1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17,' Average Dally Ctrealatleii The Weather FAOl FotntreEit ^anrhpst^r lEpgtting Hgratt rur tha Msmh « f September, 1848 at O. A Weathm 9,109 heavy tenlabt, bet eedleg aatuidey nia atau iaaodatKm of ‘Town- mendna end cleartea VHrtr at dey; ■end duba wUl^fftaat Sunday. Oct Wins Qtation YBoys’ Towu About Town 20 at tha canter, SOS Broad aUeet ■ •n»a aftar- Mancheater^A Ciiy of Village Charm noon mieetlnx adU in at 2:80 To Be Formed 8unMt Ooundi D *fTM of Poca- at 6:30. A i hfcwtM wlU hold a food M l« Sat- and tha avenlna (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS draaing on about 40 p: wUl ba Aaverttelea ea P efe 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1948 Viitlsj norniiis at ^iSO In-Halo■ Hale’s Self Serve VOL. LX V L NO. 16 held In tha evening. To Run Propruns oC| jtora. DonatioM ahould bo at tha __ \ atoro bgr >>»• o’clock. - further In- The exhibit of paintlnga b^Mlaa Athletic Contests I>ur* (Unnattoo may ho obtalaad from E m 4 B Hope Henderaon, teacher of art at iiig Winter Months | Byrnes Reports to Truman Byrnes to Tell M n . W alter Kanohl o f 44 Walla Mancheater High achool and and Health Market atraat who la chairman. A aarlaty Haacl Uita, art teacher In tha alOr Theorize Truman and Cabinet o f fceme bakad fooda w ill ba offer- A Boira* Town Club win be or- menUry achoola, wUl be open to About G)nf lict •d fo r aala. the public thla evening from 7:00 ,ganlsed at tbs TMCA this after­ to 9:15 In the Nathan Hale audito­ noon, with a clubhouaa being aef Prank Slmmarman of lU Ban- rium on Spruce atreet up nt the TMCA building. ton atraat, la obaaralns today tha Tlie piirpoaa of this club will he For TODAY/ Friday and Saturday Seated bn Toilet With Russians SStk annlraraaip of hla connection Oapman Court, Order of Amar­ to promote Initiative tn the boy*, Discuss Pay Curbs; with tha local U. 8. poatoffica. anth, will Open lU meeting In tha eliminate Juvenile delinquency sn.l Maaonlc Temple at 7:45 tomorrow promote A mericanlsin, 25 Lb. Exfiected to Lash* B ad( Mr. and Mn. Alfoad Smith of evening. Following a brief bual- Officers win ba alwtad by tha As Poison Taken At Criticism of For* 8S4 McKaa atraat, aocompanlad by neaa meeting the membera will go junior members of the TMCA, the Mlai Edna Malroaa and Charlea to Windsor to attend a banana so­ Hgee of which are S to 17 yeara Gold Medal Flptir $1 69 || Apricofs No. 2V, Can cign Policies by W al­ H«ls of Hartford, are ealabratins cial by the court In that place. Committees .will ba picked to foo­ Controls Go Nov. their aixth annlverBary by a trip ter activities In tlis TMCA and Aiidnia Pointa Out Toi­ lace in Radio Speech to promote ethlatte eontasta. Di­ Reekwood FBIProbing to Hlacara Falla and other pointa Mlsa Jessamine Smith, librarian let So Located Guard of interaat. rector MeCluakay plana to have a A ll Kinds O f Cheese A t at the Mary Cheney Ubrary, la at­ Doya' night twice n month during f Washington, OcL 18—(ff) Sao* Administi’ation Pushes . tending the 1946 conference of ^ a M 4 .K Umihle to See Upper Tall Oedan have chartarod ’ a the winter noonths at which there Baking Chocolate Vote Fraud retsry of State Byrnea drafted a GenerRl Alarm Fire Deatroya Mill New England Ubrary Association will be boxing, wraatUng, badmlnv Ahead With Plans to ■pedal bua to convey tha nnambafa which opened today and ronUnuea Franria S. Leary Part of Body; How report to the American people to­ who take part In the ceremonial ' ton and baakatball oonteata be- day on the diplomatic conSIct be­ Take Federal Restrie- through Saturday at the New - T ..e Mr tween junior membera of the Vial fxot into Cell In Primary at Providence Saturday. A fow. Ocean Houae, Swampacott, Ma I VlMHUI Mold Franrie J. ixary, son of wr actIvlUae will be m u . tween the United States and Rue- tions Off Eeonomyt ■aata are available and may ba ra- Dinner thla evening will fol­ TetleyTeoBudget 43c Still Remains Mystery ala. ■ervad by eaUlnr Roy B. Warren. and Mra. Joeeph Leary, of 66 Klor- „pen to the pubUe. lowed by an address by Uither H. ance atreet, who waa an Aviation | A cliibhoiuM annex will be aet Top authoiitlea auggested ba No Discuasion Held on Bvatu, librarian of Congress. A t Ravioli Or Cooked Investigation Followa In would miike use of the occasion to St. Mary'a Woman’a Auxiliary Ordinanceman, Second Claaa, in "P .