SEIZE THE TIME Vol.1 No. 2 June , 1974 250 GEORGE JACKSON I AM AN EXTREMIST, A COMMUNIST (NOT COMMUNIST• IC, A COMMUNIST), AND T MUST BE DESTROYED OR 1 WILL JOIN MY COMRADES...I WILL GIVE THEM MY ALL, EVERY DIRTY FIGHTING TRICK IN THE ANNALS OF WAR. NOTHING WILL DEFEAT OUR REVENGE AND NOTHING WILL COUNTERVAIL OUR MARCH TO VICTORY, WE COME TO OUR CONCLUSION: THE ONLY HISTORICAL RECOURSE THAT IS LEFT TO US. FREEDOM MEANS WARMTH AND PROTECTION AGAINST HARSH EXPOSURE TO THE ELEMENTS. IT MEANS FOOD, NOT GARBAGE. IT MEANS TRUTH, HARMONY, AND THE SOCIAL RELA• TIONS THAT SPRING FROM THESE. IT MEANS THE BEST MEDICAL ATTENTION WHENEVER IT'S NEEDED. IT MEANS EMPLOYMENT THAT IS REASONABLE, THAT COINCIDES WITH THE INDIVIDUAL NECESSITIES AND FEELINGS. WE WILL HAVE THIS FREEDOM EVEN AT THE COST OF TOTAL WAR. Inside This Issue: CENTERFOLD SECTION ON FASCISM IN AMERICA UNITED FRONTS AND PARTY BUILDING JOINT DECLARATION OF LATIN AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY PARTIES REPORT FROM THE POPULAR FRON FOR THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE TO THE WOMEN FROM THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION BREAK DE CHAINS (TRIAL NEWS) PAGE 2 SEIZE TO Tiy^ "JUCHE MEANS HOLDING FAST TO THE PRINCIPLE OF SOLVING FOR ONESELF ALL TO PBOBLEMS OF TO tmOUmOM AMD OOKIIOCTIOli U COIU FORMITY WITH THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS AT HOME." KIM IL SONGdJRIO I's posltloQ in this century va• ries according to their social stature; JUCHE SECTION but Inapite of the refinonents of custons and the progress of philosophy, IKWIII COIK The North Korean conmunlst Party has tinue subordinated to men by tradition firmly established the principle of "Ju- JUCHE and laws. Women are perpetually treated che" as the basic principle of national grand contest for freedom and happiness. as minor when the law places the wife ur.- self-reliance in building revolutionary Are you mothers? Are you wives? Are you der the custody of the husband. She can• struggle. This section of the paper con• sisters? Are you daughters? Your duty is not vote or be elected, and to enter into tains articles concerning the National to help man; to be there to encourage him civil contracts she must own a sizable Liberation struggles of oppressed people when he vacillates; stand by his side fortune. within the United States. Kim II Sung ex• when he suffers; to lighten his sorrow; Throughout history women have been plains Juche more fully; "The establish• to laugh and to sing with him when victory considered inferior to men, not only by ment o£ J-uche means holding fast to the smiles. You don't understand politics? law but also by custom. From this erron• principle of solving for oneself all the This is not a question of politics; this eous and unjust concept derives the mis• problems of th© v€Y«l«t;i«n and construc• Is a matter o£ life or death. Men's bond• fortune which she has suffered since hu• tion in conformity to the actual condi• age Is yours and perhaps yours is more manity differentiated itself from lower tions at home and mainly by one's own ef• sorrowful, more slnster, and more infam• animal forms by the use of fire and tools fort. This is an independent stand, dis• ous. Humiliated, degrade, bound by the carding dependence on others, displaying Are you a worker? Because you are a chains of tradition to an irrational in• the spirit of self-reliance and solving woman you are paid less than men and made feriority, indoctrinated in the affairs one's own affairs on one's own responsi• to work harder. You must suffer the im• of heaven by clerics, but totally ignor• bility under all circumstances".'.'(We) pertinence of the foranan or proprietor; ant of world problems, she is suddenly have made every effort to establish Juche and if you are attractive, the bosses will caught in the v^irlwlnd of industrial in opposition to dogmatism and flunkyism. make advances. Should you weaken, they production which above all requires Juche in ideology, independence in poli• would rob you of your virtue in the same cheap labor to sustain the competition tics, self-reliance in the economy and cowardly manner as you are robbed of the created by the voracious "princes of ca• self-defense in national defense -- this product of your labor. pital" who exploit her circumstances. She Is our stand." Under this regime of social injus• is not as prepared as men for the indus• tice with corrupts humanity, the exis• trial struggle, nor is she organized with tence of women wavers in the wretchedness the women of her class to fight alongside of a destiny which fades away either in her brother workers against the rapacity TO THE WOMEN the blackness of fatigue and hunger or in of capitalism. the