Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday,December 11, 2008 OUR 118th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 50-2008 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Zoning Board Hears Proposal For 2-Family Dwellings on E. Broad St. By CAROLYN D. FREUNDLICH The two single-family dwellings want to downsize and reduce mainte- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader located on 1464 East Broad Street nance on their homes, for instance an WESTFIELD – The zoning board were purchased by Millennium Prop- older couple.” of adjustment held a special meeting erties in the hopes that they would be The board of adjustment exten- Tuesday night to discuss the con- able to turn them into townhouse- sively questioned the proposal, ad- struction of two, two-family dwell- style units that would house two fami- dressing major concerns that the board ings on 1464 East Broad Street, off of lies each. The proposed homes would and the public had. One major con- Springfield Avenue, where currently be designed in a similar fashion to the cern was the potential traffic flow there are two single-family dwell- neighboring homes, using the same generated by the increased residents ings. The proposed construction of color scheme, same fencing and a on the street. the two new buildings would infringe similar roof design. The four proposed residential on five ordinances, including the ne- According to Jeffrey Tiger, Mil- townhouses have three bedrooms and cessity for a variance that would ex- lennium Properties principle, the two-and-a half baths. The homes empt the lot from being a single- homes are aimed to house “families would include two-car garages and a family dwelling. The meeting was an that just got married, the younger driveway that is large enough to hold extension of a previous meeting held population that can’t afford a brand three cars per household, allowing on Monday, June 16. new home in Westfield or people who for the possibility of 16 cars at the vicinity at one time. The proposed driveway would be located on West Court Avenue, and the complex’s ex- tensive parking could potentially gen- erate a lot of traffic in the area. In the June meeting, a planner, an engineer, a traffic expert and a few principles of Millennium Properties SOUNDS OF SWITZERLAND...The Alphorn Ensemble of the New Jersey Workshop for the Arts, directed by Ted spoke on behalf of the proposed plan. Schlosberg, entertains shoppers in downtown Westfield during the holiday season. The Alphorn Ensemble recreates the The plan discussed at Tuesday night’s sounds of the Alps on Saturdays in December from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m. at the corner of East Broad and Elm Streets. meeting was a newly issued plan, based on the original but altered ac- cording to the board and public sug- Area Schools and Individuals gestions. At Tuesday night’s meeting, the traffic expert and planner were un- able to attend due to scheduling con- Send Holiday Cheer to U.S. Troops flicts. Millennium Properties engi- By CHRISTIE STORMS Army Base in Georgia. Williams struction paper gingerbread men cre- neer, Julius Szalay, their lawyer, John Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Nursery donated 15 of those trees. ated by the school’s first graders. Schmidt, and principle, Jeffrey Tiger, WESTFIELD — It’s often been Many local schools, groups and The fifth graders even helped lift were in attendance to testify on be- said there’s no place like home for the organizations visited Williams Nurs- and load the trees onto the delivery half of the proposal. Because the plan- holidays, but many members of the ery to participate, including the fifth truck. ner and the traffic expert were not in United States military will not have graders from Brookside Elementary Mr. Williams reported that New Sara Hoffman for The Westfield Leader HEARTY FANS...Mountainside students of Governor Livingston High School attendance, the board and Millen- the luxury of being home this Christ- School in Cranford, who raised over Jersey Senator and Westfield resident show a lot of heart in their support for their football team at Giants Stadium last nium Properties decided to postpone mas. So, the FedEx Corporation and $500 to send 11 trees to the troops. Tom Kean, Jr. donated 10 trees, and Saturday in the state championship against Caldwell. Despite the loss, the the meeting until a future date to be Christmas SPIRIT Foundation (CSF) The fifth graders included laminated Cub Scouts from Wilson School in Highlanders had a great season. announced in January. are working together to help deliver cards and notes plus attached con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 some holiday cheer to the troops and their families, wherever they may be, with the Trees for Troops program. Ferguson Looks Back on Eight Dave Williams, co-owner of Will- iams Nursery in Westfield and a CSF member, explained that while the pro- gram started out as a way to collect Years in House, Challenges Ahead donated Christmas trees in bulk from By PAUL J. PEYTON trol projects, as well as funds for first there is a very important role for the tree farms and have them sent to the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader responders. minority,” Mr. Ferguson said. troops, this year they have expanded WESTFIELD — Rep. Mike “Any project like that is a multi- He sees the role of the minority it to get the public involved. Ferguson (R-7, New Providence) said year project. Any time you involve party as to “find areas of common This provides people the opportu- he would miss constituent service the the federal government, it is going to ground to try and accomplish nity to select real trees and then com- most as he prepares to leave Wash- take a long time because they do their something…on behalf of your con- pose and attach personal notes for the ington, D.C., after serving eight years due diligence. They really do a lot of stituents or on behalf of the country.” troops. in Congress. studying and a lot of work before they “When you are in the majority, Williams Nursery, located on “There are so many opportunities invest enormous taxpayer dollars in a you’re in the business of governing. Springfield Avenue, serves as one of that you have in this job to make a real project,” he said. “I think the future is You have the responsibility of actu- only 40 Trees for Troops retail loca- life impact on other people’s lives. very bright for Cranford, and if they ally running the country. When you tions nationwide and is the only one We have close to 700,000 people who are looking for that continued part- are in the minority, you don’t neces- in New Jersey where the public can live in our district,” Mr. Ferguson nership with Washington…I am cer- sarily have those responsibilities…but participate on site. said in an interview held in the tain that [congressman-elect Leonard you still have a lot of opportunities to Mr. Williams said the nursery has newspaper’s office. “Our staff has Lance] will continue the work that do a lot of good,” Mr. Ferguson said. selected Fraser Fir trees for donation helped them on everything from im- we’ve begun and continue to be a He said he considers himself to be because they hold their needles well. migration issues to Social Security or great partner for that community.” a “centrist Republican,” one who is This past weekend was Trees for Susan M. Dougherty for The Westfield Leader Medicare challenges.” Mr. Ferguson, 38, first ran for Con- willing to oppose the majority party Troops Weekend, and on Monday, CHRISTMAS SPIRIT...Members of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School He said international adoption is gress from New Jersey’s Sixth Dis- when he or she disagrees, but who is Mr. Williams said he was pleased to Chamber Choir sing Christmas carols as lights on the tree at the Fanwood Train another area his office has been called trict in 1998 in Monmouth County likewise willing to bring members report that over 101 trees were sent Station lights are lit. On the lawn of the station, a heated tent housed Santa Claus, upon to help families. when he was 27 but lost to Demo- together to “forge a consensus; to via FedEx to the Fort Gordon U.S. entertainment and food at the Sunday afternoon festivities. “To be able to help someone in that cratic Rep. Frank Pallone. Mr. forge a compromise.” regard is really rewarding,” Mr. Ferguson then moved into the Sev- “You can only do that if you have a Ferguson said. enth District, where he won a four- minority party who is engaged and Chertoff Says Preparation, Coordination The congressman currently serves candidate primary before defeating who is willing to participate in that,” on the Energy and Commerce Com- Democrat Maryanne Connelly of Mr. Ferguson said. mittee, which focuses on healthcare, Fanwood in 2000 for the open House Looking at the election results, Mr. Is Key to Weathering Storms, Attacks telecommunications and energy. seat being vacated by Bob Franks. Ferguson reasoned, “One party will By PAUL J. PEYTON that would have been possible and I Customs Enforcement, Secret Ser- “So, I’ve spent the bulk of my leg- “I really felt like I had something to be in power for a while, and if they Specially Written for The Westfield Leader don’t think that is an accident.
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