••-v-V The Notre Dame Scholastic 325 B- •••a COMMENT The Notre Dame Scholastic Ingenious methods of decorating- Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus rooms have been devised by Notre Founded 1872 Dame students. The more notable in­ clude that of the freshman in Howard hall who has collected a bevy of EMIL L. TELFEL EDITOK-I.V-CIIIEF cigarette containers of all varieties and has worked them into a remark­ Assistant Managing Editor Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor able design. NEIL C. HUP.LEY Joiix E. BERGAX JOHX A. KlEXER Another master-mind in the intez"ior Associate Editors decorating field is the third floor Mor- EDWARD E. BUEXXAX JAJIES J. KEARXEV EDWARD R, BREXXAX AusTix BOYLE rissey junior who has completely JAUES CARMODY PAUL J. HALLIXAX covered his wall space with menus The Week Make-up Editors College Parade from restaurants all over the country. RiCirAUD J. O'DOXXELL -A.LPREO E. GALL DAXIEL C. WiLLtAJIS Another bug in this field has saved WALTER V. BEESLEY match covers from over 100 places of Music and Drama Feature Editor Campus Clubs FRAXK E. SEWARD JAJIES K. COLLIXS W. LESLIE R-VODATZ business and recreation, which he dis­ plays suspended from the moulding. Ne2cs Staff _ LLOYD TSSKE. News Editor WiLLiAli C. ICARL, Assistant News Editor WiLLiAii FITZGERALD AXTHOXY R. SCHREIXER LAWREXCE DUXDA Pictures of stage and screen stars, Joiix CoxLEY WILLIAM CORR SAXGUIXET WILLIAMS appropriately autographed, are com­ JIYROX CRAWFORD F. GRAXGER WEIL I^AWRCXCE PRYBYLSKI monly used as decorations. One soph­ Jonx PICK WALTER JOHXSOX omore has a huge placard that practi­ Sports Staff cally covers the entire wall space, llEXRY B. ASMAX, Sports Editor which has for its purpose the exploit­ CLEVE CAREY GEORGE BELTIXC T. EDWARD C.^REY ation of some screen actress. ,7AME3 E. JMCFEELY. .7K. J.\MES KEARXS IRVIXG HALPER University bulletins authorizing va­ Business Staff cations find a prominent spot in many J.\iiES H. RORKE, Local Advertising Mgr. .Joiix R. BLAXDA, Local Circidation Mgr. student quarters. .LVJIES L. RIZER, Foreign Advertising Mgr. AX'DREW MCGL'AX. Foreign Circulation Mgr. FREDERICK BAUER MEISLE BALDWIN- RAYJIOXD J. NABER JOIIX P. HESS JOHX F. STOECKLKV Gn.\DUATE MAXACER OF PLCLICATIOXS Quite the contrary are some rooms, notably those of upperclassmen, v/ho feature religious posters over their Vol. LXIV DECEMBER 12, 1930 No. 11 desk. One junior makes a habit of placing the "Novena for'Exams" pla­ card over the desk of his roommate TABLE OF CONTENTS before each of the quarterly quizzes. Frontispiece 326 Many of the sophomores carry cruci­ The ^Yeek—Richard J. O'Donnell 327 fixes over their bed-posts. Huge Throng Greets Team—William Con- 330 1,200 Fete Team at Banquet—iVeiZ C. Hurlei/ 331 A Man About the Campus—Ramon G. Smith 332 Monogrammed high pressure sales­ A Man You Know—Edicard E. Brennan 333 men have added as many decorations Glances at the Magazines—Edward R. Brennan 336 to freshmen walls as any other in­ Music and Drama—Frank E. Seward 337 fluence, while upperclassmen still be­ The Wink 340 moaning their weaker moments as College Parade—Daniel C. Williams 341 yearlings have posted their rooms Campus Clubs—W. Leslie Raddatz , 342 with pictures and other such non­ Editor's Page . 343 sense. Fighting Irish Win National Title—r. Edivard Carey 344 Cagers Win Opener—James Kearns 344 Highlights of Football Season—John A. Kiener 345 Individual pictures of favorite team Interhall Sports 349 players, covers of football programs, Splinters From the Press Box—iJ. B. A 359 and current magazines complete the On Down the Line 360 list. College Htvmor and the Red Book receive the most votes, while THE SCHOI4ASTIG is published weekly at the University of Notre Dame, Manu­ the cover of Collier's that featured scripts may be addressed to THE SCHOLASTIC, Publications Office, Main Building. the football player of some weeks ago is the best appreciated individual Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917, authorized June 25, 1918. work. Joe Lopker's frontispiece on the last Juggler is suspended from THE AD\'ERTISER3 IN NOTRE D.\ME PUBUCATIONS DESER\-E THE PATROXACE OF approximately more than three hun­ ALL NOTRE DAME MEX. dred rooms. N. C. H. Q., -d 326 The Notre Dame Scholastic I .,\i—i.^-A SACRED HEART CHURCH AFTER RECENT SNOWSTORM • •-,•..- ••.rvet-<i>Mt:i»a.jaM>-a^^»j||-,|n[n-.