f t CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION COMMITTEE'S REPORT Tenth Post-War Re.port for the Year 1955/56 Committee. Four Committee Met;tings were held during the year and the following is a record of attendances : A. S. CAIN (President) ....... ... ... .... 4 , N. J. O'NEILL (Bowdon) ... 4 R. D'ARcy NESBITT (~ast President) 0. J. E. STARK (Old Birkonians) 2 N. MCCAIG (Pas~ Presid~nt) 2 N. A. STEEL (Birkenhead Park) 4 J. MONTEDOR (V.ice-Pres~dent) 4 W. J. THOMPSON (OldCaldeians) .. 3 P. H. DAVIES (Vice~Presi~enS)3 .. ç 4 D. R. WYNN WILLIAMS (Hoylakë) .. 3 G. B. GETHING (Wllmslow) ... 3. E. J. LOAIlER (New Brighton) ... 4 W. G. HOWARD (Asst. Hon. Treasurer) ... 1 , KH. MILLS (Winnington Park) 4 H ..V. MIDDLETON (Asst. Hon. Secretary) 4 C. NODEN (Sale) 3 W. M. SHENNAN (Honorary Secretary) .,. 4 Mr. J. E. STARK joined the Committee after the second meeting in place of Mr. T. G. Smith. It is sad to record that Mr. R. D'ARcy NESBITT (Pat to aIl who knew him) passed away on the 2Dth April, 1956. A Past President it is indeed a severe 10ss to the County after a lifetime of service. ' The following is a list of clubs and schools affiliated with the County and Rugby Union: CLUBS. Ashton-on-Mersey.. Dukinfield. Old Rockferrians. Aisager College. , Hoylake. Old Salians. Bebington.. H.M.S. "Blackcap." Old Whitchurchians. Birkenhead Park ..- Isle of Man. Oldershaw Old Boys. Bowdon. Macclesfield. Oswestry & District. Capenhurst... Mirrlees. Port Sunlight. Chester.... New Brighton. R.A.F., West Kirby. Chester College. Old Anselmians. Sale. Congleton. Old Birkonians. Shell. Cheadle Hulme. Old Caldeians. Stork. Crewe & Nantwich. Old Instonians. Wilmslow. Churchill. Old Parkonians. Wallasey. Davenport. Old Wirralians. Winnington Park. (Total 39) SCHOOLS. Birkenhead School. Park'High School. Sir John Dean Grammar School. Birkenhead Institute. Ramilles Hall School. Sale Grammar School. Calday Grange Grammar School. Rock Ferry High School. Sandbach School. Ellesmere College. St. Anselm's College. Stockport Grammar 'School. King's School, Macclesfield. St, George's Mod. Sec. SchooI. Wallasey Grammar School. Oldershaw Grammar School. Wirral Grammar School. (Total 17.) NEW AFFILIATIONS. • Your Committee have great ple~sure in we1coming the Rock Ferry High School to membership of Ple Union. LOANS TO CLUBS. Your Committee have made repayment loans to the. following Clubs: Dukinfield C15D D, 0. .. H2yl~e_,,,-,- ,_"._ ..", .. ~!~, __ :C2QD~LD __ ~.,_. Davenport .. .. .. , ... :C2DD 0. 0. In addition, a sum of [20.0.-[250. has been set aside for a loan to the Old Rockferrians R.F.C. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS•• There are 11 Life Members of the Union selected under Rule 15 (iv.). The Individual Membership is now 149,which is not satisfactory; clubs are asked to publicise this means of support for the County. AlI applications for tickets to County Matches were met in full during the 1ast season and 86 members took advantage of the privileges appertaining to membership. " Individual Members are admitted to the Ground and Stand free of charge' to au home County and Trial ~atches on application to the Honorary Secretary at least ten days before the match. First refusaI is given to Individual Members for all Touring side matches played in Cheshire on application. RUGBY UNION REFEREES. The Committee submitted the following names to the Rugby Union for inclusion in the,County Panel: , W. N. Gillmore '(New Brighton). F. D. Beattie (Sale). H. M. Smith (Wilmslow). Clubs with members who are interested in refereèing are asked to communicate with the Secretary of the "Liverpool & District Referees Society" or the "Manchester & District Referees Society." RUGBY UNION FILM. ~='" ~The·film-is"stilhavailable·forcloan-to.clubs'and,schools"on.,application.to,the~Secretary:~in plen:ty.of_time.to_arrange.suitabledates~~ _.