rKTARLIftHKD I 1901. PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY. AUGUST 1908. I OTCRXI> A* atCOfD I «», | CLAM MAIL BATTER. | PRICE FIVE CENTS. ENTERTAINMENT FOR BENEFIT BAILEY ISLAND. OF CHEBEA6UE CHURCH. THE IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY BEGINS MERRICONEAG HOUSE "PETER PAN" TO BE PRESENTED WORK. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVEN- SOUTH INGS. Island Cottages and Hotels are Filled and Social Life Brilliant. HARPSWELL To Be Last Year's A Repeated By meeting of the voters and proper- MAINE. Cast. ty holders of Bailey Island was li^ld o»« The Monday evening. August 3 very pretty Httle nursery tale of 'Or the purpose of "Peter* Pan" will be acted in Hill consider W. W. in a the mean> of TIBBETTS. Crest Hall on and promoting Friday Saturday •he public welfare of of the island. as evenings this week by the same a Manager. result of the meeting, were company cf summer visitors who pre- steps aKen to organize a Island Im- sented it so successfully last season. Baile/ provement Association. Officers Enlarged and The j^ay is the same one in which wer* elected as follows: newly furnished. Miss Maude Adams wi'h President. appeared Carlos S. Vice Always the most such had Thomas: president. overwhelming success, 'and I a r Herbert F. Johnson: an 1 Popu H o t el Ions runs in the principal cities. The Secretary treasurer, C. Riborg Mann: Additional in Casco Bay. regular stage version was to adapted member^ of the board of Right out In the the abilities of the directors: young amateurs ("apt. \Vm. ocean. 14- miles who Henry Sinnett. Everett E. will present it by two of the cast. from Portland Slnnett. L. M. York. J. L. Sewar<l. A. by Miss Harriet Lester Sweeny, who C. Burnham. and R. H. Woodman. steamer. 15 api»ears as "Peter." and Miss Esther m REFRICERATORS The board of il es from fienholm directors were author- Cooke, who takes the part nl i.~d to Bru nswick by I appoint the following standing Wendy. The other parts are held by road. committees: On sanitation, to con- We have the finest make that is in the ♦he same i»erformers as last year, Rates on appli- market to-day. rid* r the problems of water except that Ellzat>eth M. Ash has *•!<• supply, cation. drainage. and refuse on Remember the name, and in so will ceeded Theodora B. Roberts as "Mr* disposal; Ranney, doing you fire on Darling" and Misses Marie and Er- protection: transportation; on boundaries and roads; on the have the best. We are the exclusive for Portland. nestine Robbins have replaced MUs preser- agents vation of natural resources and on Roberts and Viola Bissell as mem- For the next two weeks we will bers of Peter's landscape improvement; on taxaM.m. discount 20 cent from Band, while Edg.ir on Peaks per arbitration, law and Island order; on li- House Burkhardt will act the part of a pirate our brary and school; and on Now is the time to in place of Bissell. amusements RALPH E. ROWE. regular prices. buy. Cyril ami si»orts. Migr. No pains have been spared by Mr. PIuts !%tam4. It is the purpose of the organization Walter Rogers in coaching the cast Cmsco to bring about a Bay. Me. to make the play an entire success hearty co-operation l*-tween all interested in the welf:ire from the acting The en- standpoint. ( t the island in Famous for tertainment will be J discussing the qiu s- greatly improved tiocs referred to this these committees, ard years for its un- year by the fact that the players in I taking steps to make the island as will be ccompanied in their songs by equalled loca- | attractive and well ordered a .'•$ R. the piano, a feature which was neces- place tion, liberal S. is DAVIS ; possible. the work CO. of Through tuis sarily absent last season. Special »f- and body BaiUy Island expects to o-.it- management forts are being made to furnish as strlp her former records for fine shore din- Portland's Homefurnishers complete scenery and property effects beauty Complete a at: ractiv*-net.s. ners. L ^ as possible, and the plavette will V' Every- \nother meeting will be held next given with as few changes as practi- thing modern. Monday to hear Cor. and Federal Sis. cal from the evening the repoit Electric Exchange original stage presenta- ot the board of lights, tion. directors on the mat- ter of steam the of these com- heat, pri- Tickets for the entertainment wh!