PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PAID KCMO PERMIT NO. 990 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City www.kchispanicnews.com VOLUME 14 NUMBER 28 / 24 DE MARZO DEL 2011 “I count the day that I spent with him as one of the privileges of a life in the news business - to be Corazón able to watch history and be able to talk to the people that make history,” Ray Suarez. “Cuento ese día que pasé con él Mucho como uno de los privilegios de At Mucho Corazón, we highlight the ordinary to una vida en el negocio de las no- the extraordinary contributions that take place in ticias – de poder ver la historia y our reading community. poder hablar con las personas que En Mucho Corazón, nos encargamos de tomar en cuenta las hacen la historia,” Ray Suarez. contribuciones que se dan en el circulo que conforman See page 2 for complete story/ Vea la página 2 nuestros lectores. para el cuento completo. Los líderes de agencias aprenden de los IT’S OFFICIAL: Mayor-Elect Sly James líderes de la comunidad hispana de KC Agency leaders learn from KC’s Hispanic community NALCAB members participated in a workshop where they met with area community leaders. They discussed the growth of the Latino population in Kansas City and how mentoring others to become future leaders is vital. Los miembros de NALCAB participaron en un taller donde se reunieron con lideres de la comunidad cercana. Hablaron del crecimiento de la población latina en Kansas City y la importancia de guiar otras para hacerse en lideres futuros. TRADUCE RICO ROGERS mediciones demográficas latinas siguen cre- Buscando maneras de otorgar poder a su cre- ciendo, convergieron sobre Kansas City para ciente comunidad latina, los líderes hispanos aprender algunas lecciones estratégicas. Los líderes vinieron a participar en la Aso- A sign of victory for Sly James after more than de Kansas City y las organizaciones pueden ver a year campaigning for the city’s top spot. a Los Ángeles o Chicago como un ejemplo. ciación Nacional de Constructores de Capital BY JOE ARCE & DEBRA DECOSTER Pero cuando las comunidades latinas más para la Comunidad Latina Colegio (NAL- pequeñas del sureste o noroeste de los Estados CAB) un programa basado en San Antonio. persistent wind greeted voters this past "Esta es una oportunidad de compañerismo Tuesday as they headed for the polls for Unidos buscan un modelo, miran a las organ- Kansas City’s general election. At stake izaciones hispanas en Kansas City. para reunir a algunos de los mejores y más A were the mayor’s office and a large number of Durante cuatro días a finales de febrero, brillantes líderes de la próxima generación de city council seats. Voter turnout was expected líderes de 10 ciudades de todo el país cuyas todo el país, desde Oregón hasta Alabama y to be low and the final numbers bore that out. NALCAB ESTA IMPRESIONADO POR LOS LOGROS / PÁGINA 6 The key race was the mayor’s office between Sly James and Mike Burke. Hispanic News hit the polls early to get a sense of the voters’ mood. BY JOE ARCE AND TONY BALANDRAN For four days in late February, leaders from Albert Tinoco Sr. was solid in Burke’s cor- Looking for ways to empower its growing 10 cities across the country whose Latino de- ner. “He has been in office before and he knows Latino community, Kansas City Hispanic mographic measurements are still emerging what he is doing. He has been in all kinds of leaders and organizations might look to Los converged upon Kansas City to learn a few organizations, been head of aviation, too many Angeles or Chicago as an example. strategic lessons. to name. I can’t even remember all of them. Sly The leaders came to participate in the Na- is okay too and it is going to be a close race and But when smaller Latino communities in I hope Burke wins. He is my man.” Albert Tinoco, Sr., was among the thousands that tional Association for Latino Community As- voted in the general election on March 22nd. Each the Southeast or Northwest United States are Rose Hernandez agreed with Tinoco “I voted voter had made up their mind as who they would searching for a role-model, they look at His- set Builders (NALCAB) Colegio, a program based in San Antonio. for Mike Burke because Sly James, I don’t know select to be the next mayor of Kansas City, Missouri. panic organizations in Kansas City. him. Mike Burke, I used to work at the court- NALCAB IS IMPRESSED BY WHAT KC AGENCIES HAVE / PAGE 6 house for 30 years as a judge’s clerk and he was a (city) council member