http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8g73kxj No online items Guide to the Lahiton - Cinema World image archive M2036 Anna M. Levia Department of Special Collections and University Archives 2017 Green Library 557 Escondido Mall Stanford 94305-6064 [email protected] URL: http://library.stanford.edu/spc Guide to the Lahiton - Cinema M2036 1 World image archive M2036 Language of Material: Hebrew Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives Title: Lahiton - Cinema World image archive creator: Lahiton-Cinema World Identifier/Call Number: M2036 Physical Description: 38 Linear Feet(89 manuscript boxes, 1 flat box) Date (inclusive): 1955-1995 Biographical / Historical Lahiton magazine was conceived in 1969 by two partners, Uri Aloni and David Paz, and was funded by an investment from Avraham Alon, a Ramlah nightclub owner and promoter. The name “Lahiton,” reportedly invented by entertainers Rivka Michaeli and Ehud Manor, combines the Hebrew words for (musical) hit, “lahit” and newspaper, “iton.” In 1976, Lahiton merged with the fan magazine Olam ha-Kolnoa [Cinema World]. Scope and Contents The collection includes more than 15,000 photographs, most black and white, and more than 5000 color slides. The majority of the images were photographed in Israel between the 1950s and the 1980s, mainly by Israeli photographers. Some of the files contain ephemera such as newspaper clippings and other promotional materials. Arrangement Series 1, Cinema, consists of three sub-series: Sub-series 1, Actors; sub-series 2, Films; sub-series 3, Miscellaneous. Series 2, Entertainers. Series 3, Entertainment: Competitions and festivals. Series 4, Foreign visitors to Israel/Foreign celebrities. Series 5, Journalists/Politicians/Military. Series 6, Military entertainment, consists of two sub-series: Sub-series 1, Solo performers; sub-series 2, Bands. Series 7, Miscellaneous categories. Series 8, Music, consists of three sub-series: Sub-series 1, Bands; sub-series 2, Industry photos; sub-series 3, Performers. Series 9, Television, consists of two sub-series: Sub-series 1, Channels & programs; sub-series 2, Actors. Series 10, Theater, consists of two sub-series: Sub-series 1, Actors; sub-series 2, Performances. Series 11, Unsorted images. Conditions Governing Access Open for research. Note that material must be requested at least 36 hours in advance of intended use. Conditions Governing Use While Special Collections is the owner of the physical items, permission to examine collection materials is not an authorization to publish. These materials are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Any transmission or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use requires permission from the owners of rights, heir(s) or assigns. See: http://library.stanford.edu/spc/using-collections/permission-publish. Preferred Citation [identification of item], Lahiton-Cinema World archive (M2036). Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, California. Immediate Source of Acquisition The Lahiton-Cinema World collection was acquired from Ilan Shaul of Tel-Aviv (represented by the Kedem Auction House, Ltd., of Jerusalem), in 2014. Subjects and Indexing Terms Lahiton-Cinema World Series 1: Cinema Sub-series 1: Actors Scope and Contents Images of Israeli cinema actors Box 1, Folder 1 Abbas, Ghassan Box 1, Folder 2-3 Abecassis, Yael box 1, folder 4 Abutbul, Alon box 1, folder 5 Adar, Aliza Guide to the Lahiton - Cinema M2036 2 World image archive M2036 Series 1: Cinema Sub-series 1: Actors box 1, folder 6 Agadati, Baruch box 1, folder 7 Akselrod, Natan box 1, folder 8 Almagor, Gila box 1, folder 9 Almagor, Gila box 1, folder 10 Almagor, Gila box 1, folder 11 Alter, Naftali box 2, folder 1 Amir, Dani box 2, folder 2 Amrani, Gabi box 2, folder 3 Ankori, Gilat box 2, folder 4 Ansky, Alex box 2, folder 5 Arazi, Ami box 2, folder 6 Armoni, Dafna box 2, folder 7 Arnon, Mordechai box 2, folder 8 Astruc, Edity box 2, folder 9 Atzmon, Anat box 2, folder 10 Atzmon, Anat box 3, folder 1 Avivi, Yael box 3, folder 2 Avivi, Yael box 3, folder 3 Azulay, Hannah box 3, folder 4 Barkan, Yehuda box 3, folder 5 Bar-Shavit, Shlomo box 3, folder 6 Bar Zohar, Yael box 3, folder 7 Bat Adam, Michal box 3, folder 8 Bau, Yosef box 3, folder 9 Ben Amotz, Naomi box 3, folder 10 Bikel, Theodore box 3, folder 11 Brand, Mike box 3, folder 12 Burstyn, Mike box 4, folder 1-2 Burstyn, Mike box 4, folder 3 Danuta box 4, folder 4 Dantsiger, Maya box 4, folder 5 Dattner, Nathan box 4, folder 6 Dayan, Asi box 4, folder 7 Dayan, Tiki box 4, folder 8 Dekel, Dafna box 4, folder 9 DeMarchis, Carlo box 4, folder 10 Doron, Eran box 4, folder 11 Dotan, Dudu box 4, folder 12 Eden, Chana box 4, folder 13 Eden, Ilana box 4, Eden, Rolf (Shimon) folder 14-16 box 4, folder 17 Eldor, Gabi box 4, folder 18 Elian, Yona box 4, folder 19 Even-Tov, Amnon box 5, folder 1 Fabian, Miri box 5, folder 2 Farber, Galit box 5, folder 3 Feller, Dana box 5, folder 4 Frank, Irit box 5, folder 5 Fridman, Dov box 5, folder 6 Fridman, Ilana box 5, folder 7 Gabai, Sasson box 5, folder 8 Gerama, Nisim box 5, folder 9 Giat, Moshe box 5, folder 10 Giladi, Moti box 5, folder 11 Golan, Menachem box 5, folder 12 Goldblat, Hanan box 5, folder 13 Halprin, Daria Guide to the Lahiton - Cinema M2036 3 World image archive M2036 Series 1: Cinema Sub-series 1: Actors box 5, folder 14 Harpaz, Anat box 5, folder 15 Heiman, Nachum box 5, folder 16 Ipale, Aharon box 5, folder 17 Ish-Kassit, Moshe box 5, folder 18 Ivgy, Moshe box 5, folder 19 Katzur, Yftah box 5, folder 20 Kaufman, Tali box 5, folder 21 Kimhi, Alona box 5, folder 22 Kol, Yitshak box 6, folder 1 Kraus, Shmulik box 6, folder 2-3 Langford, Caroline box 6, folder 4 Laszlo, Hana box 6, folder 5 Lavi, Dalia box 6, folder 6 Levanon, Yaud box 6, folder 7 Lukov, Didi box 6, folder 8 Malka, Dalia box 6, folder 9 Marks, Aviva box 6, folder 10 Menachem, David box 6, folder 11 Michaeli, Rivka box 7, folder 1 Mikhaeli, Yvonne box 7, folder 2-3 Miscellaneous box 7, folder 4 Mizrahi, Moshe box 7, folder 5 Mizrahi, Shaul box 7, folder 6 Mor, Tiki box 7, folder 7 Moran, Viki box 7, folder 8 Moskona, Aryeh box 7, folder 9 Nakkara, Salwa box 7, folder 10 Nesher, Avi box 7, folder 11 Neumann, Rivka box 7, folder 12 Nitsani, Yair box 7, folder 13 Nagar, Lilit box 8, folder 1 Nof, Yigal box 8, folder 2 Noy, Zachi box 