~ _ ~. 'and so"avoid confusion and disappointment. " " RENT. OF GROUNDS AND ADMISSION CHARGES. The regulations governing the rentaI of' grounds for Trial and County matches remain the. same as last season. The âdmission charges to games are '2/6d. to the Ground and 2/6d: t~ the 'Stand; l/-d. for Schoolboys. Schoolboy parties of at least 15, in charge of a Master, will be admitted to ringside seats at I/-d. The admission to Trial matches are the same as Club matches. COUNTY TRIAL MATCHES. CountyTrial matches will be held on the dates shown below and Secretaries of Clubs are' asked to send names, addresses and telephone numbers, along with the position on field of all players whom they thin:k are suitable for inclusion in a Cheshire Trial. It is important that aIl players are physically fit when selected for a trial. Names should reach the Honorary Secretary not later than the 7th Sept:ember, 1956. COUNTY F1XTURES FOR SE,ASON 1956/57. 26th September (Wednesday) Two Uncapped XV'S (New Brighton). 3rd October (Wednesday) Cheshire V. Rest (Sale). 2Dth October (Saturday) Cheshire V. Staffordshire (Birkenhead Park). 27th October (Saturday) Cheshire V. Durham (Sale). 3rd November (Saturday) Ches~re V. Lancashire (Birkenhead Park).,__ . -./111 J. -;(Or~ ) 17th November (Saturday) Cheshire V. Cumberland & Westmorland (~WMéJ"""', . 24th November (Saturday) Cheshire V. Yorkshire (Halifax). 8th December (Saturday) Cheshire V. Northumberland (Gosforth). SEASON 1957/58. 25th September (Wednesday) First Trial. 2nd October (Wednesday) Second Trial. 19th October (Saturday) Cheshire V. 26th October (Saturday) Cheshire V. Durham (West Hartlepool). 2nd November (Saturday) Cheshire V. Lancashire (Waterloo). 16th November (Saturday) Cheshire V. Cumberland & Westmorland (New Brighton). 3Dth November (Saturday) Cheshire v. Yorkshire (Birkenhead Park). 14th December (Saturday) Cheshire V. Northumberland (Sale). CHESHIRE RUGBY ACCOUNTS for year (SEASO EXPENDITURE. 1955. [. [. s. d. [. s. d. To MATCH EXPENSES:­ Ist Trial 24 5 6 2nd Trial 26 T 8 Staffordshire ... 122 5 0 Durham 127 15 1 Lancashire 611 0 Cumberland 61 9 2 Northumberland 85 4 3 Yorkshire 56 15 2 Yorkshire (Replay) 813 8 597 519 6 6 " SCHOOLBOYS' EXPENSES:­ Trial ... 7 0 0 Match-Lancashire Boys 910 0 Course ... 47 6 7 Committee & General 9 2 0 90 72 18 7 " GENERAL EXPENSES:- , 85 Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Committee Expenses 77 4 5 44 Printing & Stationery 56 17 7 Jerseys & Shorts 42 4 9 3 Team Insurance 1 15 0 42 Subscriptions to R.F.U., 1955/56 ... 46 4 0 6 Bank Charges & Cheque Books 3 3 0 26 Sundries CR. F. Oakes Memorial) ... Ties & Badges (County Colours) 71 3 0 298 11 9 288 " Balance carried down 187 12 2 ~~~_..,,-~ __ w- ---~-- __-.-~=--=== _ _ _ --~--:..-;---""'-=;_'=== ===_~_~_ - - ____ ._ --==- ~===--..:.:.:...--: [.1,181 [/,078 9 ° To Loss on Sale of Investment '" 3 19 5 " Income Tax, Sch. "D" 1956/57 85 8 6 Less Refund 1954/55 12 6 6 148 73 2 0 154 " Balance transferr(!d to Capital Account 124 9 9 [.302 [.201 11 2 BALANCE SHEET, as - ---,- 1955.