4 - i .. MQa Onfa Sgpgji Ttfbrg Shopping Days Before ChristmasDo It Today and Avoid the Rush of Next Week M K1AL MARKETS. Tb Morning rim. Clrenlaeton Yes- terday Printed and IMntrlhutnd. com- Sew York silver .,, plete onpien, in each limgruign: Sew York electrolytic copper. 1:1 ::7,i,i:i 50 I !ew York lead J .70 lllll.M, 16,594 New York une lijWKl Kpanleh A Aig Kclllloi. Ji J 1 0 November Average Groa ClrculalhM 35TH YEAR ( aya EL TEXAS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1914. Pally haul!. ?tt?7; Stands. 2e.7a. PASO. ENGLISH SECTION 16 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS BLISS SENDS ULTIMATUM TO MAYTORENA WITH THE BARK ON British and German fleets was progressing ere sighted off Hartlepool, and m 1:13 and .that the shelling at ttn coast towns 'clock lliey ennimenred a bomoardment. ENGLAND STRUCK was merely incidental) this. GERMAN ee ship appeared to be two ittle I espr (aiies Olsaopelntmrat. VESSELS .misers and on armoreil cruise The The admiralty's rcinirt uued at tt: InihI Ivi tier tea replied and are reported lo o'clock lonlgbt giving tlm news lhat the have hit and damaged tne enemy. IF ANOTHER BULLET FILLS ON U: S. uerman snips nan cuiaed (tiirsult ana were "At s no o'clock the rinng ceased and reluming safely to ihelr homo wafers. the eneinr steamed away. None of our guns BY FOREIGN FOE caused ken dlsappolntiikenl. BOMBARD COAST re loin lied One shell Tell In tbe Hoy.il .avai writers express tne opinion mat I nvtneers' lines and several In the Mm six or eight ships were engaged. The ol ih- Eighteenth service battalion of the Germans have available ror such an attack Durham Llgh Infantry. the armored cruisers niucher, noon, Prlng "The casutltiea among the .roops I FOR Adaman, rnnr. lletnrtch snd Prim Fred-erlc- h ENGLAND amounted to seven killed and four SOIL FIRST TIME karl and more than twenty cruisers, OF AND wounded. WILL WIPE FORCE RESPONSIBLE of small class. "Some damage was done to Ihe town ind the gaa works were t on rire. CHRISTMAS MloiTiM. i mu "luirlng the bombardmeni. especially tn DURING YEARS READILY Wt Hartlepool, tbe people crowded In 100 Presltlfnt Wilson Made Ills Purchases la ESCAPE the streets and approximately tweniy-tw- Waohlngton were kilted and fifty wounded. Veslerda). "At the same time a battle cruiser and Btt thr Attovtatcd 'rc an armored cruiser appeared off FROM FACE OF EARTH, SAYS GENERAL Washington. Dec. lft - President Wilson and rired about fifty shots which OF HER HISTORY did his Christmas shopping today. He BRMSB PATROL ran sed considerable damage and thirteen went Into the downtown district at the rush casualties aro reporten. hour, armed a list or purchases he "At Whitby two battle cruisers fired with doing tt) to make a shots, damage buildings and tlm desired and visited department following aro Two store, two a casualties reported: THREE IMPORTANT TOWNS book stores and jewelry NUMBER THE FASTEST killed, two wounded. Similar Menage Believed Sent to Hill Headquarters by American Commander Naco OF "At all three places there wan an tnllre at The absence of panic and tbe o Un- of BOMBARDED BY THE GER- CRUISERS OF THE GER- people, was everything that muid be ratience United State Government Exhausted, Mexican Envoy Is Told, and Nothing desirad." but Abandonment of Fighting Will Avert Conflict .Between MAN SQUADRON, WHICH GERMANRAID ON MAN FLEET SPEND ONE I'lVTY PERSONS KILLED the American and Mexican AMI MANY mil Mil n Forces Now Facing Each Other CAME OUT OF THE GRAY HOUR SHELLING THE By (He Annorintcd Pirn on Arizona Border. , London, Dec. 15. dlspatrh from IN- lo the Lxchangn Tclesraph MISTS OF THE MORNING BRITISH COAST YORKSHIRE COAST, company, says: "The effect or the bombardment t By K JAMES IlKOPl.Mi w,-- AND TURNED THEIR GUNS TOWNS OF Hartlepool was lhat ihlrlv persons ere iienches. both east and t or Ihe clly,cd nut m a friendly way lo tbo CLUDING (Staff Corrcupondt-n- l Morntns rirnr ) Gutlenva kllleil knd one hundred injured. Al We si hi anemoon, Hiring m visit n u government the aro, Arli., Dec. irt.-- "ir a Miialc t horror which the dvHIswl Hartleprmi twenty persons were killed and tmiii single shot was fired by anv or the sev- world Teh ON UNSUSPECTING BRIT- HARTLEPOOL, many injured. from Piiher Mayioreoa'a or Hill's toward such aceurettcoa. Amer- HAS COMPLETELY WHITBY imop eral hundred men. but nil were on the ican consular "Shells passed through the Uaptli church (11 on Ainoriran noli, n or whrtii representative!, moreover, alert, evidently prepared for a hand lo were aimer-lea- LIST SCARBOROUGH-SEVER- AL at Hartlepool nod other churches were r or nul any ono in my instructed to Indicate tbat the ONSCASUALTY 101, AND damaged." wounürd, rorrrs hand encounter. guvernmeut win wiin3 which over aldo la rcaponalbli could not but view with rrom "While I was In tne trenches there was disravor a continuation or 31 KNOWN PERSONS ARE Uie face of ihe farth. a such Incidents. WITH DEAD. TOWN' OF , continual fire, both íroiti rifles und inn SCARHOROI 1.11 Thla Wit.