MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, JULY 15, 1884. Nq. 29. Commandery Elections. thanks, and alluding to Bro. Berry’s many Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Maine, 1, Gardiner. Ansyl B Booker, years of service as Grand Secretary, his No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. ec gen ; Henry S Webster, ; Loring C advanced age, and continued interest in the Ballard, c GEN; George N Johnson, rec. Twelve cts. per year in advance. Q3F’ Postage welfare of the craft and the diffusion of prepaid. Council Elections. masonic principles. Mount Lebanon, 13, Oakland. Albert S A seal for the lodge, the gift of Bro. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for Young, tim ; William H Wheeler, dm ; Hi­ half an inch for one year. ram C Winslow, pcw; William Macartney, Stephen Berry, who was not present, was No advertisement received unless the advertiser, REC. also presented,—the device being the head of or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in Constitution. good standing. the Grand Secretary. The formal presenta­ Ira Berry Lodge, No. 187, at Bluehill, was tion of this was left to District Deputy DAISIES. constituted June 18th, by Grand Master Benjamin Morrill. Estes, assisted by Grand Secretary Ira Berry, After closing, the people repaired to the BY DORA READ GOODALE. and Grand Tyler Warren O. Carney, with vestry of tire church, where a bountiful The hills are faint in a cloudy blue, Bros. Benj. Morrill, of Bluehill, as Deputy collation was served, prepared by the ladies That loses itself where the sky bends over, Grand Master, Geo. A. Wheeler, of Castine, The wind is shaking the orchard thro’, of the place, making an acceptable finish to And sending a quiver thro’ knee-deep clover. as Senior Grand Warden, A. M. Wetherbee, the day, and well illustrating the social The air is sweet with a strange perfume, of Warren, as Junior Grand Warden, John feature of the institution. That comes from the depths of the woodland B. Redman, of Ellsworth, as Grand Treasurer, places, The fields are hid in a wealth of bloom, Rev. E. H. Hutchings, as Grand Chaplain, Excursions. And white with the sweep of the ox-eye daisies! James M. Nevens, of Bucksport, as Grand And farther down, where the brook runs thro’, Jerusalem Commandery, of Fitchburg, Where the ferns are cool in the prisoned shadow, Marshal, A. W. Greely, as Senior Grand Mass., visited Portland, June 18th, and was We still may see, thro’ the mornhic dew. Deacon, N. J Al o or, as Junior Grand Deacon. The ssvell and dip of tlio daisied meadow. received and entertained by St. Alban Com­ G; W. Thompson and John F. Rea, as Grand And then when the wind across it blows, mandery. A sail and clambake filled the time And the wavering lines of silver follow, Stewards. A very large number were in We catch the gleam of her heart of gold, and the visitors. While over her skims the fleet-winged swallow. attendance, so many that the ceremonies St. Alban Commandery of Portland visited Clear and simple in white and gold, were conducted in the Congregational Church. Meadow blossom of sunlit spaces,— The officers installed were: Springfield, June 19tli, and were hospitably The field is full as it well can hold entertained by Springfield Commandery. And white with the drift of the ox-eye daisies. Frank H. Binder, Master. Arthur C. Hinkley, Senior Warden. Worcester County Commnndery also enter­ Stephen B. Wescott, Junior Warden. tained them on their way. MASONRY IN MAINE. Augustus C. Peters, Treasurer. Portland Commandery visited Monroe Eugene A. Stevens, Secretary. Commandery, of Rochester, N. Y., on St. Lodge Elections. Edward E. Chase, Senior Deacon. John’s day, starting 22d, and returning 28th. Reuel Washburn, 181, Livermore Falls. Alonzo M Bumpus, m ; David C Searles, sw ; Rodnej’ S. Osgood, Junior Deacon. They were met at Boston by members of W S Treat, jw; E S Coding, sec. John W. Gould, Senior Steward. Hugh de Payens Commandery of Melsose, Polar Star, 114, Bath. Walter S Russell, Frank A. Davis, Junior Steward. and entertained by Temple Commandery, m ; Edward W Rider, sw ; William R Pahn- Albina H. Carter, Chaplain. the Albany Burgess Corps and Fort Orange er, jw ; Albert G Eaton, sec. David S. Dodge, Tyler. Club, at Albany. At Rochester, Monroe Naval, 184, Kittery. Samuel Taylor, m ; E A Duncan, sw; Horace Mitchell, Jr, jw; The Grand Secretary presented a book for Commandery received them at the depot, and L L Goodrich, sec. a Record, with a few remarks, to the effect marched them to their hotel. After break- Warren, 2, East Machias. Herbert Harris, that he had a lively sense of the honor done fast, the Mayor