C31 yyy,-'-MM- n MARKETS. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Tri-Week- ly ASTORT& Astorian Astokiax Office, Oct, 8. IfcTbtfing is aKStcct list of pricos ruling in Headquarters ! Headquarters ! Established in Astoria in 1840. "THUKSDAY. Oct. 9, IS73 this market to-da- New of Goods f GOODS. CHEAP Stock MM Sugfijrs Crushed p . NEW GOODS. Meteorological San F&acisco Gulden I. WrCASE, Report Sandwich ltend "7Vr CLOTHING Kt-c- Chennmus Oregon, f!offio Oofhi . Street, Astoria, 7 m. 9 4. A. VAN DUSEN, Hours of Observation a, 2 and i m. f ., "Wholesalo By Louis "Wilson Fresh GihkI ''1? and Retail Dealer in OE THE BEST STYLJES, ChowWtc j "Wholesale and Retail Doaler in Hyson Dry Goods, Clothings Groceries. Provisions, Notions, Thermometer" Dir. Teas Yomig jo Oct Japan .. AND THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Rain of Floivr-Sfeiryi- aipi wick 1 S Akd Merchandise, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i Mean j J McanJMaxIMinj iwind 3 "1 Geeral J Meat V X sk ?ft AT REASONABLE PRICES. I.."... 211.979 o(U 51.01 47.0 ISwbyW Crackers lt 10 CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Corner of Main and Chanamus streets, 80.003 53.4 58.01 51.0 WbyS Candles - V 10 HATS AND CAPS, 30.010 527 56 7 48 8 S W llwe ASTORIA, OREGON. EVERYTHING ELSE IN 4... :W).138 54 J 5U 8i 52 0 FSne Sate V cwt. 2o BOOTS AND SHOES, East 12 5... 5'J 0 71 4j 52 1 SaicratusfUb BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &c, 29.8 jNE 12X-- NOW OFFERING FOR SALE ONE o ... 29, 2 55 5 5ll74 50 J South Soda PROPORTION. 7j . o0 ". "Which is being offered IS largest and most complete assortments 29,55211 5i4 57 9 5j0 H " Vinegar i4 gallon i Golden Syrup t gallon oo of General Merchandise ever before brought Hams ? lb 1820 Cheap FOR CASH or PRODUCE ! to the country, and to buyers Tide Table for Astoria. l?:ieon rUb :..1U" Lard "tf lb 1 15K5M 3gAll the New School Books, can that For Cash will offer the Host Inducements (From UMlts of Umte& States Owast Survey.) Butter f lb 'Wfil4 be had, and a great variety of Stationery Flattering At The Old stand of Eggs B dozen , 37J just received. jyl tf High Water,!! Lsvr "Water. Cheese t"i lb 2025 In tho lino of Apples Green d bushel 75 Oct. A. M. r. m. A. M. 1. if. Peaches dried lb. 3 14lS DRY-GOOD- S, 49 Honey t1 lb .. nono 6r 4 ....11 5S 11 048... 5 43 5 Millinery and Fancy Goods. i; 1 Potatoes lb CLOTHING, 5 o :;ii 28 4 t lc . r o 29.. KM. 7 02 7 39 Onions M lb . 3c HATS, AND CAPS, SUMMERS. 37 7 1 18.. ... 1 31S 7 3 S 25 Bran t cwt, Si 10; Shorts SI 75, Wheat, S2 BOOTS AND SHOES 8 2 OS.. ... 2 001 8 10 9 Oti Hay per ton $10 00 lb WISH. TO CALL THE ATTENTION H 2 57.. ... 2 32 8 3il 9 54 Oats t 9 15 10 43 Oil cake "$ cwt 2 2j WE the Ladies of Astoria and vicinity to FANCY GOODS, 10 3 49.. ... 3 10 our new stock of ' 11 4 42.. ... 3 5S ..... 9 55 11 39 llides,dry, ?i lb 12ctf14c LADIES' DRESS GOODS, TAKE NOTICE. This is an extensive stock ,7l ....10 4i green lb o uc GENTS' 12 5 38... ... 4 r FURNISHINGS, of well selected goods, in great varioty, which 13 (! 40.. ... 07J .... 0 41 ;all 58 Deer Skins, "fJ lb $.2oc Millinery and Fancy Goods! 14. 7 4(i... ... 7 151 .... 1 43. 1 10 Elk skins tt lb 14c A Complete Stoclt of Every Article, I am now opening. Old Patrons, Friends and 8 .. 2 39 2 20 15. 8 50... ... 211 Which wo offer at reasonable prices. Ladies tho community in general, are invited to call STEA3IERS, STAGES AND SLOOPS living at a distance, favoring us with their or- TOO 2TTJMEROUS TO MENTION PORT OF ASTORIA. ders, will find them promptly attended to. and inspect both, Goods and Pricos. " ttSTGivo mo a call, and bo convinced that Followinglsalistof vessels on tho way to U. S. MAIL AND EXPRESS. H.Wl. MORRISON, L.B.SPEDDEN my goods are oftho best quality, and as cheap G. SUMMEES, Tlhis port, and a record of tho arrivals and de- as can bo bought of any houso in tho Stato. Main street, Astoria, Oregon. s'.Jo Chenamus Abtoria, partures up to date: A. VAN DUSEN. street, to Clatsop ! Schr Hera, Kent, San Frandsso. From Astoria Bead 733 tons, OCCSDENT HOTEL, Dico, from South Ameiica. East HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! Fifcshirc, 700 tons, from South America, Dr. S. Kinsey, S. N. ARRIG0NI Proprietor. H. S. Sinister, Prof. Airy, 449 ions, from South America. DRUGGIST AND LEAVES ASTOllIA EVERY TUESDAY, APOTHECARY, Astoria, Oregon, Santa llosa, 5J8 tons, from South America. and Saturday Mornings. Astoria, Oregon. Photographic Artist, Moscow from La Union Loading Aug 15. Arrive Same Mornings at tho BEST FURNISHED, MOST 27U THE At tho old Stand, Astoria, Oregon. Kg Perpctus, tons, from San Francisco. HYSICIANS AND FAMILY PRESCRIP-tion-s and in every respcet popular h4el