Hayworth's Flint· Vot~ . ··· 1· ·H·:·_· ... I Is Too Much 'for Clardy ·Th e ng am Count.y , CongrcHsmnn KIL Clardy, who/ ,::nlnod nnllondl lwndllnes In hiH Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 44 Mason,;Mich!oan, Thursday, November 4, 1954 4 Sections - 26 Pages c·nwnde nr.:nhJHI Communlnl In, fllll'llllon, lolil nul In 'l'unnrlny'n vollnr.:. Don JiaywoJ'Ih'n GonoH!W llllll'gin wun too r.:rc•HI lo lw offncl Bingo. Backers Governor Talres llis Own Team to hy Jnglwm nnrl Livingston. l~ormor Congressman Wllllrun capitol I Republicans Regain \V, lllw•kncy lost GeJwnoo on oe· Fear Defeat of ~uslon lnil was navcrl hy Ingham ond Llvlnt~slun. Clill'dy dlrln't hnve enough voleH to swl11g it. Unofflclnl lotnls on sixth dis· Propos~I,N:o. 4~- Lrlcl congressman nrc: SuJ•prlslnj:: to !loth proponcul~ Jlaywm·lh nnd opponents Is tho apparent ·:lc· All ,(ounty Offices lnghnm ., ................ 27,B•Ul feat of Proposal No. 1. It. was l.lvlng~tlon ............ a,r; II considered n Jorcgono conclusion Gencl'il~e ......... ~ ...... ·1H,II71i lhnl HrH~flllerl ehltrltflhlo JottorinH would he lcgnllzcd liy hnvlng the HII,:J£H 7£i,GO:I constitutional bun rescinded. ' ' I ! Two yPars ugo Clunly defcnlecl With precincts missing, the With less Margins aoo Huyworlh In• to,7:i:l. 'I'IJIS ..lime uiiofflclui r.ount on Pmposal No. Jlnywort h by :1,71) I. IV~lll ·i Thursday noon Hloorl nl 826,· Inghnm Repul.Jlicuns ran scared 'l'ue~day and remained J'Iayworlh got lnhot· lnu•llin1: [)92 No ,agulnsl. 81J:'i,333 Yes. No I and was also alcll'rl by Michigan oon Jlttywortll until counly cnnvnsslng hoards scared all during the vote count. They all came lhl'Dugh, Stall! college f:wully nnrl HILl·' IL~c>cl their pulpits to t1r1'e llwlr cmnplete their tallies will tile out· though, wit.h majorities mnglng from 10,,100 down to :J,:·l:iO. dents. Mr.tlwrl!:;ts tool\ a hand, Jlrr;l>le to vole 'l"'tlnAt 'Clnrc!y come be l<nown. Republican majorities 2 years ago nvemgcd m·mmcl 20,- I c• 'VI' I" 1 I Mel horllst Jll'l''tl'iH!I'S • H' • Charles R. Mner.enn, L<IIJRing on. ,ot · ' • ·' wlwsl! eongres.~lonnl eommlller. 000. There was a fall-off of about 20,000 in lotnl votes ft•om ltarl cl:uwl quest lion Mclltodlsl lawyer unrl a prime mover In Bh:hop Oxnam. An cclltorlal Iallen the repeal ranliH, cxpJ·cnsccl the pt·esiclential election 2. yem·s ago. F'm· Ike nnd .i\cllai the Governor Agnin !· l'ililiJI Sanfm·d J11·nwn total was 77,000. For Leonard -----· ~ ·· · · ... · · from 11 Metltnrlist maga;r.lne was doubt 'I'IJUI'sday forenoon over A. llnrt State Trcusmcr Slusser. Claims eiJ'cul;•tPrl ;1gainsl Clardy. Had he the fate of the proposal. It lool<crl Michigan voters gave Governor Lleutennl}t·Governor rmd Govemor Williams Tues­ to him lllw o turndown, he said. Now a Huron ''ounty farmer, fnt'l'cl <IH well as nm~t other He· Wllllnms his fourth term 'l'ues· .In lhe prlmat:ies Governo•· Wil· day the Ingham total was 58,- Jlliblir•an r•aJHIIrlull's In Ingham he All olher slate proposals np· Brown was formerly In tile 1G8. • School Officials parcntly carried. day. Il wrm the lirsl lime such a llnmf;' went all out to get vole~s wholesale fish unrl oystm· b11si· His Pit Fence ('f)Uirl h:1Vt' ovPJ't'onw the Genesee Sheriff Barnes was the Demo· 'l'his is how the bingo vole thing haH hcen clone in Michigan. lo ehoose Hart' for his running ness In Flint nnd rllstr!bulcrl ma.lurity fur his opponent. era lie tnrgot throughout the cam· went In Inghom: The vic.:lory, achlcvecl largely In mflle. The new licutenant-govor· dairy products Jn Detroit. Ilc Is a View Buildings palgn. lie lost the usual Rcpub­ Yc" No Wayne county, carried the entire nor is a personable young \olfoJ'Id member of the slate fair hoard Is Completed stale Democratic lidwt into of·· War II veteran. He married ·Into lir:an slrongholcl of LcHIIe In the Alolcdon .................. 174 :1tl4 and president of the Bayport nee. Republicans l1ept control of wealthy Briggs fomily and is Leslie halter and l10me-town In Other Cities Francis Slussf'r, owner of til!' Aurelius ...................•. 170 311 th~ bonrd of educnt!on. lie belongs ·Farmers Can Get, l1ouse nnrl senate. Ingharn added a ;'director of llw Detroit- Lions Mnson Gravel Co., ha~ hung np Bunker Ilill .............. H3 140 to the Farmers Union and onc:c Democral!e canrlldatn, ,Tohn Wil· !~our members of the 1\la~ou to tho governor'n· ma,iority, the Delroit.Tigors. Ho is_priisent· his fencc-streld!rl', lw tolrl mem· Delhi· .......................... 