FEDERAL REGISTER '934 c<y VOLUME 13 ferreo • NUMBER 250 Washington, Friday, December 24, 1948 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE 5. Paragraph (a) (5) of § 6.121 is CONTENTS amended to read as follows: PERSONNEL Agriculture Department PaSe § 6.121 Reconstruction Finance Cor­ Chapter I— Civil Service Commission poration— (a) General. * * * See also Rural Electrification Ad­ (5) Not to exceed thirty-two posi­ ministration. P art 6— E xceptions F rom the tions as Loan Agency Manager and not Proposed rule making: Competitive Service to exceed thirty-six positions of Assist­ Milk handling ?' miscellaneous amendments ant Loan Agency Manager. Clinton, Iowa, area_________ 8313 Greater Boston area (Corr.)_ 8311 Under authority of § 6.1 (a) of Execu­ (Sec. 6.1 (a), E. O. 9830, 12 F. R. 1259) New York metropolitan area. 8311 tive Order No. 9830, and at the request United States Civil Serv­ Rules and regulations: of the agencies concerned, the Commis­ Limitation of shipments in Cal­ sion has approved the amendments to ice Commission, [ seal] H. B . Mitchell, ifornia and Arizona: Part 6, as set out below. These amend­ President. Lemons____________________ 8285 ments shall be effective upon publica­ Oranges------------------------------ 8287 tion in the F ederal R egister. [P. R. Doc. 48-11216; Filed, Dec. 23, 1948; Air Force Department 1. Paragraphs (h) (2) and (i) (1) of 8:49 a. m.] § 6.103 are amended to read as follows: Rules and regulations: Aviation instruction at non- § 6.103 Treasury Department * '* * TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Federal establishments..___ 8307 (h) Comptroller of the Currency * * * Chapter IX— Production and Mar­ Alien Property, Office of (2) NC/PD. Until December 31, 1949, keting Administration (Marketing Notices: Hearings, etc.: positions of Chief National Bank Exam­ Agreement and Orders) iner, Assistant Chief National Bank Ex­ Adams, Otto___________ 8319 aminer, District Chief National Bank Ex­ [Lemon Reg. 306] FuJiura, Motoi_____________ 8317 aminer, National Bank Examiner, and Gassett, Percival.______ ____ 8316 P art 953—L emons Grown in California Herbst, Theodore, and Mal- Assistant National Bank Examiner, and Arizona whose salaries are paid from assessments vine Klausner____________ 8320 against national banks and other finan­ LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS Johanning, August, et al___ 8319 cial institutions. Kubler, Lucy______________ 8320 § 953.413 Lemon Regulation 306—(a) Mueller, Laura_____________ 8316 (i) United States Savings Bonds Divi­ Findings. (1) Pursuant to the market­ sion. (1) NC/PD. Until December 31, Okamoto, Mitsu__ __________ 8317 ing agreement, as amended, and Order Plazotta, A. O_____ _________ 8320 1949, positions of State Director and No. 53, as amended (7 CFR, Cum. Supp., Deputy State Director. Schmieder, Kurt___________ 8317 953.1 et seq.; 13 F. R. 766), regulating Simme, Mary Louise________ 8318 2. Paragraph (d) (1) is added to § 6.107 the handling of lemons grown in the Warias, Otto.l____________ 8319 as follows: State of California or in the State of Rules and regulations: Arizona, effective under the applicable § 6.107 Department of the Air Force. Alien property seized during • * * provisions of the Agricultural Marketing World War I, administration; Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and (d) General. (1) NC/PD. During the transfer and redesignation of upon the basis of the recommendation p art-------- ------------------- - 8288 emergency declared by the President to .1 and information submitted by the Lemon Army Department exist on May 27,1941, all positions in the Administrative Committee, established Department of the Air Force on the Isth­ under the said amended marketing Rules ,and regulations: mus of Panama. agreement and order, and upon other Anchorage___________________ 8292 available information, it is hereby found Aviation instruction at non- 3. Paragraph (a) (2) of § 6.108 is Federal establishments; amended to read as follows: that the limitation of the quantity of such lemons which may be handled, as transfer and revision of regu­ § 6.108 Department of Justice— (a) lations ___________ 8307 General. * * * hereinafter .provided, will tend to effec­ tuate the declared policy of the act. Danger zones________________ 8292 Navigation___________________ 8292 (2) NC/PD. Field deputy United (2) It is hereby further found that it States marshals employed on an hourly is impracticable and contrary to the pub­ Civil Service Commission basis for intermittent service. lic interest to give preliminary notice, Rules and regulations: 4. Paragraph (b) of § 6.120 is amend­ engage in public rule making procedure, Competitive service, exceptions ; ed to read as follows: and postpone the effective date of this miscellaneous amendments_~ 8285 section until 30 days after publication Economic Cooperation Admin­ § 