------------=-----' --, -~- -,,­ [. [. s. d. [. s. d. CAPITAL ACCOUNT as at 30th April, 1956 ... 4,136 1 9 Add Transfer from Income and Expenditure Account, year to 30th April, 1956 124 9 9 4,136 4,260 11 6 PROVISION for Income Tax 1956/57 85 8 6 1 CREDITORS :- 124 Sundry Creditors ... 36 4 11 47 Subscriptions in Advance (Life Members) 40 19 0 77 3 11 [.4,307 [.4,423 3 11 Examined and found correct, ALEX. D. WALKER, Chartered Accountant, Hon. Auditor. LIVERPOOL, 9th May, 1956. 'FOOTBALL UNION. 7 j ended 30th April, 1'956. 19S5/~6.) 1 INCOME. 1955. [, s. d. s. d. ~ By GATE RECEIPTS less RENT:­ Ist Trial 4 7' 6 2nd Trial 386 Staffordshire .. 94 13 3 Cumberland .. 82 0 0 Yorkshire 225 11 6 Northumberland 128 18 0, 591 , 538.18 9 " SHARE OF NET GATE:- : - Replay-Cheshire v. Yorkshire 132 1 10 Replay~Lancashire v. Yorkshire i73 13 5 330 New Zealand v. Combined Counties (1953/54) (Balance) 305 153 " SCHOOLBOYS:- '-, Proceeds of Course -... 60 0 0 60 0 0 " SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVABLE: Private Members 80 6 0 Clubs 93 9 0 172 173 15 0 -, , ----,----:-----...c-- ----- .-_ ...... __ --- c-- -_-- , - _ [,1,078 9 0 288 By Balance brought down .. 187 12 2 : 7 "Interest on Investments .. 700 7 " Sale of County Colours .. 6 19 0 [,201 11 2 at 30th April, 1956. ~ ,~.~"<"-=','",:,.:;. AsSET~~=~'=-"'~~'=~~ -~,-- .: .-. ~~'--::::c:~~-,......_.~.;..;;::"~;C:"":",c, ~ ~955. ~ \ [, [, s. d. l s. d. LOANS TO CLUBS FREE OF INTEREST: As at 30th April, 1955 3,234 13 4 Add Loans made during year to date ... 550 0 0 3,784 13 4 Less Repayménts during year to date ... 231 2 8 3,235 3,553 10 8 200 f.200 3t% DEFENCE BONDs ... BALANCE AT BANKERS:- " !440 General Account .. 701 1 3 :385 I)eposit Account .. .~. 120 3 4 ; 47 Deposit Account (Life Members' Subs.) 40 19 0 862 3 7' CAsH IN lIAND 798 [,4;307 [,4,423 3 11 , , ~, N. McCAIG, Hon. Treasurer. , < l· ... , : . .- ~ .. ~ SEASON 1958/59. 24th September (Wednesday) First Trial. Ist October (Wednesday) Second Trial. I8th October (Saturday) Cheshire v. 25th October (Saturday) Cheshire v. Durham (New Brighton). Ist November (Saturday) Cheshire v. Lancashire (Birkenhead Park). I5th November (Saturday) Cheshire v. Cumberland & Westmorland (Away). 29th November (Saturday) Cheshire v. Yorkshire (Away). 13th December (Saturday) Cheshire v. Northumberland (Away). COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP. The County XV showed great improvement as the season progressed and the team are to be congratulated on playing excellent ~otbaIl, which can best be described by quoting from the "Yorkshire Post" issue of the 7th February, 1956, following our replayed championship match with Yorkshire as the first leg of the triple tie which took place in the Northern Championship series: , "1 could not help but contrast this dull pattern with the last Rugby Union game 1 saw at Kirkstall when Yorkshire played Cheshire on Christmas Eve. Not only was the play more progressive in spite of the loose mauls arising from the immediate release .•' of the baIl after the tackle, but it was more continuous, more gripping and much more enjoyable." The Northern Championship series was again won by Lancashire following the replays, but Cheshire are to be congratulated on a fine aIl-round performance.
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