Poetry from Britain and Ireland Since 1945

Poetry from Britain and Ireland Since 1945

The Penguin Book of Poetry from Britain and Ireland since 1945 EDITED BY SIMON ARMITAGE AND ROBERT CRAWFORD VIKING CONTENTS Introduction xix EDWIN MUIR 1887-1959 The Interrogation 1 The Annunciation 2 The Horses 3 HUGH MACDIABMID 1892-1978 Crystals Like Blood 5 To a Friend and Fellow-Poet 6 DAVID JONES 1895-1974 from The Sleeping Lord 7 ROBERT GRAVES 1895-1985 The White Goddess 9 Apple Island 10 Surgical Ward: Men 11 AUSTIN CLARKE 1896-1974 from Eighteenth Century Harp Songs (Mabel Kelly) 12 RUTH PITTER 1897—1992 Old Nelly's Birthday 13 BASIL BUNTING 1900-1985 from Briggflatts 15 STEVIE SMITH 1902-1971 Do Take Muriel Out 20 Not Waving but Drowning 21 The Jungle Husband 22 Piggy to Joey 22 PATRICK KAVANAGH 1904—1967 A Christmas Childhood 23 The Long Garden 25 I vi | Contents JOHN BETJEMAN 1906-1984 A-Subaltern's Love-Song 26 I. M. Walter Ramsden ob. March 26, 1947, Pembroke College, Oxford 28 Executive 29 Louis MACNEICE 1907-1963 All Over Again 30 Soap Suds 31 The Suicide 31 The Taxis 32 W. H. AUDEN 1907-1973 The Fall of Rome 33 The Shield of Achilles 34 First Things First 36 In Praise of Limestone 37 JOHN HEWITT 1907-1987 I Write For ... 40 The Scar 41 KATHLEEN RAINE 1908— Air 42 The Pythoness 42 ROBERT GARIOCH 1909-1981 The Wire 43 NORMAN MACCAIG 1910—1996 Summer farm 48 July evening 49 Aunt Julia 50. Toad 51 Small boy 52 SOMHAIRLE MACGILL-EAIN/SORLEY MACLEAN 1911-1996 Soluis/Lights 53 Hallaig/Hallaig 54 A' Bheinn air Chall/The Lost Mountain 58 ROY FULLER 1912—1991 1948 60 Contents | vii | GEORGE BARKER 1913-1991 On a Friend's Escape from Drowning off the Norfolk Coast 61 from Villa Stellar 62 R. S. THOMAS 1913— A Peasant 63 Because 64 Concession 65 The Coming 65 The Way of It 66 Gift 66 DYLAN THOMAS 1914-1953 In my craft or sullen art 67 Lie still, sleep becalmed 68 Do not go gentle into that good night 68 Fern Hill 69 A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London 71 NORMAN NICHOLSON 1914-1987 The Tame Hare 72 The Shape of Clouds 73 SYDNEY GOODSIR SMITH 1915-1975 The Grace of God and the Meth-Drinker 74 GAVIN EWART 1916-1995 The Dildo 76 Crimewatch 76 CHARLES CAUSLEY 1917— My Friend Maloney 78 Loss of an Oil Tanker 79 W. S. GRAHAM 1918-1986 Listen. Put On Morning 80 Malcolm Mooney's Land 81 I Leave This at Your Ear 86 Greenock at Night I Find You 87 PATRICIA BEER 1919- The Fifth Sense 88 Head of a Snowdrop 89 I viii I Contents EDWIN MORGAN 1920- Message Clear 90 Canedolia 92 The First Men on Mercury 93 Cinquevalli 95 D. J. ENRIGHT 1920- Oyster Lament 97 Entertaining Women 98 RUARAIDH MACTHOMAIS/DERICK THOMSON I92I — Clann-Nighean An Sgadain/The Herring Girls 99 Cisteachan-Laighe/Coffins 101 GEORGE MACKAY BROWN 1921 —1996 The Old Women 103 Kirkyard 104 Taxman 104 from Stations of the Cross (The Stone Cross) 105 DONALD DAVIE 1922-1995 The Priory of St Saviour, Glendalough . 