6.120 The Tax Court of the United thereof in the F ederal R egister (60 Stat. States. * * * istration 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 et seq.) because the Rules and regulations: (b) NC/PD. Until/December 31,1949, time intervening between the date when Procurement authorizations, a Clerk of the Court and a Chief Deputy information upon which this section is Clerk. qualifications on issuance; (Continued on p. 8287) change of date_____________ 8291 8285 8286 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Foreign and Domestic Com­ Page Rural Electrification Adminis- Pase FEDERAL^REGISTER merce, Bureau of— Continued t ration V, »a* ¿ r Rules and regulations—Continued Notices : Office of International Trade; Loan announcements (3" docu­ organization, function^ and ments)__ :_______ ________ — 8314 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, procedure___________ ;______ 8288 Securities and Exchange Com­ and days following official Federal holidays, Property, requisitioned--------— 8288 mission by the Division of the Federal Register, the Immigration and Naturalization National Archives, pursuant to the authority Notices : contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Service Hearings, etc.: proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Proposed rule making : • Bankers Securities Corp------- 8316 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Attorneys admitted to practice Lawrence R. Leeby & Co-------- 8315 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ before the Immigration and Standard Gas and Electric mittee, approved by the President, Distribu­ Naturalization Service and Co______________________ 8315 tion is made only by the Superintendent of Wheeler, James BenJamin— 8315 Documents, Government Printing Office, Board of Immigration Ap­ Washington 25, D. C. peals; suspension and disbar­ State Department The regulatory material appearing herein is ment---- --------- --------------------- 8311 Rules and regulations : keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Indian Affairs, Office of Passports; deletion of section— 8291 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Rules and regulations: CODIFICATION GUIDE amended June 19, 1947. Crow Indian Irrigation ProJect, The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Mont.; operation and main­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 tenance, charges------------------ 8291 of Federal Regulations affected by documents per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Interior Department published in this issue. Proposed rules, as vance. The charge for individual copies opposed to final actions, are identified as (minimum 15«!) varies in proportion to the See also Pish and Wildlife Service; such. size of the issue. Remit check or money Office of Indian Affairs. order, made payable to the Superintendent Rules and regulations: Title 5— Administrative Person- PaSe of Documents, directly to the Government Discontinuance of codification nel Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. of certain regulations: Chapter I—Civil Service Commis­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ Bonneville Power Administra­ sion: tion of material appearing in the F ederal tion; Southwestern Power Part 6—Exceptions from the R egister. Administration---------------- 8291 competitive service.------------- 8285 Division of Territories and Title 7— Agriculture Island Possessions; Puerto Chapter IX—Production and Now Available Rico Administration; Vir­ M ark etin g Administration gin Islands Company; Alas­ (Marketing Agreements and ka Railroad--------------------- 8308 UNITED STATES Orders) : Office of the Secretary; Bu­ Part 904—Milk in Greater Bos­ GOVERNMENT reau of Land Management; ton, Mass., marketing area MANUAL Bureau of Reclamation----- 8308 (proposed)___________ —— 8311 Office of Indian Affairs-------- 8291 Part 927—Milk in New York 8392 1948 Edition Oil and Gas Division----------- metropolitan marketing area International Trade, Office of (proposed)___ _____________ 8311 (Revised through June 30) Rules and regulations: Part 953—Lemons grown in California and Arizona-------- 8285 Published by the Division of the Federal Export licenses, orders modify­ Register, the National Archives ing validity------------------------- 8290 Part 966—Oranges grown in Interstate Commerce Commis­ California and Arizona-------- 8287 722 pages— $1.00 a copy Part 970—Milk in Clinton, Iowa, sion marketing area (proposed)— 8313 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Rules and regulations: Title 8— Aliens and Nationality United States Government Printing Office, Car service: Chapter I—Immigration and Nat­ Washington 25, D. C. Cotton, refrigerator cars for uralization Service, Depart­ transporting--------------------- 8310 Demurrage on railroad
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