obscurity of marriage and prostitutioa For this reason, though women work In 1910, Floras Magon wrote this es• In order to fully appreciate women's more than men, they are paid less, and say on the role of women in the Mexican part in universal suffering, it is neces• misery, mistreatment, and insult are to• Revolution, Chicanes and all revolution• sary to study page by page this somber day as yesterday the bitter harvest for ary peoples must seriously and critically book called Life, which like so many a whole existence of sacrifice. So meager examine their history. It demonstrates to thorns strips away the flesh of humanity. are women's salaries that frequently they both men and women that the emancipation must prostitute themselves to meet their of women Is an integral part of the strug. families' basic needs, especially when in gle for national liberation. Any other the marketplace of marriage they do not view would harm the movement, find a husband. When it is motivated by Magon's 1510 call to action falls economic security instead of love, marri• abort of today's demands. He asks that age is but another form of prostitution, Chlcanxa support their men and encourage sanctioned by the law and authorised by thm ta aeeioQ. Since hl« essay, the his• public officials. That is, a wife sells tory of Mexico and the world revolution her body for food exactly as does a pro• Has shown that the role of yromen in the stitute; this occurs in the majority of revolutionary movement must be expanded. marriages. And what could be said of the The demand of today's revolutionary vast army of women who do not succeed in w(M«n i« for complete equality in work, finding a husband? The increasing cost of reaponBibilities and rights. Women are life's basic necessities; the displacement one half of humanity. All suooessful of human labor by the perfection of ma• National Liberation struggles from Mozam• chinery; the ever decreasing price of hu• bique to Vietnam have moved to Integrate man labor - all contribute to the burden women into all levels of the revolution of supporting a family. The compulsory and society. Long live the Revolutionary draft tears strong and healthy men from Women's Movement J the bosom of a society and lessens the number eligible for marriage. Migration of workers, caused by economic and poli• tical phenomena, also reduces the number of men capable of marriage. Alcoholism, gambling and other ills of society fur• So ancient is women's misfortune that ther reduce the number of available men, its origins are lost in the obscurity o£ Consequently, the nimiber of single women legend. In the infancy of mankind, the grows alarmingly, Since their situation birth of a female child was considered a is so precarious, they swell the ranks of disgrace to the tribe. Women toiled the prostitution, accelerating the degenera• tion of the human race by this debasement Companeras: land, carried firewood from the forest of body and spirit. Revolution approaches! With angered and water from the stream, tended the eyes, and flaming hair, her trembling livestock, constructed shelters, wove Companeras: This is the frightful hands knock anxiously on the doors of our cloth, cooked food and cared for the sick picture offered by modern society. In it nation. Let us welcome her with serenity, and the young. The filthiest work was you see men and women alike suffering the for although she carries death in her done by women. Should an ox die of fatigue, tranny of a political and social environ• breast, she is the announchment of life, the women took its place pulling the plow, ment in complete discord with the pro• the herald of hope. She will destroy and and when war broke out between rivaling gress of civilization and the advances of create at the same time; she will raze tribes, the women merely changed masters, philosophy. In times of anguish, however, and build. Her fists are the invincible and continued under the lash of new own• do not look up to the heavens for solu• fists o£ a people in rebellion. She does ers, carrying out their task as beasts of tions and explanations because in that not offer roses or caresses, she offers burden. lies the greatest contribution to your an axe and a torch. Later, undur the influence of Greek eternal bondage. The solution is here on Interrupting the millennial feast, civilisation, women were elevated one step earthi That solution is rebellion. sedition raises her head, and the prophe• in the esteem of men. No longer were they Demand that your husbands, brothers, cy of Baltasar has with time become a beasts of burden as in the primitive Clan, fathers, sons and friends pick up the gun.
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