On the Inside The Weather MIckey Haefner Flred ••. Paq. 2 Partly cloudy today crud kImorrow with E 'Paiaan' Unllinching Drama le­ poaslble allow.ra In lot. afternoon '" Page 3 day. HlCjJb today 95: low 68. Yesterday's Pegler Rap. Union Bo •••• hlgh 88; low 72. • , • PaCjJ. 6 I Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - . Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, July 8, 1949 - Vol. 83, No. 186 I ______________~--~------------- '----------~----------------------------------~--------------------__________~--------------------------------- Jury Deadlocked .Over Hiss; Resumes Deliberations Today Truman Sees National TElW YORK ( P) - A federal court jury deliberating perjury c har ~es against A lger Hiss r ported la t njght that it W8 d ad locked and was ordered to retire for the llight. F ederal ,hl(l'3e Samuel Kaufman sent the jurors to a hotel Economic· Health"Good and ordered thrm to return this morning to consider again fal p of the fOI'IllP]' hi!!h state department official. At that time they presumably ------------­ Asks A-80mb's will ,resume ~ tudying importa nt JusticePuis Heat on Thi'eves exhibits in Ihe case - summaries New Peace Alliance NASHVILLE IIPI-Il got so hot in Nashville yesterday Rolland Fay of secret state department docu­ St. Croix and Franklin Donald Newman confe ~s ed an automobile Controls' Before ments in Hi s~' handwriting and theft in the hope of being sent back to Michigan. ftJe "pUmpkin" papers of chiet Planned by S~nafors prosecution witness Whittaker "We want to get beck to Michigan to face the music-anything to to get out of this hot hole," said he youths, both from Centerline, World Disarms Chambers. WASHINGTON (IP) - A world~ The jurors c!\lIed 10r these anp wide "llJance for peace, with mem­ Mich. W AS}UNGTON (IP) - Presi­ ot her exhib i t ~ shortly after they bership open to any nation which They were kept in their deaming cells for the Ume being. dent Truman, using Wall street received th e cnsc at 2:20 p.m. agrees to foreswear the atomic lingo. said yesterday he is blillish E (Iowa time). With time out for bomb as a military weapon, was en the nation's economic outlook. dinner. th(>y deliberated until 8:30 proposed by a small group of s n­ A buli Is one who bets on good p.m. when they filed into the ators la ~ t night. business and a rislni stock mar­ courtroom to tell Judge Kaufman Brannan Okays Farm Sen. Karl Mundt (R-SD), one I ket. there was no verdict In sight. He ot the sponsors, said Russia would -The President was less confi­ asked if they prefeired to go to a be eligible to join- II she would dent congress would give him hotel for a nigh t's rest. stop ming the veto. his long-sought $4-billion increase "Your honor," said Foreman Subsidies Compromise in taxes. Hubert Edward JaTru!s, "we have Sen. Ralph Flanders (R-Vt) call­ At a Dews cODference, he was ed a news conference today (9 a.m. WASHINGTON (AP)-S cl'etary of Agriculture Brannan n9t dlscu ~ sed that, but I see no told Rep. JOhn McCormack Iowa time) to disclose full details told senators y sterday he js wj[)ing to accept a compromise farm immediate verdict." (Maa). bouse Demooratlc l~d ­ Judge Kaufman then told fed­ of the plan. price program that would u e government subsidies to assure er, aad eXPl'Hled the opinion eral ma rshals to take the 10 men In effect, It would expand the farmers a high level r turn on ] 0 major crops. Wednesday no tax Increase and two wemen jurors to a hoteL proposed 12-nation North Atlan­ The proposed compromise is a blend of the administration's would pass tills rear. John Hiss, former high state depart­ tic treaty into a world peace union. Own farm program unve iled by Brannan this spl'ing, and the ourid to Ilnow the Presl­ ment officiai accused of two counts X-Rays Proved It Wasn't a Bee Sting Aiken farm price law whicl) is den, remarked, because tax bUb 01 perjury. uruled wanly at re­ Asks Arbitration Power scheduled to go into effect next orl:Jlnaie in Ihe house. porters after the jury's decision to NINE-YEAR-or D I\tIIte DragoJowich thoub$ a bee .