Vol. 2, No.1 December 2010 SEATRU Newsletter SEATRU Updates on Conservation, Research and Outreach Programs 2010 Message from the Team Leader This year seems to have flown by in a blink. Without realizing it, we are almost at the end of 2010. This year was the second year for my team with SEATRU. With hard work, dedication and commitments from my team members, I can conclude that this year went off better compared to last year. Off course we have encountered few obstacles along the way, but when we work as a team definitely we could overcome each hurdle. The best thing was, as of the previous year we had fun in performing our work, and we have ended this season with joy and laughter! This year the nesting at Chagar Hutang had increased compared to last year. Monitoring was conducted for the whole year from January to December 2010. We have recorded a total of 676 nesting, of which 661 were green turtle nests and 15 were hawksbill turtle nests. From these a total of 40,000 healthy hatchlings were returned back to the sea. Our sincere thanks to all SEATRU volunteers (Slot A to Slot Z) for helping us in monitoring and protecting turtle nests at Chagar Hutang. It has been 18 years since SEATRU first started the sea turtle conservation program at Chagar Hutang. The unit is still very much active and dedicated in saving the sea turtles even though project leaders have changed hands. It is because of your support and action that motivate us to keep on going. We hope that the sea turtle conservation program will continue to inspire the next generations to come. In order to document all the activities conducted by SEATRU for the last 18 years, and to thanks all that have involved and support the conservation program, we have produced a special book entitled ‘Redang Island Turtle Sanctuary’. This book can be ordered directly by emailing us at [email protected] or from Penerbit UMT (www.umt.edu.my/penerbitumt. Profit from the book sale will be used to support the long-term sea turtle conservation at Redang Island. This book is a perfect gift for yourself and your love one. Last but not least, my sincere thanks to everyone for helping and supporting us throughout the year. Our team will not be able to conduct all these without the help and support from so many people. Thank you! Merry Christmas and have a Blessed New Year 2011! Best wishes, Juanita Joseph SEATRU Team Leader SEATRU Team 2010: Director/Trust Fund holder: Prof. Dr. Mohd. Lokman Husain SEATRU Adviser: Assoc. Prof. Liew Hock Chark Team Leader: Dr. Juanita Joseph Research Assistants: Siti Norazliyana Ali & Lionel Harith Sebastian Postgraduate Students: Ooi Boon Leong, Uzair Rusli, Azlyn Tahir, Chong Yee Kuen, Staff at Chagar Hutang: Mahadi, Mann, Fifi and Mizi From left to right: Boon Leong, Tarmizi, Kuen and Lionel Front row (seated): Mann, Mahadi, Mr. Liew, Juanita and Yana Not in the photo: Prof. Lokman, Uzair, Azlyn and Fifi Thank you from all of us & Happy New Year 2011! Summary of SEATRU Activities 2010: 1. Sea Turtle Conservation Project at Chagar Hutang, Redang Island: Nesting turtles: This year we have recorded a total of 676 nesting at Chagar Hutang from 157 female turtles. Out of these, 661 were green turtle nests (from 151 females) and the remaining 15 nests were of hawksbill turtles (from 6 females). We have more than 271 nests compared to nesting recorded in 2009. Most of the nesters for 2010 were newly-tagged mothers (115 green and 6 hawksbill turtles). The remaining 36 individuals were re-migrant turtles that had been tagged and nested at Chagar Hutang in the previous years. Table 1 summarized the 2010 sea turtle nesting females at Chagar Hutang. Table 1: Summary of the 2010 nesting females at Chagar Hutang Year First Green Hawksbill Tagged 2010 115 6 2009 6 - 2008 1 - 2007 3 - 2006 5 - 2005 3 - 2004 1 - 2003 1 - 2002 1 - 2001 4 - 2000 3 - 1998 4 - 1997 2 - 1995 2 - 1993 5 - TOTAL 151 6 In-situ eggs incubation - A total of 52,848 turtle eggs were incubated in Chagar Hutang in 2010. There were 20 nests left to complete their incubation on the beach when we closed the research station on 31 October 2010. The analyses of these nests were later conducted by our workers. This year because of the heavy rain, both rivers at Chagar Hutang were flooded twice and we had lost about 25 nests under incubation from this disaster. Overall hatch success of in-situ nests at Chagar Hutang for 2010 was 70%. It was estimated a total of 37,106 healthy hatchlings were returned back to the sea. 2. Sea Turtle Research 2010 Other than the long-term tagging, nesting and in-situ egg incubation of sea turtles at Chagar Hutang, SEATRU also conducted other research on sea turtles: Monitoring and determination of sea turtles at feeding grounds throughout Malaysian waters using molecular genetic technique (FRGS 59133; October 2009 – October 2011). This research is a continuation from last year‟s research. Sampling was conducted