Published Online: 31 July, 2006 | Supp Info: http://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.200603146 JCB: ARTICLE Downloaded from jcb.rupress.org on April 19, 2019 Role of TIF1α as a modulator of embryonic transcription in the mouse zygote Maria Elena Torres-Padilla and Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz The Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QR, England, UK he fi rst events of the development of any embryo into zygotes, most of the embryos arrest their develop- are under maternal control until the zygotic ge- ment at the 2–4-cell stage transition. The ablation of T nome becomes activated. In the mouse embryo, TIF1α leads to mislocalization of RNA polymerase II and the major wave of transcription activation occurs at the the chromatin remodelers SNF2H and BRG-1. Using a 2-cell stage, but transcription starts already at the zy- chromatin immunoprecipitation cloning approach, we gote (1-cell) stage. Very little is known about the mole- identify genes that are regulated by TIF1α in the zygote cules involved in this process. We show that the and fi nd that transcription of these genes is misregulated transcription intermediary factor 1 α (TIF1α) is involved upon TIF1α ablation. We further show that the expres- in modulating gene expression during the fi rst wave of sion of some of these genes is dependent on SNF2H and transcription activation. At the onset of genome activa- that RNAi for SNF2H compromises development, sug- tion, TIF1α translocates from the cytoplasm into the pro- gesting that TIF1α mediates activation of gene expres- nuclei to sites of active transcription. These sites are sion in the zygote via SNF2H. These studies indicate that enriched with the chromatin remodelers BRG-1 and TIF1α is a factor that modulates the expression of a set SNF2H. When we ablate TIF1α through either RNA in- of genes during the fi rst wave of genome activation in terference (RNAi) or microinjection of specifi c antibodies the mouse embryo. Introduction After germinal vesicle (GV) breakdown, the fully grown oo- of the zygote and represents 40% of the transcriptional levels cyte is transcriptionally silent (Bachvarova, 1985). After fer- observed at the 2-cell stage (Aoki et al., 1997; Bouniol-Baly tilization, chromatin remodeling has been proposed to provide et al., 1997; Hamatani et al., 2004). a window of opportunity for transcription factors to bind the Transcription intermediary factor (TIF) 1 α (Trim24) regulatory sequences of genes that must be activated for de- was fi rst identifi ed as a transcriptional regulator of nuclear velopment to proceed (Ma et al., 2001; Morgan et al., 2005). receptors and has been shown to interact with numerous pro- THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY Concomitantly, a transcriptionally repressed state would be teins involved in chromatin structure (Le Douarin et al., 1995, necessary to prevent promiscuous gene expression as a re- 1996; Fraser et al., 1998; Nielsen et al., 1999; Remboutsika sult of a “general permissiveness” of the genome (for reviews et al., 2002; Germain-Desprez et al., 2003). TIF1α is one of see Thompson et al., 1998; Schultz, 2002). In the mouse, two four TIFs described in mammals that belong to the tripar- phases of transcriptional activation lead to the transition from tite motif superfamily of proteins (Le Douarin et al., 1995, maternal to zygotic control of gene expression (Schultz, 2002). 1996; Venturini et al., 1999; Khetchoumian et al., 2004). The major and most studied wave of activation is the sec- TIF1β (Trim28) is required for the proper specifi cation of the ond one, which begins at the late 2-cell stage. However, less anteroposterior axis in the mouse (Cammas et al., 2000). is known about the fi rst wave, which occurs in the pronuclei Little is known about the biological function of TIF1α, and its expression pattern is only known at late stages of post- implantation development (Niederreither et al., 1999). Here, Correspondence to Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz: [email protected] α Abbreviations used in this paper: BRG-1, Brahma-related gene 1; BrUTP, 5-bromo we have characterized the role of TIF1 in early mouse UTP; ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; dsRNA, double-stranded RNA; embryogenesis. We show that TIF1α acts as a modulator of GV, germinal vesicle; hCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin; HP1, heterochro- the transcriptional state of a particular set of genes during the matin protein 1; ICM, inner cell mass; NLB, nucleolar-like body; TIF, transcription intermediary factor. fi rst wave of genome activation and that ablation of TIF1α The online version of this article contains supplemental material. compromises development. © The Rockefeller University Press $8.00 The Journal of Cell Biology, Vol. 174, No. 3, July 31, 2006 329–338 http://www.jcb.org/cgi/doi/10.1083/jcb.200603146 