News Sports Animal control officer Students give the low down Sibling rivalry a moot takes a bite out of crime on those cheatin' ways point for athletes See page A6 Seepage Bl See page B8 An ·Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • Non-Profit Org. r&Review Online • THE U.S. Postage Paid www.review.udel.edu Newark. DE REV IE Permit No. 26 F ree 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Friday Volume 125, Number 41 March 19, 1999 Capano sentenced to death after a jury, which already convicted him of murdering hi s for mer mistress, Wilmington recommended Capano be put to death in a I 0-2 vote on Jan. 28. Capano, a forme r sta_te prosecutor and judge harshly member of a wealthy Wilmington family, was convicted of first-degree murder o n Jan. 17, which ended the trial that exposed admonishes hi s extramari tal affairs and obsessive nature and encapsu l ated ·man y of Delaware's e lite . former-lawyer, "Thomas Capano needed to show everyone that he was in c harge and that he held a ll those he viewed as adversaries condemns him with contempt," Lee said. Assistant U .S . Attoroey Colm Connolly a nd State Prosecu tor Ferris Wh a rto n to execution maintained that Capano murdered Fahey because she refused 10 renew their secret BY JOHN YOCCA love affair. Admini.ttrarit·i! Nt!ws Editor "No o ne , except the defenda nt , wi ll ever WILMINGTON - After a scathin g know exactly how o r w h y A nne Marie verbal assault , convicted murderer Thomas Fahey died,'" Lee said. "What is certain is J. Capano was sentenced to death by Judge th at it was n o t a c rime of passion but, William Swain Lee Tuesday in Superior rathe r, a crime of con tro l. " Co urt. Fahey was last seen ali ve having dinner The tense courtroom, overcrowded with w ith Capano at Ri storante Panorama in spectators, j uro rs , fami ly a nd f ri e nds of Philadelphia o n June 27. 1996 . both and Capano and his victim and former The jury found that Capano took he r mi stress Anne Mari e Fahey. listened back to his apartment in W ilmington, shot closely as Lee chose to read from a her, and, w ith the help o f hi s brother perso n al s tatement , because " what Gerard, dumped her body in the Atlantic occurre d in the courtroom canno t be . Ocean. Her body has never bee n found. reflected in a transcript." " The defendant fully ex pected t o ge t Lee lambasted Capano and called him a away with murde r and, were it not for hi s " malignant force from whom no one he o wn arrogance and controlling nature. may deems disloyal o r adversaria l can be well have succeed ed,'' Lee sa.id . " He chose secure , even if he is incarcerated for the to destroy a possession rather than lose it, rest of hi s life." to execute an escaping human chattel." _ Fahey' s sis.ter, Kathleen Fahey-Hosey, However·, Capano tcsti fied during the told reporters o utside the courthouse, " He trial that it was another mistress, Deborah said in 12 minutes what we've been feeling Macintyre, who accidenta ll y shot Fahey in THE REVIEWI Bob Weill for 33 months." see CAPANO page A4 Convicted murderer Thomas J. Capano is escorted from the courthouse Thesday after hearing he will be put to death The long-anticipated sente nce came by lethal injection. Capano was found guilty of killing his fo rmer mistress Anne Marie Fahey. University joins FLA to combat sweatshops BY G REGOR Y SHULAS companies are not affiliated with making tex tile goods , said Jinny Admi11isrrarive News Editor sweatshops in any way. Coughlin, a union coordinator in New The Fair Labor Association , an Also on the list of FLA-complying York. · affiliate of the Department of Labor, colleges are Princeton, Harvard, Yale, But the FLA is not a controversy­ asked the university and 170 other Notre Dame and Duke universities, all free institutio n , as human ri ghts schools to join its campaign against of which believe the organization groups, uni versity students. labor sweatshops on Monday. provides a clear plan on how to unions and religious o rganizations And on Wednesday, Barbara L. monitor and inspect overseas factories have criticized it for being dominated Kreppel, licensee director for the that might be exploiting sweatshop by major corporations. university, said she and Executive labor. Besides being affiliated with the . Vice President David Hollowell are • Founded in 1996 by President Bill FLA , the univers ity is c u rrent! signing on to be FLA members. C linton as part of the White House · a ffili ated wi th the Collegiate The FLA, a coalition