8, folder 3 Obediah, George box 8, folder 4 Paz, Shlomo box 8, folder 5 Pen, Dalia box 8, folder 6 Peres, Uzi box 8, folder 7 Perl, Yael box 8, folder 8 Perlov, David box 8, folder 9 Persof, Nehamyah box 8, folder 10 Porat, Ronit box 8, folder 11 Rabinovich, Dalia box 8, folder 12 Revach, Zeev box 8, folder 13 Sally, Uri box 8, folder 14 Sassover, Gil box 8, folder 15 Segal, Yonatan box 8, folder 16 Shaul, Nitza box 8, folder 17 Shor, Yael box 8, folder 18 Smadar, David box 8, folder 19 Sola, Yehudit box 8, folder 20 Spivak, Tami box 8, folder 21 Suchar, Henia box 8, folder 22 Suisa, Meir box 8, folder 23 Swan, Gad box 9, folder 1 Teomi, Oded box 9, folder 2 Topol, Anat box 9, folder 3 Topol, Chaim box 9, folder 4 Toren, Dan Guide to the Lahiton - Cinema M2036 4 World image archive M2036 Series 1: Cinema Sub-series 1: Actors box 9, folder 5 Tsahor, Anat box 9, folder 6 Tsfati, Noa box 9, folder 7 Tsur, Edit box 9, folder 8 Turgeman, Dan box 9, folder 9 Tzarfati, Asher box 9, folder 10 Unikovski, Germaine box 9, folder 11 Valinitz, Dalik box 9, folder 12 Wagner, Shuli box 9, folder 13 Weingarten, Ofra box 9, folder 14 Yagil, Gadi box 9, folder 15 Zadok, Arnon box 9, folder 16 Zeira, Orit box 9, folder 17 Zohar, Uri box 9, folder 18 Zoharetz, Michal Sub-series 2: Films Scope and Contents Images from Israeli film sets and film stills בונג אבא box 10, folder 1 Aba ganuv תאנב לא ובא box 10, folder 2 Abu al-Banat םדא box 10, folder 3 Adam המח המדא box 10, folder 4 Adamah hamah תולכ דע box 10, folder 5 Ad kalot הלילה ףוס דע box 10, folder 6 Ad sof ha-lailah תולפהה ףגא box 10, folder 7 Agaf ha-hapalot (ימא) לארשי ינמא תדוגא (box 10, folder 8 Agudat Omane Yisrael (AMI תמליא הבהא box 10, folder 9 Ahavah ilemet םימחר אלל הבהא box 10, folder 10 Ahavah le-lo rahamim ןולשיכל הנודנ הנושאר הבהא box 10, folder 11 Ahavah rishonah nidonah le-kishalon התוא תלכא box 10, folder 12 Akhalta otah הבהא הלוח סקלא box 10, folder 13 Aleks holeh ahavah קד לבח לע box 10, folder 14 Al hevel dak בל דוד לש ותיילע box 11, folder 1 Aliyato shel david lev יחרזמ הזילע box 11, folder 2 Alizah mizrahi בהוא ינא םא ילאשת לא box 11, folder 3 Al tishali im ani ohev יח לארשי םע box 11, folder 4 Am yisrael hai ימש תא שחל אנא box 11, folder 5 Ana lahesh et shemi הזור ךתוא בהוא ינא box 11, folder 6 Ani ohev otakh rozah יתשא לש בהאמהו ינא box 11, folder 7 Ani veha-meahev shel ishti ימלשורי ינא box 11, folder 8 Ani yerushalmi הנאירא box 11, folder 9 Arianah העיקשב םירע box 11, folder 10 Arim ba-shekiah טנשא box 11, folder 11 Ashanti םדא יריסא box 11, folder 12 Asire adam שפוחה יריסא box 11, folder 13 Asire ha-hofesh הילתע box 11, folder 14 Atalyah ולופופ יטווא box 11, folder 15 Avanti popolo וניבא םהרבא box 11, folder 16 Avraham avinu תינחנצה הבלכה תיזע box 11, folder 17 Azit ha-kalbah ha-tsanhanit עובירב לעב box 11, folder 18 Baal be-ribua תוצחב תינרדב box 11, folder 19 Badranit be-hatsot םייחל הרזחב box 12, folder 1 Be-hazarah la-hayim תורגב תניחב box 12, folder 2 Behinat bagrut רפלב box 12, folder 3 Belfer תב חקול ןב box 12, folder 4 Ben lokeah bat box 12, folder 5 Billy Two Hats Guide to the Lahiton - Cinema M2036 5 World image
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