Pectinaria chilensis NILSSON, 1928 (POLYCHAETA: PECTINARIIDAE): TAXONOMIC CHARACTERIZATION, NEW DISTRIBUTIONAL RECORDS AND ECOLOGICAL NOTES FROM THE CHILEAN COAST Rodrigo A. Moreno, Nicolás Rozbaczylo, Roger D. Sepúlveda, Franklin D. Carrasco and Raúl Soto SUMMARY The taxonomy, geographical distribution, and ecological as- characterization, illustrations and a list of new localities in the pects of Pectinaria chilensis are reviewed. Specimens were col- geographical distribution of this species are presented. Ecologi- lected in sublittoral soft bottoms, between 45 and 93m depth, at cal information (bathymetry, sediment type, total organic matter four localities in northern Chile. These specimens are compared content and dissolved O2 concentration of sea water above the with individuals collected from 17m depth at Coronel, Gulf of bottom) is included, as well as a key for differentiating the two Arauco, Chile, the type locality of the species. A taxonomic Pectinariidae species registered in Chile to date. RESUMEN Se revisa Pectinaria chilensis de la costa de Chile a partir caracterización taxonómica, ilustraciones, y nuevas localidades de ejemplares recolectados en fondos blandos sublitorales, entre en la distribución geográfica de la especie. Se provee infor- 45 y 93m de profundidad, en cuatro localidades del norte de mación del hábitat (batimetría, tipo de sedimento, contenido de Chile. Estos especímenes fueron comparados con ejemplares materia orgánica total y O2 disuelto de fondo) y se incluye una recolectados a 17m de profundidad en Coronel, Golfo de clave para diferenciar las dos especies de Pectinariidae regis- Arauco, Chile, localidad tipo de la especie. Se incluye una tradas en Chile. Introduction morphological characteristics gren and Pectinaria Savigny, accepted a total of 46 nomi- (Rouse and Pleijel, 2001). including within the latter the nal species as valid within the The family Pectinariidae Pectinariidae form a clade subgenera Lagis, Amphictene, two genera. The same author Quatrefages, 1865 includes with the Ampharetidae and and Pectinaria. Fauchald considered Lagis, Amphictene, the tubiculous polychaetes Alvinellidae and belong to (1977) considered the preced- and Cistenides to be subgen- known as “ice cream cone the Terebellida (Rouse and ing three subgenera, together era of Pectinaria. Hutchings worms” or “trumpet worms” Fauchald, 1997). Evidence of with Cistenides Malmgren, as (2000) recognized about 51 due to their characteristic monophyly in this group has separate genera, thus recog- described species and sug- cone-shaped tubes. The tubes been based on their conical nizing five genera in the fam- gested the need for a review are constructed of sand tubes of unique shape and ily (Petta, Lagis, Amphictene, of the family, with better defi- grains and/or shell fragments construction, the presence of Cistenides and Pectinaria). nitions of the genera, and an and foraminifera, in a one- a cephalic veil, and the de- Pettibone (1982) recognized adequate evaluation of their or two-layered arrangement velopment of a flattened only three genera (Amphicte- status. (Day, 1967; Wolf, 1984; scaphe, with spine-like cha- ne, Petta, and Cistena), con- Recently, Hutchings and Rouse and Pleijel, 2001). etae (Fauchald and Rouse, sidering Pectinaria, Cisteni- Peart (2002), recognized 53 These polychaetes are found 1997). des, and Lagis as synonyms species in 5 genera, previ- throughout the world, though According to Wolf (1984) of Cistena. Holthe (1986) in ously indicated by Fauchald they are rarely found in large the number of genera within his study of the family recog- (1977), based on a review of numbers. They form a group Pectinariidae has been confus- nized only two genera, Pecti- the Pectinariidae in Austra- that is anatomically complex, ing. Day (1967) recognized naria and Petta, and four sub- lian waters. For the genus yet relatively uniform in their only two genera: Petta Malm- genera within Pectinaria and Pectinaria there are 22 rec- KEYWORDS / Benthos / Northern Chile / Pectinaria chilensis / Polychaeta / Southeastern Pacific / Received: 01/13/2004. Modified: 09/08/2004. Accepted: 09/13/2004. Rodrigo A. Moreno. Marine Bi- Nicolás Rozbaczylo. Biology Pro- lica de la Santísima Con- UdeC, Chile. Professor, UdeC. ologist, Universidad Arturo fessor, Universidad de Chile cepción, Chile. M.S. in Zool- e-mail: [email protected] Prat, Chile. M.S. in Zoology, (UCh). Professor, Department of ogy, UdeC, Chile. Ph.D. Stu- Raúl Soto. Biology Professor, Universidad de Concepción Ecology, Pontificia Universidad dent, Institute of Ecology and Universidad de Chile (UCh). (UdeC), Chile. Researcher, Católica de Chile. Address: P.O. Evolution. Universidad Aus- M.S. in Zoology, UdeC, Chile. Chilean Biodiversity Program, Box 114-D, Santiago, Chile. e- tral de Chile. e-mail: Professor, Universidad Arturo Universidad Arturo Prat. e-mail: mail: [email protected] [email protected] Prat, Chile. e-mail: [email protected] Roger D. Sepúlveda. Marine Franklin D. Carrasco. Biologist, [email protected] Biologist, Universidad Cató- M.S. and Ph.D. in Zoology, 590 0378-1844/04/10/590-04 $ 3.00/0 