GUIDE TO TH E P. A. SOROKIN MANUSCRIPTS AND PAPERS Glen Makahonuk 1979 Outline of Guide Page Manuscripts by P.A. Sorokin A. Books and Monographs B. Articles, Addresses and Papers C. Forwards and Prefaces. D. Rev iews . E. Lecture and Research notes. Published works by P.A. Sorokin A. Articles, Addresses and Papers. B. Reviews . I. Works by Others A. Reviews of Sorokin's books. B. Soroki n ' s scrapbooks. Clippings about Sorokin and his theories, A. Lecture series. B. Sorokin's studies and theories. Photographs of Sorokin and others. 11 Published works by others. 11 A. Articles about Sorokin and his theories. 11 B. Reviews of books about Sorokin and his theories. 13 C. Reviews of books which make reference to Sorokin and his theories. 14 D. Sorokin Lecture Series. 14 E. Articles not about Sorokin. 15 F. Other published material not about Sorokin. 23 Page . Miscellaneous material 24 Addendum to Sorokin Coll ecti on Correspondence Papers about Sorokin Theses Correspondence Harvard University - Administrative Files Research Center for Creative Altruism - Administrative Files Sorokin's Publications - Correspondence Microfilm and cassette tapes Sorokin project Sorokin's obituary clippings Foreign Language material Sorokin's Library - Correspondence Sorokin, Pitirim A. Manuscripts Box 1 I. Manuscripts A. Books and Monographs by P. A. Sorokin 1. The Criminality of Ruling Groups - typescript with holograph corrections - pp 1 - 82 11 published copy not in collection 2. A Long Journey: Autobiography of Pitirim A. Sorokin i)Typescript with manuscript corrections, pp 1 - 270 ii ) Carbon copy of typescript with MSS corrections, pp 1 - 264 3. The Nature of Sociology and Its Relation to Other Sciences - typescript with MSS corrections pp 1 i 138 (missing p 1 & 2 in chapter 2 and p 9 - 13 chapter 5) 4. Sociological Theories of Today - typescript with MSS corrections i)Preface and Chapters 2 and 3 pp 1 - 64 ii) Chapters 4 - 6 pp 65 - 93 iii) Chapters 7 - 11 iv) Chapters 12 & 13 v) Chapters 14 - 16 vi) Chapters 17 & 18 vii) photocopy of manuscript ;; 494 - 917 (p 760 missing) 5. Who Shall Guard the Guardians: An Essay on Morality, Mentat;tv Reconstruction of Ruling Groups - typescript with MSS corrections pp 1 - 152 OX 2 B. Articles, Addresses and Papers by P. A. Sorokin 1. "Altruism" manuscript with MSS corrections pp 1 - 10 Two revised transcript copies with MSS corrections pp 1 - 10. 2. "Essential Characteristics of the Russian Nation in the Twentieth Century". Manuscript and typescript with MSS corrections pp 1 - 30. 3. "How Dangerous Is Our Sex Freedom?" carbon copy of the typescript submitted to This Week for publication. pp 1 - 9 4. "Objective Results of Vietnamese Police Action" typescript with MSS corrections, pp 1 - 11. 5. "Similarities and Dissimilarities Between Two Sociological Sj!stemsl' Two typescript copies with a few minor MSS corrections pp 1 - 10. 6. "Some Activities of the Harvard Research Center in Creative Altruism" Three carbon copies typescript pp 1 - 7. 7. "Thesson Integrated Education" Typescript with MSS corrections pp 1 - 4. >a 8. "Unselfish Creative Love Freedom typescript. pp 1 - 3. 9. "The Western Man in a Search for His New-Home (Prognosis of the Sociocultural Shape of the Western World in This and the Twenty-First Centuries)". Manuscript and typescript with MSS corrections. pp 1 - 27. 10. Diversity and Unity in Sociology. Typescript, PP C. ore words and Prefaces by P. A. Sorokin. The Forewards and Prefaces have been arranged alphabetically according to the title of the book. 1. Contemporary Sociological Theories A carbon copy of Sorokin's Preface to the Hindi edition of Contemporary Sociological Theories. p. 1. 2. Russian Ideologies and the Messianism of the Orient by E. Sarki syanz. Typescript and carbon copy of Soroki n ' s Foreward to E. Sarkisyanz's book. pp 1 - 2. D. Reviews by Sorokin. The reviews have been arranged alphabetically according to the title of the book. 1. Freud or Jung by Edward Glover (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1950) carbon copy 1 p. 2. Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction: Studies in Modern Social Structure by Karl Mannheim (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1940) carbon copy pp 1 - 2. 3. The Phenomenon of Man by P. T. de Chardin. Carbon copy pp 1 - 6. 4. Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, History of Social Theory, pp 1-18. E. Lecture and Research Notes by P. A. Sorokin The notes have been arranged a1 phabetical ly according to their subject matter or to their title. 1. Contemporary Social Theories Three notebooks containing Sorokin' s 1ecture and research notes on the subject of Contemporary Social Theories. Manuscript. 2. (i) The Criminality of Ruling Groups Notes and materials pertaining to Sorokin's book The.MSS and typescript. (ii) Criminology. A notebook containing Sorokin's lecture notes on criminology. MSS 3. History of Social Thought. Two notebooks pertaining to Sorokin's lectures on the history of Social Thought. MSS 4. Migration. Two notebooks pertaining to Sorokin's lectures and studies of the migration of agricultural classes. MSS 5. Mobility of Social Things. Two notebooks pertaining to Sorokin's study of the mobility of various social groups. MSS and a few cli ppings from Russian newspapers. 