correspondence Real Time Doppler Isotach and Reflectivity contours on standard PPI scopes. On-line digital integrators, Signature of a Tornado Cyclone providing more reliable and accurate reflectivity field dis- 1 plays, are interfaced with NSSL's Doppler and WSR-57 sur- D. Sirmans, R. J. Doviak, D. Burgess, and L. Lemon, veillance radars (Sirmans and Doviak, 1973b). Reflectivity National Severe Storms Laboratory, NOAA, Nor- "hook" signatures are often used to indicate the possible pres- man, Oklahoma 73069 ence of a tornado cyclone. Now a relatively inexpensive mean velocity processor (MVP) that estimates, in real time, Dop- Abstract pler velocities at all contiguous range locations along a Digital processors estimate, in real time, precipitation echo radial, has been developed at NSSL (Sirmans and Doviak, strength and mean Doppler velocities to display simultane- 1973a). The full coverage of range locations obtained with ous reflectivity and isodop fields on standard PPI's. Reflec- this processor provides a complete Doppler field wherever tivity "hook" and isodop tornado signatures are displayed. targets are present. The statistical properties of the particu- lar estimation technique employed in the MVP are described Geographic location of severe storm winds and tornado by Doviak et al (1974). cyclones can be determined with increased reliability using The MVP was interfaced to NSSL's high resolution (0.8° Doppler radars if quantitative estimates of mean Doppler beamwidth), 10-cm Doppler radar to display isodops on a velocity fields can be conveniently made and displayed in a standard PPI during the 1973 severe storm season. PPI (Plan Position Indicator) format to complement existing A sample of reflectivity and isodop fields displayed simul- PPI displays of reflectivity estimates derived from echo power taneously on two PPI scopes is shown in Fig. 1. Shown in integration. Doppler radar has been utilized for meteorologi- isoecho contours is a reflectivity hook signature (199° AZ, cal research on a restricted basis for many years, but the 82 km) for a tornado cyclone which developed within a severe complexity and cost of processing Doppler data at speeds re- prefrontal squall line that moved across central Oklahoma quired to obtain real-time velocity fields have delayed opera- during the evening of 4 June 1973. Reflectivity values are tional implementation. coded by three PPI trace brightness levels that have the se- The National Severe Storms Laboratory has developed and quence noted in the caption. Fig. lb shows the tornado implemented on-line processors that estimate both mean cyclone's isodop signature. In this case, PPI trace brightness Doppler velocity and echo strength and display these esti- is used to indicate velocity magnitude, and brightness cate- mates as Doppler isotachs (isodops) and isoecho reflectivity gory boundaries form isodops. Because only three brightness levels are reliably resolved, the number of isodops have been i Lieutenant, NOAA Commissioned Corps. limited to five (zero and two for each radial velocity direc- FIG. 1. PPI reflectivity (a) and isodops (b) at 2115 CST. The elevation angle is 1.9°, RM 60, 80, 100 km. Reflectivity categories are dim (<21 dBZ), bright (21-31), black (31-44), dim (44-57), and bright (>57 dBZ). Velocity categories are dim (<13 m sec-1), bright (13-21), and brightest (>21 m sec1). Positive radial velocities are angularly strobed. Mesocyclone type signature between 193°-203° and 75-90 km. 1126 Vol. 55, No. 9, September 1974 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/06/21 10:22 PM UTC Bulletin Arnerican Meteorological Society FIG. 2. Overlay of Fig. 1 reflectivity and isodop contours. FIG. 3. Isodop contours of a stationary Rankine vortex. tion). To identify velocity sign, brightness for positive or radially outward velocities is alternately switched on and off Acknowledgments. The authors recognize the efforts of at 1° intervals. Because weak echoes bias the velocity estimate Mr. Glen Anderson whose care and dedication to the opera- toward zero (Doviak et al., 1974) and would make PPI isodop tion and maintenance of all aspects of the Doppler radar interpretation difficult, velocity estimates are not displayed made the reported results possible. We also acknowledge the where echo-to-receiver noise power ratio is less than 15 dB. support of the Federal Aviation Administration under Con- Line drawings of isodop and reflectivity fields are overlaid tract No. DOT FA72-WAI-265 and the Atomic Energy Com- in Fig. 2 to facilitate pattern comparison. Fig. lb shows a mission under Contract No. AT(49-5)-1289 which aided the -1 region of radially outward velocities greater than 21 m sec development of the basic ideas employed in the Mean (200° AZ, 80 km), and to this region's east a corresponding Velocity Processor. region of inbound velocities