; THE SUNDAY OREGONIANY PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 19, 1920 picture known as La Belle Ferronlere 1 j are large areas thickly wooded with. was a treasured possesion in the fam- spruce and Ilr, through which flow IS LUCRESIA VINCI'S ily of the Chateaubriands, and was in- rivers which will afford good water CRIVELLI REALLY DA herited by a young woman, a descend- power as well as facilities for float- ant of this noted French family, etc. ing logs. PAINTING OF. "LA BELLE FERONNIERE"? The prohibitive tax of 100 per cent Bonavista bay, on the east coast, is which . the French government has to be the site of the Norwegian com- placed upon art would have prevented pany's mill. Codfishing at present ia Inquiry Is Made Into Imbroglio Involving a Mis-past- Label, the Louvre Gallery in Paris and the Kansas the picture from leaving France, ex- the great industry there. Backward City Art Museum. cept for the fact that the owner 'Err Joseph Haosui from the bay runs a series of well of the portrait became the bride of wooded valleys drained by rivers of an American citizen. good size. (Here Is a proud privilege of Ameri- Kag-ente- At present the only pulp, and paper - Memoirs of the Emprfss by Cotnte ever so slightly is. to laugh in spite of Z citizenship most us pos- can which of &. double-distille- mills in the Island are Jill Mi IIU III sess knowing it!) Fleury. D. Applnon Co., New York one's self. They are d at Grand Falla. without city. Captain is in the interior, where the Anglo-Ne- "Conflicting reports prevail as to amusement. Bairnsfather ioundland Development company the final destination of "La Belle Comte Fleury, whose father was a a Scotchman and began his drawings general and ambassador in the second merely for the amusement q his com- some years ago established an exten- Ferroniere," '. it continues!. "It was North-clif- fe French (empire of the Napoleonic rade in the or in trenches. sive plant which supplies the first reported that the picture was to dynasty occupied an shacks the papers in England with most of be installed in the new museum of and who intimate Then the drawings were sent for the paper. at Kansas City. This report has positron In the court life of that comtort and entertainment of the their Before the war capital- art period., kindly-writte- n, ists were negotiating for other sim- been denied from Kansas City; and is the author of these home folks, and soon the pictures projects. dispatch able and voluminous memoirs gradually surely won world-wid- e ilar according to another from but Now that the survivors of New- - the west, , the painting has been ac- of the late Eugenie of fame. The two soldier actors whose the ,v. France. V celebrity foundland regiment are at home quired by a wealthy oil magnate of sayings have won such in ap- m ; spent again and the supply of labor Tulsa. Okla." It is evident that our author Cue Bairnsfather series are "Old Bill" some years, in the selection of mate- pears satisfactory, the world-wid- e de- Mystery is admitted. and "Bert." mand paper new f "There is a veil of mystery envelop- rial and preparing It for publication. The larger book of the two and the for has stimulated picture'," says syndicated The statements used are compiled most expensive consists of "More efforts. Negotiations are underway i ing this the from private documents and personal Fragments looking toward exploiting large tracui mil- parts information for art lovers and From France," spruce ex- been handed letters of the Empress Eugenie, from and the other smaller book is entitled of on the south coast. The - . x lionaires, "which has conversations of the Emperor III and "Fragments tensive timber holdings of the :f& if down from generation to generation papers Away From France." company, by members of the Chateaubriand from family, letters and of These . Bairnsfather pictures are obtained as family from the time of Napoleon. General Fleury. M. Franceschtnt Pie-tr- i. quite important literary and wrt part of their compensation from the "It appears" (ingenuously) "that Prince Victor Napoleon, and also mementoes of the big war. government for opening up a large there were two paintings with the from family letters, papers and remi- part of the colony with a railway ',1 : " II , and niscences of members of the court of line, aleo'are expected to be utilized title of "La Belle Ferronlere;" empire. The Thread of Flame, by Basil King:. Har for pulp in some the por- the second French per & 1 making the near future. M art historians attribute Much of the historical material Hroa., New ork City. Still another project in contemplation '21 trait in the Louvre to be a likeness may expect