“ fL be ^ Bulletin! the general session tom onw « furnished by tha TMCA. The di­ dependent One by lash back at criticism of Ms for­ StabiliEation Board; will hold a rummape aala In tha 8:80 •Vedaric Q. Melcher, editor of tha Navy during the war. haa Tetley Tea Bags 48 r« 47c ' ' Nuernberg. Oct. eign policies by Former Secretary pariah houae, Thuraday, Oct. 31. rector of the club will be cx-nfrirlo Spaghetti ^Orderly Retreat* Plan PubUahara' Weakly, will been awarded tha PrealdetiUnl member and director of the Boya' ^Hermann Goering In a laat Kanaa^ Qty Star on I^ of Commerce Henry A. Wallace. |li& Jamaa Harrtaon of Ruaaall Unit citation and the citation and ■ dilraaa Thera will ba exhibits., Town Club actlvlUea,^ burst of braggadocio wrote a Byrnes, who returned yesterday For Removing GnitroU atraat will aerye an chairman. round table dlacuaalana and meet- ribbon have been forwarded to It la planned to Imva officers al­ Red Min Hwnogenlaai regularities at Polls from the Paris Peace conference Inga of the aUte library aaaodaj hie Mrenta. Leary la now a aenlor so for a aub-juntor group to -devel­ Froth Fruits and Vefables letter telling just how be pro- and received President Truman’s tlona. Officers of the Connecticut at Fordham and on the track op tha boya In the 2,13 year old ^qped to commit suicide un­ Kansas City, Oct la H P )—The congrstulstlons on a "moat ex­ Banetin! tedm. He served on the UBS No. % Melatoak CALL 2-1257 Ubrary asaoclatlon.wlll also fo ago group. Peanut Butter der Hm noaea of his guards, Federal Bareau of Investigation Secretary of State James F. Byrnes (right) reports to President Tru cellent Job," waa scheduled to Chicago, Oct, 18«' -‘(/P)— aotad at tha meeting Satarday B ^ker HUl from November 11, broedcast for 30 minutes bagin' a high.aource reported today. turned Its apoUight today on al­ man In the letter’s office, following Byrnes’ return from the Paris Reaction to high prices for mornfng. 1948 until May, 1945 and went Kellogga Or Poet Tm - Peace conference. The president complimented Byrnes on a “most rJng at 10 p. m. (ea.L) tonight. WILLIAMS, througb all tha engagements that Apples 3- LM. 29c That Informant apid the let­ leged vote fraud in the Democratic excellent’’ Job.—(A P wirephoto). ,______________ *NBC and some MBS atatlona ar­ tivestock which knocked hog 1^ Mr, and Mra. Winiam V. Tad ship took part in during the i’ael- WASHING MACHINES ter. addrCaaed to Col. B. C. primary election laat August in ranged to carry foe apeech. values down yesterday spread 8c jwar. 'The citation la aigned by OIL SERVICE ford of Owmwtown, Ontario, art REPAI^D -ALL MAKES Variety Pkg o f Cereals^ Andrua, and two more fonnd President Trximan’e home county Twe Principal Objectives to cattle and sheep today de- «Wa Salve 4ba Bunins vWtlng ralatlves In town. Mr. Tad- James Forresta], Secretary of the In writing hla address Byrnea Navy. Hla brother, George Leary, 18 TeaiV Bxperleneet (10 Kinds) in hia cell would be aubmit- where a political unknown, back­ iite eharph lower receipts^ ford has not vlsltad Manobastsr for . yReaaMiaMe Rateal Lg. Grapefruit 3 Tot 29c ed by the president and the Pen- waa reported to have two priixl now with the Southern New Rng- ted, probably Monday, to the lul objectives In view: ogs reversed their decline 27 yaaia and la surprlatd at tha Umd Telephone Company, nerve.] dergast Democratic organixation, Scandal Revealed 3 \ v«- 7 ■ changbt that have taken place, In ' ' A. BREWER Allied Control couUiijl in Ber­ defeated Rep. Roger C. Slaughter ' 1. To try to knock down Rue- however, and generally were on the USS Whiteside during Rom Brand that Unaa. It Is the Srst visit of TelephaM 8-4046 ' for renomlnatlon Ip Missouri’s sian charges that the capitalist steady to up as much as $2.00 practically tha same engagementa lin. world la seeking to encircle tho WASHING MACHINS Mm. Tadtord to tho U. & At as did Francis. Sweet Potatoes 3 Lbs. 25c congressional Fifth district. at Chicago and fSJiO at East irasent thay are making their The FBI began its investigation Soviet union. - — S E R V IC E Deviled Meat Nuernberg, Oct. At Prison Farm X To smash foe Wallses tm' St. Lm Is, HL, a hundred .isadguartsra wHb Mrs. Rachel following an Independent one by Oordnar of 86 Bank strast — Hermann Goering probably the Kansas City Star which re­ plications that hla policy toward pounda. Prices on cattlo word '* * * O n AB llahMl American Cauliflower Lg. Snow White, Ea. slipped his poison vial into sulted in a aeries of stories con­ Hertford, Oct. 18.—(P )-A llq-^dlstrlbiited the beverage to others, Russia is a policy of "toughness’’ down a dollar or two. and on n."PBABi/B Hollitfer Streo^ 10c taining charges of irregularities uor scsiidal at the Osborn State! This part (ime employe waa dls- and should be eoftened even at fo^ APffUAMOB « nnUfirCRB WANTED his mouth while seated on risk of actions which.
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