Agenda Item 2 SOUTH LANARKSHIRE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD (PERFORMANCE AND AUDIT) SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes of meeting held in Committee Room 5, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton on 29 May 2018 Chair: NHS Lanarkshire Board Philip Campbell, Non Executive Director (Depute) Present: NHS Lanarkshire Board Tom Steele, Non Executive Director South Lanarkshire Council Councillor Jim McGuigan Attending: Health and Social Care Partnership V de Souza, Director, Health and Social Care; M Moy, Chief Financial Officer NHS Lanarkshire C Cunningham, Head of Performance and Commissioning; M Docherty, Nurse Director; C MacKintosh, Medical Director South Lanarkshire Council Y Douglas, Audit Manager; M Kane, Health and Social Care Programme Manager; J McDonald, Administration Adviser Also Attending: Audit Scotland S Lawton, Senior Auditor Apologies: South Lanarkshire Council Councillor John Bradley (Chair) 1 Declaration of Interests No interests were declared. 2 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting of the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (Performance and Audit) Sub-Committee held on 27 February 2018 were submitted for approval as a correct record. The Sub-Committee decided: that the minutes be approved as a correct record. 3 Internal Audit Reports - Update A report dated 18 May 2018 by the Director, Health and Social Care was submitted on the delivery of the 2017/2018 Internal Audit Plan for the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board. - 1 - At its meeting on 5 December 2017, the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (IJB) had approved the 2017/2018 Internal Audit Plan which detailed the main areas of audit work to be undertaken through joint working arrangements within South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire’s audit functions. Both the Council and NHS Lanarkshire’s internal auditors would continue to be responsible for undertaking audit assignments in relation to their respective operational matters across in-scope services. Joint working arrangements would be implemented in respect of IJB only audits together with any cross cutting audits that occurred in the year. Details of the progress which had been made in relation to the main areas of audit work contained in the Internal Audit Plan 2017/2018 were provided in the appendix to the report. The Sub-Committee decided: that the content of the report be noted. [Reference: Minutes of the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board of 5 December 2017 (Paragraph 5)] 4 Draft Annual Governance Statement 2017/2018 Update A report dated 9 May 2018 by the Director, Health and Social Care was submitted on the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) Draft Annual Governance Statement for 2017/2018. The Draft Annual Governance Statement 2017/2018, which was attached as an appendix to the report, provided an assessment of the effectiveness of the IJB’s governance arrangements in supporting the planned outcomes. The Draft Annual Governance Statement 2017/2018 had been updated to reflect the outcome of the ongoing review of the effectiveness of the governance framework and would be included in the IJB Unaudited Annual Accounts for 2017/2018 and submitted to the IJB for formal approval. Following approval by the IJB, the Annual Governance Statement for 2017/2018 would be included in the IJB Annual Accounts for 2017/2018. The Sub-Committee decided: that the Annual Governance Statement for 2017/2018 be included in the IJB Unaudited Annual Accounts for 2017/2018 and submitted to the IJB for formal approval. [Reference: Minutes of 27 February 2018 (Paragraph 8)] 5 Risk Register A report dated 8 May 2018 by the Director, Health and Social Care was submitted on the updated Risk Register for the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (IJB). As part of the arrangements to support the integration of Health and Social Care, a Risk Register for the IJB had been prepared to capture strategic risks relating to the delivery of services likely to affect the Joint Board’s delivery of the Joint Strategic Commissioning Plan. The Risk Register had been prepared in consultation with partners and had been reviewed against the existing risk registers of NHS Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire Council. The IJB, at its meeting on 12 September 2017, had approved the Risk Register for the IJB and had agreed that an update report be submitted to the IJB and the Performance and Audit Sub- Committee on an annual basis. - 2 - It was proposed that the updated Risk Register, attached as an appendix to the report, be noted and that progress reports be submitted to the Sub-Committee on a regular basis. Discussion then took place in relation to high risks identified by South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire that impacted on the IJB and how those would be reflected in the IJB Risk Register. The Sub-Committee decided: (1) that the updated Risk Register for the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board, as detailed in the appendix to the report, be noted; (2) that