-- ihe uHlinatiim in person Carraaa to Protect Railroads. ECLIPSED OTHER W IS II MM HAM htne guns, rrom the mu imop.. ing IM n by General Tanker H. Bllaa, inn REPORTED KILLED AND Hli the .tHxoefulf d PrctK commandliiK the afternoon Hill planted Hirer ..hells from Comidas dtspatcbe rrom Vera Crux said By the Pre Hie American here, on i'. Aoeiatrd London. iee. pi. -- The Press forrea Señor trillo his ririd guns in the Maytorena head- Oenetal Carranza had promised to extend London, Dec. lft For the first tUM n assoeraltoD's ltamire. Hrttonú or a bevn TOWNS corresponden) jtays of the quarters camp, wounding one soldier and adequate prnUTtlnn to lallroud property muir than centurv. Enfrlaiid ha BADLY DAMAGED. on thai town Hayiorena. by a rorelan roe. A aquadron ot by iennan warshipt u woman ramp follower. when specirtc or rontrmplated Injury was struck WAR MOVEMENTS "llavor vuinight Tho at 7 nwtrt Oerman eruisers crept through the Ihrougbout this look plar luiughl Shortly afterward Mai im en.i moved his brought to his attention. The general tn t town. the ,rand hotel a fin.- huihlintr in General Bllaa' beadquarlern fop Hat nlR-ti- to the, eastern "oart antt By the Atñoviated Prc lent. headquarters train to kilometer 7, a mile formed the American government that Id. Tlie follow mg ihe " ' " o me run neao Hiul know n t. H lit uiulerstnud a .similar h turnea ineir rani ate am si me wiwu. London. Her. ihousands r persons warning further nway rrom the enemy. or roimuUr officers of the Huerta' the bom presa s ii me who havtj visite, Item aetii io (leñera I 1. When day broke they betran oinuMi bureau Henjamin llill. the The w or .u tie crer governments Important Har Oerman at lark on the KngtiMi coast: was one tr ihe iniin target-li- sum. artillery spent ihe day un would not b bardment of three lownn arrancióla comniander dofrndlns aro, rango re.oguized by In tlenm-i- l at ninulh of Tees: WIlHbV. This morning a ieriu:m loree seaward rronl waa rarnaltv demolished finders figuiiuir ihe distance of the, in thai military aulhorltlo thf cruiser are a sonora nilftB aouthward, and Scarborough, noted made, a demonstration upon the Yorkshire fherc, half doten huge hulea tn th Mexican positions and Kelt ihr ready to ii I. aperan r.a had been ordered to afford BRITISH, FRENCH AND BEL- i pamnv llenoral RHss Inld senor Dial he, an a pleasure resort, u inues ueyunu. roaat in the course or which Ihey 'Hied tie nieinre next door, whs nanilrei upon an rfferthe rire when ihe order! rull protection to the Annengitl property: Hartlepool. Whitby and hcarborough. "rt'Ml oamagi'ii ano ine ciitf (ramwav dc General HU, aloh- would derhle whieh romes. that the rnor of Hartlepool Mast. snoyen. i hi w a.- irot. Coahulla ha.l been nr 8uflred GIAN TROOPS HAVE CON- - "A number or their astesl ships were jiiiiile end of the i.w n hall on sido rcHponalblo tn ih' nvem any norr lere.i Marilenuol aüftéred There two bat Ihe eiirf was r The iiig inm nere hauled lo the msiip all confiscation procedures niot. were cmplio ''d for t hi- purpose and they re- blown oíf nd a ur the liullel on the American side or uw h cruisers and an armored rruiwr hotel, a fine building near ns previously il' iennltH tl upon, hut in r Hrendsl. an Arnertejtn mained about an hour on ihe coast. hoai the center line. The frmcral Mid he would lake mi enrvov. and at mis piare ine frwaim TINUED THEIR OFFENSIVE ji uie wn-- ai away. taken hark lo n .n. non pesos rental on Brlilxh war or 'They were engaged by patrols on he hwii. rico mediate anion airalnst whirh ever wa eamii. '"ui his farms loss of life oeurred. The spot. As soon - the presence o'" the nie hnimorai hotel, in the west end of aide Mgnal corps men. directed bv (.apiam had been demanded. flee fixes the number of dead at Harile a a fsponvtblt) and aa;ainsi ir h con twenty-tw- civil IN WEST, MAKING SLIGHT eiM'my was reported Hrltish patrolling soot inruugn the roor iih eoann.' are suit fntalling field h lephonesi Io Pay for Hill's Hairy. m.rtl at uvn ..lrllei and to The savings bank, near ldted ad v Usable. The Maytotena envoy soldiers squadron endeavored cut them orr.
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