in Island Belle, 313 tons, from South America. OCEAN HOUSE, filled from tho PUREST DRUGS. Oregon. Owing to its locatJon.it is considered Br bk Romeo, Gil tons, from San Francisco, GRIMES HOUSE, either at day or night A full stock of A Very DeHglitful Summer Resort. sailed Oct. 4. SUMMER HOUSE, "WINES AND LIQUORS, PETEKH. EOX, City of Lima, 315 tons, from South America. And SEA SIDE HOUSE. EOR MEDICAL USE, KSTMagnificcnt Suits of Rooms for families. Tho is supplied with tho choicest delica- City of Paris, substitute for ship Edith, from PATENT MEDICINES, table MERCHANT TAILOR, TOILET ARTICLES, cies of tho season. Wine and Billiard Room San Francisco, RETURNING Leaves those nouses every attached to tho HoieL Corner of Main and Jefferson streets, Astoria. Margaret Crockard left San Francisco Sept Monday, Wednesday and Friday, connecting OILS BRISHES, ETC., 29th. with steamer to Portland each way. MS. Ordors from tho Country solicited, and OF ALL KINDS CUT AND xtaf Distance twenty-fou- r miles, fare 1 50. carefully and piomptly filled. CLOTniNG Cleaning and repairing. Ger bk Theresa Behn, Stofiin, 451 tons, from 11. B. PARKER. Proprietor. S. N. AS? RIG ON I, San Francisco. Bkt Mclnncthon, loading in San Francisco F. FERRELL, Occident Hotel Block, Astoria, for this port. COLUMBIA RIVER PILOTS! Otto Dufner, British bark Vesta, from Liverpool, to Jan-io- n AT THE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Main Street - - Astoria, Oregon & Rhodes 120 days out August 12. P. JOHNSON, M. M. GILMAN, British bark Sylhet, Liverpool, via Victoria, Astoria Steam Saw Mills, Choice Brand Liquors PRACTICAL JEWELER. to Janion & Rhodes 93 days out August 12. II. A. SNOAV, G.REED, ASTORIA OREGON. The Pinest in the Market y Am. ship Loretta Fish from Shields via Cal-la- o "WATCHES AND CLOCKS cleaned and ro-- P. E. FERCIIEX. C.S. WRIGHT, Agent. Y T paired in tho best manner, at rooms in 154 days out August 12. Is now prepared to fill any kind of CONSTANTLY ON HAND! Binder's Restaurant. s23tf Br bk Spirit of the Dawn, Dixon, G91 tons, 35 Office Corner of Main and Chenamus from San Francisco, to load wheat for Europe, streets, Astoria, Oregon. Orders for LTJ3IBER, Which will bo sold in lots to suit purchasers outsido with pilot on board, since 5th. On short notice. Address, WELCH'S The Steam Tug Varuna F. FERRELL. In tlie Port antl Rivers. Astoria Stoam Saw Mills, Baths! fcstPs Baths GOOD SAMARITAN COMPOUND. s Will leavo Astoria every oc4tf Astoria, Qregon. l A rprn.' n . ... c hut i k Tho British.ship Privateer. Capt Cox, wheat J i v iwu gaxuiuiiiv for Europe, at anchor at Sand Island sfLiuiioiniMorning, for Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths ! For Curing Rheumatism, Strar Ajax, Bolles, from SF., arrived Oct. 7 PORT STEVENS, BLACKSMITHING AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, Sprains, Felons, Boils, Schr Superior, San Francisco, arrivod (Jth. CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, HATE DKESSING SALOON. Bruises, Burns, CARR IS HAPPY TO INFORM HIS etc. Steamer Gussie Telfair, Gardner, fiom Puget And UNITY, FC. friends and customers, and all others etc., Sound and Victoria, arrived Oct. Uth. Carrying who wish to patronize him, that ho has TJlILEXIIART PROPRIETOR. Mails, Passengers and Freight. Wil. LY EXTERNALLY Bktn Webfoot, 302 tons, "Wheelwright, from DIRECTIONS.-APP- rub in well, and in San Francisco, regular Packet line, arrived H3u Other days of tho week she will be ready R3T Special attention paid to LADIES' and sovero cases cover with thin cloth, tied or fas- October oth. to go anywhere that business may justify. Is iismess, CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING tened on with caro. Bg Orient, from San Francisco, arrived Oct. 3 prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattlo At the Old Stand, tfSTPrivato Entrance for Ladies &l Warranted to cure, or greatly alleviate, in and wood. J . II. 1). GRAY Agent, Astoria. all cases named in this label. Steamship California, from Sitka; arrived And is again prepared to do all Black- Sept 2Uth. kinds of A single euro prevent days smith work, from making an Anchor Flue, to C. B. FARLEMAN. TV", II. LAWSOX. bottle will or of Sch Kate L.Hcrron, Tillamook, arrived Sep- ONLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN a Plow Shear. Mam street, Astoria. aul(J4 tho most 'excruciating pain, and not unfre-quent- ly G-lob- suffering tember :&th. ASTORIA AND CLATSOP. e save the life of tho patient. Bk Windward, from San Francisco, ariivcd Carmnp" U. ft. Mai!! Hotel Price, $1.00 per Bottle, Sept2Gth the Re-Open- ed on the Popular European Plan PREPARED BY - Tho well known sloop c.
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