Council, September 16, 1965e Letter - Secretary Halifax Court House Commission Re: Juvenile Court The following letter was submitted from the Halifax Court House Commission: August 13, 19650 Mr. R0 Ha Stoddard, City Clerk, City of Halifax, City Hall, Halifax, Nova Scotia Dear Mr. Stoddard: RE: Halifax City Juvenile Court As you are probably aware, the Juvenile Court of the City of Halifax has been housed in the Court House Building on Spring Garden Road, Halifax, for a good number of years” Just how the Juvenile Court got established in the Court House Building is a matter of history but probably because space was available and it was a court, the Commission allowed the Tuvenile Court to set up its offices in the Court House Buildingo Over the years the situation has changed“ The Court House Commission has certain responsibilities under its Act of Incorporation to supply space for various different courtso Unfor- tunately the Juvenile Court of the :ity of Halifax is not one of these courts° The costs of Juvenile Court are borne between the Munic- ipal Government concerned and the Department of Public Welfare of the Province of Nova Scotia» Since the City of Halifax has established a Juvenile Court, the City of Dartmouth has established a Juvenile Court as has also the Municipality of the County of Halifax find quarters for the Juvenile Court to meeto This should also be the caSe with the City of Halifax, and the Court House Commission sorely needs the space presently occupied by the Juvenile Court of the City of Halifax for the expansion of other Courts for which the Court House Commission must find accommodationc Accordingly, at a recent meeting of the Court House Com- mission held on August 12th., 1965, the following Resolution was duly passed: "WHEREAS the Court House Commission can no longer find space for the Juvenile Court of the City of Halifax in the Court House Building on Spring Garden Road, Halifax: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Halifax be asked to please make arrangements for housing the Juvenile Court of the City of Halifax at some place other than the Law Courts Building on Spring Garden Road." Motion carried° -719- Council, September 16, 19650 It would be most appreciated if this matter could be taken up with the City Council at an early date and some indication given by the City as early as possible as to when other accommodation can be found for the Juvenile Court. The need for space is urgent as some additional Court Officers are to be employed with effect from the lst of September, 1965 and the only place available for this additional staff is in offices presently occupied by others, until such time as the space presently occupied by the Juvenile Court for the City of Halifax can be made available for themo YOurs very truly, R° G° Hattie, Secretary, Halifax Court House Commission MOVED by Alderman Richard, seconded by Alderman Ho W° Butler, that the letter be referred to the City Manager for a report. Motion passed. Accounts Over $1,000. The following accounts over $1,000000 were submitted and recommended for payment by the City Manager: DEPARTMENT VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Fire R.K. Kelley & Co. Ltd. Fleet Insurance $ 1,953043 Education Province of Nova Scotia Amortization Payment due Oct. 1, 1965, City's share Capital Costs re Halifax County Vocational High 12,991.40 School City's share Operating costs Halifax County Vocational High School Apr. 1, 1964 to March 31, 1965 (23.6%) 150,649067 Ha1ifax National Specialty Co. Fireworks Natal Day Halifax Natal Day 1,415°00 §167,009.50 MOVED by Alderman Richard, seconded by Alderman H. We Butler, that the above accounts be approved for payment. Motion passed. -720— Council, September 16, 1965. Letter - Board of School Commissioners Re: Land for General Landscaping lgprovements, Area adjacent to Edgewood School A letter was submitted from the Board of School Commiss- ioners requesting the City to make general landscaping improvements to the land adjacent to Edgewood School. MOVED by Alderman Richard, seconded by Alderman Connolly, that the letter be referred to the Committee on Works for consid— eration. Motion passed. Letter - Board of School Commissioners Re: Conversion of Classrooms at Queen Eligabeth High School A letter was submitted from the Board of School Commiss- ioners requesting additional funds to defray the cost of converting two rooms to classroom use° MOVED by Alderman Meagher, seconded by Alderman Trainer, that the letter be referred to the Finance and Executive Committee for consideration. Motion passed. 7 A.