6. Modern Social Theories. A notebook pertaining to Sorokin's study of modern Social theories. MSS. 7. Problems of Sociological Method. A notebook containing Sorokin's lecture notes and exam questions for his Sociology class on the problems of Sociological method. MSS and three unattached type- script leaves. 8. Recent Philosophies of History. A notebook containing Sorokin's lecture notes and articles on the subject of recent philosophies and theories of history. MSS, leaves, clippings. box 3 -- 9. Rural Sociology. Three notebooks containing Sorokin's lecture and study notes, statistics, and clippings from a Russian newspaper on the subject of rural sociology in various countries. MSS and clippings. 10. Social Dynamics 10a and lob. Six notebooks pertaining to Sorokin's lectures and research notes on the subject of Social Dynamics. MSS 11. Social Organization. A notebook pertaining to Sorokin' s lectures and research notes for his sociology course on Social Organization. MSS, leaves, articles. 12. Social Theory. A notebook containg a miscellaneous collection of notes and data on the development of social theory in various countries. MSS 13. Solidarity. Two notebooks pertaining to Sorokin's lecture and research notes for his Sociology course on Sol idarity. MSS with a number of unattached leaves.- photograph of Sorokin, Toynbee and Anderle 14. Untitled Notes - Biometrical Studies a. A notebook containing an assortment of material pertaining to Biometries, the intelligence of school children, the correlation between social status and intelligence, studies in industrial psychology, fertility of the English middle class, prostitution and mental deficiency, pa:*.perism and heredity , economic status, etc. MSS b. A notebook containing an assortment of material pertaining to Anthropology, investigation in the mi 1i tary statistics of American soldiers re1 ationshi p between strength of grip and certain mental and sensory characters, comparative in- sanity and criminal i ty of farmers and other occupational groups, correlation between the birth and death rates etc. MSS c. A notebook containing an assortment of material pertaining to Sorokin ' s lectures and notes on 1i terature, architecture, sculpture, and painting in various European countries through the centuries. MSS. d.. Notes on Lenin, Trotsky, and Stal in. Two leaves. MSS e. Sorokin's research notes on H.T. Moore's "A Method of Testing the strength of Instincts , "The American Journal of Psycho1 ogy Vol . XXVII , 1916, pp 227 - 233. f. Notes and Out1 ines of Several Experimental Research Studies. g.Notes and outlines - also 20 photographs of paintings and illustrations which have people as their subjects. Captions in~ussi~~. 11. Pub1 ished Works - by P. A. Sorokin A. Articles, Addresses, and Papers. These have been arranged a1 phabetical ly according to the title. 1 . "The Case Against Sex Freedom", This Week (Jan. 3, 1954) 3 copies. 2. "Changes in sociology During the Past Fifty Years", Sociology and Social Research Vol . 40, No. 6, July - Aug. 1956. 3. "Conservative Christian Anarchy", The Harvard Progressive Vol. 4, No:4, Feb. 1940, pp 13 - 15. 4. "Contemporary Soci a1 and Cul tural Cri sis" , Harvard A1 umni Bulletin Vol. XL, No. 16 (Feb. 4, 1938) 512 - 514 2 copies. 5. "Creativity in Human History", Sociologia Internationl is 1963 6. "Criminality of Rulers", The Freeman, (April 1957), pp 9-10 7. An Experimental Study of Efficiency of Work Under Various Specified Conditions" , The American Journal of Sociology Vol. XXXV, No. 5, March 1930. 8. "The Fine Arts in the College Curriculum", Association of American Colleges Bulletin Vol. XLIII, No. 1, March 1957, pp 23 - 39. 9. "Foreign Pol icy of Peace", Japan News-- (July 17, 1955), 3 2 copies 10. "General Theory of Creativity", Creativity and Psychological Health M. F. Andrews (ed), Syracuse University Press, 1961', pp 1 - 12. 11. "How Are Sociological Theories Conceived , IDeveloped and Validated?" Social Science Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1960, pp 78 - 91 3 copies. 12. "It Is For Humanity to Decide", Social Progress Vol . XXXIX, No. 5, Jan. 1949, pp 1 - 5. 13. "Love: The Most Effective Force in the World", Guideposts April 1958 pp 16 - 17. 3 copies. 14. "Man Today", The Catholic Mirror XXI, No. 1 (Nov. 1940) 13 15. "Metaphysics and Social Attitudes: Some Forgotten Facts", The Social Frontier Vol . IV, No. 33 (March 1938) 178 - 180. 16. "The Mysterious Energy of Love", Main Currents in Modern Thought Sept. 1958, pp 1 - 7. 17. "No Real Peace Pol icy", Liberation Vol . 1 , No. 1 , March 1956, pp 11 - 14, 2 copies. 18. "Physicalist and Mechanistic School " , Contemporary Sociol ogy J.
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