Not Lost -Just Hiding Military 'Mystery' Solved As Brigade Returns Home By GySgt. Jack Sheehan Six days atter the Brigade de- Okinawa-bound and that they Perhaps the greatest military parture from Hawaii, newspaper would join the 3rd Marine Di- mystery of the present world situ- reports stated that wives of offi- vision. The situation was "cloud- ation was solved last Saturday cers and men of the Kaneohe- ed' further by the fact that the when advance elements of the based 1st Marine Brigade could Brigade's command group which Kaneohe Bay-based 1st Marine breathe easy again, as the troops was to have flown to the Coast, Brigade began arriving at Pearl were to arrive in Long Beach, was still at Kaneohe Bay. Harbor. Calif., as originally scheduled. The following day, the Honolulu The Brigade departed Pearl This article was followed by head- Advertiser announced that the Harbor on March 22 to participate lines the next day stating, "Ma- Oahu Marine Brigade was headed in "Operation Green Light," the rines May Reach Coast Today, for the Philippines, but stated that amphibious assault of the beaches But Nobody's Saying." they had no official confirmation at Camp Pendleton, Calif. News media even went so far as on the story, but that they had Shortly after their departure, to check -civilian port directors in learned that the California exer- the situation in the Far East be- California to learn the where- cise had been "indefinitely post- came uncertain and "speculation" abouts of the Brigade, but to no poned." mushroomed as to the where- avail. The mystery continued to News media queries were made abouts of the Brigade. The rumor grow: "Where were the Brigade factory began working overtime. Marines ?" (See NOT LOST Page 3) Early newspaper reports stated Meanwhile, worried wives of the that the Kaneohe Marines were at Marines bombarded the Informa- sea and heading for California, tional Services Office and the ci- Rumor Dept. but that "they can and will be di- vilian news media seeking infor- verted in the other direction if mation, but the "no comment" ban they're needed." On the heels of had been issued, and justly so. Troop Movements this report came another report On March 30, just eight days that the Kaneohe Marines could after the Brigade sailed, reports HEY, MOM! DADDY'S HOME! Aboard Station no longer be considered a part indicated that the Brigade task "Where's all the Craig and Pamela greet 1stSgt. S. F. Whittington troops going?" of a training exercise. force had wheeled about and was "I heard they were embarking for Lower Umbogia." "Did you see the convoy form today?" "Yeah, friend of mine heard the 5 p.m. busses took the troops down to the docks." Well, you are all wrong! The "convoys" seen daily aboard the Air Station have been pressed into service to expedite chow movements from the Brigade to the Station area. Five bus trailers of the "cattle car" variety are operating in a VOL. X No. 17 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII continuous shuttle throughout the meal hours. Passenger loading and unload- Full Dress Affair ing stations have bean established at Buildings 1089, 1078, 1090 and the bus terminal at Messhall No, 1. Personnel who normally use the Commissioning By facilities of Mess #2, now closed for repairs, are utilizing the tem- porary "Transit" system estab- PMR Officials Held lished this week by the Station Transportation Division. The Navy last Friday officially ing officials of national missile mmissioned the Pacific Missile and satellite programs, Navy, Ma- Range Facility, Hawaiian Area rine Corps and Air Force officers of Hawaiian-based commands, de- . ,cated at Kaneohe Bay. This Fa- pendents and special guests at- Maj. P. D. Walker .lity is the mid-Pacific head- tended this "full dress" commis- ,aarters for instrumentation, mis- sioning ceremony. Dies After Outing lie and satellite tracking stations PMR officer and enlisted per- :1 the youngest and potentially sonnel stood in formation under Major Paul D. Walker, 37, Sta- he largest missile range. the Pa- clear skys in brilliant white uni- tion Communications Off i ce r, Mc Missile Range, forms, decorated with sparkling passed away suddenly last Sunday Commander Albert W. Hayward, medals and swords, while the 1st afternoon. The major had been on USN, former Pacific Missile Range Marine Brigade Band played tra- an outing at Coconut Island when Representative for '.he Hawaiian ditional ceremonial music. he suddenly complained of chest area became the Y'acility's first pains and was returned to the Rear Admiral R. L. Campbell, Station dispensary for treatment. Commanding Officer. As the PMR Commandant 14th Naval District Representative he came to Hawaii was the guest speaker for the Following medication, the ma- In September 