OCT 2004, VOL. 29 Nº 10 RESUMO Revisa-se Pectinaria chilensis da costa do Chile a partir caracterização taxonômica, ilustrações, e novas localidades de exemplares recolhidos em fundos brandos sub-litorais, en- na distribuição geográfica da espécie. Se fornece informação tre 45 e 93m de profundidade, em quatro localidades ao nor- do hábitat (batimetria, tipo de sedimento, conteúdo de maté- te do Chile. Estes espécimes foram comparados com exempla- ria orgânica total e O2 dissolvido de fundo) e se inclui uma res recolhidos a 17m de profundidade em Coronel, Golfo de clave para diferenciar as duas espécies de Pectinariidae re- Arauco, Chile, localidade padrão da espécie. Se inclui uma gistradas no Chile. ognized species around the Universidad Católica de world, including 2 new spe- Chile, Santiago (SSUC), cata- cies (P. dodeka and P. logued under the following kanabinos) for the Australian numbers: SSUC 6980 to fauna (Hutchings and Peart, 6983. 2002). On the Southeastern Pacific Results coast of Chile, Pectinariidae is represented by two genera: Pectinaria chilensis Nilsson, Pectinaria and Cistenides, 1928: 37-40, fig. 11; Hart- with one species each: Pecti- man, 1941: 333 pl. 50 figs. naria chilensis Nilsson, 1928 12, 15, pl. 51, fig. 19. and Cistenides ehlersi Hessle, Material examined: 92 1917 (Rozbaczylo, 1985). The specimens. Arica (n=6), Con- aim of the present study was tinental shelf off Iquique Bay to review P. chilensis from (n=7); Patillos (n=2); Punta the Chilean coast, to conduct Coloso (n=61); Coronel (Gulf a taxonomic characterization, of Arauco) (n=16). to illustrate morphological as- Description: Individual pects, and to present new lo- polychaetes reached up to calities in the geographical 44mm in length and 6mm in distribution of the species. We width at the opercular level. present data on bathymetry, The operculum (Figure 1a) is sediment type, total organic a thick muscular plate which matter content, and dissolved forms the anterodorsal surface O2 in the water above the of the (fused) prostomium bottom at the sample loca- and peristomium. There are tions. We also include a taxo- Figure 1. Pectinaria chilensis. a: anterior end in dorsal view; b: two anteroventral groups of nomic key to differentiate the anterior end in ventral view; c: scaphe in dorsal view; d: limbate stout, flattened golden paleae, two species of Pectinariidae setae from notopodium; e: neuropodial uncinus in lateral view. which are slightly dorsally recorded in Chile to date. (Scales: a-c= 1mm; d= 0.1mm; e= 0.01mm). curved and arranged in two oblique, overlapping rows, Materials and Methods with seven to eight paleae per 2002 in Coronel, Gulf of ment characteristics/type. To- row. The operculum is sur- Specimens of P. chilensis Arauco (36º42'S), at 17m tal organic matter (TOM) rounded dorsally and ventrally were collected as a part of depth. was estimated by weight loss by a raised, smooth, opercular three separate, larger studies: Four sediment subsamples after ignition of dried material border. Ventrally, below the 1) The Benthic Macrofauna were obtained at each locality in a furnace for 2h at 550ºC paleae is a thin membrane Diversity of Northern Chile using a 0.1m2 Van Veen grab. (Buchanan, 1971). Dissolved called the cephalic veil, which Project, with samplings con- Three of these subsamples O2 content of seawater from is bounded by about 30 to 32 ducted between Sept 1998 and were used to obtain polycha- each sample station was de- thin papillae, which form a May 2003 at three localities, etes, and the fourth was used termined by the Winkler titra- hood in front of the mouth. including Arica (18º20'S), the to determine sediment charac- tion method (Strickland and Approximately 32 oral ten- continental shelf off Iquique teristics. Polychaetes were Parsons, 1972), for samples tacles of different size form Bay (20º11'S) and Patillos separated from the sediment collected in Niskin bottles two groups, arising at the (20º45'S), between 45 and using an 0.5mm mesh sieve. 0.5m over the bottom. point where the cephalic 93m depth; 2) The Minera Specimens were fixed in 10% Illustrations of the species membrane attaches at the Escondida Ltda. Environmental seawater-formalin solution. were prepared using a camera mouth (Figure 1b). Each indi- Project, with samplings con- Specimens of P. chilensis lucida mounted on a Wild M- vidual has two pairs of ten- ducted from 1990 to 2002 in were quantified, measured and 5 stereo microscope. Identi- tacular cirri: the anterior pair Punta Coloso, Antofagasta transferred to a 70% ethanol fied specimens were deposited is lateral and slightly ventral (23º45'S) at 60m depth; and 3) solution containing 8% glyc- in the Colección de Flora y to the paleae and the posterior a regional control program for erine for long-term preserva- Fauna Profesor Patricio Sán- pair is located laterally to the wastewater treatment, with tion. Folk (1974) was fol- chez, located in the Ecology mouth and connected by a samplings conducted in Nov lowed for evaluations of sedi- Department at the Pontificia long transverse ventral ridge.
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