va- - found in these two volumes has hith- American readers is the establishment of paper and of Luerezia Crivelli, who was a. favo- ipus now rite of Ludovio, called II Morro. the erto been carefully hidden, and now stories of this description pulp mills, sawmills and veneer mills yongest son of great Francesco sees light in proper form. The biog- hat our part in the .recent big war for the manufacture of birch into the raphy is important one of the most seems to be completed. and barrels, St. Georges, on Sforza. who was a noted patron of art won boxes at and literature. Other authorities de-- J notable of the busy season, and its The Thread of Flame" shows the west coast. Clare that it is a portrait of "La Belle appearance fills a public dernand- It it derful imagination and mastery in The company promoting the St. Ferroniere." a. favorite of Francis throws the limelight on many in- delineating emotional stress. The eorges enterprise is composed of trigues and plots .of a nearly-forgotte- n Weiner Agency, tory reflects the adventures of a and American capitalists who I., King of France. Who can say which Limited. shell-shocke- ritish opinion is correct?' age, and makes curious reading The late Rugeale of d soldier, an American control 1500 square miles of timber- - in these days of open diplomacy and oung man, who awakens out of what and in that vicinity and 1000 square. "Who could muddy the waters more democracy. France, the subject of a new appears pro- ingenuously? of course, there were In all, the two volumes biography. to be sleep in a steamer iles bordering on Grand lake, the two paintings which carried the title, contain 1034 pages. ceeding across the Atlantic ocean argest body of water in the colony. at different times, of the Belle Fer- Volume I contains these chapters: rom France to this country, and he The upper end of the lake has direct roniere these two of the Louvre gal- Family. Childhood and Marriage; The finds himself hailed as Jasper Ixames rail connection with St. Georges. 160b. Coup d'Etat; Princess Mathilde; Birth womanhood, and of the reckless kind of Boston. He accepts the fact, but Several years apro the manager ot lery. No. 1600 and But what has Joan Joy name is is puzzled that to do with Tulsa, Oklahoma? and Christening of the Prince Impe Miss Delamere later to be hailed as Billy he Grand Falls mills testified at a "When art historians disagree, who rial; Youth of the Prince Imperial; the heroine of this bold and daring Harrowby, husband of the wealthy earing by an American commission . shall agree? (Ah. non!) Other critics Prince Imperial's "Baptism of Fire" novel. Violet Harrowby of Boston. Washington that paper could be J.ouP-1-e- - Death of the Prince Imperial; Impe Aan is pictured as a girl and young The man with the two names next manufactured S7 a ton cheaper Ifis B&zl7z. &r?or iSncfrJ- state that the picture of La Belle woman about Ferroniere in the Louvre does not rial and Royal Visits; German and .of extraordinary fascination finds that he is called rogan. He Newfoundland than in the United represent the work of the distinguish- Russian Royal Visitors; Some Official for the opposite sex. In childhood her engages In strange adventures, espe tates. Paper ir.on say that the) ed Leonardo himself, but is the skil- Journeys; Visits to Germany and relatives called her "Saintie," no cially matrimonial ones. The reader margin at presen larger. BY was 4, a pupil, copied, perhaps, Egypt: Court Life During the Second doubt after St. Joan of Arc. Joan feel3 so much interest in the hero STERLING HEILIG. the title La Belle Ferronniere for of July they make no beans of the ful work of Empire; Offi- likes to give opinions freely pic- . over a lost original of the master. Court Entertainments; her and that he breathes more freely when PARIS Sept. 1. (Special corre- a time transferred from another intention to hand the painting from cial Household; Episodes In the Em she says she hates babies (p. 157). Mr. real " ture, has been identified with the po- for a million or so to a wealthy oil And now we come to an interesting press LAFAYETTE HOME PRAISED spondence. 'La I5clle p'eronniere, rtrait' of Luerezia Crivelli. The at- magnate of Tulsa, Okla. supposition: Is the picture of La Life; Death of Napoleon III; She has various lovers, and after dentity is established. by Leonardo da Vinci, the famous tribution is a mere hypothesis, rest- "The French government vouches," Belle Ferroniere in the Louvre a copy, Recollection and Retrospection.- reaching 30 years of age she makes upon any- I I or painting Volume II: Origin of the Crimean a social misstep.
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