Available in Large Print Meeting: Policy Committee th Date: Thursday 29 June 2000 Time: 7.00 p.m. Place: Committee Room 5, Civic Centre, Uxbridge Committee Administrator: Andrew Nankivell Tel: 01895 277488 Press Enquiries: ..........Roy Mills Tel: 01895 250534 Councillors on the Committee Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat Douglas Mills Paul Harmsworth (Lead) Stephen Carey (Chairman) Richard Barnes (Vice- Graham Tomlin (Deputy Chairman) Lead) Jonathan Bianco Dalip Chand George Cooper Janet Gardner Philip Corthorne Rod Marshall Mike Heywood Brian Neighbour Maurice Lancaster John Oswell David Payne Peter Ryerson Andrew Retter Michael Usher David Simmonds Anthony Way David Yarrow Marion Way Substitute Councillors Josephine Barrett Lynne Allen Jill Rhodes Geoffrey Courtenay Lindsay Bliss Raymond Puddifoot .........Parmjit Dhanda You are invited to attend the above meeting. The agenda is attached. David Brough Head of Committee Services Smoking is not allowed in the Committee Room Parking is available to the public attending meetings – entrance in High Street, Uxbridge DESPATCH DATE: 22ND JUNE 2000 POLICY COMMITTEE 29TH JUNE 2000 AGENDA PART 1 – MEMBERS, PUBLIC AND PRESS 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive the minutes of the meetings held on 27th March and 18th May 2000, copies attached. 3. To receive the minutes of the following Sub-Committees and Working Parties (to be circulated separately) : Best Value Sub-Committee 29th March 2000 Special Pensions Sub-Committee 5th May 2000 Best Value Sub-Committee 15th June 2000 Finance and Asset Management Sub-Committee 20th June 2000 Economic Development / SRB Sub-Committee 21st June 2000 4. Disclosure of ‘Any Other Business’ or urgent items to be considered in public and private 5. Confirmation that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that any items marked Part 2 will be considered in private 6. To note that item 2 falls within the provisions of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and that any member who is two months or more in arrears with their Council Tax or Community Charge should declare that fact and not vote 7. Report of the officers, copy attached 1 Residents’ Opinion Survey Page 10 2 Implementing and Developing the Three Year Budget Page 15 Strategy 3 Capital Programme Page 34 4 The District Auditor’s Management Letter 1998/99 Page 51 5 The Council’s Corporate Plan Page 61 6 Performance Management Page 79 7 Review of the Council’s Appraisal Scheme (Performance Page 91 and Development Agreement (PADA)) 8 Race Equalities Issues Page 99 9 Prioritised Human Resources Strategy Page 102 10 Governance Arrangements with Health Organisations Page 113 11 Health and Safety Update Page 125 12 Grants Review Process Page 129 13 Sub-Committees – Review of the Decision Making Page 133 Structure 14 Review of the Decision Making Structure - Delegations to Page 149 Officers 15 Modernising the Way We Work Page 181 16 The Community Legal Service Page 191 17 Members’ Allowances and Facilities Page 195 18 Member Liaison Officer – Provision Of Support To Page 207 Members 19 Harlington Community School Site Development Page 211 20 The Future of Barra Hall and The Chestnuts Page 220 21 Parkway Site : Proposals and Future Partnership Page 232 22 Environmental Stewardship Report of the District Auditor Page 241 Review of Value for Money Indicators 23 Barnhill Community High School – PFI Project Page 265 7. Any other business or urgent items in Part 1 PART 2 – PRIVATE, MEMBERS ONLY 8. Any items transferred from Part 1 9. Any other business or urgent items in Part 2 POLICY COMMITTEE Minutes of meeting held on Monday 27th March 2000 at 7.30 pm at the Civic Centre, Uxbridge _______________________ Councillor Douglas Mills (Chairman) Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat Councillors Councillors Councillors Richard Barnes Iain McIntosh Steve Carey (Vice Chairman) Marion Way Jonathan Bianco Parmjit Dhanda George Cooper Janet Gardner Philip Corthorne Paul Harmsworth *Geoff Courtenay Jim Jonas Catherine Dann Rod Marshall Mike Heywood Brian Neighbour David Payne John Oswell Andrew Retter Peter Ryerson +Scott Seaman-Digby *Graham Tomlin David Yarrow +Anthony Way Other Members Present: Councillors David Horne, Mo Khursheed and Mike Usher +Denotes apologies for absence * Denotes substitute member 1. DISTRIBUTION OF REPORTS BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SESSIONS It was confirmed that all reports would be considered in public. 2. LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT It was noted that no reports fell within the provisions of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (requirement for any Councillor who is 2 months or more in arrears with their Council Tax to declare the fact and take no part in the discussion or voting). 