1,514 mjct was .organizer for United Mine liam Gi·ugcl. ·'!'he sheriff nlso lost hoard o( cduc:rJI irm nnrl Supt. only Democmt to win here. ly•-lhe governor's legal .o'rlvlser.. hers of the C'ity coundl Mond;1y 1955 Farm Plans rngilam ...................... 173 Woriccrs. Brown J~ 15. Aurelius, Bunke•· Hill, Ingham, James H. Vanclet· V<!ll innpcr•ted nlglil. Slusser, prorlderl hy the r.anslng Twp ........... 2,407 Ononclaga, Vevay, Wheatfield and school bulldiligs In l<alarnn'zoo Lansing lownnhip~. He nml Gru· nnd Union City ancl Jl!'ar Balli<! city for 2 years to builrl a .fencP Leroy ........................ 241 gel split in 1\!asnn. Tile sheriff Creel\ last On Tlitii'S· amunrl the pit :u-ca on the south· At F~ve Meetings Leslie ........................ 357 Tliur~dny. looi: the first word, 335 to 308. clay of this wr.clt they 11'1'111 to cast side of town, rleelarPd Mon· L I 102 Fivl' mi'Ptings arc hcing sched- ,oc <c ...................... .. Grug-cl won lite scconrl, 316 to Brighton <lllrl :St. Clair Slwn·s·, day thai he has buill all lhe fence ulerl in Ingham county to nc· Meridian .................... 1,570 he should hullrl. 29fl. When the unofflclnl count Near Bntt)c Creek the Mason quaint fanners with the 1955 Onondaga ................ 147 was completecl the sheriff had a school o(flcials saw Ute C:rlhrnm "I have erceterl a fence whieh Agricultural Stabilization Com· Stockbridge .,............ 281 !earl of .J,:J4R. •rownship Agrleullural rlistri<'t':' hool1s onto the city fcnr·c arnunrl millce pmgmm. They wlll be Vevay ........................ 170· County Cloril C. RosH Hllliarrl new junior hlg-11 school. AI Union lls gravel pit area and have sponsored hy the Mason ASC of· Wheatfield ................ 80 and Coroner W. Hay Gorsline led City they looiwd at an olcmen· strung il nnrlh along the ed~e. of flee :weorrling to Loris Curtis, White Oak ........ ....... 81. the Rr:puhliPan ticltct, HillaJ·d tary school. Both huilrlings WPI'l' ' the pit as fal' ns the K. A. Zun· ASC office manager: Willlamsto:-vn .......... l:'i~ merman property," Slw;scr ex· 1 bent .Joseph J. Sanloi'O, Lansinr' 'i.lcslgncd by and built LnHier IIJC On TtJesliay, i>iovcmbcr 9, a E~st Lanmng .......... 1,61·1 labor leader, hy 10,400. Gorsline supervision of HPmy Bind11, Bat· plainer! In the council. "TI1c Zim· meeting will he held at the-C. B. MoiHOn ........................ 516 mormans own part of the )lit. had a majority of 10,476 for cor· tie Creek nrchllecl. Smith s[!Jes pavilion west of Wil· Williamston (City) 343 one!', Theil' lot line and mine is lo,·atcrl liamslon, Tlw meeting begins at Lansing (City) ........ 13,601 In Kalamazoo I he M:rson mPn at the holtnm o[ the pit. Certain· 9 in the morning. Annther meel· inspected a ·t4-rmun elem1ml ary ly there woulrl be no logic in m_e ing on November 9 will hr. held ol 23,908 sc:ilool for which Sl a pert, Pratt, erecting n frmce down m the )lit I p. m. at the Webberville Bullhies & Spruu, Kalamazoo to l1cep youngsl<'rs out.· The com· architects, prepared plans. munity hall. On Weclnesclay, No· fence ~hould he erected around vemher 10, n meeting is sched· Tho Brlghlr!Tl nnrl St. Clair the rim o[ the pit area. That Shores bullcllngs were rle.signoli woulrl put. it on the Zimmerman ulecl for 9 a. m. at tile Millville 68 Offer Blood ehmcil hall. In the niiernoon of by onrl built umlc•r t!JC supet'Vi· proper! y ." _ . November Ill, a meeting is sci at slon of Bcy~ter & 11\ssol'iatcn, De· Mnyor Clairmont Iwcntl staled At Mason Stop troit architects. that the coundl had supposed 1 o'clod\ for the G. A. n. hall in Leslie. A winrl-up meeting is TbomM 1\f, Kuvun"gh · Vlntm•. -;·nrgon.'i:n With a fi·mill levy aulhorizml that the gravel company ow1~cd plannccl for Mawn on Friday, ·Attorney General for 5 years by vote of lho: district. the entire pit. He requested City Of Auditor Geneml November 12, at 1 p. m. in the Bloodmobile last. month, the Mason sr:hool Attorney Howard McCowan to Ingham county court house. board has itJvilcrl several n:'dli· exomlne the properties involved tccturol firms to discuss varinu<; oncl report at ~he next council There have been Hi practices types of buildings they have meeting with n possible solution. occcplccl by the Inghom county erected. Two years ago more than 50 ASC through which farmers may The school district site, joining property owners petitioned ·the receive payments by carrying (l4t Athletic field nn the north, has city council asl\ing that the the approved progra.niii "o'•i their received api>rovui .of.
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