&un~ hJDJ Yesterday, but an X-ray eltam!DatloD ,J a nuary 1. Asked it he WSB bullish or fl ear­ retire was made. In MlIwllukee County General hospital sbowed a .22 caliber' slu, ID hll ehelt. Mike had wailled two Trailer Homes May ish about the present picture ber" With 'Airlift' Substitution The compromise wa~ advanced miles before he had tbe wound treated. Be r~elved the wound while ,Iay;n, In a dump area where by Sen. GeorJll Aiken of Vermont, Mr. Truman said he was bullish. WASHINGTON (lPI-Sen. Willi­ police report children have been play la, with rille•. Stock QuotatlcllS had been ad­ am Knowland" (R-Cslif) yester­ top-ranking Republican on the Be Authorized Soon, 1948-49 Enrollment senate agricultural committee and vancing steadily for five days, day introduced a bill to empower but shortly iifter 'the news con­ President Truman to Invoke com­ author of the dell»'ed action law Barlley Announces f~rence, Hits High of 17,541 which bears his name. they started a gentle de­ pulwry arbitraUon In the Ha waii Ching' Calls ,. I·or· GIO' ,Officials cline .• T Sen. Clinton Anderson ,(D-NM), New ordinances to permit A record-breaking 17,5 42 stu- dock strike. He suggested an "air- The Prl!sldent seemed to have dlnts were enrolled at SUT during lift" to the islands i1 the maneuver tor mer secretary of agriculture, got trailers as family residences in contll'med what his recent cal. th e 1948-49 academic year, Regis- tails. Brannan and Aiken into verbal Iowa City should be in effect lers ..ave been saying, namely ; irar Ted McCanel said yesterday. I Knowland said the measure was To ' Meet :with·Steel Company agreement on the compromise of- when the school year opens in he will Ilap hard In his message 0/0 The total, which included the dedgned specifically to "end" the ter two sessions of an agriculture September, City Attorney Wi!­ WASHINGTON (JP) . - Govern- nellt week. at any idea the 1948 summer [ession and the fall island walkout, now in Its 68th subcommittee ye ~ terday . Further !iam H. Bartley said yesterday. na'ion III headed toward a ser- and winter semester enrollments, day, but its terms are broad hearings, however, will be held Be said he would draw uP ' ment concllators sprang into ae- Offl'cl"al Paper Casts' 10Wl recession. compares with 16,109 registered in enough to enable the President to Lewis, Operators yesrerday on the threat· of a big Monday, with representatives of tbe ordinances In time for the As for Taft-Hartley labor law 1947-48. seek to head olf a west coast sym- stEel strike. major farm organizations as wit- council to rtudy and enact them repeal, the President took a some­ Nearly 5,000 correspondence stu- pathy ~trike if one should be call­ Philip fdurray, .president of the nesses. sometime In September. what different view than labor dents were enrolled, according to ed. Reach Agreement Doubt on American Unle ~s congress acts, tbe Aiken CIO steelworkers union and of leaders. Since the senate passed Director Helen WiJliam ~. Of this law takes effect January 1. It pro­ He reier;-ed 10 a letter from P. PHILADELPHIA IlPI - John L. vides for a sliding scale of go v­ J. Houser, state director of the the Taft bill retaining most of .the number. 273 persons were studying U.S. DI'plo-at Arrested criginal law, these leaders have under the U.S. armed forces in- .11 ~n:, ~~~it:l:s~~~~Jo~n ~.s~t:::~~ Citizenship of ~Rose' e,rnment price supports for major dividon of public health engin­ Lewis and I1n thl'aci te ope ~ at.or s 1dvocsted abandoning the repeal crops, raniing from 60 to 9(} per eering, which stated trailers vio­ stiMe. By Shanghai Policemen reschI'd an u~re~men t yesie!dl1~ corporation were. summoned to SAN FRANCISCO (JP) - All fight tor 194A so it can be made a Thete ar~ Ylt5W '21.1l' cour es - oi. • cent of parity. At present a rigid late state housing laws: Houser tha t assured ctll/ti nmod Pt!ilC~j • C9nierence- -11m M(I~~ oIficlll1 docullUlnt thlt Uu\>ws o3mpal.n~Slle next year. ~red in the COl'! espondence pro- WASHINGTON tIPI - The state at 90 per cent lic.,fe pl'evai1 ~. intended to c:.l ll the attention ot gram, representing 26 univerd ty department yesterday received I asl tpmpol'~rily; in the hard Crrus 8. Cbla, 'lreetor 01 doubt on the American citizenship (Parity Is 'a level computed to dty officinls to such laws, Bartle), Mr. Truman, hqwever, said he certainly hOpc'd house Democratic ' departments, Miss Williams said. word William B. Olive, American "oaJ fi plds. the ederal mecU ..tlon aad con- of Tokyo Rose was admitted In be equally fai to the farmers who said. clllation sehrlce allked them to .. evidence at her treason trial yes­ leaders will dl'cide to bring <; ut a Enrollment is on the increase, she vice-consul, was "struck and kick­ The negotiators. assembled to produce the Orops and the con- "We'll handle 17!1iJers on a local discuss :J new nt:lct, met. for ~me .s ·a resUlt 01 a break- tel'day. bill now tor a tnrther test added, following a po ~twar decline ed" by police in Communist-con­ sumers who use them.) basis," hc said.
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