in making ^ RAVt Me LISBY'S •» MAI&ON BLACK The boys were sched-l this the fit 1 u n 1 nr PICNICS 4-r>/. Club. at 1:30 p.m. Open Bmvln.K v m^sic such 5 Cam PEPPER ___ uled to bowl f, VIENNA SAUSAGE Thursday, hut. Mr. Harrv a big success. SLICED OR WHOLEWHOLt f± FLtlSCMMANN'k SPRINGFIELD BEETS 8 MARGARINE APftlNQFIfcLD or CHB •» VET« Afl Local Bank Announces No. 2', Cih. DOG FOOD _ __12 PORK 'N BEANS __5 Two New Appointments LARGE 26-OZ. BOX WITH THIS BITTER Involving Torrance Men The Bank of America has' League and has hern a mem­ COUPON FOOD announced two new appoint-; ber of the First Baptist FREE Church of Torrance sinrt SUIT ments of interest to the Tor-j ONLY Coup«A G06d Thurl. thru W*d., Sept. 12-11, 1963 rancp Mrp.'-i. 1H42. K-r Keith 1! A graduate of Torrance r L(>l>j> is iiic iit-u lending ol- High School. Miller and his wife Virginia are the parents SLICED , . ficer and -assistant to the! manager at the bank's Main of four children: Steven, 16; BACON and Carson branch. Timothy, 14; Melva, 10; afid Torrance resident and na-. April, J5. ________ * REFRESHING live son Melvin E. Miller! «;;;;;i- has been elected an assistant /veet-Smoked ARMOUR vice president, in the bank's Friendly Teller DODGER1 corporate finance depart­ ment at Los Angeles head 1-LB. Search Underway quarters. A searrh is underway dur­ PKG. 1 ,opp xijccoeds Jojm C. Dft- ing September to find Pact \rnporl, who has been as­ fjf State Bank's "friendly i 49 BEER signed, to Huntington Park. teller." with cu$toiv> cnnnen Hnmi IWrre coming here 1-oppi All Solid ing the ballots. Medium SHRIMP CASE OF 24 $2.98 was assistant cashier and! The contest is to test th^ M«*t lending, officer at Willow- effectiveness of the friendly Broken. Ideal j ^M ^.J C Daisy branch. approach to banking. Save $1 98 Artivp Clolfpr for S«!l*d^ f ^^BF Ik Rallot boxes and voting JB¥ J^ 10. An active golfer, l/opp forms will be available from twice has been Bank of tellers at the Torranc* LB. America state champion and branch of the bank and also VALIBUT CTfc CAN Was Lakcwnod Men's Golf placed on counters Club champion in lOfiQ. Tellers will be r.;:«vi ,>.\ STEAKS 9 M ib. 5 He and his wife Barbara five factors neatness, smile. have a son, Bradley, 3, courtesy, efficiency and . Gallio Shc«d S»v« lOc Miller, who lives at 182,1 overall friendliness Marinette, has been manager The winner will Cotto Salami •>.». of the bank's North Ingle- Callte/Sllced Save 17c/ltali/in mined on overall points in wood branch since it opened the various categories. IE DAYS Salami last year. Top prize in the contest, He spent the first six open to tellers at Pacific JEfTfMBER 12 to 18, 1*3 years of his career at the \. TAXABLE ITEMS State offices in Hawthorne, m Torrance branch, beginning Lennox. Windsor Hills, Tor­ M J B COTTAGE as a'bookkeeper in 1048. rance atid Rolling Hills Es­ LUZIANNE BANQUET SWANSON Promoted in '52. tates, will be an all-expense EACH INSTANT FROZEN He was promoted to opera­ paid weekend for two in COFFEE & DINNERS MEAT PIES tions officer at Melrose-lr- Palm Desert. in Los Angel*** in 1952. 49 All Varietes COFFEE WAFFLES Quick Frozen ving Second pri?:e will be a CHICORY held a similar post, at Cren- 102. O r- dinner and show at the Co- 1 Lt. 2 "" 55c sh?»w-Stockcr before being coanut drove and third 49c 95c assigned to the business dp prizes will be tickets to spr- volopmont department at r j;il .>\iMiic Contest elosr"; lx)s Angelas HeaiUju.i; ur< -\\ S.
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