Questions to accompany “Putting Stars In Their Place” Astronomy Magazine, November 2000 1. Human lifetimes are measured in _________ but most stars live for ________ of years. 2. Astronomers in the 1800s could identify the chemical _________ making up a star by looking at its spectra. (A star’s spectrum results from the light from the star being broken up into its component wavelengths with lines resulting indicating what the star is made of and not made of…) 3. The first recorded person to study stars was an Italian Astronomer… he wanted to know if the chemical compositions of stars were as varied as the number of stars out there… the answer was no since all stars could be classified into ____ separate classes ranging from bright, white stars with lots of _________ to faint, reddish stars with lots of _________. 4. This Italian Astronomer decided that the differences in the chemical composition of stars were due to their _________. 5. Some astronomers suspected that the changes in stellar spectra could be not the result of temperature…. Instead they suspected that spectra could change because stars had different ________ ________. 6. What was the major improvement to attempting to index stellar spectra that allowed the compilation of the Draper Catalog? 7. Stellar classification has the distinction of being the first major advance in astronomy in which ______ played a leading role. 8. Pickering and Fleming classified stars ___________ A through Q based upon the strength of the hydrogen lines in the star’s spectrum. 9. What did Antonia Maury notice about the spectra of stars that led her to expand the classification system of Pickering and Fleming? 10. Cannon built upon the work of Pickering, Fleming and Maury by rearranging their stellar sequence listings by concentrating on things other than Hydrogen… she ordered them like this: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 11. Cannon’s classes rank stars according to color with __ blue stars and __ red stars. 12. Cannon’s classes also correspond to different stellar temperatures… __ stars are the hottest while __ are the coolest (note- the article doesn’t specifically tell you what the coolest classification is but use your head!) 13. Hertzsprung analyzed stars within Cannon’s classes and discovered that they moved at ________ ______ and were at _______ _________ from the Earth. 14. If stars moved rapidly they were ( closer to / farther away from ) the Earth. 15. If stars moved slowly they were ( closer to / farther away from ) the Earth. 16. Whaddaya think will happen to the Earth in about 6 billion years when the sun swells up to become a red giant star? 17. Russell agreed with Hertzsprung and concluded that there were two kinds of stars, _____ and ______. 18. When looking at the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram, what is plotted along the x (horizontal) axis? 19. When looking at the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram, what is plotted along the y (vertical) axis? 20. Write a definition (not found in this article) of the word that you wrote as an answer to number 19. 21. Where can hot and bright stars be found on the HR diagram? 22. Where can cool and dim stars be found on the HR diagram? 23. Whaddaya call that wide strip of stars plotted from upper left to lower right that includes our own sun? 24. What are stars located in the upper right hand corner called? 25. What are stars located in the lower left hand corner called? 26. What makes a white dwarf star shine? I THEIR PLACE Tbecreation oJ tbe Hertzsprung-Russell diagram wasa landmarkadoance in ourunderstandlng of tbe stars, by rlames Trefil Imagine you are being given an important assignmentby a taskmasterwith a strange senseof humor. Your job is to study a forest, but you can only work accordingto a rather bizarre set of rules. For five minutes you can take all the picturesyou want. You can photographthousands of squaremiles of treesin any part of the spectrum.You can look north, east,south, and west.But you are not allowed to touch a tree or leaf, and after your five minutes are up' you can collectno further data. Even with theseconstraints, you could do a pretty good job of figurinq out how the forest worked or reconstructing the life cycle of a pine tree. You would seeseedlings popping up out of the forest floor, mature trees,and dead logs. By seeingtrees in all stagesof growth and death, you could ascer-. tain their life cycles.You would also realize that there are many different kinds of trees - oak, pine, and spruce - and understand how their life cyclesdiffered from one another. It wouldn't be easy.You might find yourself engagedin debateswith other scientistsabout whether oaks and pines were separatespecies or different stagesin the life of a singletree. But in the end, you probably would succeedin your task. While no one would ever try to study a forest this way, astronomers are forced to study starsunder a similar set of rules. The reasonis simple: human lifetimes are measuredin decades,science in centuries,but most starslive for HenryNorris Russell and Ejnar Hertzsprung studied stellar spectra to developthe