--h membership F. C. HASKELL, mittees. The movement is vate Treasurer* are twenty-five cents may be secured arousing dining I mnch enthutdasm on the etc. at the door or at the hotels and from island amoig rocms, Ac- '<oth the residents and the the member* of the cast. Every ef- cottagers. commodates 500. Mr. and Mrs. fort will be made to have the play be- j Charles A. Gllnian of gin promptly at eight o'clock tomor- I L".*1*too, Me., are spending the month cook- i i»:ust Rates, row ant! Saturday «-v«*nin£*. and tTtr with Mr. Oilman's mother. .V /*? (Vlntia C. lets and fiocr patrons are requested to be prompt oilman, at her Tir.e summer home in taking their seats, as the best ef- "Sea Cliff" on Maiden plans on appli- Lane. The were fect of the first act. the nursery scene, Gilman's the second to cation- can only be secured when the hall is family build a summer homo on Eailey's and for the The Store with small quiet. The proceeds of the enter- past twenty-three Big y^-ars they have been profits tainment this year are to be devoted regular members of Is a member of the staff are to the New the summer Mrs. Carile reportorial spending the summer with Mr. Church Fund. It is ex- | colony. of the Boston Rokes also of Transcript. Gilchrist's at pected that a number of parties w'll Lewiston. accompanied I parents the Brown cot- Mr. and Mrs. tage. Gilchrist be arranged from the neighboring is- Charles Oilman here. Mrs. W. H. Lyman and son of Mr, is one of the ris- Mrs. C. S. ing artists lands to take in the entertainment. Newell of Lewiston. w'.io Providence returned home Saturday young of the country and has been a is noted for his excellent The cast is as follows: guest here for the past after a delightful two weeks' stay at jiortrait and three weeks, returned home the "Restablt." with Mr. and Mr*. figure paintings. At the large ex- Peter Pan. Harriet I.. Friduy Sweeny last. The Newells were also hiblt of the of American Ar- Mr. Darling. Hart Le*ter Harri* among Charles W. Sleeper and family. | Society IRA Mr*. Darling. the first to build a summer house hi tists at New York last winter Mr. Gil- P. CLARK Elifaheth M. A«h re. Mr. & ar.d Mrs. CO. George Edmonds Wendy Moira Angela Darling. E«ther D. Cooke but since the christ received a <leath of Mr. Newell the with Mr. large number of ?ohn Naf»oleon Darling. J. Morgan Avh and Mrs. Walter Sargent Michael property has been sold and Mrs. New- prizes. Niehola* Darling. Amhia H. Htrri* of Lancaster. N. H.. are registered as Nana, a canine nnr«e, 11. ell visits the island Rev. Joseph Dawson. Ph. D.. Allen Cooke. Jr. only occasionally. guests at the H. F. Joined Tinker Bell, a Hart Johnson cottage. his fairy. I.e«ter Harri* Have you seen the wife for the month of August, and Mrmlier* of Peter's Ham)— bargains in piaz- Dr. za J. L. Seward was attended l»y is now at the Tootle*. Hart Le*ter Harri* furniture at R. S. Davis Co.—Adv. registered Seaside and skipper Orrin I^eeman on the sail from Slightly Soiled. Marie L. Robhin* D. P. Cottage. Nib*, Sinnett is building a hand- Martdehead where his the Elizabeth M. A«h boat, "C!ar- Mrs. Jam<>s C. CarJy. Erne»tine some boat at his on Martine and Miss L. Robbm* shop Mackerel ita." was hauled up during the win- Hook, Wm. Allen Harri*. Cove shore, is K. P. Duncan of the "Ripple." enter- Jr. which twenty-feet long ter and several were One {ame«'irate*— ports entered tained a Price with a party of N. J. Cash. b*am six feet Newark. friends Swell. Harri* wide. The craft before at their J. Newell landing private wharf on Spot Starky. H. Allen Cooke. is built on the Tuesday. Jr. improved Casco at Mackerel Cecco. B<*y Cove. A number of im- E'lgar Rurkhardt bampton style and is to have a motor Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Robinson wi'h Mullin*. Frederic Sweeney, provements have been made on tne Jr. installed. After its son. \V. who Noodler, Daniel I.. Harris completion it yacht, among them a new motor ha? Philip Robinson, have be will" for sal* and will make a good been installed. been spending a three weeks' vacation Clothiers, boat for pleasure as well as Ash- at Bailey, returned home to Ware, Hatters, It will be of interest to of the MERRICONEAG ing. many Mass.. the earlier part of the week. HOUSE. summer residents of Bailey Island that Mrs. Alexander M. Mr. John H. Small and Mr. Wilson and <»on. Mr. Harry Francis Estabrook. who Paul Pamuel of Sleman of D. MANY NEW GUESTS HAVE AR- Chicago. 111., will be gue«ts camp to the island last week, has sold Washington.
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