-- Letter - Board of School Commissioners Rea. Floodlighting Schools A letter was submitted from the Board of School Commiss- ioners advising that the Board has accepted.the recommendation of the Safety Committee and immediate plans.are being made to floodlight St. Andrew's, St. Patrick's Senior High, St. Stephen's and Sir Charles Tupper schools on an experimental basis to determine the effective- ness of this type of control over vandalism. If the scheme provides the required degree of control, it can eventually be applied through- out the entire school system. FILED. QUESTIONS Question - Alderman O'Brien Re: arium Alderman O'Brien asked the following questions: What is the state of our planning on the aquarium? Are the architects at work? Is there any danger of running out of time? -721- Council, September 16, 1965° The City Solicitor reported that, during the absence of the City Manager, he had been requested to continue the negotiations with the architect, and that an impasse had been reached which would have to await the return of the City Manager° Alderman O'Brien asked if any terms of reference had been drawn up by Staff for the Aquarium Committee to give guidance to architect so that he can commence the work° The Development Officer stated that Staff has not prepared the terms of reference pending a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Centennial Aquarium which is scheduled to hold its first meeting on September 21, 19650 He said that any directions as to the terms of reference must come from that Committee. Question - Alderman Richard Re: Group Insurance 2139 Alderman Richard referred to the action taken by Council earlier in connection with the Group Insurance Plan, and he asked if this is a private plan between the individual employee and an insurance company with the City acting as agent in the collection of premiums, or if one company only is involved° The City Solicitor stated that the group insurance plan had originated with Local Union No. 143 (City Hall Employees) who had contracted with one company after 75% of the membership had indicated that they would subscribe to the plano Council's earlier action had been to agree to become the policy holder of an expanded plan to include non—union employees, and to authorize pay roll deductions to cover the cost of the premiums. Question - Alderman O'Egien Re: Legislation Respecting Truck Routes Alderman O'Brien referred to the action of the Legislature at the 1965 Session in deferring approval of the requested legis- lation respecting truck routes in the City, and he asked that in -722- Cauncil, September 16, 1965: view of Harbour Drive and other possible changes in traffic routings, that early action be taken to seek similar legislation rather than wait until the deadline for submitting legislation is reachedo The City Solicitor stated that the Traffic Authority informed him in March that he was preparing a brief on truck routes for presentation to the Department of Highways of the Province of Nova Scotia: but the official in question has since left the employ of the City° I Alderman O'Brien asked that the matter be referred to the City Manager for necessary actiono Question - Alderman Lane Re: Gate Plow Attachment for Snow Plowing Alderman Lane asked if the Commissioner of Works had had an opportunity of examining a recent edition of "Civic Administration" magazine which contains an article telling of an alderman in a western canadian city who has invented a snow plow that will not block drivewayso , "I think it is worth investigating", she concludedo The Commissioner of Works indicated that he would inves- tigate the matter: Question - Alderman Trainor Re: Digector of Planning Alderman Trainor asked if the Mayor could inform the Council whether or not the Director of Planning has accepted a position in another community° - At the direction of the Mayor, the Director of Planning stated: “I have no comment on this question at this timeo I have position." not resigned from my present . Alderman Trainor asked that his question be answered by either “yes” or "no". The Director of Planning: "I have not made my personal plans for the future: My personal plans are my own, and I have not -723— Council, September 16, 19650 made any final plans." NOTICES OF MOTION Notice of Motion - Alderman Moir Re: Amalgamation Alderman Mair gave notice that at the next regular meeting of City Council scheduled for September 30, 1965, he will move the adoption of the following resolutions WHEREAS the Public Utilities Board have received requests from one or two of the districts bordering the western extremities of the City of Halifax to investigate the possibilities of amalga- mation of these districts; AND WHEREAS the Public Utilities Board have the authority to broaden this investigation; I GIVE NOTICE OF MOTION that 1 will at the next meeting of Council present a resolution asking the Public Utilities Board to broaden their investigation to include the entire area which has been indicated by the Mayor's reports on amalgamation {that is, basically from Halibut Cove to the northern part of Prince's Lodge).
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