of sports Apparel Ind ustry Partnership, the Licensing Company task force, a manufacture rs and labor interest FLA seeks to pro hibit c hild labor , univers.ity-linked o rgani zati on that groups, recently developed oits code harassme nt, di scrimination, forced aims to end sweatshop production of of conduct and an implementation labor and lack of overtime process in an effort to make sure U.S. compensation at fo reign plants see UD page A9 THE REV IEWI Bob Weill More than 500 students appeared at the Perkins Student Center Thesday for a chance to become a contestant on "Wheel of Fortune." Sorority signs violate UD code BY JENNIFER WJDTELEY Staff RefNmer The long-standing sorority tradition o f posting flie ·r~ across campus to Spinning the Wheel support new pledges during pledge week with encourating phrases and pi ctures is a violation of university BY SUSAN STOCK selected by a random drawing of tickets taken out of a policy. Student Affairs Editor trashcan to attend a pre-audition. The 200 chosen from According to Noel Han, coordinator Fame and fortune drew more than 500 students and the univer ity will be part of the I ,400 total students of Greek Affairs, university po licy facu lty to the Perkins Student Cente r Tuesday for a who go through the pre-audition process. Campbell said prohibits Greek organizations from chance to become a contestant on-"America's Favorite her staff wi ll select 120 of them to recommend to the displaying their decorative flyers o n Game Show, Wheel of Fortune." · show's producers. campus without approval _from the WPVI-TV 6 in Philadelphia is running the ta lent After that, she said. the 120 will have a second Activities Office. search fo r "Wheel of Fortun e." Rebecca Campbell, audition on April 12 and be whittled down to IS who Hart said a campus organ.ization may WPVI director of programming and Wheel coordinator, will appear on national television. only post fliers on university bulletin said there will be auditions at six tri-state area colleges Freshman Ted Schied said he would like to represent boards after getting authorization from and universities plus the Plymouth Meeting Mall for the the university on national television. the office in charge of the bulleti n "Wheel of Fortune" College Week. ''I'd li ke to show that even though we' re a small board, she said. When permission is ''We picked the University of Delaware because it 's university, we still know how to play ' Whee l of re ceived, the designated office will the largest college in Delaw.are within our viewing Fortune,'" he said. stamp their fli er and they may proceed area,'' she said. • However, Schi ed said he is a rea l.i st and knows his with the posting. Freshman Vicky Cook said she came out because chance of making the show is slim. "It 's not necessarily a bad thing,' ' she she likes "Wheel of Fortune'' and thinks she would do "When I realized they were putting my ticket in a said. "It 's just another issue th at they better o n that show than on other programs like 'trash can, I pretty much figured I didn't have a chance," have to attend to." "Jeopardy." · he said. However, sororities are not "I think it's not one of those game shows that take While some students thought it might be fun to be on permitted to put up signs on trees, doors lots of skill.'' she said. or w indows, which is where m any THE REVIEW/ Bob Weill The event was arranged so 200 students would be see WHEEL page A5 flyers get posted. The fine fo r each Signs like these, hung from the tennis court fence on Academy Street are not a violation of the university code which requires see SIGNS page AS university permission to post paper fliers on its property. A2. THE REVIEW 11. March 19, 1999 Roselle touts minority groups National BYKYLEBELZ made him a more discipline·d student . "The purpose of th e un iversity chapter and all Staff Reporter "We took seven credits over the summer before chapters is to work socially with professionals and to T he accomplishments of minority student college," Wikes said. "It was tough." network so that members can find jobs and other post­ ' achievement groups were touted by President David P. Fortune 2000 sponsors developmental meetings, graduate opportunities," she said . Roselle in an open letter defending the university 's Wikes said, whi ch inc luded resume workshops, But some minority student organizations shi ft their News Briefs • atlrtlission and hiri ng processes last week.
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