so maybe he knows a little bit.” Pat McClelland was solid for James. “I am concerned with a development lawyer giving away too much TIFF money frankly. I don’t have any personal knowledge against him but I am afraid it would be Kay Barnes II.” Earnings Tax Supporters Question Transparency of Opponents The race was considered close following the primary election, which left James and Burke as the contenders separated by a slim 38 votes. Tuesday’s final count indicated a comfortable lead with James receiving 38,442 votes to Burke’s 32,335. Los Partidarios del Ingreso Fiscal Cuestionan BURKE “TODAY IS A NEW BEGINNING FOR KANSAS CITY” / PAGE 3 la Transparencia de los Opositores Now that the general election is over, UNOFFICIAL RESULTS area residents will turn their attention to the upcoming Earnings Tax election Kansas City General Election on April 5. One thing is certain, gone March 22, 2011 will be the civility that dominated the 1st District At-Large 4th District At-Large mayor’s race. Scott Wagner 42,730 Jim Glover 35,0 01 Depending on which side of the de- Daina Kennedy 18,437 John Crawford 28,536 bate you are on, this is either a referen- dum on a tax that takes money out of 1st In-District 4th In-District the pockets of hard working citizens and Richard F. Davis 7,151 Jan Marcason 12,097 SUSPICIONS SURROUND FUNDING SOURCES / PAGE 7 2nd District At-Large 5th District At-Large Ed Ford 35,654 Cindy Circo 46,324 TRADUCE RICO ROGERS Allen Dillingham 27,056 Richard C. Angel 16,211 Ahora que la elección general ha termi- nado los residentes en la zona pondrán 2nd In-District 5th In-District su atención a la próxima elección sobre Russell Johnson 7,871 Michael Brooks 5,679 el Ingreso fiscal el 5 de abril. Una cosa es Aaron Benefield 2,796 Kenneth T. Bacchus 5,568 cierta. Ya no estará la civilidad que dom- Cheryl Bisbee (forefront) chair of the Citizens Association, inó la carrera para la alcaldía. along with members of the Keep Kansas City Alive Committee, 3rd District At-Large 6th District At-Large Según el lado del debate que se apoye, said that the opponents are taking advantage of a loophole in the law that allows them to conceal the identity of their donors. Melba Curls 35,411 Scott Taylor 37,555 esto es un referéndum sobre un impuesto Cheryl Bisbee (frente) presidente de la Asociación de Brandon Ellington 26,732 Tracy Ward 23,896 que toma dinero de los bolsillos de los Ciudadanos, junto con los miembros del Comité de ciudadanos que trabajan duro y obliga a Keep Kansas City Alive, dice que los oponentes se están las empresas a llevar los empleos de los 3rd In-District 6th In-District aprovechando de una fisura legal que les permite ocultar la Jeremaine Reed 5,136 John A. Sharp 8,997 SURGEN DUDAS SOBRE LAS FUENTEES DE / PÁGINA 7 identidad de sus donantes. Sharon Sanders Brooks 2,769 Terrence Nash 4,497 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 NEWSROOM:(816)472.KCHN FAX: (816) 931.NEWS E-MAIL: [email protected] 2 24 DE MARZO DEL 2011 VOLUME 14 NUMBER 27 / 17 DE MARZO DEL 2011 kchispanicnews.com Ray Suarez speaks on the Browning Corazón of America BY JOE ARCE AND JOSE FAUS one of the privileges of a life in According to Suarez the de- The fourth annual Cesar the news business - to be able to mographic change sweeping the E. Chavez keynote watch history and be able to talk country is significant from the Mucho to the people that make history.” general perception with large presentation at the Suarez pointed out that changes in the south. University of Missouri Chavez pragmatism was evident The changes are taking place, Kansas City (UMKC) in the way he brought the strug- “in Arkansas and in North drew a large and gle of the farm workers to the Carolina, where there are now dinner table. 700,000 Latinos, more than attentive audience last “Cesar Chavez knew that 800,000 in Georgia, more than Thursday to the Americans were so alienated half a million in Virginia,” Suarez university. Ray Suarez, about the way that food got to explained. “We are in new terri- tory now. Immigration is not just senior correspondent for their table that they did not even think about the work. What the a challenge and a social change to PBS’s The News Hour United Farm Workers did was to be borne and accommodated and and host of Destination remind them that grapes did not adjusted to on the coasts and on Network TV, was the magically make it to their shop- the borders. It is everywhere, and ping bags.
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