at Sipadan Island, Redang Island, Pulau Tiga, Layang- layang, Melaka and Sarawak Turtle Islands. All genetic samples from foraging grounds and sea turtle carcasses from the Hainan poaching incidence in 2007 were sequenced and analysed. Sipadan Island Scientific Expedition (25 – 30 April 2010): SEATRU was chosen to lead the Sea Turtle Research Group during this expedition. Other than to conduct survey and assessments of the nesting and resident turtles at Sipadan Island, we also took this opportunity to collect more genetic samples from this area. Effect of incubation methods on crawling and swimming performance of green turtle hatchlings (SEATRU 63130). This research is expected to be completed in March 2011. Forensic investigation of sea turtle eggs sold at Pasar Payang, Kuala Terengganu (FRGS 59133). All turtle egg samples claimed to be from Terengganu had been analysed. We are currently still analyzing egg samples claimed to be from the Sulu Sea. RFID (PIT tag) study of nesting turtles at Chagar Hutang, collaboration between Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and Senstech Sdn. Bhd. For the first trial experiment, we tagged 5 nesting green turtles using PIT tags (RFID) designed by Senstech Sdn. Bhd. The microchip retained perfectly in the turtles and successfully read using RFID scanner for the whole 2010 breeding season. More experiments will be conducted next year to determine the reliability of this microchip. RFID implant set supplied by SENSTECH Sdn. Bhd. It was kept in a sterilized packaging to avoid infection on sea turtles. Monitoring the movements of head-started juvenile hawksbill turtles using satellite telemetry. This research was a collaboration between SEATRU- Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and Aquaria KLCC, with partial grant from the Body Shop Foundation. This research was originally proposed by the former Project Leader of SEATRU. The juvenile hawksbill turtles (Duke and Myrtle) were successfully deployed with satellite transmitter and released back to the sea on 28 August 2010. Duke decided to remain at Redang Island, whereas Myrtle decided to swim towards Vietnam waters. Last signals were obtained in November 2010. We are currently in the process of writing a report on this study. Transportation of the turtles to Redang Island was sponsored by Berjaya Air. - Two search operations were conducted to locate Duke around Redang Island. Unfortunately, we failed to locate him. Search operation will be resumed again once the monsoon season ends. - Apart from releasing the three juvenile hawksbill turtles raised at Aquaria KLCC since 2006, we also released the last green turtle (Albert) on 23 October 2010. Albert was supposed to be released last year during the „Turtle can Fly event‟ but because of health problem he was sent back to Aquaria, KLCC. - With this research, the MOU finally end between SEATRU-Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and Aquaria, KLCC. The arrival of turtles to Chagar Hutang The deployment satellite transmitter on Duke Aziz Tracking for freedom Myrtle into the new frontier ‘Crown-of-Thorns’ (COT) clean-up at Layang-layang Island (24 Nov – 4 Disember 2010). SEATRU was invited to participate in this clean-up which was organized by Majlis Keselamatan Negara and Fisheries Institute Research, Sarawak. Apart from the COT clean-up, we also took this opportunity to collect more genetic samples of turtles from foraging ground. Crown-of-thorns, Acanthaster planci is a large sea star. It lives and prey on live corals, often killing them in the process. Through this destructive feeding, crown- of-thorns disrupts the entire reef ecosystem. Clean-up is necessary to control the COT outbreak. Kuen and Boon Leong participated in this clean-up. Undergraduate Research 2010/2011 (SEATRU 63130 and the Department of marine Science, FMSM) o Morphological characteristic identification and diversity of fungi isolated from un-hatched (rotten) eggs of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) at Chagar Hutang and Ma‟Daerah. o Ants predation on green turtle nests at Chagar Hutang, Redang Island and its control. o Assessment of tag loss and photographic identification of sea turtles at Chagar Hutang, Redang Island o Study of blood cell morphology of nesting green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Chagar Hutang, Redang Island. 3. Conferences and Workshops i. 30th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Goa India, 24 – 30 April 2010. Lionel and Kuen participated in this conference. 3 posters were presented, as follows: Chong Yee Kuen - Using DNA to determinate the Origin of green and hawksbill turtles from the feeding ground of Malaysian waters. Lionel - Hatching success on in-situ and relocated green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nests incubated in Chagar Hutang, Redang Island, Terengganu.
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