|m-^|f„,|,,'^ •^^iia»^ The Notre Dame Scholastic 527 T HIS being the last SCHOLASTIC to be printed before persons who would rather encounter the snake than be Christmas, we shall have to extend our holiday greetings in the way of a howling, dancing file of inhibitionless and wishes for an enjoyable vacation somewhat previous­ students. ly, but none the less sincerely. To the freshmen return­ ing home for the first time since they registered here, we J OE THORNTON, better known as "The Kid," has at wish to give a few bits of advice which i^ersonal expe­ last come into his own. Mr. Thornton's acting ability rience and general opinion suggest. First of all, if they has long since been recognized, but his real, inti-insic are not athletically inclined, they should prepare bountiful talent as a dramatist will shortly be brought before the excuses for not being on the football team. They may public. His debut before the footlights will furthei-more expect to encounter everywhere they turn the question, be enhanced, since the lines he speaks have issued from "What do you play on the team?" The fact that they the pen of another great man of the stage, known as b(! only five foot two, and a hundred and twenty-eight William Shakespeare. Joe is perfectly suited, both in with their sheepskins on, will not eliminate the necessity voice and in figure, to the role he assumes in this venture. of this precaution. They go to Notre Dame; the Fighting- The rich mellowness that characterizes his Bostonian Irish are national champions; ergo, each Notre Dame speech is well fitted to the classic blank verse. His grace­ man is a football player. Also, they may expect to have ful agility and dignified carriage and gait should give him their muscles examined, their height measured against a pleasing stage presence. Mr. Thornton also is fully that of their father and their next oldest brother, and acquainted with the works of Shakespeare, so that he has their store of knowledge weighed by the school teacher a background which should support him in the portrayal aunt or any other erudite member of the family. If they of his part. Joe says that he reads his plays and poems do not know every member of hte student body from the as soon as they come off the press. Until we had wit­ senior class president down to the most ignominous fresh­ nessed one of the rehearsals of the play in which Mr. man manager, their popularity will be very seriously en­ Thornton is to be stai-red, we had been rather confused dangered. If they have not all the data on the team of as to its nature. It seems that the name of it is "Twelfth this year, of last year and the year before, as well as the Night," which for some reason or other blended with a prospects for next year, the advisability of sending them memory of that great opus "Ten Nights in a Bar-room." back to school will be questioned. The bull session in Suffering under this illusion, we had expected some realis­ Freshman, Howard, Brownson, and Carroll, however, tic acting on the part of "The Kid," but we were doomed should provide ample material and preparation for the to disappointment. Joe, however-, is so versatile as to fit barrage of questions which the returning frosh is al)out smoothly into any scene, whether it be a Fifth avenue to face. If he has successfully bluffed his way through di'awing room, a mediaeval castle, or the afore-mentioned these he should be able to bluff through the holiday in­ bar-room. He confides that he is not a bit nervous about quisition. For these enthusiastically departing yearlings, his initial appearance on the boards, but he hopes the we wish a happy holiday season, as well as for the more tights he wears are suited to his manly form. sedate upperclassmen. May you all return entirely re­ cuperated from the strenuous endeavors of the past year, physically, mentally, and financially. A.CCORDIN, G to a recent public announcement, Fx-ank Carideo intends to take up debating as soon as he finishes with the business that occupies an All-American upon the I F anyone in the world has had the fullest opportunities conclusion of the football season. This business includes to study the psychological intricacies involved in the the autogTaphing of everything from a game program actions of a crowd, it is the priests on the campus who have to a dining hall napkin, the indorsing of sweatei-s, "How for years been dealing with problems such as that which to Play Football" guides, hair tonic, etc.; reading fan confronted them on Wednesday. Student crowds have been mail, and speaking at high school banquets. These activi­ known to perpetrate all sorts of deeds which were evi­ ties should keep Frank well occupied for a month at least, dences of the primitive emotions that lurk beneath the and then we may prepare to hear of him arguing from suave exterior of the college man, and the college woman the stage at St.
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