a progress report on the Risk Register be submitted to a future meeting of the Sub- Committee; and (3) that any high risks identified by South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire which impacted on the IJB be included in the IJB Risk Register. [Reference: Minutes of South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board of 12 September 2017 (Paragraph 8) and Minutes of 29 August 2017 (Paragraph 6)] 6 Partnership Performance Reporting Framework A report dated 30 April 2018 by the Director, Health and Social Care was submitted on the Performance Reporting Framework for the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership. The Public Bodies Joint Working (Scotland) Act 2014 placed a duty on Health and Social Care Partnerships to establish performance monitoring reports in line with the agreed suite of 23 performance measures and 6 measures which had been identified by the Ministerial Steering Group. Following the introduction of the 6 measures, a workshop had been held to identify a suitable reporting framework. As a result, it was proposed that a Performance Reporting Framework be established and reported to the Integration Joint Board and Sub-Committee on a 6 monthly basis, as detailed in the report. The Sub-Committee decided: that the Performance Reporting Framework, as detailed in the report, be progressed. 7 Draft Annual Performance Report 2017/2018 A report dated 10 May 2018 by the Director, Health and Social Care was submitted on the draft Annual Performance Report for the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (IJB). The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 placed a duty on Integration Joint Boards to prepare and publish Annual Performance Reports. The Annual Performance Report was to ensure that performance was open and accountable whilst providing an overall assessment of performance in relation to planning and carrying out integrated functions. Guidance issued by the Scottish Government had recommended that the following areas be included within the report:- - 3 - a summary of progress against the 9 National Health outcomes using as a minimum the 23 core national performance indicators financial performance and best value reporting progress with localities Inspection of Services, summarising any activity undertaken by Healthcare Improvement Scotland, The Care Inspectorate, Audit Scotland, Accounts Commission and Scottish Housing Regulator in the year of review any plans to review or update the Strategic Commissioning Plan The Annual Performance Report for the IJB, attached as an appendix to the report, would be submitted to the Integration Joint Board for approval, prior to it being published. The Sub-Committee decided: that the content of the report be noted. 8 Any Other Competent Business – Performance Monitoring Report A report dated 21 May 2018 by the Director, Health and Social Care was submitted providing a summary of performance against the key performance measures assigned to the integration of Health and Social Care in South Lanarkshire. The Public Bodies Joint Working (Scotland) Act 2014 placed a duty on Health and Social Care Partnerships to establish performance monitoring reports in line with the agreed suite of 23 performance measures and 6 measures which had been identified by the Ministerial Steering Group. Progress against the key performance actions and measures for the 23 national integration indicators and the 6 Ministerial Steering Group measures were provided in the appendices to the report. There were a number of areas of development which had been identified in relation to performance management and those areas would be discussed more fully at a workshop on performance to be facilitated by the Head of Commissioning and Performance. The Sub-Committee decided: that the report be noted. [Reference: Minutes of 27 February 2018 (Paragraph 5)] Chair’s Remarks The Chair advised that this would be the last meeting of the Sub-Committee that Tom Steele, Non Executive Director, NHS Lanarkshire Board would be attending as he was taking up a new position as Chair of the Scottish Ambulance Service. On behalf of the Sub-Committee, he thanked Mr Steele for his hard work and contribution to the Sub-Committee and wished him every success in the future. - 4 - Agenda Item Report 3 Report to: Performance and Audit Sub-Committee Date of Meeting: 28 August 2018 Report by: Director, Health and Social Care Subject: Infection Prevention and Control Annual Report 2017/2018 1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [purpose] provide members of the Performance and Audit Sub-Committee with an overview of Infection Prevention and Control activities during 01 April 2017 - 31 March 2018 in the form of our Annual Report. The report was ratified by the Lanarkshire Infection Control Committee at its meeting on 11 July 2018 and the Healthcare Quality Assurance and Improvement Committee on 12 July 2018 [1purpose] 2. Recommendation(s) 2.1. The Performance and Audit Sub-Committee is asked to approve the following recommendation(s):- [recs] (1) that the content of the report be noted.
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