106 Revulsion 107 PHILIP LARKIN 1922-1985 The Whitsun Weddings 108 Here no This Be The Verse 111 Sad Steps 112 Water 112 DANNIE ABSE 1923— White Balloon 113 DENISE LEVERTOV 1923- Casselden Road, NWIO 115 The Rainwalkers 115 A Map of the Western Part of the County of Essex in England 116 Psalm Concerning the Castle 117 KAREN GERSHON 1923-1993 I Was Not There 118 Contents | ix | JOHN ORMOND 1,923 -1990 Design for- a Quilt 120 JAMES BERRY 1924- Folk Proverbs Found Poems 121 ELIZABETH BARTLETT 1924- Charlotte, Her Book 123 IAN HAMILTON FINLAY 1925— The Cloud's Anchor 124 Evening — Sail 125 Star/Steer 126 'Acrobats' 127 from SF 128 ELIZABETH JENNINGS 1926- Lazarus 129 The Diamond Cutter 129 My Grandmother 130 CHRISTOPHER LOGUE 1926- The Song of the Dead Soldier 131 CHRISTOPHER MIDDLETON 1926- A Forge in Darkness 133 RICHARD MURPHY 1927— Slate 134 CHARLES TOMLINSON 1927- A Given Grace 135 The Blade 136 THOMAS KINSELLA 1928- Ancestor 137 IAIN MAC A'GHOBHAINN/IAIN CRICHTON SMITH 1928— Old Woman 138 Na h-eilthirich/The Exiles 139 Owl and Mouse 140- Gaelic Stories 141 I x I Contents BOBI JONES 1929- Merch Siop/Shop Girl 143 Aber-porth/Aber-porth 145 Mynwent Bilbo/Bilbao Cemetery 147 U. A. FANTHORPE 1929- The Poet's Companion 149 PETER PORTER 1929— Annotations of Auschwitz 150 Eat Early Earthapples 152 Soliloquy at Potsdam 154 An Exequy 155 THOM GUNN 1929- The Unsettled Motorcyclist's Vision of his Death 158 Touch 160 The Discovery of the Pacific 161 The Man with Night Sweats 162 ELAINE FEINSTEIN 1930- Father 163 Mother Love 164 ROY FISHER 1930- The Entertainment of War 165 Report on August 166 ANTHONY THWAITE 1930- Mr Cooper 168 TED HUGHES 1930- The Thought-Fox 170 Wind 171 Full Moon and Little Frieda 172 February 17th 172 The Last of the ist/5th Lancashire Fusiliers 174 SYLVIA PLATH 1932-1963 ; You're 175 .v The Arrival of the Bee Box 176 Daddy 177 Edge 180 Contents | xi | JENNY JOSEPH 1932- The lost sea 181 GEOFFREY HILL 1932- Genesis 183 Two Formal Elegies 185 Ovid In The Third Reich 186 September Song 186 from Mercian Hymns 187 ADRIAN MITCHELL 1932- Celia Celia 188 PETER REDGROVE 1932- A Twelvemonth 189 The First Earthquake 190 from Six Odes (IV Wardrobe Lady) 191 PETER SCUPHAM 1933— Going Out: Lancasters, 1944 193 ANNE STEVENSON 1933- The Marriage 194 The Fish are all Sick 195 Where the Animals Go 195 The Fiction-Makers 196 FLEUR ADCOCK 1934- A Surprise in The Peninsula 198 Country Station 199 Against Coupling 200 The Ex-Queen among the Astronomers 201 BRENDAN KENNELLY 1936- A Holy War 202 The Visit 203 GILLIAN CLARKE 1937- Chalk Pebble 203 Overheard in County Sligo 204 JOHN FULLER 1937- The Cook's Lesson 205 Concerto for Double Bass 206 I xii I Contents TONY HARRISON 1937— Them & [uz] 207 Book Ends 209 Continuous 210 Marked With D. 211 Timer 211 ROGER MCGOUGH 1937- Goodbat Nightman 212 KEN SMITH 1938- The road to Henrietta's house 213 SEAMUS HEANEY 1939- Digging 215 Punishment 216 The Harvest Bow 217 The Railway Children 218 Seeing Things 219 MICHAEL LONGLEY 1939- Wounds 221 The Linen Industry 222 Detour 223 An Amish Rug 224 Ceasefire 224 PAULINE STAINER 1941- Sighting the Slave Ship 225 DEREK MAHON 1941— As It Should Be 226 The Last of the Fire Kings 227 Matthew V. 29-30 228 A Disused Shed in Co. Wexford 230 EILEAN Ni CHUILLEANAIN 1942- Deaths and Engines 232 DOUGLAS DUNN 1942- On Roofs of Terry Street 234 The Come-on 234 St Kilda's Parliament: 1879—1979 236 Contents | xiii | Reading Pascal in the Lowlands 239 Land Love- 240 HUGO WILLIAMS 1942- A Picture of a Girl in a Bikini 241 Standstill 243 Old Boy 244 VICKI FEAVER 1943- Rope 245 TOM LEONARD 1944- The Voyeur 246 from Unrelated Incidents 247 hangup 248 CRAIG RAINE 1944- The Onion, Memory 249 A Martian Sends a Postcard Home 251 The Man Who Invented Pain 252 JEFFREY WAINWRIGHT 1944— As He Found Her 255 KIT WRIGHT 1944- I Found South African Breweries Most Hospitable 256 DAVID CONSTANTINE 1944- The Door 257 Watching for Dolphins 258 EAVAN