1958 from the PMR BIRDS EYE VIEW - Rear Admiral M. C. Galvarnadis DISKUL, jor was transferred to Tripler commissioning. In his address he Army Hospital where he was pro- Headquarters, Point Mugu, Cali- cited the two spectacular accom- Commandant, Royal Thai Marine Corps, (right) gets a good look fornia, to establish the first PMR of MCAS, Kaneohe, from Kansas Tower, during April 25 visit. nounced dead on arrival. instrumentation plishments performed by the Pa- station. cific Missile Range in the Ha- On hand to answer questions was Col. W. G. Thrash, Brigade Mrs. Dorothy E. Walker and More than 100 persons includ- waiian area-recovery of the first Chief of Staff. (Photo by SSgt. G. L Gill) her two children, Terrence P., age orbited capsule that returned to 2, and Lee Ann age one, were earth and the tracking of PIO- expected to leave Hawaii this NEER V (deep space probe satel- Aloha 1st Battalion week to return to the major's lite) to 10 million miles and send- hometown of Hannibal, Mo. ing command signals to the ve- Memorial services for the late hicle at 22 million miles. Maj. P. D. Walker Jr. were held Battalion Landing Team yesterday by Chaplain A. R. An- Departs For 'Green Light' derson in Trinity Chapel. A battalion landing team con- Battalion, 4th Marines will com- Bloom Services sisting of the 1st Battalion, 4th mand the defending forces during Marines and other Brigade sup- the exercise. Funeral services for MSgt. porting elements departed Pearl Roger P. Bloom, wo died in Harbor last Sunday to participate The Brigade Marines are ex- Tripler Army Hospital Tues- in Phase III of "Operation Green pected to return to their home- day afternoon following a pro- Light," a large scale amphibious base at Kaneohe Bay sometime longed illness, will be held to- landing on the coast of California. during dune. day at 12:30 p.m. in the Protes- The brigade Marines will act tant Chapel. as defenders against the landing Word of the HAMS -13 Ma- force which is comprised of the rine's death r e ached the 1st Marine Division from Camp WINDWARD MARINE minutes Pendleton. No Electricity before presstime. Operation "Green Light" is the Utilities officials have an- He is survived by his wife eXercise the Brigade originally nounced that a power outage at Nanette and daughters Nanette sailed to participate in last month, K-Bay would take place Tuesday Elizabeth 9; Paulette, 7 and but the ships carrying the Brigade afternoon. From 1 to 5 p.m. Cape- Evette, 5. Interment will be at were ordered to turn about at sea hart will be without electricity. the Punchbowl at 2 p.m. to- and deploy to the Western Pa- During 1-2:30 p.m. and 4:30-5 day. cific. p.m. periods, the entire Station Maj. P. D. Walker Cmdr. A. W. Heyward Lt. Col. P. H. McArdle, CO, 1st will be without electricity. Page 2 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Apr8 28, 1961 By Chaplain P. I. Ota - VOL. W. R. CAMPBELL Commanding Officer The holy institute of marriage LT. COL. C. H. MOORE Executive Officer sometimes is not so holy, but that 21- CAPT. ROBERT W. ARSENAULT Information Services Officer is because we make it so. The inconsistencies which are found OBS ERVATI4iNgd GI'SGT. JACK T. PAXTON Editor in individuals becbme 'quite evi- By GySgt. Jack T. Paxton SSGT. A. W. STEELE Assistant Editor dent when one finds himself in close communion with another. .. Special Note To Chow Hounds Did you know that an Act of SGT. WILLIAM H. STUCKEY Sports Editor - Yet, the purpose of marriage is a Congress affects you every time you sit down at the messhall table? The WINDWARD MARINE is published holy purpose, ordained and blessed In a recent military appropriations hearing in Congress it came to every Friday by and by God. The greatest joys of life for the personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Navy light that the Navy-Marine meat "ration" was fixed under an Act No. 990, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, can be found in continuing to be- Calif., under the hold this relation on the level of of Congress in 1933. This provides for 20 ounces of fresh meat, fresh :,upervision of the Informational Services Office. Printed at the its original intent. 12 ounces 01 Royal Printers and Publishers, Inc., Kai lua, Hawaii, the WIND- fish or poultry, or 14 ounces of salt or smoked meat, or As one minister declared: WARD MARINE is published with appropriated funds in con - "It preserved meat. This, we assume, is the daily ration. Consider that for mity with paragraph 17107, MCM. The WINDWAR5 MA- is a soul-satisfying feast that is this Act was passed early in the depression and you'll understand spread when life is RINE receives material from the Station and 1st Marine Brigade wedded to life in love.
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