greater than 21 m sec-1 (195° AZ, 80 km). Shown in Fig. 3 is the isodop PPI signature for References a radar of infinite resolution viewing a stationary Rankine Doviak, R. J., D. Burgess, L. Lemon, and D. Sirmans, 1974: vortex at a distance large compared with the vortex diam- Doppler velocity and reflectivity structure observed within eter. The isodops form a symmetric couplet of closed lines a tornadic storm. (To be published in special May issue with equal number encircling positive and negative Dop- of Journal de Recherches Atmospheriques.) ier velocity maxima. The similarity of pattern in Fig. lb and Sirmans, D., and R. J. Doviak, 1973a: Pulsed-Doppler velocity Fig. 3 suggests that a small scale (10 km) vortex or meso- isotach displays of storm winds in real time. J. Appl. cyclonic type signature is resolved. The spatial coincidence of Meteor., 12, 694-697. the reflectivity hook and isodop vortex signatures occurring over regions where a confirmed tornado existed leads us to , 1973b: Meteorological radar signal intensity estimation. conclude that Fig. 1 shows the real-time signatures of a NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL NSSL-64, National tornado cyclone. Translational motion with a radial com- Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Okla., 80 pp. ponent will add equally to the isodop couplet causing asym- metry in magnitude, although symmetry of isodop contours should remain. The near symmetry of this isodop signature is due to vortex translation along a path perpendicular to Drop coalescence in zero-gravity environment the beam axis. of Skylab IV Several radar scans in azimuth and elevation showed that the average storm height was 16 km, and signature and storm O. H. Vaughan and C. Kelly Hill, Aerospace motion were equal (280°/13 m sec-1), but both were to the Environment Division, National Aeronautics and right of mean wind (250°/12.5 m sec"1). The tornado cyclone Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Cen- signature was tracked for almost an hour as it moved east- ter, Alabama 35812 ward about 40 km. NASA's Skylab missions provided a unique laboratory setting During the spring 1973 season, several tens of storms were for performing cloud physics and fluid mechanics demon- scanned for evidence of vortex motion; of these, only nine strations in a near zero-gravity (< 10-3 g) environment. Sky- produced resolvable mesocyclone type signatures. Seven of lab IV Science Pilot, Dr. E. G. Gibson, conducted and photo- the nine storms were accompanied by tornado reports. graphed several science experiments with water drops. Spe- Storms that did not produce signatures were not accompanied cifically, these tests were designed "to obtain data on fluid by any confirmed tornado reports. oscillation times, dampening times, spherical rotational in- 1127 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/06/21 10:22 PM UTC Vol. 55, No. 9, September 1974 C B S HH S 1B a* £ G G _ 553 ^ <u S £ .2 8 •S § -go w C r1 "•S ET S'S-gS* o « ^ -g Tj <U M ^d (J !> -PH * ^ v ^ ^ 88 J! "I O -O & 3 * a « « o <u ^ ^ " ^ « ,2 £ CA G • S ^ 52 (u i) tl WR c/J G • ^ in u 53H wU rp! h 5- 1 rt £ u O IT 5u ^< u fPS ^y . <J Tf (U •a 5 msq 2 o .G QJ O I I—I G ^ - '3 be £ QJ fli Dh ^ U O OH > w ° N rt Q rt gO sG <u^ rt G h 71 * X! 0 & o -5 0 fc s s * £ £ > ^ O rt y 5go... U O . « <L> — .G flj^ G R03 -Qcd ' £ -s h TJ « CL ^ C c TJ a 5 G <D u ^2 oj qj O fr 0° tfl U o O -G <U 2 rt ±3 S 55 S-; X! UHfio S CUU cd c/2 1128 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/06/21 10:22 PM UTC Bulletin Arnerican Meteorological Society 1129 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/06/21 10:22 PM UTC Vol. 55, No. 9, September 1974 stability, wetting characteristics of fluids in space, internal cause much of the circulation is precipitation free; it is pre- vortices, and fluid flow patterns" (Bannister, 1974). cipitation that scatters the radiation back to the radar One particularly interesting sequence of representative antennas, resulting in radar echoes. For this reason, we have photographs of the impaction and coalescence of two drops designed an experiment that utilizes a special radar-reflective of water of different colors taken by Gibson is shown on material called "chaff," a metalized plastic fiber, which, pages 1128-1129. Both had diameters of approximately 3.9 when distributed in clear air, will return "clear air" echo cm. One drop was stationary while the other was ejected signals to the radar. By distributing chaff through much of -1 toward it at about 3.4 cm sec . Recently, other interesting the volume of clear air adjacent to the natural echo of the photographs (Spengler, 1972) taken on earth of droplet mesoscale circulation, we can then use dual Doppler radars impactions were published in the January 1972 BULLETIN.
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