welcomed them, after which elected Secretary in place of C W Johnson him in selecting his name as the name of the they were taken about the city in carriages left town. lodge, and desired to acknowledge it in some to many pleasant places. At certain points Chapter Elections. measure; that being strongly impressed in the programme a * shows that there the Aurora, 22, Cornish. Howard Brackett, with the importance to a lodge of a good bong tree grew. Then they had a sail on nr; John Bradley, k; Gilbert Chase, s: Record, he had been able to think of nothing the lake, a banquet at the Newport House, James C Ayer, sec. more fitting than a book for that purpose; and arrived back at a late hour. Only three Corinthian, 7, Belfast. Russell G Dyer, iip; Charles W Haney, k; Cyrus B Hall, s; that accordingly he had had one prepared, members of Portland Commandery were of Waldo B Washburn, sec. which he requested then to accept,—had got those who entertained Monroe Commandery Union, 36, Norway. Samuel R Knowland, his grand-daughter to copy his photograph in Portland, nineteen years ago, and only hf ; Irving Frost, k ; Frank Seavy, s; How- on the title page,—had tho book well bound,— five of those of Monroe Commandery, who ard D Smith, sec. and thus done what he could towards a were then entertained, were present. The Murray, 33, Kennebunk. George B Little- proper commencement; that it was for the return journey through Canada was not sig-, field, hp; Lewis E Burley, K; William W Buzzell, s; Edward W Morton, sec. brethren to make it a good Record, and to nalized by attentions from any body of Tem­ plars. C. J. Farrington, chairman of the Bradford, 38, Auburn. J J? Atwood hp their charge he committed it. CELibbey, k; H G Foss, s; L L’ Small’ R. W. John B. Redman replied on the committee, was presented with a diamond SEC. part of the lodge, accepting the gift with pin, as they neared home, and Chas. C. 22G MASONIC TOKEN JULY 15, 1884. Harding and C. C. Hayes were also remem- W. Dadmun, Sereno D. Nickerson, and The Revista, of Peru, thanks the Token for bered. others. The existing membership is 429. its defence of the Peruvian Grand Lodge and The party numbered sixty-one, exclusive The historical extracts are very interesting : assures the Keystone that it was established of the band, and they all seemed delighted “Nov. 30, 1847, Rev. Comp. Paul Dean, in entire Independence of the Scottish Rite, with Rochester, and their hosts of Monroe. General Grand High Priest, installed Hon. and its Constitution and Statutes copied from They will probably make this apparent when I Robert P. Dunlap, ex-Governor of Maine, those of the Grand Lodge of New York. into the office of General Grand High Priest, Monroe comes this way again, which this ! in the presence of Massachusetts Grand The London Freemason says: occasion may suggest to them. They ought Chapter, Knights Templars, Princes of Jeru­ The following paragraph relates to one certainly to come once in every twenty salem, Royal Arch Chapters, and other Masonic Orders. The like ceremony was of the most difficult matters modern Crafts­ years, and we trust they will not wait until never before performed in any State Chapter men have to contend with. It is a resolution all but five of this company are gone, but in the Union.” now standing on the books of the Grand come soon, while the bloom is on the rye. Lodge of Maine, U. S., to be discussed at the During the Morgan excitement they tried next meeting: “Resolved—That no mason Lewiston Commandery, fifty strong, with to keep the interest by a series of lectures, shall sell, offer for sale, buy, or in any manner 100 ladies and children, went to Wolfboro aid in circulating any printed document or as was attempted by our Portland bodies ; cypher, as a ritual of any part of symbolic June 23d, and returned the 24th, via Dover, but the attempt did not succeed much better Masonry, under penalty of any punishment where they were entertained by St. John than here. The Secretary acknowledges the which may be imposed under the Constitu­ Commandery. tions of the Grand Lodge for gross unmasonic aid of Henry J. Parker, in compiling his conduct ” It is a subject about which, for Dunlap Commandery, of Bath, visited Mt. biographical sketches. We have had occa­ obvious reasons, it is most difficult and inex­ Desert 24th. On their return they tarried sion to make the same acknowledgment. pedient to write, and about which must truly in every sense “the least said the soonest at Bangor and were banqueted by St. John Mediaval Builders, by George F. Fort. mended.” And yet if such a law passes what Commandery.
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