BOLAND 1944- Mountain Time 259 The Black Lace Fan my Mother Gave Me 260 The Dolls Museum in Dublin 261 from Writing in a Time of Violence: A Sequence (1 That the Science of Cartography is Limited) 262 PAUL DURCAN 1944- The Hay-Carrier 264 In Memory of Those Murdered in the Dublin Massacre, May 1974 264 Ulysses 265 I xiv I Contents CAROL RUMENS 1944- Stealing the Genre 268 SELIMA HILL 1945- The Significance of Significance 271 The Unsuccessful Wedding-Night 272 Cow 272 Don't Let's Talk About Being In Love 274 BERNARD O'DONOGHUE 1945- O'Regan the Amateur Anatomist 275 WENDY COPE 1945- Waste Land Limericks 276 Two Cures for Love 277 PETER DIDSBURY 1946- The Guitar 277 The Shore 279 An Expedition 280 PETER READING 1946— Midnight, 280 from Ukulele Music 281 PENELOPE SHUTTLE 1947— Taxing the Rain 288 Liz LOCHHEAD 1947- My Mother's Suitors 289 What The Pool Said, On Midsummer's Day 291 JOHN ASH 1948— Unwilling Suspension 292 Party Damage 294 Early Views of Manchester and Paris: First View 295 DENISE RILEY 1948- Shantung 296 CIARAN CARSON 1948- Dresden 297 Belfast Confetti 301 Bloody Hand 301 The Brain of Edward Carson 302 Contents | xv | TOM PAULIN 1949- Settlers 303 A Lyric Afterwards 303 Peacetime 304 GILLIAN ALLNUTT 1949— Convent 305 CHRISTOPHER REID 1949- Stones and Bones 307 JAMES FENTON 1949- A German Requiem 308 A Staffordshire Murderer 312 The Ballad of the Imam and the Shah 315 JOHN AGARD 1949- Listen Mr Oxford don 318 GRACE NICHOLS 1950- Thoughts drifting through the fat black woman's head while having a full bubble bath 320 Mystery 321 BLAKE MORRISON 1950— from The Ballad of the Yorkshire Ripper 322 MEDBH MCGUCKIAN 1950- Slips 324 Venus and the Rain 325 Yeastlight 326 JOHN COOPER CLARKE 1950- beezley street 327 FRANK KUPPNER 1951- from A Bad Day for the Sung Dynasty 330 MENNA ELFYN 1951- Dyn Eira/Snowman 332 PAUL MULDOON 1951- Incantata 334 NUALA Ni DHOMHNAILL 1952- Geasa/The Bond 346 I xvi I Contents An tSeanbhean Bhocht/The Shan Van Vocht 348 -Ceist na Teangan/The Language Issue 352 LINTON KWESI JOHNSON 1952- Inglan Is a Bitch 353 ANDREW MOTION 1952— The Letter 355 Bathing at Glymenopoulo 357 On the Table 360 HELEN DUNMORE 1952— The dream-life of priests 361 Wild strawberries 363 SEAN O'BRIEN 1952- Cousin Coat 364 A Rarity 365 Reading Stevens in the Bath 367 MATTHEW SWEENEY 1952— Blue Shoes 368 Jo SHAPCOTT 1953— Phrase Book 371 ALISON BRACKENBURY 1953- Grooming 372 IAN DUHIG 1954— From the Irish 373 MONIZA ALVI 1954— Arrival 1946 374 MICHAEL DONAGHY 1954- Shibboleth 374 Liverpool 375 Reliquary 376 JOHN BURNSIDE 1955— Faith 376 -• Dundee 377 Science 378 Contents | xvii | JAMIE MCKENDRICK 1955— On/Off ~ 379 PAULA MEEHAN 1955— The Man who was Marked by Winter 380 CAROL ANN DUFFY 1955— Warming Her Pearls 381 Adultery 3 82 Prayer 384 Mrs Lazarus 384 ROBIN ROBERTSON 1955— Artichoke 386 SUJATA BHATT 1956- a«1 (Sherdi) 387 What Is Worth Knowing? 3 88 MICK IMLAH 1956— Tusking 389 SARAH MAGUIRE 1957— Uisge Beatha 392 OLIVER REYNOLDS 1957- Anna Colutha in Suffolk 392 MICHAEL HOFMANN 1957— Between Bed and Wastepaper Basket 394 BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH 1958- Dis Poetry 395 MEG BATEMAN 1959- Aotromachd/Lightness 397 GWYNETH LEWIS 1959— Pentecost 398 FRED D'AGUIAR 1960- Mama Dot 400 The Day Mama Dot Takes 111 401 PETER SIRR 1960- Recognition 402 I xviii I Contents STEPHEN KNIGHT i960— The Mermaid Tank 403 W.

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