JCB 329 Results At the GV stage, TIF1α protein was detected in the oocyte cytoplasm (Fig. 1 c). Shortly after fertilization, TIF1α remained TIF1 expression is gradually restricted predominantly cytoplasmic, but it moved to both pronuclei at to the inner cells of cleavage stage embryos, the mid and late zygote stages. TIF1α became localized to dis- and the protein translocates into the crete regions associated with the nucleolar-like bodies (NLBs), pronucleus at the onset of genome activation which are a compact mass of DNA surrounded by a perinu- We fi rst analyzed the expression pattern of Tif1α in oocytes and cleolar chromatin ring that cause the characteristic pattern of throughout preimplantation development by in situ hybridiza- DNA staining visible at these stages (Fig. 1, c and d; Kopecny tion and RT-PCR. Tif1α was expressed from the GV stage oo- et al., 1995). This distribution was observed in both male and cyte to the blastocyst (Fig. 1, a and b). Initially, Tif1α transcripts female pronuclei, although in some cases (11 of 32 zygotes were present in all blastomeres, but as development progressed, analyzed), TIF1α was only seen in the male pronucleus, most Tif1α transcripts became restricted to the inner cells of the em- likely refl ecting the fact that the male pronucleus undergoes bryo (Fig. 1 a). This became evident at the 16-cell stage, and transcriptional activation earlier (Bouniol et al., 1995). TIF1α when the blastocyst formed, Tif1α expression was restricted to remained associated with NLBs through the 2-cell stage and, al- the inner cell mass (ICM). though less prominent, throughout the 4-cell stage. This pattern Figure 1. TIF1 expression becomes gradually restricted in the early embryo, and the protein translocates into the pronucleus around the onset of genome activation. (a) In situ hybridization for TIF1α of 2-cell (i), 5–8-cell (ii), 16-cell (iii), and 32-cell embryos (iv) and expanding (v) and late (vi) blastocyst. The insets within panels i and ii show em- bryos at the 2- and 8-cell stages, respectively, processed with the sense probe. Expression of TIF1α is enriched in the inner cells of the mouse embryo from the 16-cell stage onward and is restricted to the ICM of the blastocyst. Shown are representative embryos of at least 20 embryos and two independent experiments for each stage. (b) RT-PCR analysis for TIF1α of mouse oocytes and embryos at the specifi ed stages. GVBD/MI, GV breakdown and meta- phase I arrested oocytes; E, embryonic day. At least fi ve embryos per stage were analyzed. Note that the mRNA levels of actin are known to decline after oocyte maturation (Temeles et al., 1994) and should only be considered as control of amplifi cation and not for quantifi cation purposes. (c) Immunolocalization of TIF1α protein (red) in GV oocyte and early, mid, and late zygote at 2- and 4-cell stages. All samples were analyzed under comparable confocal imaging settings. In all panels, DNA was stained with TOTO-3 (blue). Shown are representative embryos of at least 20 embryos analyzed per stage from at least three independent experiments. Below the merge panel, the red channel (TIF1α) is shown as grayscale. (d) Higher magni- fi cations of the pronuclei of mid and late zygotes and the nuclei of 2- and 4-cell stage embryos. Arrows indicate the dense accumulation of TIF1α. Albeit weaker, association of TIF1α with NLBs persists in the 2- and 4-cell stage embryos. The pronuclei shown in higher magnifi cation are male. (e) TIF1β (red) exhibits a diffuse pattern of local- ization in the two pronuclei of the mouse zygotes. The right panel is a higher magnifi cation of the region (male pronucleus) marked with the white square in the left panel. DNA is shown in blue. 330 JCB • VOLUME 174 • NUMBER 3 • 2006 of localization in dense spots was specifi c for TIF1α because BRG-1 (Fig. 2 b, middle and bottom). Moreover, similar to the TIF1β was uniformly distributed throughout the nucleoplasm pattern of BrUTP incorporation, not all SNF2H and BRG-1 foci of the two pronuclei (Fig. 1 e). contained TIF1α. Thus, sites of accumulation of TIF1α are also The time when we observed TIF1α translocation into the enriched with chromatin remodelers in the late zygote stage. pronuclei coincides with the time when chromatin remodelers and transcription machinery factors, such as Brahma-related RNAi or injection of antibodies against gene 1 (BRG-1; SMARCA4), Brahma (BRM; SMARCA2), TIF1 compromises early development and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB-1), translocate into the We next wished to assess the function of TIF1α at the begin- pronuclei (Bellier et al., 1997; Legouy et al., 1998; Beaujean ning of development of the mouse embryo. To this end, we used et al., 2000). This is also associated with the appearance of the two methods: RNAi and injection of antibodies.
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