3. MINUTES OF SUB-COMMITTEES AND WORKING PARTIES PART1 – MEMBERS, PUBLIC AND THE PRESS Policy Committee – 29 June 2000 Page 1 The Committee received and noted the minutes of the following Sub- Committees and Working Parties:- Sub-Committee/Working Party Date Best Value Sub-Committee 16 February 2000 Pensions Sub-Committee 29 February 2000 Social Justice Sub-Committee 2 March 2000 Whips’ meeting 2 March 2000 Finance and Asset Management Sub-Committee* 7 March 2000 Economic Regeneration/SRB Sub-Committee 9 March 2000 Modernisation of the Council Working Party 14 March 2000 *The recommendation of the Finance and Asset Management Sub-Committee on the making of appropriate bye-laws for the management of the Frays Valley Local Nature Reserve was also approved and adopted. 4. MEMBER INVOLVEMENT IN BEST VALUE AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT The Committee received a report on the involvement of Members in the Council’s Best Value and Performance Management Programmes. It was noted that the Government believed that locally elected representatives had a key role to play in the Best Value process by reflecting the views and concerns of their constituents. The Chief Whips asked for a process to be developed for agreeing the participation of Members in Best Value review meetings. In answer to a question the Chief Executive agreed that there was a need for a separate report on performance management across the Council. RESOLVED 1. That the Committee note the advice from Government on the expected role of Councillors in Best Value. 2. That all Councillors participate in at least one of this year’s Best Value Reviews as set out in the report and the Chief Whips be consulted on the development of a process for their selection and involvement. 3. That Officers organise seminars to discuss performance targets for 2001/2002 for Member input before they are finalised. 4. That Members decide where to formally consider the Best Value reports as part of the overall modernisation decisions for Council business. 5. That Officers have regard to Members Best Value training needs when developing training programmes for Councillors in the year ahead. PART1 – MEMBERS, PUBLIC AND THE PRESS Policy Committee – 29 June 2000 Page 2 6. That all Party Groups be advised of consultation exercises with the public on Best Value and be invited to participate. 7. That Best Value Project Officers develop Intranet update reports for Best Value reviews for Members to access. 5. NATIONAL NON-DOMESTIC RATES – SECTION 11 NOTICE This report was withdrawn by the officers because of inaccuracies in some of the information and it was noted that there would be a report on the NNDR recovery plan to the Council meeting on 6 April 2000. 6. UPDATE ON THE GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY The report was noted and the Committee confirmed the need for the Council to continue to prepare and respond to the formation of the Greater London Authority and the creation of the position of Mayor. (Councillor Richard Barnes declared an interest in this item as a candidate in the forthcoming elections to the London Assembly and took no part in the discussion). 7. THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1998 The Committee received a detailed report on the main provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998, the implications for the Council and the steps which it had to take in order to prepare for the Act. RESOLVED 1. That the Committee notes the contents of this report. 2. That all Service Directors in conjunction with the Borough Solicitor examine the implications of the Human Rights Act within their service areas and report back to the appropriate Service Committees. 3. That the Council takes the steps outlined in this report in order to prepare for the Act. 8. HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME Dr Hilary Pickles, Director of Public Health for Hillingdon Health Authority, gave a presentation on the major public health issues which need to be addressed in the Borough. She also outlined the role of the Authority in developing a Health Improvement Programme in collaboration with local partners. In response to questions she highlighted the connections between high levels of coronary heart disease in Hayes and the Council’s role in tackling related PART1 – MEMBERS, PUBLIC AND THE PRESS Policy Committee – 29 June 2000 Page 3 issues such as poverty and poor diet. She also answered questions on smoking, screening for tuberculosis, waiting lists and the local use of NHS Direct and offered to supply further more detailed information. RESOLVED That the Committee endorse the Hillingdon Plan for Health, Well-being and Quality of Life 2000/01 to 2002/03 9. PARTNERSHIP WITH HEALTH – NEW GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS The Committee was informed of Government initiatives to promote partnership working between health organisations and local councils to include the voluntary sector and the wider public. This would involve new governance arrangements which must be agreed between the participating bodies. Discussions were currently in hand between officers of the Health Authority, the Primary Care Trust, the Voluntary sector and the Council with a view to bringing forward proposals for presentation to this committee in the next cycle of meetings.
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