HR Diagram. Photosol Russelland Hsdzsprung:Aslronomical Society ol ths Pacific/ Backgroundimage:The Observatory ot th€ LJniv€rsltyol lrichigan | ""rRoNoMY | "" ASTRONOMY billions of years.Compared to the lifetimes of stars,the entire record of systematicobservations of the heavensis little more than the blink of an eye. Like the would-be forester,astronomers are armed only with snapshotsof a single moment in the life of the universe. But evenwith theserestrictions, astronomers have pieced togetherthe life cyclesof stars.One of the crucial stepson this road to understanding was the developmentof the Hertzsprung-Russelldiagram. FirstSteps Astronomers at the end of the 1800sknew that starshad a finite lifetime, but they had no idea where stars'energy came from. They could identify some of the chemical elementsin starsby looking at their spectra.They could even measurethe distancesto nearbystars. But they were confronted with a problem - there are many types of stars in the sky. Some stars are white-hot, othersburn a cool red. Some are much biggerthan the sun, othersare much smaller.Like all scientistsconfronting com- plex natural phenomena,their first job was to try to bring someorder to the part of the universethey wereobserving. When scientistsare confronted with a collection of objects,they try to find similarities that allow them to define groupsand differentiateone group from others.In the 1700s, Swedishbiologist Carolus Linnaeus noted that squirrels were more like rabbits than they were like snakes,and that snakes, rabbits,and squirrelswere more like one another than they were like palm'trees.This led him to our presentscheme for classiftingliving thingsbased on genusand species. Harvardastronomers employed the 8-inch Bache refractor to classify The first person to classifr starswas Italian astronomer stars and assemblethe Draper Catalogue.Harvard corese observarory and fesuit priest Angelo Secchi.In the 1860s,he set out "to seeif the compositionof the starsis asvaried asthe starsare until the center liquefied and could contract no more, at innumerable."Working with spectraof 4,000stars, he found which point the star would start to cool off and die. Each star that they could be categorizedinto four separateclasses. would passthrough a given temperature twice - once in the Theseranged from bright, white starswith lots of hydrogen warming phase,and againduring cooling.A given spectrum to faint, reddishstars with lots of carbon. would appear twice in a star's lifetime, corresponding to the Secchifelt (correctly,as it turned out) that thesediffer- two times it reacheda particular temperature. encesarose because his difFerentclasses of stars had different Determining distance,while possiblefor nearby stars,took temperatures.That isn't too surprising.A piece of metal a long time and hadn't been done for many. Similarly, taking placedin a flame first glows dull red, then becomeswhite-hot stellarspectra required that light from an individual star be asits temperaturerises. But astronomersknew the differences isolated,run through a prism,"and allor,Jedto strike a photo- in stellarspectra could also have arisenbecause of different graphic plate. A single exposurecould take anywherefrom chemicalcompositions. This quandary provided one of the minutes to hours, depending on the star's brightness.Again, main battlegroundsfor the remainderof the l9th century. the processwas too laborious to be usedin large-scalesurveys. On one sidestood astronomerswho believedthat all stars havemore or lessthe sameinitial chemicalcomposition, but WomenTake the Lead that their spectrachange as they go through their life cycles. But all this changedin 1886.Harvard College Observa- On the other side were those who argued that different tory, under the direction of Edward Pickering, initiated a groups of starswere made from different collectionsof survey of the spectra of bright stars in the Northern Hemi- chemicals.Astronomers had little understandingof how sphere.Called the Draper Catalogue(after Henry DrapeS a atoms emit light and how conditions in a star might affect pioneer of American astronomy), it was assembledusing a that emission,so resolving this issuewas not a simple matter. new technique.Instead ofisolating the light from eachofthe In the words of American astronomer Walter SydneyAdams, stars in a field to obtain one spectrum per photographic "We can hardly hope to understand the behavior of matter exposure,a prism dispersedthe total light from the fibld. in distant stars when the mechanism of light given out by a Consequently,photos contained multiple bands, with each candle flame is still quite unknown to us." band representingthe spectrumof one star.Spectra of many The debatewas hamperedby other kinds of ignoranceas starscould finally be taken simultaneously.For the first time, well. For example, astronomers who argued that differences stellar classifierscould work with a large database."The in starswere due to evolutionaryprocesses didn't know just Americans," retorted one English astronomer, "have always how that evolution might take place.
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